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What is auntie Beebs obsession with the 'class of 92' and Salford City FC? Trust me, for my part it's not anywhere near a national obsession, but it looks like a national obsession judging from the room it is given on the bottom of the BBC website.

Last season Salford City were given huge FA cup coverage compared to other non league teams in the competition.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all. Back from church.


Thoughts are with Dom and Jo.


Just a word of warning to ER's, please check your mobile bills very carefully. I've just had notification from Virgin of what we are going to be charged on 2nd September. Beth's bill was some £13 more than usual so I went on to the website and checked. After trawling through 18 pages of texts to friends I found 3 items charged at £4.50 each marked, 'Premium text received.'. These were exactly a week apart on a Tuesday morning. I asked Beth to check and there was no record of the text's on her mobile. A bit of googling revealed that there is a new scam that apparently takes advantage of the system that allows charity donations. In this case the number quoted is only 9 digits and starts with 7000. The only way to stop them is apparently to text STOP ALL to the number, for which you will also be charged. It is apparently happening with other providers such as EE and O2.


I rang Virgin Customer service and they blamed it on what they called a 3rd party supplier. I told them that as the number doesn't register on my wife's phone then that is obtaining pecuniary advantage dishonestly and it was a crime. I suggested that they refuse to collect the money for these fraudsters but they refused. They did however agree to refund the charges as they have not been billed yet. I di think this is a crime and will be taking it further in due course but do not expect much action as my old employers appear to have given up on financial fraud.


I have registered a formal complaint with an organisation called payphone Plus which apparently administers premium rate lines on behalf of Ofcom.


I hope this is of interest.

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What is auntie Beebs obsession with the 'class of 92' and Salford City FC? Trust me, for my part it's not anywhere near a national obsession, but it looks like a national obsession judging from the room it is given on the bottom of the BBC website.

Last season Salford City were given huge FA cup coverage compared to other non league teams in the competition.

Aren't the BBC now with a large Salford presence?

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What is auntie Beebs obsession with the 'class of 92' and Salford City FC? Trust me, for my part it's not anywhere near a national obsession, but it looks like a national obsession judging from the room it is given on the bottom of the BBC website.

Last season Salford City were given huge FA cup coverage compared to other non league teams in the competition.


Isn't Salford where the Beebs HQ has moved to? Probably now their LOCAL team, and cheap and easy to get to and broadcast items from - Or is that just "Cynical Old Me" talking?

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Seaton when we got there featured more than half the sky as blue. When we left two hours later it was 100% grey. In the interim we'd secure our old fogey credentials by walking along the sea front and sitting on a bench looking out to sea, Dog in trolley was happy, getting out when she felt like it and walking for a bit. When it all became too much she had to be encouraged to get back in. The Awwwww! factor is there in spades.


And then it started to drizzle, as forecast, so back to the caravan for lunch and then she's sewing for the remainder of the day. I've been reminded that I have a pile of MRJ and GW Journal with me.


According to the SatNav we're at a little over 750ft ASL, so we're closer to the clouds. The rest of the week has pretty reasonable forecasts, so we're really not bothered.

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  • RMweb Gold

If you see a Hairy Biker please give them a slap from me.

Being a Sunday there are lots of bikers on the sea front.

Many of them are hairy so I slapped a few for you.

I'm in ward 7.

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Afternoon All,


I prepared a fairly reasonable Kleftiko for today's lunch. The recipe (from Felicty Cloake's food column in the Gruaniad) needs a bit of tweaking, but had great flavours..

Isn't one of the modern problems food processing? There were some very fat people around 50 years ago, but far less than today. The increase has gone hand in hand with processed food where we have no idea how much sugar/salt/palm oil and so on has been put into the food. And sugar is addictive.


Processed food is indeed part of the problem, not so much for the processes per se but rather for how they process the food. A lot of the problem stems from the now discredited idea that fat is BAD, FULL STOP. In order to still have relatively tasty and relatively edible food after taking all the fat out and then processing the food, manufacturers started using large quantities of simple carbohydrates and large amounts of salt. Particularly problematic is the use of high fructose corn syrup, which is found is nearly every processed food imaginable. Fat, despite being very calorific (9kcals/gram) is also very satiating (unlike processed carbohydrates),


Without the fat to satiate the appetite, one tends to eat more (which is why, to cite a personal experience, I can eat a damn sight more pasta than I can eat slow roast pork belly [the latter being a tasty but fatty cut]).


Certainly I simplify in the above, but certainly fat, eggs and butter are enjoying a rehabilitation of their reputations.


Sunny, breezy, rain forecast.

The Seaton Tramway beckons.

Dog quite content in her Cabriolet - she just climbs in and sits or lies there - and is a magnet for all the "Awwwww!" available. She gets out at all the interesting bits and reads her weemail.


That's a wonderful expression. Of the Wolfpack, Lucy is the one with multiple "weemail" accounts. There's probably not one square centimetre of our regular walks that has not been studiously examined by her.


...I do think this is a crime and will be taking it further in due course but do not expect much action as my old employers appear to have given up on financial fraud...

Say what you will about American LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) - and much criticism is both accurate and appropriate - if they see a crime, they take action. End Of. From what I read, the US's various enforcement agencies seem to make more arrests, initiate more prosecutions per month, than Britain's "Serious Fraud Squad" (known in Private Eye as the "Serious Farce Squad") do in a year.


Clearly, you have to take newspaper accounts with a pinch (or two) of salt, but it is rather easy to conclude that the Police in Britain have "given up" on dealing with what the man in the street would consider as "real" crime, instead - fueled by the unholy combination of political correctness and "yuman rites" - are concentrating on easy targets: "hate speech", speeding (not reckless) drivers, historical crimes reported by individuals of questionable credibility, selectively "going after" the middle class (who - traditionally have been taught to respect and cooperate with the police) as opposed to chavs with knives, and so forth...


Certainly, most is anecdotal evidence, but when that starts piling up, then clearly it is (should be?) a worrying sign that things are going amiss.


Mind How You Go



Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Premium

You can sometimes get away with taking a larger hole and folding it in half.

Where is the button for "Almost required a change of underwear due to the sudden and significant level of amusement offerred?"

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  • RMweb Premium

You can sometimes get away with taking a larger hole and folding it in half.

Don't be silly. If you use two holes that are two big rather than one the resulting hole will be half the size! Did you people never study physics?




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  • RMweb Gold

Don't be silly. If you use two holes that are two big rather than one the resulting hole will be half the size! Did you people never study physics?






Ah, I remember now.

You are using your holes in parallel rather than in series.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Late on parade due to various other things needing to be done today.  No car booting, as the weather yesterday was rotten and was not forecast too clever for this morning.  Indeed, it tipped it down a couple of times this morning.


Managed (at last) to get caught up - good to hear from Flavio, and as usual a very erudite post which was very readable, without simplifying the subject too much. 


Dom - so sorry to hear about Jo, and I hope that there is no pain and suffering.  I'm sure that the medics will do all they can to ensure this.  Don't forget we're all here for support if you need it.


John (CB) - 30747 just had a look, and the response was, as you might expect, aaahhhh.


Everybody else, too much to offer individual comments, but I've read and rated all the posts - it seems to be taking longer and longer to do so.  So again, it's generic greetings.


Possibly back later, or tomorrow.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon everyone.


Another day where I went straight outside this morning to carry on in the shed, so late on parade again. I was lucky with th weather again today as well. It was raining whilst we had breakfast, but by the time I went out it had stopped. Also, when I finished and was packing up, it started to rain again, but it did rain for long.


All the rewiring is now completed, but I will have to get myself a new RCD socket as the one that I refitted is no longer working properly, (the test button doesn't work), so I'll pick one up next week.


Once the wiring and testing was completed I started to put stuff back, I've already refitted my garden tool tidy and put all the gardening implements back in it.


As we are traveling up to Scotland on Thursday, as I'm going to take it easy now for the next few days. So I'm leave the shelving units until we come back, as I intend to dismantle each unit and rebuild them with an extra shelf and also make then a wee bit taller too.


Dom. So sorry to here that Jo condition has deteriorated.


Back later.

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Don't be silly. If you use two holes that are two big rather than one the resulting hole will be half the size! Did you people never study physics?





Sorry, Dave, is that fizix or mafs?

Edited by JohnDMJ
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  • RMweb Gold

Hope that Dave (TG) is OK - last time he was on RMweb was 3rd August.

He did say that he was going to arrange trips to visit Is's favourite places.

Let's hope that he is doing just this or something similar.

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I've solved the hole crisis.

I'm leaving the job for another day - perhaps when the shops are open and I can stock up.

SWMBO has been understanding - she's out

Of course, being trellis, it already has diamond shaped holes or it would be a board.

Possibly trellis can be obtained with fixing holes in it, but they might not match the screws.

Thought I'd found a missing hole earlier but it was occupied by a worm.

Also have another alibi prepared:

"Don't be silly, dear - it has to be painted before it's fixed".

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I've solved the hole crisis.

I'm leaving the job for another day - perhaps when the shops are open and I can stock up.

SWMBO has been understanding - she's out

Of course, being trellis, it already has diamond shaped holes or it would be a board.

Possibly trellis can be obtained with fixing holes in it, but they might not match the screws.

Thought I'd found a missing hole earlier but it was occupied by a worm.

Also have another alibi prepared:

"Don't be silly, dear - it has to be painted before it's fixed".


Asking her what colour will buy you a few more days :)

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  • RMweb Premium

At least it's not a hole hole where the rain comes in!

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