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Evening all.


A grand day out with the donkeys was had. The traffic gods smiled upon us both ways. Arrived early enough for a 'spoons brekkie. One of the other sanctuary visitors managed to step in a fresh steaming pile of Bieber.

The only downside was the shat nav seems to have developed a fault. Obviously the Londoners only version. Just after passing the Watford gap services it crashed. 2 resets and about 50 miles later it started to behave again. Did the same thing on the return trip. Crashed just north of Coventry. Obviously one or map files is corrupted. Can't decide on whether to replace or just get a mount for the phone and use the Gooogle map app.

Andrew, go with the latter option - they're more consistently up-to-date, my Galaxy S7 running Google maps is always far better than the "arguably current" map loaded into my Garmin, no matter how frequently I update it.

I've pretty much consigned the Garmin to being an ancient artifact along with all the other out-dated technical clap trap I've accumulated but that has been superseded...

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Well the rain is still falling, as it has all evening. All that changed was the amount that was falling at any one time, its currently very heavy.


As it's now passed midnight and I'm ready for bed, I'll bid you all a goodnight.

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They live dangerously in Littlehampton.........





Wouldn't you in a place with such a name? ;)


Morning all.  Sun Day failing to live up to its name here.  Occasional dribbly bits from the grey things floating over the sad apology for a market.  Fair-weather mob is all still home in bed, it seems.


Managed to extricate ourselves from the warmth of the bedclothes in time for the Elvis breakfast.  I don't make a habit of posting food pictures but just this once .....




Rest of day assigned to providing moral, intellectual and caffeinal support to SWMBO as she prepares her multimedia presentation for Wednesday's interview, plus a short session attending to matters which might raise the hackles of Our Lady of the Collies were I to post details.


Best wishes to all.  

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Good morning one and all


I visited the multiplex last evening to catch "David Brent: Life on the Road".  Maybe I did not find it quite as funny as the makers intended but there was pretty well continuous chuckling throughout.  Ricky Gervais is a bit of a marmite character and I have to admit that sometimes I see bits of David Brent in me.  Wild horses will not drag from me which bits I see.


Today will see unspecified pottering, perhaps augmented by triffid reduction if the heavens remain closed.  A  week and a half remains for me to remove treasured possessions from the car - first aid box, store finders, road atlas and of course the CDs.  I will not be sitting up to watch the closing ceremony of you-know-what tonight and hope to sleep peacefully.  Maybe the delivery brat will bring the local rag today.  He managed it for three Sundays on the trot before defaulting last week.  Oh, the suspense.


Best wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing, modelling and depressed.  Modelling?  How did that get in there?



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Evening Rick, morning to most.


That looks a treat Rick, although Sister Drac would be less than pleased if I ate one or two of them.


Packing for our holiday jaunt to be completed today.


Have a nice time everyone.


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A cool cloudy morning out there.


Already been in the conservatory painting wheels for Amweican N scale srock. These have resistors pre fitted to enable the freight cars to be seen with block detection.


Plenty of work to do on the HO layout aswell ready for another Freemo meet in Spetember.


No beer today either.

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Morning all from a sunny village, well it is Sun day.   Rick, that breakfast is making me feel hungry.


Yesterday was tiring but went well and the layout is now all up at church apart from the last board which is still in the car. I managed to avoid the showers but the wind got up at some points which made carrying backscenes a bit tricky.


Church duties this morning then this afternoon I'll start putting the layout up.


Regards to all.



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Morning all 

as the wind had abated somewhat by the evening I was able to get a decent sleep last night. Very sad to hear of those losing their lives due to the strong waves. There is a lot of weight in the huge rollers the wind creates.


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Morning all.

Breezy here. After breakfast I will be doing a bit of tidying before the visitors arrive for lunch. We will be having Indian vegetarian food.

Matthew had a nice time with his Austrian friends in London. As they wanted to experience typical British food he did manage to find a pub that didn't exclude under 18s and they all had pie of various types.


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Morning all. After yet another decent nights sleep  my back is again giving me grief. Maybe it's time for a new bed although I've always found that more than 6 hours sleep causes similar problems.


A bit of ironing and some work related admin planned for the day which is good as the weather isn't forecast to be great.


It's interesting to see that the British Team have exceeded the medal tally from London. Targets for Tokyo could be interesting.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all from the boring borough.

Working bravely to convince SWMBO to go for brunch or to Sissinghurst. The alternative is the honey do list. Don't fancy replacing the rest of the sink drain or power washing the deck. I do need to pop to our postal depot (actually open on Sunday) to retrieve some supplies from Model Junction.


Ian A, the sat nav will be joining the vcr, cassette deck, and other dinosaurs that roam free in the loft. You do know what happens next now you have new chairs? A new table, as the old one doesn't look as nice as the chairs. Then it will be the carpet and walls, then .......... It's a no win situation.


Have a great day all. Enjoy the Sunday "rest"

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Mrs 28xx has said we ought to cease fostering, sell the house (5 bed 2 bath) and buy two flats to let out and a 2 bed cottage for us with the proceeds.


So much for Stourhampton then.


Trouble is, once an idea like this has been said, it can't be unsaid.

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We replaced the dining chairs with identical ones. MiL informed us when we bought the originals that they would only last a year but that would probably be longer than the marriage. She doesn't dislike me nowadays but I am not going to mention that not all the chairs are original.


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Mrs 28xx has said we ought to cease fostering, sell the house (5 bed 2 bath) and buy two flats to let out and a 2 bed cottage for us with the proceeds.


So much for Stourhampton then.


Trouble is, once an idea like this has been said, it can't be unsaid.

.....or do as said on Sky News yesterday lunchtime, £981 per calendar month per each homeless person from Social services - 2 bedroom houses are being converted to 6 (YES 6!) individual rooms, and  you have room for about 15 lodgers! Coining it in!

....but since they couldn't find the landlord, one wonders if he is declaring all the income?

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There is no real problem with starches and sugars if the amount you eat is in balance with the amount of energy you expend. Sadly for most people in developed countries it is not. If you over indulge in fats and protein you can still be obese even if you cut out sugars and reduce starches.


Isn't one of the modern problems food processing? There were some very fat people around 50 years ago, but far less than today. The increase has gone hand in hand with processed food where we have no idea how much sugar/salt/palm oil and so on has been put into the food. And sugar is addictive.


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.....or do as said on Sky News yesterday lunchtime, £981 per calendar month per each homeless person from Social services - 2 bedroom houses are being converted to 6 (YES 6!) individual rooms, and  you have room for about 15 lodgers! Coining it in!

seems to almost be what the management company that is looking after next door is doing. There now appears to be 5 in there. One couple and 3 single men. Although one of them has a lady that visits on a regular basis. No idea if the landlord knows but I bet the management co is making a lot more than the original £1300 rent. Totally illegal in these parts as HMOs must be registered. As long as they stay quiet so will we. As will the neighbour's on the other side.
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I am sure that having post Olympics (and paralympics) parade in Manchester is OK but the good burgers of Leeds are having one two ( as the Yorkies have won a lot of medals at the Olympics (far more  than the Lankies have)...



Hi Baz


Conversely, as so many golds have been won by Scots, surely having the main UK parade in Glasgow would be the place to go? :nono: That would help St Theresa's credentials north of the border, too... (only joking, just grabbing my coat and tin hat)


There is no parade planned in Scotland, just a reception at the Scottish sports academy, sorry, National Performance Centre for Sport at Heriot-Watt uni just west of Edinburgh. Apparently it can hold 400 people.



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