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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Outside temp would appear to be exactly 0° as I'm typing this :blink: . Otherwise it still is too dark to see just about anything! I'll be meeting up with some friends for dinner tonight - tarte flambée beckons :) .


Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning.

Showery here. As I was leaving the flat there was a sudden down-pour. I went back inside to get a cap and when I emerged again and it had stopped. Got all the way to work dry. Forecast is cloudy/showery over the whole weekend :angry:

Pete, what was the outcome of the case against the Govenor who was selling O'bama's Senate seat? The last I heard, some weeks ago the jury were still out and then it ceased to be reported in our news.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ah - young Don, morning. Most of the others seem to be having a lie in. I woke up earlyish so got up. I'm going to fill the slow cooker up with an assortment of beef and root vegetables, some Italian stock, whack it on for the day and that's the weekend's meals sorted.


More points for Bodge City today, I have to make the most of it as back to work is getting nearer I fear.


Have a good one.

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Morning all.....Good to see you paid us a visit Don. Must be getting warmer out there every day.......Lucky b*gger. :)


Looking forward to seeing the results of your first venture into track building Mr H. It's a lovely way to spent an hour or so....


Grounded today as car is being taken away to find out why the battery keeps going flat. The lovely people at BMW say it's because I only do short journeys. Bullsh*t....


Didn't see that in their ads. Not suitable for trips of less than 20 miles....


Mind you the web is a great resource. Did a lot of searching and found out that other 5 series owners have had similar problems down to a batch of duff starter motors back in 2006 that draw too much current. Took a lot of calls which were met by firm denials from BMW to even acknowledge there was an issue. Sent them a few copies off BMW forums and they have reluctantly agreed to check it out. Next battle will be getting them to pay for it as it's nearly two years out of warranty.... :angry:

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  • RMweb Gold

Will they allow you a phased return to work Phil or is it all or nothing?


I think it will be sort of phased Mick - my boss has told me I must find out from the medics what I can do rather than what I can't do when I go back to hospital on Monday. SW's occupational health will be involved too, so I think it won't be back in the deep end for a week or two.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It isn't quite as cold here as yesterday and it isn't raining but I won't be going out until my new computer is delivered. I decide to replace this one before it finally goes totally unreliable. It is so much easier to transfer files from a working computer.


Gordon. I had an Astra that had a battery that kept going flat. It was under warranty and the alternator was replaced a few times. It turned out to be a starter motor problem. The explanation I was given didn't make total sense but I suspect some of the insulation in the starter wiring was substandard allowing a small current to flow continuously through the starter circuit. It eventually failed just as I was about to drive onto the ferry at Portsmouth. After replacing the starter motor all electrical problems disappeared.



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Guest Max Stafford

Good morning guys! Nice to see you back Don. Had some good news yesterday - the 'source' of my recent unpleasantness at work has passed his promotion exam, so hopefully he'll be heading off to cause a bad smell elsewhere soon. :) It's wet and claggy up here today. I just finished my J36 last night, so I might follow Larry's example and start building my Comet Stove R. I'm also working on a couple of little aircraft, a Spitfire PR19 and a Sea Fury. I'm particularly enjoying the Spitfire which is being finished as one based in Malaya in 1954. My dad was serving out there at the time and might well have seen the real aircraft overhead whilst trying not to get shot or bitten by something nasty in the jungle! :D


Phil, good to see you're getting back in the saddle.


Gordon, good luck with that starter. After Mick's diagnosis and all that forum info, it seems the most likely source of bother.


Dom, have an extinguisher handy in case that flambe' gets out of hand...! :lol:



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Good morning.


Pete, what was the outcome of the case against the Govenor who was selling O'bama's Senate seat? The last I heard, some weeks ago the jury were still out and then it ceased to be reported in our news.


Don, My truthful answer is: I dunno!

I just tried searching on CNN and realized that I couldn't even remember the twit's name.


I know why. When I resided in London I was an avid newspaper reader; over here I'm not 'cos they are not very good - let me rephrase that - there are so many adverts that you get fed up with managing the broadsheet.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Friday again then. Not much in the diary today so might have to build a couple more signal gantries. Out for a spot of dinner with the domestic staff this evening. Have to keep her sweet otherwise she might start looking at how much the railway shed is costing!


Pete, not surprised you haven't been to Hull. It's not on the way to anywhere and I have it on good authority from someone born there (my sister in law's husband) that you really wouldn't want to go there anyway!




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Thought for the Day (kind of thing).

Last night the rest of the family were out looking at schools and I was "elected" to stay at home to look after the puppy. I like this 'cos it gives me the opportunity to watch TV programs that they consider "boring" so I watched this program called "The Forgetting" ( I missed the first bit so may have got the title wrong) about early onset Alzhieimers. It was basically about two families who have suffered from this disease badly.

Anyway they concentrated on the members who already had it plus the worries of the other siblings about getting it.

To British eye they were quite large families (one had ten siblings).


To get to the point one sister who had it to the extent that she was unintelligible looked in her seventies and I was shocked when they said she was 54. One of her brothers who had just been diagnosed with it was shown celebrating his 51st birthday yet this guy looked in his middle to late 60's or even older! No one mentioned this curious fact on the program - that the family looked prematurely aged BEFORE diagnosis.


I'm 59 next month yet still have a full head of hair, don't dye it, yet it is mostly dark (my beard is pretty grey, however). No one thinks I look my age. In fact just yesterday morning an 18 year old woman was flirting with me - I asked her age and told her mine, she was genuinely shocked. Photos of my Father show that, to my eyes, he looked "old" when he was 40.....


Does anyone have any views on this? Anyone have an Alzheimer's sufferer in their family (I sympathize)?


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Pete I also lived in a house too far from the mains gas, which had to be fitted with oil fired heating (when I bought it, the heating was by a solid fuel system driven off a multi fuel stove, which had to be left running permanently to give a supply of hot water, and also had no time controls). I considered tank gas, but the cost of the gas which is LPG was just about in line with oil.

Also, my mum is an Alzheimers sufferer, and she no longer knows who I am when I visit - luckily she is in a care home where she can not come to any harm. When she was at home she was a real danger to herself, and she tried to make a cup of tea by putting a plastic electric kettle onto a gas cooker and lighting it. Another day she put a pot of soup on to heat, then forgot all about it, and the contents boiled dry, and the dessicated vegetables almost caught light when a neighbour saw the smoke and came in and saved the day.

There's other ERs who have similar experiences with elderly relatives, and have told similar stories on here.


Don nice to see you are here again. 3 word game is a bit more lively.


Phil Good luck with your return to work - if my employer is anything to go by, you should start with a phased return, possibly starting part time on lighter duties.


Dave - Good news that the source of your work related problems is due to be promoted - this looks like a classic case of the Peter Principle at work.


I managed to get to the local shops in the car today, and also bought some petrol - haven't had to do so since July, so was a bit surprised to see how much it cost (I had to pay £1.20 a litre, it was £1.14 when I went on the sick list).


Happy Friday

Regards to All


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BjornBarry Jam


On a lighter note (?) for Phil and Stewart (and anyone else that likes "loud obnoxious guitars") here's a clip from Chicago.


You see Bjorn Juhl amp and pedal designer extraordinaire and his Les Paul. Barry Weber is off camera across the rather large room but you can certainly hear him. Zoom forward to about 2:30 mins when they start interacting with each other. Listen for the ferocious lick that Baz plays that absolutely floors Bjorn. Very cool stuff.




Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh dear. Oh dear.


My daughter has shown my wife how to text. I have just received my first 'automated' list.


My wife's new phone has the option of emailing, texting or even if all else fails leaving a message on the answerphone at home. When she works out how to use the camera (her old phone was very basic) I'm sure I'll get picture lists as well. I've sent more texts in the last couple of weeks than I ever have previously. Matthew's mobile reception in hall at university is rather poor so I get texts "from the bus".




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Yes, Pete.

One or two of us have problems with dementia (not me - my In Laws).

It's a sad experience and can continue for years.

The most unpleasant side is that folk we've known for years to be kind and good-hearted can become very unpleasant.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


-1° outside and foggy, so I'm glad I'm indoors! :O However, it's predicted to be rainy and warmer by a few degrees for the rest of today and the following night. Dinner last night was good, by the way :) .


Have a good day all!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is light enough now to see that it has been raining overnight. I think rain has been forecast for the rest of the day. I've got to take my wife's car to have the tracking checked. It was adjusted a couple of weeks ago and they said return it after 500 miles. It has done a bit more than that but isn't available on weekdays.

I spent yesterday afternoon / evening setting up the computer I'm now typing this post on. The only software I couldn't find was the disc for my camera but Windows 7 seemed to recognise the camera and some software that came with a printer duplicates the functionality of the lost Canon software.


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