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  • RMweb Gold

Local news is reporting that Jeremy Corbyn was unable to recognise a photograph of TV presenters Ant and Dec during a leadership debate.


He has just gone up a wee bit in my opinion.

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  • RMweb Premium

POE for my golf semi-final.

I thought is was going to be my day when I teed off on the second, only to see the ball soar gracefully towards the railway that runs parallel to the hole and out of bounds. I uttered the immortal "it needs a good bounce" and sure enough, it popped back in bounds at the side of the second fairway......


A closely fought but friendly affair, but there were times that any onlookers would've thought that at least one of us was trying deliberately to lose. It went down to the last putt on the last green, but to no avail. I wished him well I the final as I can take some consolation from the loss if he wins!


Off to do some modelling.


Have a good Thursday folks.




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  • RMweb Gold

... Again I look back wistfully at the days when it took a working knowledge of computers and networking to be able to connect to the Internet.


Before the Internet computer communications seemed to involve soldering skills. We had 300 baud dialup between schools via a HP mini computer. Weather affected communications. Some schools had 1200 baud modems on tied lines. Our computer centre was on the Ingrebourne exchange which was quite antique in telephonic technology.

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megabit/second is the accepted norm. However the average numpty doesn't realise the difference. Again I look back wistfully at the days when it took a working knowledge of computers and networking to be able to connect to the Internet.

A good rule of thumb is to divide the mbit by 10 instead of 8 to get a closer speed in bytes. This almost compensates for the overhead in the transport protocol. So a 200Mbps connection should have a download speed averaging 20 Mbyte/second. just a nibble. 0100

Worked on an ATM switch. Always seemed like a much better solution than the IP carp, but the best solution doesn't necessarily win.

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Good evening all, and some shattering news from this region: The Contented Pig bar and eatery has closed at minutes notice because the owner appears to be fed up with running it. Many instantly redundant!


Mid week already. How time flies when the Olympics are on.

A bit of fine tuning of the loco done yesterday then, apparently I am doing some gardening.. This is a disaster waiting to happen!

Enjoy your day wherever you are.

PS Donw the Docklands Light Railway has no driver's and manages to get passengers on and off trains safely, the Underground have single person operated trains as does the Newcastle metro.


Several French metro lines are also automatic. They do have supervisors at the control centres watching the platforms though.


Locally, the ancient Class 313 do not have external cameras. The 377s have cameras but not the required the required field of vision for the poor driver. A report last week suggested that eight in every ten accidents in this region involves a DOO train!


I have cut back


Not had any beer for three days...........


I've relaxed on the beer too; wine's cheaper!


Sometimes using certain words like "hazard" triggers a response.
I made the mistake of using the word "unfair " once to a deputy head at Matthew's school about option choices, students who wanted to take French couldn't do double science but students who did German could. I got the lecture about life being unfair etc. So I said "let me rephrase my query...", and proceeded to do so. I didn't need to mention the word "hazard" though.


Just tell them you've filed a report to the HSE!


Rick - fantastic.  You're a star.


You're a star - isn't that the train which plies between London, Bruxelles and Paris?


Coat on, fast car waiting!


Night all

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Oh great, our Virgin landline isn't working - or rather it is just not with our number, if that makes sense.


Gabe tried to call me at home this evening but the landline wasn't working, so she got me on my mobile. Funny, I thought, I can call out on the landline so tried calling my mobile to make sure. Yep, it received a call from a completely different number.


Called Virgin - in India, I think - who told me that the password wasn't for the number I was calling from. No, I explained, our real number is such and such which is why passwords differ; so they checked the password and address I'd given for our real number and, hooray! - they tallied.


Apparently an engineer working in our area has f@cked up messed up and crossed our line with another. They'll send an engineer round between 12 and 4 on Saturday afternoon. Saturday? Not tomorrow? Can you divert calls to my genuine number to this new number meantime? Er, no they can't because it's a crossed line and so on...


Saturday it is, then, if they turn up



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Oh great, our Virgin landline isn't working - or rather it is just not with our number, if that makes sense.


Gabe tried to call me at home this evening but the landline wasn't working, so she got me on my mobile. Funny, I thought, I can call out on the landline so tried calling my mobile to make sure. Yep, it received a call from a completely different number.


Called Virgin - in India, I think - who told me that the password wasn't for the number I was calling from. No, I explained, our real number is such and such which is why passwords differ; so they checked the password and address I'd given for our real number and, hooray! - they tallied.


Apparently an engineer working in our area has f@cked up messed up and crossed our line with another. They'll send an engineer round between 12 and 4 on Saturday afternoon. Saturday? Not tomorrow? Can you divert calls to my genuine number to this new number meantime? Er, no they can't because it's a crossed line and so on...


Saturday it is, then, if they turn up




Engineers don't generally work weekends, however technicians might!


If the technician, or, even worse, his fitter, has screwed up, then it is down to the technician to sort the problem. No need to involve an engineer!

Edited by JohnDMJ
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  • RMweb Premium

Well done Rick. You mentioning Newquay reminded me of when I had a long weekend down there a few years ago. I booked the holiday through Travelzoo, who sell the 'left over'* holidays at knock down prices, more than worth it if your on a tight budget. *The holiday bookings that have not been taken up. http://www.travelzoo.com/uk/top20/ you can sign up for weekly updates on what is available.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


Well that's another day over with. Tomorrow will be a lazy day, in the morning I shall be PLAYING TRAINS whilst Mrs W is at Zumba.

In the afternoon I suspect they'll be quite a few visitors popping round.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


A very strange evening.  First having duly tired herself gardening (it was darned hot out there)  Mrs Stationmaster decreed that we should eat out so we duly went to the relatively recently opened, and pretty good, Italian restaurant.  I decided to have a stone cooked steak but being an unsophisticated fellah I didn't realise that this meant they handed me a piece of steak sitting on top of a very hot piece of stone (all on a suitable tray) so it was in fact a do-it-yourself steak.  Rathe nice actually although a piece of very hot stone under your nose on a warm evening is hardly the best idea in the world and of course you can't eat it all at once so with nowhere else to put it once done how i like it the next slice off was done slightly differently.  But overall not a bad experience.


Then home and turn on the telly on BBC2 to see not only SAR helicopters and RAF Typhoons but our former next door neighbour piloting some of his toys around with the name of his watch manufacturing company splattered all over a couple of them - quite an odd experience watching the bloke who used to live next door flying his family down to Sandown (IoW) for a couple of hours on the beach.  The Typhoon was much more fun to be honest.


G'night all.

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  • RMweb Gold

I haven't done much today.

I put the side panel back on my computer now I have confirmed that everything worked. I am rather pleased with the results of the memory and graphics card upgrades. I can stop looking at new PCs now!

Robbie has a vet visit tomorrow for another blood test. He seems very well so I am assuming the vet has got the dose of calcium supplements just about right. He actually likes them so it isn't a problem administering them, unlike worming tablets.

Matthew rang our landline this evening. He was concerned that we were not answering our mobiles. Mine was upstairs and Aditi's was on silent. We rang him back. He is enjoying his trip to Wroclaw. Tomorrow he is going on a tour to see the dwarfs. People used garden gnomes as a sort of protest symbol during the Communist era. I think the idea was that the authorities would look ridiculous impounding garden ornaments. Now they are a feature of the city. There is a phone app to locate them.


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Evening all.


I did a CFR shift this evening. Not a single shout, but had an RTC! We were sitting in the car in the Yorkshire Grey car park and someone drove into us. Andrew and The Lurker will know the exact location. Not much damage, but he was unhappy that I will report it to my insurance company.



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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.I did a CFR shift this evening. Not a single shout, but had an RTC! We were sitting in the car in the Yorkshire Grey car park and someone drove into us. Andrew and The Lurker will know the exact location. Not much damage, but he was unhappy that I will report it to my insurance company.Bill

The person who drove into MiL's car yesterday didn't even stop to exchange details. Someone cut a corner and clipped the front bumper moulding which is now dangling off. Her insurance will let her have a small automatic loan car but not for a few days. We said all the usual things about at least no one being hurt but she is cross about not being able to go to play bridge or go swimming.


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  • RMweb Premium

Engineers don't generally work weekends, however technicians might!


If the technician, or, even worse, his fitter, has screwed up, then it is down to the technician to sort the problem. No need to involve an engineer!


Can they just not turn it off and then turn it back on again?


That seems to be the way to fix most things these days.




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