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  • RMweb Gold



RMT and camera crews outside LBG station at the moment. Apparently Corbyn was there.

I'm waiting for the day that the RMT are there and all of a sudden hell breaks loose as they are given a real thrashing by a crowd of frustrated commuters who finally lose their restraint and self control.


'I was standing there minding my own business waving a placard, when along comes this mob of commuters.  They pulled a bowler hat down over my head and then inserted a brolly where the sun don't shine.  That wasn't too bad, as I've been shafted many times by management, but what was really not on was the mob then opened the brolly before pulling it out! That made my eyes water, I can tell you.'

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Some blue sky and sunshine and should stay fine again.

I was awakened at 3.30 by the CO alarm beeping to tell me the batteries are low. Must have forgotten to change them in January when I did the smoke alarms.

Took The Boss to work at 4.30 then when I got back dozed for an hour. I was at the hospital for blood tests at 7.15 and done by 8.05 then had to wait for cardiology to open at 8.30 for an ECG which showed I have an ectopic heartbeat. (According to her could be too much caffeine which my doctor and The Boss had already stated) Apparently I am not allowed to use beer as a  substitute. :nono:

Got back in time to collect The Boss from work at 9.00. Then we had to visit various shops and money laundering establishments banks.

Now sitting here trying decaff tea for the first (and possibly the last) time in my life. 

Have a good one,




PS  as Debs is about I shall say this only once and quietly. Whilst visiting eBay yesterday my finger slipped on a buy it now model ***** so another one is winging its way towards me.


PPS at least the ECG proves I do have a heart which may come as a surprise to somebody very near to me at the moment.

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

That's exactly what I needed. Thank you very much.


Although regrettably it starts in the wrong place - see the thread I linked for some of what is really involved.  Incidentally it doesn't mean that the whole of the Southern network will convert to DOO(P) as some routes are not suitable - whatever DafT etc might think (again that is referenced in the linked thread).

This article pretty much lays bare all of Southern's issues. http://www.londonreconnections.com/2016/railway-roulette/


Although regrettably one important part (that regarding Sunday working) is nonsensical and wrong.  Sunday has, generally, never been part of what was known as the guaranteed week (also sometimes known, inaccurately, as the rostered week) and all this meant was that it was not included in the basic week's pay but was paid wholly additionally.  However Sundays have always been rostered and are part of a Driver's regular working roster and they cannot back out of that commitment  (with the possible - but very unusual in my experience - exception of citing committed religious views or requirements, e.g. a Lay Minister).  Sundays are most definitely not, and never have been, a Rest Day - Rest Days fall within the guaranteed week hence you run that week over 6 days from Monday to Saturday with the  Rest Days moving around those 6 days over the period of a roster.


However what that article does not make clear is that because of Driver shortages (see the thread I linked for more detail) there has fairly certainly been Rest Day working going on among Drivers and that opens up all sorts of other problems such as compliance with Hidden 18 regarding number of consecutive days worked (where Sundays of course count as days worked).  The article is far too simplistic in that respect.  It also misses totally the alternative situation of what happens if you include Sunday in the guaranteed week because adding an extra day means you add additional hours of work to the roster therefore you need even more staff  (Drivers in this case).  So if you are already short of Drivers and you add Sunday as part of the guaranteed week (using the old term) you will be short of even more Drivers.


Sorry to rant and rumble on but more years than enough of being involved in this sort of things and, ultimately, making exactly these sort of decisions for my final big railway employer (where we actually had a 7 day roster) causes me, as ever, to get thoroughly hacked off with a load of amateur pundits who grasp half a story and present it as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  When you get a bunch of amateurs involved - including DafT issuing silly edicts and stirring up trouble - they play right into the hands of a union intent on looking for a fight.  I'm not saying the fight wouldn't have happened if all this had been done properly but at least it wouldn't have gifted a large reserve of ammunition to the RMT and could possibly have been fought on pure fact instead of conflated nonsense.



Meanwhile good morning all and delightful to see Debs return to our fold.


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning, just as well the front of the house which I will be painting today faces north and won't be in the sun until a short while in the evening.


Haven't they thought of re-training guards as drivers?

The latter is an excellent idea although it obviously depends on age and suitability.  Strangely almost the exact opposite happened in some places at the end of steam where redundant firemen were retrained as Guards - only a near 50 years ago.

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The latter is an excellent idea although it obviously depends on age and suitability.  Strangely almost the exact opposite happened in some places at the end of steam where redundant firemen were retrained as Guards - only a near 50 years ago.

When I left BR in 88 the training of guards as drivers was introduced sometime afterwards. It was oft discussed at the NUR guards & shunters yearly conference.

Joining the Plymouth Bretheren was another way of avoiding Sunday turns.

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Morning all from a sunny Scottish HQ. The last week hasn't been particularly active (and my stomach is evidence of that - will need to get back to the swimming and running quickly (get back to it quickly that is, I don't run quickly...)) but has felt busy. Looking after the little one while she's on holiday at her grandparents' has been a full time job in itself.


We'd intended to go for a night's camping in the Lakes, but the forecast was poor so we pitched the tent in the back garden instead and Jamie and I slept there. We both woke up about 6.30am and didn't think we'd get back to sleep (and both needed the loo) so we headed back indoors and went back to our beds for an hour or so!


We did go to Cragside on Saturday which was fun. Always been one of my favourite places. Yesterday was Jamie's regular hospital appointment, so I was back across to Glasgow again. The GF is in Switzerland at the moment so the flat is strangely quiet without her!

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  • RMweb Gold

Getting warm outside . A quick trip to LBG to collect the rail tickets that I double booked so that I can send them off to the TOC (luckily not Southern)  to get a refund in vouchers less a handling fee. My own mistake as I had already booked that trip... :scratchhead:


Just waiting to see the fall out now with the GTR  / RMT dispute. Stationmasters posts good reading as usual and very much agree that if DaFT hadnt been so err daft in their outspoken comments then maybe it wouldn't have set off the collision course in such a way that has happened.


Another planned 'no beer night' assuming trains are Ok getting home and we dont get diverted to the pub, I will continue with installing more ditch lights to various locos.

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Morning all, good news is that Karen's blood pressure is high enough to leave after she has seen doctor, occupational therapist and physio what was that ###### about they don't work weekends? The NHS may be creaky and slow but no one dies because they can't afford to see a doctor or becomes homeless because they have seen a doctor.  


Now I need to go shopping again but with a grin firmly attached and after she is home the in laws can visit so tidying and cleaning will follow. Have the best day you can.


Mick, Good news with Karen (I’ve been playing catch up, so sorry to be late).


The NHS is still the Jewel in the Crown but we shouldn’t be too smug. Recently I was picking up an elderly neighbor from a local Cancer Dept., in Summit when I found myself sitting next to an Englishman. I asked him where he lived and he advised that he still lived in England but they had had to come over here for some advance Cancer Treatment for their child - who was very ill - and not (the treatment) available under the NHS. He had “hocked” his house (again) and also resorted to an online appeal.


Remarkably non-bitter he agreed that sometimes you had to do what you had to do for your family.


I’m glad that Karen is feeling better.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Great drama here this afternoon. While I was at the tip recycling and dumping stuff it seems that Aditi decided she would put the big umbrella up. I have suggested in the past this would be unwise as I find it a bit unwieldy. Somehow she managed to trap a fleshy bit of her thumb while inserting the umbrella shaft in the table tube . Fortunately neighbour Holly age 6 was playing in her garden and heard Aditi and sent her Mum and Dad round to release her. She has a nasty bruise but is OK.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

9:00 on the nail, the door bell rings, I showed the guy where he could park his van and the location where the shed was to be erected. 5 minutes later the second van with the shed arrives, again I showed him the location and then made them both a brew. By 11:30 they were gone, the shed's paint work had been re-touched in the areas that had got slight scuff marks from transportation.




After they'd gone I spent an hour or so clearing the path and a spot weed pulling and generally tidying up before the grandchildren descend upon us this afternoon, as no doubt they (and there dad) will want to go and have a look at it.


Enjoy what's left of the day.


Back later.

So just an N scale layout in that shed then :sungum:

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Quick check in from Montana...

Flight here yesterday uneventful, got 16' truck, and we had it loaded by 3PM and off to clean-up and have an early dinner. Great brew pub in downtown Billings. Was hotter than hell here during the day - they say it's a "dry heat" but still sodding hot especially when you're moving and loading a truck.


Up for an earlyish breakfast, then pick up some last items and we hit the road - estimating 10AM local to be driving.


Of COURSE, client system went tits up this morning and I got several urgent emails (their Sys Admin is on vacation this week!!). Attempted to address, and hopefully will be resolved. Not much more I can do from the business end of a 16' truck in eastern Montana though, so they're on their own for a bit :O


Expected to be 33 for a high sport driving east, we overnight in Bismarck North Dakota, eta there around 6PM (that accounts for a one hour time change just west of Bismarck.


Enjoy the day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

After my detached retina and follow up op I finally went to the opticians today for a new prescription.

I went in, introduced myself and said I had an appointment at 1:15.

They said, This is Greggs the Bakers, Specsavers is next door.

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  • RMweb Gold


Quick check in from Montana...

Flight here yesterday uneventful, got 16' truck, and we had it loaded by 3PM and off to clean-up and have an early dinner. Great brew pub in downtown Billings. Was hotter than hell here during the day - they say it's a "dry heat" but still sodding hot especially when you're moving and loading a truck.


Up for an earlyish breakfast, then pick up some last items and we hit the road - estimating 10AM local to be driving.


Of COURSE, client system went tits up this morning and I got several urgent emails (their Sys Admin is on vacation this week!!). Attempted to address, and hopefully will be resolved. Not much more I can do from the business end of a 16' truck in eastern Montana though, so they're on their own for a bit :O


Expected to be 33 for a high sport driving east, we overnight in Bismarck North Dakota, eta there around 6PM (that accounts for a one hour time change just west of Bismarck.


Enjoy the day everyone...

Another brewery to add to the list
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Afternoon all. Thanks again for the birthday wishes as I reached 41 yesterday. Firstly I would like to send good wishes to Mick and say I am pleased to hear Karen is on the mend. My apologies for also being rather slow with the good wishes - much of what has happened has passed me by recently- I really need to be less slack with catching up on all the events on here.

Tony.S I have to admit that I winced when I read what Aditi had done. What a great little neighbour you have got. I am glad that things proved to be not as bad as they could have been.

Brian - that is a very smart looking shed. What sort of model railway will fit in there then??? ;-).

GrandadBob - I hope you find an alternative drink that will reduce the caffeine intake, improve your health, but also be enjoyable. If beer is out have you considered whisky??

Mal - my thoughts to the teachers of Scotland who are contemplating the start of term tomorrow. I did not know the Scottish establishments started back so soon. Here in Derby we have another two and a half weeks, having just passed the half way mark. I have to admit that already my thoughts are turning towards the return to work (mainly hoping my six numbers come up before then!)


Today we have had another day out, visiting Twycross Zoo. It was very busy but enjoyable. We did get to see their two new Amur Leopard Cubs basking in the sun and enjoyed the talks about the giraffes and bonobos. The walk through enclosure containing the ring tailed lemurs was nice too and a few of the little fellas were quite friendly. I took quite a few pictures, so many that the battery expired on the camera. If I have time to upload the pictures from the memory card I will try and post a few later.

Sad to see that Dr Beeching has hit Twycross. The little miniature railway that ran around the petting area is no more. The track bed and station remains, as does the tunnel, but much of the track has been pulled up. Ok it was only a steam outlined diesel in the traditional Rio Grande style, but it still provided a different attraction.

Hopefully off to the Churnet Valley line tomorrow. I will look out for Dave TG armed with his camera. I do hope he is ok, I am pretty sure he has not posted for a few days, unless I missed a post explaining his absence.

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Good evening all!


Well, having been dismissed from the Gastro department with a diagnosis of IBS; I present to my GP this morning seeking explanation of the aches, pains and swellings that are obvious in my limbs and joints.


Initial diagnosis: inflammatory arthritis, subject to confirmation by the results of a visit to the vampire soon afterwards!


Meanwhile, cocodamol added to the regular list.


Usual toughts, wishes, greetings, etc. to all as required

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Again, caught up, and posts rated, but a busy day has meant that it has taken all day to do so.


Belated birthday wishes Andy, and sorry I missed marking the event yesterday.


Not a lot to say here, but as usual, greetings to those who need/want/deserve them.


Back tomorrow

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Great drama here this afternoon. While I was at the tip recycling and dumping stuff it seems that Aditi decided she would put the big umbrella up. I have suggested in the past this would be unwise as I find it a bit unwieldy. Somehow she managed to trap a fleshy bit of her thumb while inserting the umbrella shaft in the table tube . Fortunately neighbour Holly age 6 was playing in her garden and heard Aditi and sent her Mum and Dad round to release her. She has a nasty bruise but is OK.


She was probably practicing being an irate commuter............


hat, coat etc

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. The front of the house is still awaiting its coat of paint, the reason, my armchair is exceedingly comfortable :lazy: . So its re-scheduled for tomorrow. Going by the weather forcast the hot dry spell will be coming to an end by the weekend, hopefully enough to soften the Essex clay making it a bit more workable. Bye for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Over our evening meal, the Obergrumpenfuhrer, the PH and myself were bemoaning the celebrity culture which has infested and now dominates television and magazines.


I was reminiscing about 'This is your life' when it was ordinary people with an interesting life story that got picked.  But alas, that succumbed and was one of the first victims of the celebrity culture.


We were deciding on a new, different and more interesting tv programmes.


The million pound drop could be just that.  As you answer the questions correctly, the million pounds (of steel) is reduced.  get a question wrong, and what's left drops!


But the new show thought up by the PH to replace Celebrity Big Brother is:


Celebrity Bomb Disposal Operator.


No need for the public to be involved with the voting process as the worst celeb will probably vote themselves off.

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  • RMweb Premium

Spent some  of today catching up on cricket actions from our meeting last night. I did do some crust earning.. fitted a sound chip and speaker to a Bachmann 08 then weathered it - check out my thread in weathering on here


Surprise surprise all Loksound sound chip prices have gone up by £6... no guess as to why...


See you all later..



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