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  • RMweb Gold

Many happy returns for yesterday Andy.


DD - there are some explanations on the thread about Southern train reductions, you could start about here and get some sensible information (I would also suggest that those involved - from all angles) should also try reading some of the stuff in that thread as well)




G'night all

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I fail to see why Mark Cavendish was not disqualified last night. He side swiped the Korean. If you watch the incident, Cavendish didnt once look to his left to see what he had done. If that wasnt cheating I dont know what is.

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  • RMweb Premium

I fail to see why Mark Cavendish was not disqualified last night. He side swiped the Korean. If you watch the incident, Cavendish didnt once look to his left to see what he had done. If that wasnt cheating I dont know what is.


[start edit] He actually hit and took out Viviani Korean -  who then took out the  Australian and Viviani, the eventual Omnium winner.

Cav was coming down from the high side as the Korean riderwas coming up.  [end edit] These guys are travelling at 30mph plus at cruising speeds, never mind the all out sprints.


The race commissars will have had a good look and decided that there was no foul play. Using F1 descriptions - it would be classed as a racing incident.


I've ridden the Manchester velodrome at snail's pace compared to these guys and even that was a bit scary with other riders around as there are no brakes and no freewheel on the pedals. Track bikes simply do not handle in the same way as a "normal" bike. We had to go through a training session lasting about 30 minutes simply to ride above the bottom black line.





It was an ace evening - so much so, that I did it again.






Edited by newbryford
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From what I understand, it's all about who's in charge. Whether that is the train or the company running them is subject of some strife ;)


In more detail: Govia wants to cut costs by having the drivers operate (close) the doors. Initially they wanted to get rid of the guard altogether, now they've backtracked that the guard would still be on board but not operate the doors. This means they're no longer safety critical, which reduces their pay, cuts (re)training costs for (new) guards considerably and eases the path to finally get rid of the guard in the next stage of "optimising process efficiency". Which is the expensive way of saying you want to increase profits so you can pay your (activist) shareholders, like hedgefunds, even bigger dividends :rolleyes:


Having seen the saga unfold, I'd suggest to your new(-ish) PM to take the Govia franchise away from them, close Southern altogether, embark on a massive program of rebuilding the ancient Victorian lines to modern UIC standard loading gauge, install ERTMS/ETCS, purchase a sufficiently large fleet to allow for future growth and start running the long overdue 12-car (1,000+ ft) double-decker trains on the commuter belt lines :yes: But hey, I'm just some blasted EU-foreigner, what do I know 'bout railways :rolleyes:  (except for having run those 12-car DD-trains for 14+ years :P )


That's exactly what I needed. Thank you very much.

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A very ER fro me this morning as I'm about to set off to Manchester Airport with No 1 son and his girlfriend.  They've stayed over and we're off in about 10 minutes when caffeine has been consumed.   They're also leaving there cat with us for a fortnight so there are the usual power plays going on between Ruby and our two.  


Regards to all.



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Morning all. The works appear to have finished at the top of my road as I've just heard a tram go past. They were certainly a noisy bunch of b*ggers last night finishing off.


Caffeine being consumed this morning ready for a day in East London.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all


Not a bad day yesterday - ironing up to date, more triffids culled, green bin awaiting the Council's pleasure.  One task not completed was to check out a possible venue for a future Area Group meeting.   Despite what its webshite said, it was not open last night but I did not really mind a short stroll with no pint at the end of it.


It seems that my VW dealership is having some sort of open weekend. This is something I ought to check out as the finance contract on my [now] pristine Polo comes to an end art, I think, at the end of October.  For continuity it would have [not 'of', please note!] been nice to deal with the sales executive who looked after me three years ago but a little bird, possibly named Leanne, tells me that he was head-hunted by BMW and has a company car.  Some have jam thrust upon them.


On Sunday I was reminded by a magazine editor that I have a piece to write for him.  Don't I know it.  The suggested subject is a non-starter but I do have another germ of an idea that needs marshalling.  How fortunate that there is little on TV at present that would distract me.  I am reminded of an epigram by the great humorist Alexander Pope:


"You beat your pate and fancy wit will come.  Knock as you please, there's nobody at home".


On that happy note, best wishes to the ailing, supporting, recovering, grieving, missing and depressed.  Today we also remember those who get lost easily in supermarkets ...



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning/evening * * delete as appropriate.


A very good morning Debs, hopefully your presence may keep us in order?


Things to do, places to go, tea to be....brewed. (and drunk).

Have a great 24 hours.


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He actually hit and took out Viviani - the eventual Omnium winner. Viviani then took out the Korean and Australian. Cav was coming down from the high side as Viviani was coming up. These guys are travelling at 30mph plus at cruising speeds, never mind the all out sprints.


The race commissars will have had a good look and decided that there was no foul play. Using F1 descriptions - it would be classed as a racing incident.


I've ridden the Manchester velodrome at snail's pace compared to these guys and even that was a bit scary with other riders around as there are no brakes and no freewheel on the pedals. Track bikes simply do not handle in the same way as a "normal" bike. We had to go through a training session lasting about 30 minutes simply to ride above the bottom black line.





It was an ace evening - so much so, that I did it again.





I disagree Mick. He sideswiped the Korean who then took out 2 more.


Edited by lightengine
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  • RMweb Gold



Too much on my mind last night so had to take a pain killer to get me to sleep which did th trick. Don't like using them but no in a while it's better than being awake all night then getting stressed with the commute even before work gets to me.


Things returning to normal at Redhill


A new Thameslink 700 departed about 25 minutes late as we got to the station. Shame that we just missed it as it's the one that term ages at LBG.

The Bognor service was sitting in platform 2 (up main) delayed due to staff shortage.one potion went off towards Bognore with the other out of service portion following a bit later. TheVic was about ten late and the Bedford service only four coaches so rather cozy today.


Ours 7 late so not as bad as long as they don't terminate it at ECR. More strikes highly likely after yesterday's talks ended between the union and GTR.


Last night I decided to fit ditch lights to an N scale Amtrak P42 this time with grain of rice bulbs as they supposedly work better than the LEDs that I have already fitted to some others.


They flash better but aren't bright enough despite being the correct wattage. So a little bit more of a play with that tonight to see what can be adjusted.

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DDolfelin, on 15 Aug 2016 - 21:11, said:

I am well aware of the impact on passengers but I'd be grateful if someone who knows about railways could sum up what the problems are with Southern that are causing all the mayhem.

I'm being asked about it in darkest Wales but I know nothing about railways.

Thanks for any assistance.

This article pretty much lays bare all of Southern's issues. http://www.londonreconnections.com/2016/railway-roulette/

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Morning from the valley of tears the Sheaf. As I told yesterday in almost comprehensible phone English, I bumped unexpectedly into my daughter, her husband and my twin granddaughters yesterday. She lives halfway towards our friend Mr Duck and rarely comes into Sheffield. I hadn't actually seen them for 2 years, receiving updates via sons and in-laws.


My Grandson has been down in Swansea at university for the last few years and has got a 2-1. Now he has informed his parents that he's not coming back home, preferring to stay there. 


He grew up there while his Dad was at uni, before coming back to Sheffield when he was about 10, so understandable. My daughter is now planning to move back down there herself when she has finished her current degree course here, to do yet another one, so she will be off within the next 18 months. Edumication is a wonderful thing. I think that after her next bout of learning she will become a teacher, she has been an assistant for a couple of years.


They kindly allowed me to treat them all to lunch at the 'spoons before disappearing into the wild blue yonder  (well of to Swansea) and I probably won't see them again for quite a while, though I have a feeling that she will be in town in February to let us all help her celebrate her 40th ...


And the shopping I was going to do was pretty much forgotten, but I had a much nicer day than I expected. Mrs off to Butterfly Farm today with grandkids, so a quiet rest day for me again.

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  • RMweb Gold

This article pretty much lays bare all of Southern's issues. http://www.londonreconnections.com/2016/railway-roulette/

This is very much my views especially that once guards are no longer required, all these other underlying issues wills then be exposed. The sheer number of signal failures and stock shortage being the up there with driver shortage.


Apparently buses in the Brighton and Hove area are so busy these days with passengers abandoning Southern that people are being left behind at bus stops. Add to that, there is a dispute between the bus operator and staff




RMT and camera crews outside LBG station at the moment. Apparently Corbyn was there.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning everyone.


Morning Debs.


Barry O said that he hopes "your presence may keep us in order", I seriously doubt it!


The sun is out and the trees are very still, the weather looks perfect for building sheds, I'll just sit and watch I think!


Up early breakfast consumed and tea drunk, I'm off now to get all the bins that I mentioned last night moved ready for the shed guys.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

I disagree Mick. He sideswiped the Korean who then took out 2 more.



Apologies - it was the Korean who turned slightly up the track as Cav came down -  a racing incident, probably 70/30 of Cav's doing




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Morning again now that the streets are aired (As the Sgts used to say when they ushered us out onto the streets on earlies).  The trip to Manchester and back went well and I was home 2 hours after setting off.  I then checked that the inside of my eyelids was OK for a while and am now sorting out the day.  The boss is up and off to fat club Various hints  orders have been issued and so some shopping is on the cards.   Hopefully some modelling ​will be done  at some point.  

​Mick, I hope that Karen's convalescence

​Regards to all the ailing, caring, cogitating etc.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning, just as well the front of the house which I will be painting today faces north and won't be in the sun until a short while in the evening.


This article pretty much lays bare all of Southern's issues. http://www.londonreconnections.com/2016/railway-roulette/

Haven't they thought of re-training guards as drivers?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Nice day here, quite cloudy but forecast to be clear and sunny later.

I think doggy walking will be soon to avoid the midday sun. A parcel will be arriving between 12.34 and 13.34 so I will need to be in then. Not trains, just a new graphics card for the PC. Things have moved on a bit since I bought anything for my computer. I did manage to buy the correct ram upgrade recently. Buying a graphics card doesn't seem to just be about whether it will fit in the appropriate socket on the board, but also whether the power supply cables have the right plugs. Also will it fit physically in the space available? We shall see!

Matthew seems to be enjoying Wroclaw. I think he will be gnome spotting on his walk today.


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