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Morning most, evening to some.


Andy.. You can't compare the NHS to Medicare. If you are on any form of medical insurance turn round times are faster than the NHS in the UK.


Off to Gildersome to do a bit of umpiring in a ladies game.


Have a nice time everyone.




Hi Baz,


Medicare health insurance isn't so different from the NHS. It's essentially "free" to anyone over 65, but typically it only covers 80% of the cost. Supplemental insurance is also available to anyone, and it covers the 20% gap. It only costs Lorna $110 a month and it's linked into the state run Medicare program so that all the billing is handled by Medicare.


Because Medicare sets maximum costs for procedures not all physicians accept Medicare patients, but most of them do in this part of the US.


Of course, for those who are under 65 and don't get private medical insurance subsidized by an employer, it can be very expensive to buy it for oneself. I was in that position for a while and it cost me around $400/month WITH a $7,500 deductible - meaning I was on the hook for the first $7,500 of any charges. Fortunately I didn't have any serious medical issues during that period.



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Great start to the evening what with a couple of pints of Pride, a lovely medium rare sirloin steak, a very nice Shiraz topped off by a fantastic gold medal for Max Whitlock. All that and the  possibility  certainty of more medals to come this evening.

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Had a lovely cold lunch on the warm front terrace this afternoon. Cold meats, soft cheeses, salad and bread washed down with a Leffe blonde. Its not often we get to sit out as it is usually to breezy but today was lovely.

More Leffe later. Mmmmmm

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We are collecting a ramp from son's tomorrow. The looks will be blistering!

For the last year Ruby has been putting her front paws on the back of the car and waiting for her rear end to be lifted in. Sometimes she forgets and just jumps in. She had a stroke three weeks ago and we prepared ourselves for the worst. Four days of falling over and unable to eat but she came back slowly and is now just about back to her normal self although we have reduced the lengths of her walks as she does tire quickly.

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Went into SWMBO's modelling box looking for an etched brass ladder. Bloody hell, she's got half the Langley and Scale Link catalogues in there. I'd forgot just how much stuff she'd accumulated over the years. I think a small 4mm layout to use up some of this stuff will be in my future.

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Today is the first time I've really had time to look at the Olympics.


What's happened to British sport? Second in the medal table and even more to come today.


A fairly relaxing day with a little bit of work done but mostly re-charging the batteries for the coming week

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Glad to hear that Karen's on the mend and best wishes to all those who's family (or pets) are under the weather. The triffids didn't put up much of a fight but their mortal remains more than filled the green bin. Kettles boiled so its now time for a mug or two of tea, bye for now.

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An excellent weekend.  Yesterday got to drive steam and electric locos at West Shore.  Lots of interest from visitors as they could see that most of the new track has now been laid.  All fingers crossed that the inner and outer sections will become one for the coming Bank Holiday.


Today, helping out at Penrhyn Quarry Railway (PQR), the day split between selling tickets, tea and coffee and getting some guard training.  After closing there was driver training on the diesels.  Not something I would have 'volunteered' for but I was invited to join the others. Then the fun really began.  First up was the Simplex - I didn't get past the clutch pedal because I found I didn't have the strength to push it to the floor much too everybody's amusement.  OK - Let's try the Ruston.  Not the quietest of locos but I had a go and got up and down a short section of the line but don't think it was all light work - the levers took some pulling.  Better get some practice. :training:



Best wishes for Karen and Mick and others ailing.



EDIT.  Forgot to mention - met two lovely guys from the Ratty at PQR.  Must try and get up there sometime.

Edited by southern42
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Evening all. I shall attempt to go to sleep soon as I said I will take Matthew to Stansted tomorrow morning. Now I am inclined to leave early for airports but I felt that as the earliest Matthew can check in for his 8am departure is 6am I didn't really feel that it was necessary to leave home at 4am. I don't want him to be anxious so,we will leave at 5am.



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A great three hours of golf with Son Pete today before he headed back to his usual weekdays of leave home at 6 am, arrive back home at 7 pm.  


Still, his annual salary would have taken me many years to match.


Oh, if you are wondering, I got the Silver Medal...... in the golf.......

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Great news Karen and Mick


John Best of Luck with the ramp we have never had much success with a ramp as none of our dogs would trust it. Fortunately the current pair are somewhat lighter. Monty is definitely get a bit cronky If I try to pick him up he will often jump up anyway. If I leave him to it he will wait to be picked up. Holly who tore her crucite ligament a couple of years back seems to have finally got back to full strength. She is back to jumping up to see what is being put into her bowl.


Polly you do seem to put in a lot of effort on these various lines


Regards All


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good game of cricket at Gildersome today. Bradford ladies beat Bardsey in a great game.. the teas were very nice! Other than scoring a game next Saturday that is me done till 3rd September,


Sleep well (morning/evening to others!)



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Good evening everyone.


Quite a relaxing evening after having had steak and ale pie, served with mini potatoes and veg for tea, this was washed down with a nice mug of earl grey, followed later in the evening with a glass of red. The rest of the evening was spent relaxing reading a couple of magazines.


Off to bed now as I'm bucking follocksed, I don't think I'll have trouble sleeping tonight.


Goodnight all.

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Morning all. Moan-day has dawned sunny but still the heater is turned off.


A full-on day yesterday with sun bringing the hordes into the City meaning even the quite generous Sunday service (every 10 or every 20 minutes according to line) generated standing loads every trip all morning and again in the late afternoon.  Buses replacing trains on four lines.  Train versus person (after I left the Palace so I don't yet know the score) late evening shut down everything to the south-east which already had buses in place farther out and would have resulted in nightmare trips for many.  I suspect from the clearance time it wasn't fatal on this occasion.


The cold is slowly abating.  I can see straight now and can manage a couple of hours between sneezes.  It's taken up residence with SWMBO however who is currently taking the first of what I expect to be several days in bed.


Better news from the parents is that father is managing "three very small meals" most days but is still confined to the bedroom.  He has a walking frame to assist bathroom visits but finds it clumsy.  They have also been awarded Attendance Allowance meaning some domestic and gardening chores can be paid for rather than struggled with.


No news yet on the Dilemma of Horns.  SWMBO has a Skype interview next week which must include a multimedia presentation.  I have been examining the property market and finding, not at all to my surprise, that anything larger than a matchbox is unaffordable and those matchboxes we might afford are in unsuitable locations.  The horns seem to be growing.  I guess if she's not the successful interviewee it will all fade away to nought.


Off to the Holy Place once more in an hour.  Once more tomorrow then five days off from Woden's Day.  Best wishes to all and apologies for being unable to back-track, rate and reply.

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Another busy weekend with no chance to check the message, sorry. Congratulations and commiserations as necessary.


Saturday quick trip tot he cabin to "mow" as we have to do that when it's our turn up there, but no time to enjoy the place as we had to get the final clearing out of the rental property done. The house closes on Wednesday and it's then "all over" :)


Sunday managed to go to the "Twins" baseball game with friends, then back home to get packed/prepped for our trip out to Billings to get Jemma moved back.



Trevor made his engagement "official" today with a lovely day at the cabin for the two of them and some delightful photos of the two of them.


Will be somewhat offline until Thursday unless I get some free time en route somehow.

Tomorrow (Monday) a true ER as we will leave here at 7AM, heading out to Billings on the 9AM flight - Trevor the Mrs and myself.

Arrive Billings around 10:30AM, rent truck at 1PM, pack load, and hopefully checked into a local hotel by 6-7PM.

We start the drive back Tuesday morning, stopping half-way that evening in Bismarck, North Dakota. Then on to home arriving sometime Wednesday late afternoon.


Weather has been exceptional here all weekend and expected to be the same the next few days for the whole trip - high 20's and no rain/storms.


Hope you had a good weekend, and the week goes well for everyone.

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Morning all. A very warm night which meant that I didn't sleep too well. Plenty of coffee being consumed to counteract the effects.


Mick - Good news about Karen.


Rick - Great to see that you're improving just a pity about SWMBO


Today looks like it will be varied and difficult for many reasons.


Have a good day everyone

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