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  • RMweb Premium

I got a lot of stick from an earlier line manager she tried to have me sacked, but it dawned on me that I was not alone she was trying to get us all to quit one way or another and p-ssing off the management apart from the one she was having an affair with!

Eventually she was persuaded to go and my new manager couldn't be a bigger contrast. So good luck tomorrow Dave and I hope you get somebody better instead.

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That's funny - I had a rough night too which is why I got up at 3:00am to make a nice cup of tea (found another place that stocks fresh PG Tips - hooray for small mercies) I kept getting this very real sense of unease whilst laying awake and in my dreams.....I'm debating whether to go back for another hour.


Best, Pete.


No wonder I felt uneasy; my friend and musical brother in arms Barry Weber died last night. Father, Husband to Sonja, his life positively touched everybody he met. Apart from being one of the most amazing slide guitarists I've heard ever, he was a pre-eminent authority on antique jewelry and was a frequent appraiser on the TV show Antiques Roadshow (American version).

Most of all he was a lovely and generous person.

Rest in peace, Baz.



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  • RMweb Gold

Pete, put on anything you have of him playing slide, crank it up and smile - even if you can only do this in your head.


How can people play slide - it's so hard! I just end up making a cacophony as all the other strings resonate.


Kettle's on Mr. R!

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Pete, put on anything you have of him playing slide, crank it up and smile - even if you can only do this in your head.


How can people play slide - it's so hard! I just end up making a cacophony as all the other strings resonate.


Kettle's on Mr. R!


Yep, me too! I'm hopeless. Most non-guitarists think that slide is easy; a good player just makes it look easy.............I try and link to one of his videos later, Phil.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

PS Please get back to cheering me up soonest, you guys!


Firstly, Pete, my sympathies to you, and I am sure that you will pull up soon - as I said a few days ago, it sounds like your friend was one of the good guys, and there's going to be a lot to celebrate, as he seems to have achieved something. Of course there will be pain - there always is when the good guys go, but with time, the good memories stay, and the sad ones of his last days dissipate.


Now then, to cheer you up - and this is a bittersweet tale about another good guy - my dad who was a good musician. However, like most musicians, he liked his tipple, and kept a bottle of Scotch in the house so he could have a nightcap when he got home from a gig. My mother, on the other hand, was not anti drink, but felt that he liked his Scotch a bit too much, so she secretly marked the bottle to keep an eye on his post gig consumption. When he died (very suddenly) we had a wake back at the house after the funeral, and my mum decided to use up the last of his bottle of Scotch, so the guests could have a drink in his memory. The bottle was duly produced and checked to see that it was still at the old mark - it was, so my brother poured himself a small one, and said we could not serve this to the guests, as although the quantity was the same as before, the quality was not, as my dad had been up to the marking, and each time he had taken a shot from the bottle, he topped it up from the tap - so he had the last laugh at his own funeral. I think if he had not been gone, my mum would have killed him that day. We had to rush to the local offie for some full strength whisky before the guests coud drink his memory!


It's cold here today, minus 1, so heating has been running for a while.


I'll check back later, as I've got a guitar to finish off (new pickup came yesterday) and also the builder's coming to sort out one or two minor snags with the new downstairs cloakroom.


BTW - Tom Bosley who was in Happy Days also passed away yesterday or this morning.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,


Sad news Pete. Strange how we can sometimes sense a disturbance in our world. Remember those good times and the music.


Is the water boiled yet Mr. H?




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That's rough news, Pete.

Remember the good times.



I only asked for an update on your thread and now we have something longer than a book out of the old testament going on.

Just shows what interest there is in your fabulous work.

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Guest Max Stafford

Best wishes from this end too Pete, I lost my old ma two years today and can't believe quite how fast those two years have gone. Like the man said though, remember all the good times, they'll always shine through the other stuff. Agreed re the slide blues. Utterly superb and hard as hell to play, though to be honest I struggle enough with chord changes - I'm utterly hopeless! I've only really started playing again and I'm struggling to learn anything. :D Knowing where to start would be a good help!

Any suggestions, guys? I have the overwhelming urge to try and knock out some tunes!



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  • RMweb Premium

Any suggestions, guys? I have the overwhelming urge to try and knock out some tunes!


Start with the very basics until your fingers get used to the pressure of the strings, and initially get the left hand (if you're right handed so what I mean is the hand that is on the fretboard) working with the movements up and down the frets - once you can cope with a few simple chord changes eg G/C/D7, D/G/A7, E/A/B7 then move on a bit. Don't start with the barre chords (ie the ones that need a finger across all the strings) as the noise that you make will just make you demoralised.


Unfortunately, I don't think Bert Weedon's Play In A Day is in print any longer, but I used that to learn the basics, as did many very distinguished players (I think I once read that Clapton started with that book) but if you can find a copy, it will stand you in good stead.


My dad was a pro musician and music teacher, and he insisted that I learn the theory of music and a bit about how chords are constructed, and how they relate to one another. It did me little good, as most of the folks I played with in bands had no such training and just did thinng by feel, ear and instinct, and it all worked just as well, so just follow the chord symbols and you should get on fine.


BTW I fibbed when I said I was off - checking the parcel, one of the parts that I'm waiting for to fettle the last guitar was missing, and is marked as to follow on the invoice, and it should be here later today when and if the post arrives.


Edit - part's here, I'm off.

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I'm envious of anyone who can master the guitar.

Years ago, after many tortuous hours of concentration I managed to finger pick Fur Elise but knew that I would never get any better - or further.

Occasionally I would 'play' a few, very impressive, bars of Fur Elise and then put the guitar aside as if I wasn't in the mood to play.

Something similar to sitting at SWMBO's keyboard and pressing the Demo button.

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  • RMweb Gold


It is now sunny here but still cold. I took Aditi down to the station this morning at 6.20 and it was only 1C which is rather cooler than it has been. The station visit was because my wife didn't want to drive to Milton Keynes this morning. She is attending a meeting at the Open University. Of all people I would have thought they would do them by electronic means!



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  • RMweb Premium

I'm envious of anyone who can master the guitar.

A great but unknown guitarist once told me you never master the guitar and you are learning until the day you go off to the big gig in the sky - he's there now and he's probably still learning as many many great players have joined that band - Jimi, Django, Chet, and the much missed Marcel Dadi.

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Hi all. I have been about and read the posts each day but didn't have anything to say.

I've just finished that problem report and have submitted it to the client, but have no doubt that I'll be called back to validate the output.

Thanks for the Jamie update, Mike. It must be facinating to oberve he progress. :rolleyes:

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  • RMweb Gold

Hmph. Think I may have had a migraine attack this morning - headache, queasy stomach, followed by a wrung out feeling which is still there as I'm typing this.


Have you made any progress in determining what triggers your migraines?






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  • RMweb Premium

Can't say for sure. However, the weather has been rather unsteady over the last several days, so this would seem to be the most likely option at this moment. I was also suspecting I might have a moderate lactose intolerance, so I avoided normal dairy products for the last week and a half and got some lactose-free milk, and am having the impression the stomach problems which I tended to have after consuming yoghurt or other standard products have subsided significantly.

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Pete, put on anything you have of him playing slide, crank it up and smile - even if you can only do this in your head.


How can people play slide - it's so hard! I just end up making a cacophony as all the other strings resonate.


Kettle's on Mr. R!


Phil, Here's one, Barry switches to slide about halfway through and does a modal thing. Don't forget here he is just demoing an amp the "Zagray!" made in Sweden by Tube Wonder (Aleks Niemand):





Best, Pete.

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Sorry Dave, it is in print, and here's a source



It has been the learner's bible for many years


Eric Clapton started with that!

So did I but perhaps I ought to revisit it - hours of playing "Drink to me only with thine eyes" - no wonder British guitarists of a certain age sound so similar.......


Best, Pete.




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  • RMweb Gold

Phil, Here's one, Barry switches to slide about halfway through and does a modal thing. Don't forget here he is just demoing an amp the "Zagray!" made in Sweden by Tube Wonder (Aleks Niemand):





Best, Pete.


Good stuff - he was having fun, that's the way to remember him.


Nice sounds out of the git as well.

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