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  • RMweb Gold

I was just thinking about how alcohol is now explicitly forbidden on the "metronom" regional trains in the Lower Saxony/Bremen/Hamburg area, the reasons for which having been stated as preventing passengers from being molested by intoxicated persons on one hand and reducing waste (and cleaning effort) on the other.




It isn't only alcohol (other substances are also available ...) that is the problem. While waiting to catch the train home from Lakeside someone incoherently threatened to stab (I believe shank was the term used) Matthew with a plastic flower pot..



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It isn't only alcohol (other substances are also available ...) that is the problem. While waiting to catch the train home from Lakeside someone incoherently threatened to stab (I believe shank was the term used) Matthew with a plastic flower pot..


If it wasn't so serious, that would actually be funny.


I do wonder what the world is coming to - particularly having just come back from a very pleasant afternoon in Hastings and seen what a sorry state the pier is in. :(


Quite frankly, those little scum that burnt it down should be made to work twelve hours a day, six days a week to put it right with their own hands. :angry:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Both dark and wet outside and we're predicted to get more rain till about noon. Yesterday's course went well, though we didn't really get into the topic yet and were just informed about the course outline. I figure today'll be not much different - there really isn't too much going on in the first week yet. It did feel kind of exciting, though - perhaps it was simply the fact that I'll now be learning something new again :) .


Tony - um, yeah, there sure are weird folk out there - another thing which appears to be much the same on both sides of the Channel. However, over the years I have also seen people on trains whom I genuinely felt sorry for - there was, for example, one young man (late 20s, I'd think) who had a habit of engaging in conversation with other passengers, telling them how he had a severe car accident in his teens, suffered brain damage and was in a coma for a long time. I did believe him, in fact, as he did have surgical scars around the head and had both serious problems with his walking - requiring crutches - and speech deficits.


Have a good day all!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

There would appear to be a few blue patches showing through the grey sky at the moment . I haven't been out yet so I'm not sure how cold it is. Cars are covered in condensation rather than frost though.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Bright and cold here at the mo. Not a lot happening this morning, I'll call back later, as I had a bad night and am going to take advantage of the chance of some extra kip.


Regards to all


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, nice and bright here. I had a lousy night too, in my case though it was thinking about how to refine my point making technique. I've always been the same - when I'm doing something be it modelling, diy, machining a lump of a steam engine for the MHR, whatever, I always seem to review the day's activities when I should be going to sleep. Mind you, that's when I mostly come up with how to do something or a better way of doing things - trouble is next day I'm too knackered to implement these ideas.


Never mind.

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That's funny - I had a rough night too which is why I got up at 3:00am to make a nice cup of tea (found another place that stocks fresh PG Tips - hooray for small mercies) I kept getting this very real sense of unease whilst laying awake and in my dreams.....I'm debating whether to go back for another hour.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Blue sky with a few high-level oktas. That can't be right? Not sure what is in store today. I suppose I could make a start on the strategy pitch I didn't start yesterday!


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, nice and bright here. I had a lousy night too, in my case though it was thinking about how to refine my point making technique. I've always been the same - when I'm doing something be it modelling, diy, machining a lump of a steam engine for the MHR, whatever, I always seem to review the day's activities when I should be going to sleep. Mind you, that's when I mostly come up with how to do something or a better way of doing things - trouble is next day I'm too knackered to implement these ideas.



Yeah, I know that as well - turning modelling ideas over and over and not finding any rest. Does this hobby not dominate us at times? :lol:

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  • RMweb Premium

I find the best time for imagining how I want to model my chosen location is when I'm swimming. Bizarre...


Perhaps this is some kind of an unconscious urge to integrate a train ferry into your scenario? :D

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  • RMweb Gold

I find the best time for imagining how I want to model my chosen location is when I'm swimming. Bizarre...


I'm such a poor swimmer, all I can think about is breathing once more.




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Guest Max Stafford

Well I can testify to that for sure. I've been off work for a week due to an unpleasant situation involving an oppressive supervisor. The long route marches in the woods have really helped get my thoughts in order a great deal. Also after a visit from my inspector today, it looks like the situation will have a positive resolution too which is a great relief as things had seriously been getting to me. My position appears to have been vindicated.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good to hear that, Dave :) . I've long held the belief that conflict serves no purpose other than drawing and fortifying borders between people, and it would seem the situation you described was a good example - also in requiring a honest broker to bring down the wall, to paraphrase a certain U.S. president from the 80s.

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