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Early Risers.


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FIL still in hospital - awaiting heart socialist - (the autocorrect has just made that word out of specialist) - maybe medication, maybe pacemaker.


Tomorrow his dog's going to visit all day. That'll make him happy.


As we're in Cornwall we're relying on phone updates.

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Robbie will be off for a consultation with his surgeon tomorrow afternoon. We will have to go to Laindon. Hopefully he can have his operation (removing benign tumours from parathyroid glands) soon.

He seems generally quite fit so hopefully this problem will be dealt with before it becomes serious.


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ERs specialises in demonstrating what shit life can be. 


My cleaner Alison, 51, has for some months been in a relationship with a French farmer. He is 56, divorced, fit, lean, decent - Sherry and I have met him. He is wooing her properly - despite living 250 km apart, he takes her for meals, they go to the pictures. Classic romantic stuff. Today he learnt he needs heart surgery. I only have sketchy details, but tea and coffee are already verboten. This does not sound like a temporary setback.


Not for the first time, I say, some of us don't know how lucky we are.


Sleep well, all. 

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I was hoping to spend some time trawling through some of the threads this evening, but, my first night as duty manager has meant that most of it has been spent on the phone.


Andy - Happy anniversary to yourself and Sarah


Night all

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  • RMweb Gold

ERs specialises in demonstrating what shit life can be. 


My cleaner Alison, 51, has for some months been in a relationship with a French farmer. He is 56, divorced, fit, lean, decent - Sherry and I have met him. He is wooing her properly - despite living 250 km apart, he takes her for meals, they go to the pictures. Classic romantic stuff. Today he learnt he needs heart surgery. I only have sketchy details, but tea and coffee are already verboten. This does not sound like a temporary setback.


Not for the first time, I say, some of us don't know how lucky we are.


Sleep well, all. 


There are quite a lot of people walking about getting on with their lives after heart surgery so with luck it may not be as bad as you fear.


It is odd what really affects your life. A friend on the Isle of Wight had heart trouble and had a bypass op. They also discovered he had a wheat intolerance. He also had 'turns' when he feels all cold and clammy gets rushed to hospital but they can find nothing wrong. However the biggest blight on his life is the fact that he had been a senior manager but the company went belly up and with it their pensions. So despite his health problems he has had to keep working till past 70. Because the state pension would not be enough to keep going with the problems caused by the redundancy  (redundancy money used up trying to find another job mid fifties). However he is fairly happy day to day . There are others who have life much easier apart from the fact they are beset with mental problems like depression which can take all the joy out of life. So I would agree some of us don't know how lucky we are, but others may not know or realise how unlucky we may be. 


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Most items on my list achieved although I missed the getting paintwork ready for repaint.. that is on the list for tomorrow.


Sleep well and for those in the southern hemisphere .. have a nice day!



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Andy congrats on your anniversary. enjoyed the Tropiquaria I thought it might suit a young child. Nice picture of the 7F. Watchet Station is a bit odd as the Station building is end on to the platform. That's because it was originally a terminus (and broad gauge) and later extended to Minehead. 


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Good evening everyone.


I had a good swim this evening, really enjoyed it, however, considering I've not been for three weeks I still managed a mile in 00:49:00, so very pleased with that.


On the way home it started to rain, within 10 minutes of getting my foot though the door, it chucked it down. It's been on and off ever since.


But it's getting late now, so it's off to bed.


Andy. Happy 6th anniversary.



Goodnight all.

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Happy anniversary, Andy.



Me.  The Bishop of Truro in the 1950s was Edmund Morgan, who would have been about seventy by then.  He was of the high church persuasion.  I doubt if he would have had a summer costume, so in a black coat but he might not be wearing his rochet or gaiters.  Just a guess, but I think he would be in a black shirt.  Definitely a cross, but may not be visible.




Thanks, Bill.  That's a great help.


3 of 4 figures now painted - just the bishop to do, this round, anyway (meaning I still have a few more to do).



But it's 'night all and nos da for now.

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Morning all. Cloudy outside this morning and a greater chance of getting wet later on.


An extra coffee infusion is going to be required before heading to site.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning All,


We have a reasonably bright morning, but there is some quite heavy cloud approaching, so there may be some rain later on.


A belated Happy Anniversary to Andy and Sarah.


As for the Southern train - What a mess!  The last time I travelled it was with South Eastern, and I thought at the time that the rolling stock doesn't look as if it has been built to last.  When you think how long the CEPs, VEPs and EPBs lasted - there is no way that this new stuff is going to last anywhere near as long.  I guess it must be built down to a pretty tight price?


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


It is still too humid to rush about so the task of assembling what I need to take on holiday with me is proceeding at a stately pace.  It would be a good idea to ring the kind people who will be making me cups of tea on the way.  A week and a half at a music festival is such a change from what passes for normal in my life but can be hectic thanks to the genius who does the programming and offers many agonising choices for patrons.  Never mind, people: let me worry about that.  Before I set off there are a few little jobs to be done.  One of them could have been done yesterday if only I had remembered, to wit buying a ball of string so that my tomato plant will not flop all over the garden in my absence.


It looks as though I will need to pack the cough linctus.  This is disappointing and potentially ruinous since it is not considered appropriate to cough all the way through a concert.  The wretched ailment has now plagued me for over a fortnight and I wish it gone.


Best wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, coughing, grieving, missing and depressed.  I see we are on page 5066 so all hail to the late great Sir Felix Pole.



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Morning all from the boring borough. Supposed to be at corporate hellquarters today but to quote Edmund Blackadder "phew my leg hurts". It should be good enough to fool Baldrick err project manager. Knee acting up, no actual work, and a man coming to look at the front garden to provide a quote on removing all the concrete finally.


We're hoping that putting in permanent planting with some higher shrubs, trees and a new (higher) front wall it will dampen the street noise. Over the 8 years we've lived here the traffic has increased exponentially to the point where we can't leave the front bedroom window open at night. Also hoping the increased planting will help lower the dust and particulate in the air. We saw this on a BBC programme a couple of years ago where just a couple of small trees between the road and the house reduced the particulate in the indoor air by around 40%. Technically I could do this myself with a breaker but the cost of the rental plus the cost of removing all the material its only about £100 less than the initial guestimate to get them to do the lot.


edit: Fat fingers posted this while I was still typing.


Happy belated anniversary Andy & Sarah


Have a great day everyone.

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Morning from a sunny Surrey.

Trains a bit messed up this morning just for a change!

A few earlier trans cancelled due to crew shortage, both Southern and Thameslink.

Ours is short formed and now delayed at a Gatwick (with think). Other trains coming in late but no real reason given.

At least we have a short week.




trackside fire near Gatwick

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Morning all

On the news they were talking about deliveries by drone were to be tried out. When you consider how much is carried in delivery vans put that lot into a separate drone for each parcel the sky would be full of them buzzing about over our heads.  Who would be able to spot the terrorist driven one on its way to deliver a bomb to No 10 although no doubt No 10 will have a no go fly area above it.



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Good morning all!


Wondering how today will work out (I had thought of saying pan out, but given that I am preparing for tomorrow's examination, I thought better of it as that is probably be where I spend most of the day!)


Wishes, thoughts, greetings (belated or otherwise) to all in need as usual

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Who would be able to spot the terrorist driven one on its way to deliver a bomb to No 10 although no doubt No 10 will have a no go fly area above it.




A lot of drone originates there anyway.

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Morning all.

Pleasant morning.

The tidying of Matthew's room will continue today. Robbie will need a brushing so that he looks tidy for the vet this afternoon.


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Morning all from an overcast village. The morning traffic is crawling past the top of the drive amd it sounds as if morning orders will be issued shortly when my other half descends. The cats have been fed and I'm relaxing watching Breakfast and the lovely Carol.


Yesterday went well. Tony's fineral was well attended and my contributions seem to have been appreciated. I even had a little display of Red O gauge locos on a stone shlf across the chanel. All made by Tony. The music was well received and relfected both railway and the RAF with the Spitfire March and The Coronation Scot amongst other pieces. Even though it took a lot of work it was a privilege to be able to take aprt.


The day got better with a good evening modelling at the clubroom, and the cricket result made the day good as well.


Today I've got a committee meeting this morning for the Tram Society then hopefully I may even get into my modelling room.


Regards to all.



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Morning everyone.


Once again it's dull and grey and by the look of it it's been raining throughout the night too.


Yet again I've to spend the day in the orifice, but at least at some point in the day I'll be discussing with my manager, the extra 2 days a month holiday (pre-retirement days) that I'll be getting as of next week.


Back later.

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Hey up!

Belated Anniversary wishes to Andy & Sarah.


I await full instructions but expect delivery of a new mattress before 6pm today.this will be lugged upstairs and a bed frame needs putting together for it to rest on. I will need help moving another bed into junior Herbert's old room...all because of a visitor for the ODI.


Stay calm and I hope you have a peaceful 24hours


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