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Wise choice Ian. My main computer is an HP Envy with 16 gb of memory running Windows 8.1 - it had two sets of video drivers, one for the onboard display card and another for the dedicated nVidia card. There was no way I would allow Microsnot to update that lot to Windows 10, apart from which I have the machine configured exactly how I like it and it runs o.k.


Dave - of course I was trying to be "cheap" and upgrade whilst it's free. Funny thing is, the PC that "sucked" was/is my Flight Sim PC, and the most powerful/up-to-date of all I have. Leaving it on 7 for now.

By contrast, my "carppiest" PC is the one I run JMRI on, that upgraded perfectly (albeit took 22 HOURS) and runs fine/better than before, hence my enthusiasm with the possibility. Then again the JMRI machine doesn't have multi-screen bells/whistles yet. Thinking of adding a large flat screen to run the layout diagram and route windows on - I suppose it'll NOT work if I try it <grr>

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Good evening everyone.


We had a bit of a lie in this morning, I think yesterday must have taken it out of us, but it was very enjoyable all the same.


A beautiful sunny and very warm day, it was probably a bit too warm for me but I wanted to get on, so I went straight outside and fitted the handrails to the workshop, which is now complete and looks really good, even if I say so myself, SWMBO is absolutely delighted.




Mick. You took some great photos whilst on your bike ride.


Peanuts. Welcome to ERs, we're all quite friendly here, but also little bit nuts too. You don't have to be mad to be on here, but it might help! Hope you manage to find meaningful employment soon.


Lurker. Happy Birthday enjoy the cakes and biscuits.


Back later.

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Happy Birthday Lurker.


Just a quick visit now to get caught up a bit more.


Reading the tales of commuting on South Eastern, Southern, and SWT (or as I still think of them, South Eastern Division, Central Division, and South Western Division), I am so pleased that I no longer need to exchange beer/modelling tokens for an annual season ticket.


Back tomorrow

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Yet another day that nearly went to plan. I managed POETS but the traffic getting back from Reading decided that I didn't deserve one.


Peanuts - Not good news. I hope that you can find something suitable. Welcome to the mad world of ER's


Debs - You've certainly brightened up my day.


Don - PM sent


Lurker - Happy birthday.


Thinking of those ailing, supporting, recovering and missing

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Happy Birthday Lurker.


Had a busy day weathering ballast and an A4... no watching a T20. 



Sleep well all!



Edited by Barry O
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Finally, after weeks of too many interuptions, I crept out to the workshop this afternoon, and made up two yards of battened track which I then took outside,


It was laid on the sub ballast, levelled, and I placed and packed the top dressing.


I didn't even have time to put the tools away before it started to rain.


Two hours later and it's still coming down.


Perhaps I'd be better off going down to the not so parched hollow and making up some mud!

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Good evening all!


Pleasant day; light sea breezes, blue sky, customers who really shouldn't be let loose with electrics.


I have 9 PCs/ Laptops now with W10 and the ones upgraded all perform much better than they did. However I have one win 7 pc that is identical to one of the upgraded ones - it downloads w10 but wont install it.


IIRC, the first space shuttle launch was delayed because 3 of the 4 computers disagreed with the 4th. Turned out the 3 were wrong! I see similarities here!


Good evening everyone.

We had a bit of a lie in this morning, I think yesterday must have taken it out of us, but it was very enjoyable all the same.

A beautiful sunny and very warm day, it was probably a bit too warm for me but I wanted to get on, so I went straight outside and fitted the handrails to the workshop, which is now complete and looks really good, even if I say so myself, SWMBO is absolutely delighted.


Mick. You took some great photos whilst on your bike ride.

Peanuts. Welcome to ERs, we're all quite friendly here, but also little bit nuts too. You don't have to be mad to be on here, but it might help! Hope you manage to find meaningful employment soon.

Lurker. Happy Birthday enjoy the cakes and biscuits.

Back later.


Nice image; looks almost like a Piko G scale kit!


Sleep as well as you can under the ambient conditions (heat, grief, suffering, etc., etc.)

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I've shown solidarity and empathy with you poor suffering commuters by reclining on the settee to watch the T de F on the Tele. Not at all a smug retired git in the slightest.Jamie

I have lots of names for people like you.

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Evenin' all. Hot again. Not much done today: I've not been sleeping well for various reasons including a niggling sharp pain in one foot that appears resistant to pain killers and at its worse when lying down. A GP visit next week I think. I've been up stupidly early on several mornings watching TV news from around the world until depression drove me back for more attempted kip. I keep dozing off during the  day instead.


Happy Birthday Lurker. Nunc est bibendum.


Good wishes to all.



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Llanfairfechan for lunch while waiting for youngest to arrive by train, got her to get off here instead of Bangor, Arrival time from RTT though it soon became apparent that she would be late - it's not only the south east that has delays!  Still, time for an extra coffee was welcome and a longer read of the mags.  Did you know....Hah hum...OK...I'll spare you the details.... :mosking:


Sun retreated so no blue sky or sea this afternoon.




H a p p y  B i r t h d a y

L u r k e r


W e l c o m e to  E R s

P e a n u t s.


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Yes, a HB for Lurkio!


The day got drier by the time the visitors arrived and we ran trains all afternoon on the garden railway.  Lush.


Then had a meal out at the pub (THE pub - small village!) with the friend who is going to Bonneville salt flats world speed records - a sort of calm down day for him now the bike has been shipped off.  His Mrs has a LONG list of jobs for him, that have been ignored for a year while he built the bike.

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Talking of Southern, one of our directors decided ot go to the pub at 4.30pm so he switched the lights out and we all had to leave the office.


As I was driving this evening to mums to see nephews and SIL before they return to HK I couldnt go for beer.


So I got to LBG in time to catch the earleir train but decided to sit and wait for my other half. Good job I did as that failed outside LBG and Southern terminated it at New Cross Gate. I have seen photos of a wedged station.


Our train doesnt stop there so they may well have still been there as we went past.


My nephews had been staying with my other brother in Devon. He had bought some marbles for them to give back to mum. Luckily she  has a good sense of humour!!

Edited by roundhouse
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Good evening once again.


As today was Friday it mean that it was chimps tea party, the three youngest grandchildren round after school. I made cottage pie for tea, as it had been requested when they were here last week.


Tonight they watched the first Harry Potter film and SWMBO amazed them all with her vast knowledge of the subject.


After we'd dropped them back home, we popped to the Trafford Centre to pick up one or two things that SWMBO wanted. I'm glad we didn't stop too long as as usual it was full of the usual cockwombles, plus even more henwobbles. Although I did manage to pick up a copy of BRM so it wasn't all bad!


Upon on our return home the evening was then spent relaxing with a glass of wine and catching up on a bit of recorded TV


Terrible news from Munich.


Time for bed now, goodnight all.

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Morning all.  Happy Birthday to the Lurking One.


Suffered violent wind overnight.  Woke, went to the bathroom and closed the window.  That kept the wind outside ;)  Intermittent hail storms in the wind made for a noisy night as we have a "tin" roof.  


Wet and windy morning means there is no chance of tidying up Muddy Hollow (rear) (Australian version) despite the need being urgent.  


Back later.  Sleep well until then.

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well here i am again may i say a massive thank you to all who indicated theyre support yesterday it does mean a lot when strangers go out of there way to be thoughtfull especialy when they have troubles of theyre own so god bless you all 


 hopefully this beautiful weather can remain as my day is planned to be filled with young ladys jumping around the woods in theyre underwear in front of  my camera  

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