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If you have the sense to choose the custom install rather than the Microsoft recommended settings you can turn off a lot of data collecting. Whether I have turned it all off is hard to say.


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If you have the sense to choose the custom install rather than the Microsoft recommended settings you can turn off a lot of data collecting. Whether I have turned it all off is hard to say.




But they'll be forcing us to have it at work. I'm not impressed.

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A friend from SEGOG has a massive stroke a couple of months ago. What with time lag pertaining to monthly meetings, my holiday and Lord's, I didn't contact the care home until Tuesday. Planning to go today, I rang the home to check visiting hours, to be told that he died yesterday. RIP Maurice Baker.



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Good evening all!


Somewhat overcast and a little chillier today on this part of the coast. Trains running as advertised too!


Morning everyone.

... It only water and you sit in that in the bath! ...

Back later.


Best dress code for this time of year is T-shirt & shorts - if it rains, skin dries out a lot quicker than waterproofs!


Yes the whole book!!




POTS day tomorrow. Hopefully, my thumbs will be back in action; can't use either of them ATM; have to hold the pint with both hands! Ouch!


Night All.

Edited by JohnDMJ
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  • RMweb Gold

Good evening all!


Somewhat overcast and a little chillier today on this part of the coast. Trains running as advertised too!



Best dress code for this time of year is T-shirt & shorts - if it rains, skin dries out a lot quicker than waterproofs!





POTS day tomorrow. Hopefully, my thumbs will be back in action; can't use either of them ATM; have to hold the pint with both hands! Ouch!


Night All.

Are you up for a few pints on Saturday?

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Evenin' all,


Best regards to any that ail


Today was the day of Is's funeral and I'm pleased to say that it was a lovely occasion to be part of, was well attended and more importantly, I'm sure that she would have approved. The following three pictures were taken yesterday whilst her friends were decorating our church in readiness.....







A few legal aspects still to sort but most of the work is done now.


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



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  • RMweb Premium



a lot of love coming through in the flower arrangements. I am glad that all went well and I hope the legal aspects don't drag on.



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  • RMweb Premium

Quick game to umpire tonight.


Raised an issue re computer scoring on facebook... ooh err more discussions than 4 Yorkshiremen deciding who's round it is.


Sleep well all! For those in the southern hemisphere ..hope you have a great day



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I don't know why, although I can guess,  but I'm totally fed up. Absolutely no motivation or energy to do anything that I don't have to.


Bill - Really sorry to hear of your news


Dave - My thoughts are with you. I seriously hope that it went well.


Another early start again tomorrow back to the Reading area. Hopefully the day will go to plan. Time for bed and at least it's a bit cooler tonight.


Thinking of those ailing, supporting, recovering and missing


Night all

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Enjoyed watching 'Full steam ahead' on BBC2 this evening, the best bit IMHO was the ride on the Ffestiniog gravity train. Interesting in that the program concentrates on the social changes bought about by the railways but still plenty there for the enthusiasts.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


We had a great day at the flower show today. I didn't find the tools that I was looking for, but I've ordered my new shed. I got a great deal too, as I managed to bag an ex "Hampton Court Flower Show" display model, which was over a third off the normal price. It's comes ready painted AND includes delivery and installation, RESULT. For the first time we didn't buy any plants either. SWMBO saw some, but as I'm hoping to give the garden a makeover next year, I thought it best if we wait.


The weather was very kind to us, cloudy for most of the day, which kept the temperature down. When it finally did rain, which wasnt until mid-afternoon, we were taking to an artist friend at her stall inside one of the marquee's, so we didn't get wet and by the time we walked back to the car it had all but stopped!


After tea I once again ventured into what SWMBO calls "the man cave" and again applied paint to the handrails and spindles. Four coats now applied and tomorrow, weather permitting I'll fit them.


Whilst in the USA a few years back, we got a free upgrade as the compact car that I'd booked on line months before was unavailable, oh and our upgrade was a Ford Mustang convertible.


John. The like is for the attitude of your FiL.. long may it continue.


Stewart. What a nice gesture from the kennel owner.


Dave. The church looked lovely, glad that it all went well, thoughts with you.


Bill. Very sad news, sorry to hear it.


Off to bed now.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium



Dave. The church looked lovely, glad that it all went well, thoughts with you. 


Bill. Very sad news, sorry to hear it.


My sentiments exactly.  Thoughts with Dave and with Bill today.


On the home front father continues a very slow decline and is now confined upstairs between bedroom and bathroom though is managing three "meals" a day; each consists of a spoonful of something mushy.  SWMBO is back at work today though not feeling her best; she has a Most Important Meeting with her board of directors at some point which I'm sure I shall hear more about later.


Heavy rain overnight.  Spots on the kitchen floor again.  I'm darned if I can find the spot it's leaking through.  Chickens found paddling in a quagmire of which Hippo might have been proud; they're now free-ranging the back yard enjoying weeds and what ever else they can find.  There's nothing important growing so no need to keep them off the veggie beds.


POETS Day not applicable; I'm booked off anyway.  Shall I clean the house or the layout?


St. Austell Proper Job IPA to accompany what ever we choose for dinner tonight.  It's travelled well and it's worth the effort.


Best wishes to all.

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Morning all. A bit cloudy and only a slight chance of rain, but at least it's still warm.


Another decent nights sleep and still feel carp. Lots of coffee to consume.


Still feeling fed up and although I know what that means I still don't know the cause.


Mick - Some stunning photos of the ride.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all, with special thoughts to Dave and Bill


I did very little yesterday apart from ironing, going out for a blood test and taking late lunch.  I find humidity uncomfortable and too much moving about compounds the problem.  In these conditions anything that involves moving about is best done early in the day so I might just gamble the parking space on doing the fodder run a bit early.  At least the supermarket will be cool.  At least also the cough shows signs of easing and not before time.


On Sunday members of the HMRS area group will be going to Quainton Road.  This is a preservation site that I have not visited for a frighteningly long time.  If I recall correctly it is precariously close to the line of HS2 and has among other notable exhibits an Egyptian steam rail motor, which I suspect is not in working order.  I hope it also has a balmy breeze.


Best wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed



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Good Morning All,


Thoughts are with both Dave and Bill today.


We have a reasonably bright morning in this part of the world.  Thankfully, it isn't as hot as it was a couple of days ago.


Have a good day everyone...

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