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... I talk about all sorts of other rubbish too!  I'm sure she doesn't really mind that much.  Maybe.  Hopefully.  Pretty please...

Show me someone who DOESN'T (talk about all sorts of other rubbish) here, and I'll show you someone who probably isn't best suited to ERs  :jester:

I thought ER meant Entirely Rubbish when I first started reading in here, and then knew I was perfectly at home :beee:

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Still illegal under EU rules I understand.  The stuff they nowadays call 'creosote' bears about as much resemblance to the real stuff as a bucket of water with some added colouring (and is probably about as effective).


The EPA in the US does not allow creosoted lumber for domestic construction and landscaping, but it does allow the use of re-purposed creosoted sleepers (work that one out!)


I think it's a load of baloney as I suspect creosote is a lot less harmful to the environment than some of the other methods used to preserve wood.


BTW, I'm sure most in the UK have have plenty of other things to be concerned about, but the silly minkeys in Florida have created a cyanobacteria environmental disaster.

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A very warm day in London. I don't know if the weather had something to do with it but I did see a black cab on fire.


Ikea. A place best avoided even at the quiet times. I've been once and not through choice. Not an experience that I want to repeat.


My sympathies with those that have to commute by southern failways. I did find this slightly amusing though http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-36825721


The pokemon go craze seems ludicrous to me. As well as Darwin Awards, there are certainly some available for sheer stupidity. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-36825934


Thinking of those ailing, supporting, recovering and missing

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IKEA Swedish for "no fcuking way"


They are building one on the Greenwich peninsula. Can't wait to see the traffic then. That area is already the most congested and the worst air quality in London.

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Forecast was for 20 degrees around here. Gradually crept up to 26 by late-afternoon. Not an ideal day to be in a car for the best part of 10 hours. I have aircon, but it gives me a sore throat as it's too dry after a couple of hours. And as a decent proportion of my time is relatively slow traffic, I haven't got the benefit of a nice breeze through the windows....

Tomorrow is a forecast 28-30 ish, but at least I'm only 9.30-4 in the car with a golf singles knockout quarter final at 5pm.


Junior NB has recovered so well from her op last week, that she's now Colchester bound with an ETA of sometime after midnight. She'll be back home again late Friday, as next week is a "study week" (otherwise known as most of the week off), but she does have to attend hospital for her post-op check at two weeks.


Having said that. I'm now off to the shed to do some soldering, with the door open and a lovely sunset lighting my way.



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  • RMweb Premium

boy oh boy it was a bit warm at Headingley today.. and instead of 4 umpires we had 3 so I ended up umpiring on my own... some good (and some poor) cricket skills demonstrated.


Tomorrow is my 1059th birthday and I shall celebrate with a bit of umpiring ( a 2 day game) at Pudsey St Lawrence... starting to enjoy my cricket again!


Sleep well/ enjoy your day!



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boy oh boy it was a bit warm at Headingley today.. and instead of 4 umpires we had 3 so I ended up umpiring on my own... some good (and some poor) cricket skills demonstrated.


Tomorrow is my 1059th birthday and I shall celebrate with a bit of umpiring ( a 2 day game) at Pudsey St Lawrence... starting to enjoy my cricket again!


Sleep well/ enjoy your day!




Many happy returns but I'd take it really easy if I were you.

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We made it home just after 9pm after a long wait a Victoria plus no air con where we were in the coach and just one small emergency window open.


Cooled off in Wetherspoons and a burrito for dinner.


So much for no beer.


Just hoping that they fill the hole at Forest Hill quickly.

Edited by roundhouse
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boy oh boy it was a bit warm at Headingley today.. and instead of 4 umpires we had 3 so I ended up umpiring on my own... some good (and some poor) cricket skills demonstrated.


Tomorrow is my 1059th birthday and I shall celebrate with a bit of umpiring ( a 2 day game) at Pudsey St Lawrence... starting to enjoy my cricket again!


Sleep well/ enjoy your day!



Bloody immigrants from Mercury!
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Only 20 degrees here today, which seems lower than elsewhere. It did mean that I could get on with a lot of gardening without getting too hot. Petrol strimming came out for the first time this year and part of the roadside cleared so I can see while driving out of our drive. Then more strimming around the garden, grass cutting, hedge trimming and more. Raspberries, gooseberries and blackcurrants all picked. I was knackered by teatime, so was pleased to get a rest at the club rooms tonight. The rest involved repairing a Hornby Dublo 8F, which now runs well, and cataloging a large amount of HD stock which has been donated to us.


Tomorrow is forecast to be hot, but we have dental appointments, so won't be able to enjoy all of it!

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In other news. A grand day of solving minor problems for pay was had. A very relaxing evening on the patio and some train play in the shed. Now chillaxing out doors to some Peter Frampton and a large G&T. For a Monday this rates very high.


K-nigget awl

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Evening all.


Once I succeeded in finding a gear for my brain, I've had quite a productive day.    I have already sorted out my State Pension, due in a couple of months, but I also have a stakeholder pension which I might take slightly early as an annuity (if Carney doesn't f*ck up the interest rates).  I know annuities aren't the flavour nowadays, but I'm aiming for a long and productive retirement.  After an afternoon reading in the garden, it was off to Homebase for some crates for railway mags, then Lidl, then church to break down a marquee, then SEGOG (South East Gauge O Guild), then home.  A quart of squash has been drunk so another disturbed night can be expected.


Good night all,   Bill

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Good evening everyone.


Four jobs completed today, tomorrow will be three leaving two for Wednesday, then it's another two days off. Well, I've got to break myself into work mode slowly, for now anyway. Managed to get home early, but skipped the model shop as I was getting thirsty and needed a cuppa.


The sun finally came out late afternoon, better late than never I suppose. This evening I spent a couple of hours painting 4.8m of handrail and 16 spindles for the workshop, one coat has been applied, I'll give it all four coats like the I did on the newel posts, then fit them and see how it looks. If another is required I'll do that in-situ.


All in all, a very productive day. Somethings bound to go wrong soon!


AndyB. Good luck with your informal chat this week, they do say that for-warned (not sure if that's the right word though) is for-armed.


Jamie. Glad you hot home safely, I do like strawberries and cream, especially with a scone, mmmmmm!


Baz. Happy birthday for tomorrow, you don't look a day over 1040!


Goodnight all.

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Good evening everyone.


AndyB. Good luck with your informal chat this week, they do say that for-warned (not sure if that's the right word though) is for-armed.



Goodnight all.


Forewarned and forearmed, according to my dictionary, Brian. But we got your meaning.

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<Tinkling bell> Unclean - Unclean </Tinkling bell>


Just popping in to record being more than somewhat unwell at present.  One more shift to complete tonight then I have five days rostered off all of which, as things stand, are allocated to sleeping.  It's been doing the rounds and I have looked forward to receiving the germ.  It seems to have arrived.


Health advisory - you may wish to disinfect the computer and wash your hands after reading this post.  

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A 26 year old woman was killed during a thunderstorm this afternoon less than a mile from my house. High straight line winds brought down a tree which in turn snapped power lines which fell on her car - so she stopped. She didn’t realize they were still live and got out of her car using one foot on the roadway. When she then put her bare hand on the metal of the door she was electrocuted and died instantly.


1. Don’t assume lines are dead. Do the opposite and remain in the car with you hands in your lap (or similar).


2. Wait for the emergency services to arrive (which they did within 2 minutes of the driver in front of her calling 911 (999). She knew the lines were on top of the car - which is why she stopped.


3. Only attempt to leave the car due to dire circumstances - such as a large fire. Open the door latch and kick the door open, both feet on the ground at once and bunny hop out with your arms in front across your body. This may be impossible, of course...... Usually the electricity goes to earth through the tyres and a car fire is unlikely.


You will require patience.




Best, Pete.

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Now chillaxing out doors to some Peter Frampton and a large G&T. For a Monday this rates very high.




We went to a Frampton gig a few years ago at the local tribal casino. Very entertaining (although he did seem to have lost some hair).

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 Usually the electricity goes to earth through the tyres and a car fire is unlikely.



What a shame. Another young life cut short in an instant.


Actually, the problem is that the tires do not conduct electricity very well. They have fairly high resistance. If they were better electrical conductors she might have been OK as the lines would have shorted to ground through the tires and sunk enough current to trip the breakers, or at least have significantly reduced the potential between the car and ground to make it less lethal.

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