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John, I was involved in a dispute with a neighbour. It was about access to a window on the boundary which he wanted to replace and had demanded access and that I should take down my carport to allow the access. I had responded by saying the cost of taking it down and the replacement of any damaged roof panels would be his to pay. I received a letter from his solicitors making some unfounded claims of damage being caused by my hedge etc. I was going to write back refuting all the claims made. However my Father counselled 'Don't do that it will enflame matters'. So I wrote to his solicitor repeating our offer to allow him the access he needed but at his cost which is in line with the act whereby a judge can grant access where it is reasonable. I heard no more for a while until my neighbour spoke to me and said 'can we agree to this somehow' He hadn't even heard from the solicitor to say I had written back. We then discussed the matter and came to an amicable agreement.

I would counsel trying to play down things not inflame them. You do not have to pay him. Ignore his letter for now.





I thank you for your response but I don't think you have appreciated the full circumstance. I have already declined to pay him but I need to 'kill' his written response to my refusal.Politely and legally! The brambles in question have encroached his land.


The text of my reply is (unless otherwise advised!):




I thank you for your reply to my letter of 9 July inst. and respect your 'neighbourly' recourse not to challenge the boundaries between our adjacent properties. Given your comments, however, I reserve my right so to do.


Whilst I appreciate that consent from the then owner of what is now my property was gained for the reinforcement of what is now your fence, it is not reflected in the Title Deeds against which I purchased my property.


Regarding the overrun of my vegetation on to your property, I am sure I do not need to remind you, as a former enforcer of the law, of your right to protect your own property. Any damage caused by your failing to do this could, therefore, be seen as negligence on your part.


I thank you for your offer of access to my contractor onto your land for the clearance of any encroaching vegetation, but suggest that that could also render him liable for any damage to your own property in so doing.


My contractor has not yet responded but I am chasing him on these matters.


However, in the interim, I can have no objection to you exercising your rights and cutting the intrusive vegetation at your boundary to avoid any envisaged damage to your fence and returning it to my property by whatever external means.


Edited by JohnDMJ
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Game scored, Collegiate won. One of the Collegiate players enjoyed the bowling...91 scored from 58 balls, (including 7*6s)


Off early tomorrow for T20s at Abbeydale 10am start.


Shame England don't play Adil Rashid who is a leg spinner.

Sleep well all, Rick have a good day



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I think that I've shaken off the bug but I has left me feeling weak for the first time in years. Tomorrow there are a few tasks to complete but nothing strenuous.


John - It sounds like the problem with the neighbour may be difficult to resolve.


Thinking of those ailing, supporting, recovering and missing

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Families, eh!


Our relation ship with them is now shaky, but hopefully will recover in the fullness of time.


I wouldn't count on it. My oldest brother got himself into a real mess some years ago. I offered him some money to help out and he grabbed it like a shot. There was never any discussion about whether it was a loan or a gift.


He has never made any mention of it to this day but he seems to be able to have plenty of expensive holidays. If he had even made some attempt to repay a little of it I would probably have told him to forget it. I'm not going to bring the subject up and it now sits like a gigantic turd in the middle of the relationship.

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Good evening everyone.


Dispite the fact that I've done nothing today, except enjoy the company of my granddaughter for most of the morning I feel bucking follocksed.


After Ava had gone home it was off to our sons, where the repair to his bathroom light took me all of five minutes, it being a loose wire on the switch. This was followed by a lovely meal, chicken tikka masala, which they had both prepared for us. We chatted for a while afterwards but came home earlier than we would normally have done, because SWMBO thought I looked tired.


Once home, we sat and watched a little recorded TV after first opening a bottle of red.


It's now late so I'm off to bed.


Goodnight all n

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I wouldn't count on it. My oldest brother got himself into a real mess some years ago. I offered him some money to help out and he grabbed it like a shot. There was never any discussion about whether it was a loan or a gift.


He has never made any mention of it to this day but he seems to be able to have plenty of expensive holidays. If he had even made some attempt to repay a little of it I would probably have told him to forget it. I'm not going to bring the subject up and it now sits like a gigantic turd in the middle of the relationship.


I think that is fairly typical the sort of person who gets in a mess then takes money off his brother has probably convinced himself it was only right that you gave him the money


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Evening all,


The earlier part of the day was duly spent travelling to Bath, attending Larkrail (along with others from this part of RMweb plus others from many other parts) then returning from Bath on a train trying to lift its own load passengers plus those from the previous pone which had been cancelled.  The cancellation was down to 'signalling problems'  - which might as well have been in the Isles of scilly for all that meaningless phrase meant - in reality it seems to have been down to single line working (as in reversible signalling mode) of all trains over the Down Line between Thingley Jcn and Wootton Bassett so a geographically stated location plus the fact it would also delay the train might have meant a bit more and been more useful to some of the passengers and informative for all.


Anyway we got home ok - but an hour late although that was not a problem and laddo arrived from various points east an hour behind us with numerous photos of railway 'things' throughout the former republic of Younogoslavia and other countries thence to Belgium.  Meanwhile the Good Doctor is out 'down the pub' and I hope she doesn't suffer for her early start tomorrow :nono:


G'night all

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. I no longer lend anything to my brother because he never ever returns anything. I once had a router, I loaned it to him and quite honestly forgot I had loaned it. About two years later he asked me again if he could borrow it! never having returned it in the first place. So now if ever he asks to borrow anything he gets a list of items to be returned first, so he never borrows anything from me now. Thats it for tonight, goodnight all.

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Aye, there’s enough confrontation in this World as it is. Resolution via negotiation is the way to go unless all avenues have been tried to no avail. Then you go kick his ass, of course.


Best, Pete.

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I grumble sometimes about my brother because he habitually phones up at erratic hours to tell me about the progress of his current obsession. At the moment, it's the pursuit by the legal system of Dave Lee Travis for some doubtful misdemeanour years ago. I do feel some sympathy for the man; who amongst us of a certain age has never behaved in a manner now liable to be represented as socially unacceptable in these more enlightened times? But, the legal niceties of such cases fail to fascinate, and I have to resist the temptation to go for a ride on my own hobby horse of Canadian copyright law. and how it has been misrepresented in recent attacks on the character of H G Wells. Norrie now lives in sheltered housing, on the state pension and whatever benefits are allowed him. These are sufficient for his own modest needs, and what extra monies he makes by selling his artwork are generally disposed of by generous gifts to our multitudinous nephews, nieces, great-nephews, great-nieces etc.

I regret the monetary problems that some of our online brethren suffer with family members, and hope to hear that those can be dealt with in a manner to strengthen rather than loosen familial ties.


Edit: syntax.

Edited by bluebottle
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Good morning one and all


Bath is a strange place, in a nice way.  The enclave of Larkhall, where I was for much of yesterday, has a proliferation of no entry signs and the routeing restrictions which they impose are not greatly obvious from most maps.  It appears that to secure a parking space one must be registered at birth. In fairness, those who laid out the settlement in yesteryear could have had no conception of the horseless carriage, still less of its resultant chaos.  Never mind: it is a community and a thriving one by all appearances.   I had a good day and may say so later in the designated place.


The outward run threw up a problem with the capacity to worsen: where to find breakfast on the road.  I speak not of roadkill but of the comprehensive cooked breakfast which brings the security sought by those who know not whence the next meal will come.  Little Chef at Bicester would have been the right place at the right time had it been open.  Fat chance: a discreet notice on the door proclaimed its opening hours as 8 am to 4 pm.  What use is that?  Do I detect closure by stealth?  It was too early for the cafe in the new Tesco at Bicester and the next two candidates, at Weston on the Green and Oxford Services, are both operated by Starbucks.  In the latter there appeared to be little solid other than baguettes.  Onward, then, to Buckland, where there used to be a very handy Little Chef.  The plans to reopen it as something else are not at all advanced and the building is surrounded by fencing with little evidence of building activity.  Salvation finally came at Sainsburys east of Swindon in the shape of a big breakfast for £4.25, prepared and swerved swiftly.  It spared me the last resort of Leigh Delamere services, which I visit often enough, thank you.  My next westward trip will have to include it but sufficient unto the day. 


Best wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed.  Oh, and if anyone wants a cough I have one to spare ,,,



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Morning all fro the Charente, your last missive from a foreign correspondent as we set off for home after lunch today. The weather is getting better and the pool is warming up but hey ho we will be back in September. Yesterday we got various tasks done including a trip to the local vineyard to purchase a quantity of liquid produce. At least if there re problems en route we won't go thirsty but I wouldn't be fit to drive.


A friend came round for tea and in return for a class on pool maintenance was able to help us finish off various parts of the freezer contents. After Mike had gone we decided to start clearing the part empty bottles in the fridge. We did finish the wine but not quite the pineau. Beth is still in bed. Perhaps the to activities are connected.


Anyway we hope to set off after lunch but I've to pack the car, sort out which tools are going back to England and also trim the hedge at the front.

The plan is to get to Ouisterham in time for an evening meal with a stop at Tours on the way. I'll raise a hand to Ian(OD) as we pass the Sarthe area.


I might even be able to listen to a bit of cricket. I somehow don't think that it will still be going when we are in England tomorrow.


Regards to all.




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Mornin' all,


Best regards to any that ail


Overcast, mild and dry in The Moorlands at kick off.....head down calorie burn around the weekend circuit.


The unenviable task of sifting through Is's life before I arrived....the contents of the loft....is well under way, with any items of sentimental importance to her family being handed over. This is the sort of job which could be left until a later date but somehow impedes my adjusting to life, post Is. Also, workmen will be arriving to start roof repairs during the next week or so and getting rid of the contents of the loft will make their job easier. I have a sneaking suspicion that my subconscious is urging me to keep busy/active in order to spread/reduce the impact of the dawning realisation that a new routine has to be fashioned now.


Our flower festival service at church this morning with communal lunch in the village hall afterwards.


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all. 

A bit late getting up but at least I wont start making a noise too early on a day some like a lie in. LAst night about ten there was a burst of gunfire about ten pm lasting about 10 or 15 minutes. I presume it was some kind of firework display as it was rather too late and getting darkish for a shoot. I couldn't see any sign of fireworks though.

Have a good day.


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  • RMweb Gold

Mornin' all,


Best regards to any that ail


Overcast, mild and dry in The Moorlands at kick off.....head down calorie burn around the weekend circuit.


The unenviable task of sifting through Is's life before I arrived....the contents of the loft....is well under way, with any items of sentimental importance to her family being handed over. This is the sort of job which could be left until a later date but somehow impedes my adjusting to life, post Is. Also, workmen will be arriving to start roof repairs during the next week or so and getting rid of the contents of the loft will make their job easier.


Our flower festival service at church this morning with communal lunch in the village hall afterwards.


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do




Not an easy task Dave but I am sure it will be better once out of the way.


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Good morning all. Best wishes to all , especially those who are ailing in one way or another. Also best wishes to Dave (TG) and good luck with the sorting out. I feel it is a good, but brave, idea to sort through the loft effects so soon after Is' passing. Like you say though best to get it done sooner.

Today has dawned quite bright and sunny. The forecast for the next few days is for things to become progressively warmer, peaking at around 29 degrees midweek. As nice as that will be I doubt the heat will help the tired children (and staff) negotiate the final week of term. However after the recent weather we should not complain.

Yesterday was spent at home with some work in the garden. A heavy rain shower cut this short so I managed to sneak into the railway room for half an hour. After getting the school pupil's Flying Scotsman loco running last week I decided to tackle one of my own out of service models. A bit of wheel cleaning and some oiling around, plus some alterations to the brass connectors, and my Hornby J94 was brought back to life. That leaves just a Bachmann J39 and a Fairburn tank to try and bring back into service.

Yesterday morning we had driven over to the local retail park to visit the Marks and Spencer's Food Hall in order to purchase one of their dine in for £10 offers. The Next sale meant Sarah kept us there longer than intended. We emerged from the shops to chaos. The council have just completed renovations to the roundabout at the top of the access road. The reason was to "improve traffic flow" at what is a well known bottle neck. The lights have just been brought into use and the result was a gridlocked car park and access road. It took us half an hour to fight away out. We were one of the lucky ones it seems, a friend of mine stated it took them twice that yesterday afternoon whilst the local newspaper carried news of some people face with a two and a half hour wait earlier in the week. I am sure I was not alone in referring to those responsible as cockwombles!!


Enjoy your Sunday.

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I did intend to post the usual 'Night all' before going to bed. Falling asleep an waking at 03:00, I decided that I would just go to beds otherwise I'd have been awake for hours.


Yet another warm and hopefully dry day so that all my chores can be completed.


Dave (TG) - Good luck with sorting out the loft. Not an easy task at the best of times.


Have a good day everyone

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I think Dave is right tackle the sad job now, leaving it only increases the heartache, as Jayne has found with sorting Gary's possessions.  Two year on and she can hardly face the task, which is only half done.  Thinking of yo Dave, it' not easy.  Got the T shirt from doing it for my parents.


I also wish Jamie a safe trip home from a village a long was south of Ikea, and all those in need.


We were going out in the kayak this morning but its too windy.  Communal gardening in the circle we live on instead, then the tip with the cuttings, followed by a lunch somewhere I think.

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Morning all,

Haven't posted for a day or so, partly due to being laid up with food poisoning. Woke in the middle of the night shaking and shivering, followed by an asthmatic attack (for added variety).  I've now explained to swmbo that when someone having an asthma attack can't breathe enough to speak it's not a good sign.   


Anyway, collective sympathies and congratulations as appropriate.


Job hunting: I'm told that rejection at interview is not failure, but simply not a good fit from one or both sides. Friday's interview was definitely not a good fit and I was surprised to have been shortlisted! Onwards and upwards! 


On the plus side got first prize at the local flower show for one of my exhibits. 2nd year running. :) 

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Closing a circle (in this case more squares with rounded corners and two of them) in N gauge is always a fiddly business.

Burned fingers (mostly mine), lost sleepers (and sleep), and the joins always end up on a curve (or the floor).

I have long ago dispensed with any thought of heat expansion of the tracks and the joins are hard soldered.

There must be a method that avoids all this pain and suffering.


Meanwhile, while the knowledgable titter, I'll look for a file suitable to smooth the joins.

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Awake twice in the dark small hours. Had meds and obs. Drifted off in between wakings. Some of these drugs are giving some good hallucinations as things keep moving. Suction pumps are used to drain a couple of patients at night which isnt conducive to my sleep, or to my spelling.

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