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Dave, lovely photo of Is to remember her by.

Best wishes to those with appointments and ops tomorrow.



We did our own bit of Tr**nspotting Live, today.  .Normally we would have just driven up the A5 to Betws y Coed by car.  This time we thought we'd go by public transport using our OAP senior bus passes!


Bus 5 from Bangor to Llandudno Junction Flyover (via the A55, detouring through towns and villages). Few minutes walk using the underpass to the station, and down the Conwy Valley line to the museum for lunch.


Of course, we can't forget the Maths.

Time taken, 5 hours.  Fuel saving £5 or £1 per hour! [Approximately!]

By car we could have done it in 21/2 hours at a cost of....[Oh! I tell you what,  You work it out!]


Now for the pics.

We'll start with one of those yellow banana thingies.



And a couple of numbers.  After all, we were tr**nspotting.   :O

This one off to Holyhead.



And this one to Blaenau Ffestiniog though we weren't going that far, today.



And the view of the Conwy Valley from the window on the return trip.  It wasn't even 4 o'clock and you can see how dark it was - to the camera anyway.  The sun ventured out when we got home, of course!



If the Snowdon Sherpa is still running, we could have gone via the Llanberis Pass and some magnificent mountain scenery.


ER reporter signing off.  Research?  What's that?

Hmm!  We did check out bus and tr**n times...


' Night for now.  Nos da.



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Hump day off tomorrow to do some of my own live trainspotting.

Another combined day out courtesy of Johnson Press/Northern trains £10 day rover and a XC driver friends and family £10 rover. Not quite certain exactly where we're going yet. Could be anywhere covering Blackburn/Leeds/York/Doncaster/Derby/Leicester/Birmingham/Manchester and anywhere within served by Cross Country and/or Northern.


Last but one car park job earlier. No major wombling cocky driving, but there was a group of lads in one car that were possibly giving alcohol to the 16 and unders. They were asked to remove themselves from the premises and weren't being particularly co-operative until I started to dial the police. It also helped that backup arrived in the shape of the school headmaster who is an ex-PE teacher and built like a brick outhouse. Their car and numberplate has been reported.

Many years ago, we had a similar incident and they didn't move on. The boys in blue duly arrived and discovered that one of the three was on their local most-wanted list and he was hauled away in cuffs.......


Only one more to go and I'm pretty certain we'll see plenty of CA/AB/CP action.....


Up at 8am, so it's good night folks,




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Big hump day for us as three quarters of the way though our trip and don't want to catch the flight home.

However it has been noticeably more expensive with the state of the pound.


At least the flights for the next trip across the pond are already paid for.

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8pm on a Tuesday night and we keep trying bars in downtown Portland to get in but it's over half hour wait to get a table to eat.


Tried Rougue pub again and by chance got a table but still took 10 minutes to get a beer. It's so different to a pub in the UK on a Tuesday where toy will often struggle to find one doing food as it's generally so quiet.


Just so mch more vibrant over here even compared to Central London

Edited by roundhouse
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Morning all. Another grey start to the day. Lets hope that there is at least some sunshine today.


I must have slept too well as I feel totally carp and wiped out. At least there's plenty of coffee today


LE - Good luck with the op.


Another coffee before I head into the wilds of Hertfordshire.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all.  Did my best impression of a kee-kee bird today.  As in flying around the place muttering "kee-kee-kee-kee-kripes it's cold".  Started at 4am without one complete degree on the thermometer.  Rose to 4C by sign-off though the wind-chill kept the apparent temperature firmly below zero.  Significant sickness among the team, not all of it legitimate I'm sure.  At least I got thanks from one or two of the regulars for being outside in this weather managing a smile and a cheery "Morning - thank you" for them as they came through the gates.


11am finish was very welcome.  Time for a large mug of something hot then a curl-up with the cat.  SWMBO is away for two nights on business which includes an interview for a senior directorial appointment.   Boy's night in it is, then :D


Folk go out for breakfast here.  Very often.  In a lot of places you even have to book a table especially on Sundays.  Dozen bottles of Proper Job Cornish ale currently in transit to this address.  Originally from Cornwall of course but sourced from a distributor in Perth WA.  Nice.


Be good. See you again. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Eating out is much more prevalent in N-America is my impression. Folk even go out for brekkie! :O

Despite coming here for years it's just getting so much busier what ever day of the week to an extreme yet at home it's generally falling except for central London.


This city is relatively small compared to some larger UK cities but just so much more alive yet no pissed up groups.



Just been sitting next to a girl from Birmingham but she was definitely not Brummy. More like Alabama!

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Morning all, up at silly o'clock to take the boy to Winchester for his graduation, I need to be outside this mug of tea quickly and on our way shortly.Looking at the number of spelling mistakes it is a good job I am not driving yet. Have the best day you can it won't be back.

Edited by skipepsi
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Good morning one and all.  This page is dedicated to Nunney Castle which I enjoyed on a main line steam tour to Stratford on Avon far too long ago ...


I may have prepped too many vegetables for lunch today, which will be chicken with pineapple and no chilli this time.  I'm sure Poorly Pal will enjoy it, if only because it is not meals on wheels and does not come in aluminium troughs.  Yesterday the threatened triffid removal did not happen because when I was ready to do it rain was falling.  Maybe tomorrow.  Maybe not.  As a sage once remarked, procrastination is something that we can all do immediately.


The cough seems to have taken root.  Fortunately, says he tempting providence, it has not kept me awake at night.  As with the common cold, I do not favour glugging endless quantities of jollop to get rid of it for it will go of its own accord in due course.  As another sage remarked, give me patience, O Lord, but quickly.


Were I not with PP today I would be watching Hansard's Half Hour, aka Prime Minister's Questions, on TV.  The worms continue to wriggle out of the can.  Hold out your wrist, Chris, for we must slap it.  OK, OK, no politics, but you couldn't make it up.  I might just dig out the original House of Cards  - to refresh my memory, you understand.


Best wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed.   Let's add the coughing one more time as it may just help.



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Morning All,


We have a nice bright day today - the temperature is also quite a bit lower which makes things a lot more pleasant.


More software testing today, and I hope that this test will go better than the one yesterday did, because I had to fail it.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all from a still sunny Charente. Definitely in end of stay mode a we travel home Sunday. Yesterday went well as we took son and DiL back to La Rochelle. We had a good day walking round parts of the old town but when we dropped them off at their hotel I was not a happy bunny. I'd booked it for them online and thought I'd paid for it. It turned out I had made a reservation and also purchased a discount card that I don't want. I was not a happy bunny and then had to stump up for the hotel room so am 49 Euros out of pocket. A long complaining email will shortly be written. We then set off back and I was startled to find a stretch of overhead electrified tramway in Aytre the southern suburb of La Rochelle. As it is next to the Alstom works that builds, among other things, TGV coaches it might be some sort of tram test track along public roads.


Anyway on the drive home Beth and I were sorting out the things we still had to do. I must have got a good crop of Brownie points as I asked if she'd mind stopping at Tours for me to have a gander at the depot (St Pierre de corps)and the way to the ferry, and she agreed. My gast was truly flabbered.


Anyway I'm shortly due to head for the tip with a trailer load of offcuts from trees then we head over to near Limoges for 2 days of Bastille Day celebrations with friends, then back here for 2 days then home.


Dick, that article was very well written and I do hope that they continue to get the support that they are obviously going to need.


Regards to all.


My only comment on the current political situation in the UK would be to tell people to listen to the guardsman's song from Iolanthe, things haven't changed. Particularly verse 2.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning everyone.


Up earlier than usual, breakfast eaten and cuppa drunk and I've caught up on today's posts.

We're just off to "The Christie" now for my 6 monthly check up.

Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

I need to take the dogs for a quick walk today as my neighbour's fencing contractor needs to use our drive and garden to get access to the site of the new fence. This is because of the houses are built on a sloping site. Next door has steps to get up to the top of his garden while we have a steep drive up the side. It would be rather time consuming to drag all the materials up the steps. I just want to be there to see nothing on our side gets damaged.



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Top Tip today:

Don't rely on the reverse beep on the car.

SWMBO backed my car into a thin stainless steel post.

Post bent but car intact.

Fairness decrees that a) The post was below the angle of sight and b) It was very slim.

Best prevention: Don't let SWMBO drive the car.

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I've mentioned here the circumstances of the birth of my grandson, Laurence. His mother has now written a piece for a magazine on his first two years. If you would care to read it, it's here:




The original title was 'My Little Pinch of Stardust'.

Heart warming piece - thanks for sharing.

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morning all


I spent a merry hour or two in the hospital yesterday with a canula in my arm with blood and saline being agitated before being passed back into my bloodstream, and then various strains and stresses requested. The scans showed no problem with my heart, which is as it should be. Just one more possible cause of the optic nerve problem eliminated. I suspect that this means that the answer is just that it is a "mystery" that will never be solved. C'est la vie.


More importantly the description of what was done had its desired effect on spreadsheet king...!


Other than that, not a lot to report here, so I had better crack on with some work.


Have a good day all

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My only comment on the current political situation in the UK would be to tell people to listen to the guardsman's song from Iolanthe, things haven't changed. Particularly verse 2.





Please sir, I can connect Iolanthe and model railways:


My mum and dad were members of the local G&S operatic society. When I was around 11, they were playing Iolanthe in the KIng's in Glasgow for a week (IIRC) and I was enlisted to play the role of the Lord Chancellor's page boy (a non-speaking part fortunately.)


After the show my dad rewarded me with a Tri-ang 3F 0-6-0T. I still have it, and its unofficial name is Iolanthe.

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Very moving story from Dick. Need to go to the opticians now as for some reason my glasses don't seem to be as clear as they were. 


Trainspotting Live. I find it difficult to take to this program, largely because one of the presenters is constantly glancing at his script whilst professing to be enamoured by particular trains. I'm guessing the script says he is enamoured. I find many of the proper trainspotters more articulate and genuine. 


Last night I had the pleasure of going to an awards ceremony at my eldest's school. Apart from pride in her particular achievement, it was genuinely humbling to hear the achievements of all the children, both in school and out of school. Confident, aspirational, caring, personable, committed....Wowzer!


Meanwhile I've noticed a slow, weeping leak from the in-house water mains stoptc@ck. I'm wondering if the valve needs replacing or the compression fitting tightened. I have to say that I'm reluctant to fiddle with it myself as over-tightening it could lead to a catastrophic failure (?) and high pressure water going everywhere. Thinking of getting our plumber in to do this simple task, in the knowledge that it's better to spend some money on planned maintenance than a large amount on emergency repair. 


Anyway, have a nice day everyone and thought to those that are ailing and cheers to those that are ale-ing. . 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Car now booked in for its service/MOT for Friday, should be no problems as I only do about 2,300 miles a year. Usual net surfing/shopping/inner eyelid inspection today so be back later.

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Off to Dr Olivers' Graduation in Hull tomorrow.. Judge dread you have been warned!



Thanks for the warning Barry. 

My SiL is in admin at the university and had to attend the ceremony yesterday. He thought it appropriate to wear a "Hogwarts" tie. 

Incidentally, I qualified for true E.R. membership this morning. Up and dressed at 5.30 to take the wife to hospital for 6.45 for her hip operation. Unfortunately due to a mix up passing information she had not stopped taking certain tablets for the required 5 days. They thinned her blood. The surgeon was willing to do the operation but explained it would safer if he didn't. Another appointment has been promised within the month and so I may be up early again to hear the "dawn chorus".     

Edited by Judge Dread
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Morning all from Scottish HQ.  Not much to report just yet (unlike yesterday's excitement) but the sun is attempting to break through the clouds.  SWMBO has a bad cough at the moment when awake but somehow manages to do a passable impression of a mannequin for the entirety of her night's sleep - barely even moves, while I know I'm more restless, and didn't make a single cough all night.


Pub quiz tonight - our team has come fourth in the last 2 weeks' quizzes (about 16 teams each week) and we're fourth in the league as a result. I've been learning my British Prime Ministers since 1939, winners of the Open Championship since 2000 and current and past Open venues... Anyone got any other ideas for what topical stuff might come up?

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