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  • RMweb Premium

Wooopiddooo! It's sunny.


Off to York soon.

Enjoy you day/evening everyone.



PS lots of great photos on here recently, keep them coming please.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Now feeling seriously jealous of Polly. Lovely pictures.


Yesterdays news brought this phrase to mind

'May the force be with you'


Enjoy your day.


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Spotted this sailing past as I was out walking the dog this morning.




Only one dog to walk this morning as I dropped the other two off at the kennels last night. Steph's aunt passed away yesterday so we will be spending the next couple of days down in Mayo.

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Morning all.


The mother-in-law departs today, having celebrated her birthday yesterday. I acquired a cake from Konditor & Cook at Mrs Lurker's request, but the heavens opened as I got off the train at Sidcup. Fortunately the nice driver on the 492 took pity on me and opened the doors despite already having pulled away from the stop.


Today I go for the next test at the cardiologist place. This one apparently involves having a long needle stuck in my arm. Must remember to give spreadsheet king all the gruesome details; he doesn't handle needles at all well, and just the description can have an effect!!


That's a lovely picture of Is, Dave. I hope the preparations for the service and the aftermath continue to go as smoothly as these things can.


Have a good day all

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone.


It's NOT raining so I'm off to paint the workshop.


I may be some time.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and best wishes to one and all.


First we had CamForce1 MayForce-Won, now it looks like Mike has shown us SturgForce1.

Not sure what powers it, but it seems to have more communications aerials than a 1970s Soviet fishing trawler.   :jester:


DD, just a tip, when doing water scenes, try to use thinner layers of varnish. ;) 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun was shining this morning but coming over cloudy now, rain forecast for tomorrow. I see that one or two people have endured 'Train spotting' but 10 minutes was all I could endure. Thats all for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Slow to catch up today, but have now managed to do so. 


Dave, the image if Is does the trick in my opinion.


Not sunny here (again), and I have to take a trip to town soon after preparing the dinner, and doing some hoovering.  I thing I preferred work (just about).


Didn't watch the train spotting show, but have recorded it, and dipped in to see a jerky film, and some trash about looking out for the "yellow banana", so will be deleting the recording post haste.


Back later

Regards to All


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Well, today isn't going to plan. Drove up to Oxford and had a really good journey only to find that I couldn't get access to the site. Apparently someone should have told me yesterday evening.


Cockwomble doesn't even describe my thoughts at the moment.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Daily chores done. Today it was the bathroom's turn. Tomorrow will be the kitchen and the oven. Thursday and Friday will be something else and then the whole cycle begins again.


Like Stewart I'm wondering if I was better off working. Then again perhaps not, as now I can turn my mind to a leisurely lunch and the rest of the day should be mine.

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Good to see you back here, Debs!


Dry so far today and less windy, so today has been spent picking soft fruit, which is the easy bit. Topping and tailing overripe blackcurrants is a messy business! I was doing that while watching yesterday's Trainspotting Live. I rather agree with the other posts here, but did like the shots of Flying Scotsman crossing Harringworth Viaduct. I had already seen similar pictures as our house guests over the weekend had taken some excellent photos from a similar vantage point over the viaduct.


Trip to the shops beckons this afternoon, then more soft fruit picking - loganberries and raspberries this time.

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Debs - I WARNED them not to do it, honest, but do they listen.... :O


Morning "you lot".

Sounds very much like "Trainspotting" is to be avoided at all costs. Fortunately, much of the UK TV stuff (unless deemed likely to be extremely well received here) isn't readily available even for streaming, without some major faffing about, so I will definitely pass on this particular dog turd offering.

Of course the UK does provide some "unique" programmes, as witnessed by our travelling companions last year when we were there. They could NOT believe that you could actually have a serious radio show on birdwatching! When it first was announced (BBC4 I think) whilst we were driving, they honestly thought it was going to be some latter day Monty Python type show. :jester:


Yesterday was devoid of ANY interaction with any of the jailors in my dungeon, a completely lonely and boring existence - at least I wasn't on the rack  :O


21 and sunny, humidity 89% (eewwwwww) and expecting 27 for a high.


Make hay while the sun shines, or whatever your particular skill set is.

Edited by Ian Abel
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Hello everybody! :bye:


Just popped in, to see how you are and check up on those recalcitrant E.R types, whom will insist on posting pictures of models!!! :mosking:


Anyhoo, kindest regards to you all.

Debs. :friends:


Thank you. Who are you?  :scratchhead:

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  • RMweb Premium

I thought images of scarcely clad young ladies where prohibited here on RMweb? :O I for sure haven't seen any of that, regrettably :P







Oh, you could always give it a try and see what the mods do about it! Perhaps just saving local copies, who knows… :mosking: :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Oh no....you didn't??? Good grief man are you crazy!??!?! :O  :jester: Now I'm just downright scared... :scared:

Well I did encourage her Debship to come and visit us via her FB page - so thanks for popping in.  Are we going to see you more often here?


30747 picked up from work, and parcel from Amazon received, just two more to come, one from Amazon and one from Ebay.


Strange yellow thing keeps trying to appear - I think it might be some sort of dry rain.

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21 and sunny, humidity 89% (eewwwwww) and expecting 27 for a high.





How do you get 81% humidity? It’s a comfortable 51% at 85f here.


Big storms for your hometown tomorrow, I’m afraid....


Best, Pete.

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Am booked in at Derriford for op at 7am tomoz. Just waiting for a bed as there is apparently a shortage. Pat is all settled into the Lodge. Nice place, not far from the hosp, and set in woodland making you think you are in the country miles from anywhere.

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