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AndyB - The earworm has worked on me. The only known cure is to listen to some more Kraftwerk




Pharmacologists might advocate treating this earworm with "competitive inhibition".


Ah, now, there you go. I've done the other ear for you. :)


Meanwhile over at last night's footie there seemed to be a problem with ze moooths.


EDIT: I see we have a new Prime Minister, possibly summed up by adding a comma to an old saying.  


"May, you live in interesting times."

Edited by AndyB
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Afternoon all from Scottish HQ.  The weekend went past in a blur. Can I have another one to recover please?


Thought I was due to be at a routine hospital appointment for Jamie today, but discover that it's not happening (must have been cancelled by either hospital or Jamie's mum without anyone bothering to tell me).  Could have been worse, I could have trekked across the country to the hospital on the far side of Glasgow (beyond the SECC) to find it wasn't happening...


In case anyone's not heard (apologies if it's been mentioned already) there's a Trainspotting Live programme on this week on BBC4 - website here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/events/ec55v2/live/c5v2fx

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Pharmacologists might advocate treating this earworm with "competitive inhibition".


Ah, now, there you go. I've done the other ear for you. :)


Meanwhile over at last night's footie there seemed to be a problem with ze moooths.


EDIT: I see we have a new Prime Minister, possibly summed up by adding a comma to an old saying.  


"May, you live interesting times."

Thanks Andy. Just what I needed for report writing. I haven't listened to JMJ for a couple of years so a welcome change

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Weekend went rather differently than expected/planned, rather than doing the few tasks the "Truth in Housing" inspection identified for our rental house Saturday, then a free Sunday, we entertained the following schedule;

i) Driving to the rental on Saturday and Mrs texting tenants, were asked if Sunday would be better for us as they were packing - we decided "OK"

ii) Chose instead to visit the zoo as Mrs wanted to see the new arrival, baby zebra born just a few days earlier. Hasty text to Trevor to see if he was interested in joining us, answer, yes.

iii) Lovely sunny day at the zoo, busy but not crazy. Managed to see the baby zebra (Mrs exceedingly pleased), and wandered the butterfly exhibit.

iv) Nice late afternoon dinner, for want of a better term, at excellent place Trevor was familiar with, and recommended, in St. Paul.

v) Evening occupied with some TV viewing and modeling - struggling with mounting a point motor in a remote location!

vi) Up earlier than preferred Sunday to go do "rental chores". They went exceptionally well/fast. Returned home some limited modeling before...

vii) heading off to airport to once again waste spend 4 days of my life on Long Island.


Photos at the zoo, followed by a few from the air inbound to JFK last evening.









Trevor managed one on his arm for quite some time...



This one happy to stay on my shoe even though I finally slowly moved, the zoo keeper suggesting it would simply fly off if I moved slowly. Apparently, what it really takes is for some unattended brat of a kid, maybe 3 at most, to come and try and kick it off my shoe, at which point it departed, preferring THAT to being killed <grrr>

Who takes very young kids into a "special care" area and then just ignores them - apparently parenting skills are lost on some folks!!















In the dungeon again, but apparently the PM is not coming in this week, preferring to remain in Florida, works for me :)


21 and sunny on Long Island, not humid and expecting 27 later. Supposed to become oppressive (heat AND humidity) about the time I leave Thursday.


Hope your week starts well.




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Good morning. As some of you are talking about views from hotels, here's one I took a few minutes ago.

This is Cascade locks up the Columbia River. We are on the Oregon side with the UP train just put the window and the BNSF across the river in Washington state.

There is just a little too much vegetation to get a decent photo of the UP trains.


Edited by roundhouse
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Afternoon all from red dragon land.

It's a bit wet here.

Judge, I should have added as a previous sea-salt I wasn't ill.  The guy sitting next to Mrs H turned out to be ex-Merch too, and on getting into conversation went to the same school as me, and we lived a few hundred yards from each other, and now we both live on FR!
Polly, we were on the other side on Friday, probably taking photos of you!
F1 was good I thought.

That's a shame!  We were only there until Thursday when the bookings ran out for the Eisteddfod!  As it was, we only managed to get a room in the first place because we phoned up.  Hope you enjoyed the railway and the large prairie.  More about that later!

I was at Carrog last week, Polly.

Maybe we should all go on holiday wearing large RMweb stickers or waving off the train passengers with RMweb flags so we can spot each other!  What a thought!  :jester:

Yet another good day for British sport in general. The mountain of ironing has been reduced to a hill which I'll tackle this evening.
I always used to enjoy the Larne - Stranraer crossing, the rougher the better. It meant less of a queue for food.
Polly - It looks like a good week away. Some great photos as well

Excellent week, thanks, Duncan!  More pics, to come!

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Shaun, before I forget, a big welcome to ERs.  Great to have you onboard.  Don't know how you'll take all the "good night" greetings at the end of our day, though.  :mosking:


Morning from a sunny Charente. The house now has only 4 of us as the other family went to the airport yesterday. I even managed 10 minutes at a station having a cup of coffee on the way back from the airport run. Unfortunately the only train came as I left so I missed it. Then we had a nice meal out at a local bistro. Today may apparently involve me assisting No 2 son to fell and pollard some trees this morning. He will ne wielding the chainsaw. Then possibly some sunbathing and pool time. Not a bad day to look forward to.

The sport yesterday sounded good and there were no wild celebrations in the village as we have no Portuguese expats. Well done to Lewis, Andy and to Chris Froome for retaining the yellow jersey. I even managed to understand a French radio report about Le Tour while on the way back from the airport.



...and to Heather Watson, my favourite tennis player.

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[Re. LBIA:] I do know if you take off, stay at runway level and turn East you don't run into anything until you bump into the Urals. (At which point you may say "ouch!")



Cartographical Research*Has Proved You Correct


*Atlas provided by West Riding Education Dept., Wakefield, Circa 1954.

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All posts read and rated, and greetings are on offer. However, I'm a tad concerned about Debs, as she had posted that she was attending a Harley Street clinic on FB, but today when I visited her pages, I couldn't see the posts, or indeed any later entries, and the latest one that I can see at the moment is back in June.  It may be my FB playing up, it has before, so if anybody else who is a mutual friend can shed any light on this one, I'd be grateful.

Just an FYI/update, Debs sighted on Facebook within the hour, posting photos related to arranging the "newly decorated lounge", so the probably correct stance now is


"NO TRAINS, at your peril  :jester: "

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Back having just had a phone call from 30747's best friend, who was passing the news that her nephew was the person killed in




I only met him a couple of times, but he was both a really nice guy, and also a very good flier, who was an RAF trained test pilot, was still in the service, and flew all sorts of aircraft including some non UK types which he flew to assess their characteristics.


Edit - text changed as it's not clear whether he was flying or not, and the MOD has not confirmed one way or the other.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just an FYI/update, Debs sighted on Facebook within the hour, posting photos related to arranging the "newly decorated lounge", so the probably correct stance now is


"NO TRAINS, at your peril  :jester: "


Ok. Thanks for the warning.


If you look closely you definitely CAN'T see the route of the old railway in my second photo.

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and then last week;





In the second one you can just about spot the route that the old railway took up until 1950.

That's Portpatrick, and I believe you can see the railway cutting in the skyline.
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That's Portpatrick, and I believe you can see the railway cutting in the skyline.


Oops. Forgot to name them.

You are correct about Portpatrick and the cutting. It is quite a deep cutting and there is a path between it and the cliffs.  Perfectly safe but you can feel quite exposed with shear drops on both sides.


The first one was Kenmare in Kerry, SW Ireland.  Great place, fantastic scenery, wonderful people.

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  • RMweb Gold

I am back from Llanwrtyd Wells.


As predicted 'they' were out!


The first being a driver who got into his car which was parked in a disabled bay at the builders merchants, then tried to reverse into the side of my car as I was driving past.


I sounded my horn and he stopped, so since he was hemmed in, i got out and very politely asked him if he had turned around to look around the rear of the car before moving off?


No as  he was disabled and couldn't move his neck to do this.


I sympathized and inquired as to whether he had a panoramic mirror fitted to his vehicle?




I assured him that if he had a mobility issue with his neck then the terms on which his driving licence were issued would state he had to use one (panoramic mirror), otherwise he would be driving outside of the remit of his licence which would mean he was driving illegally.


At this point he turned to me and told me to piss off.


I  just laughed laughed and suggested that a miracle had occurred as his neck now seemed to be fully working.


I then bid him a pleasant morning and drove off.


How should this 'driver' be rated under the the AndyC system?


Later in Leominster, I followed a group of cyclists up a rather narrow section of the highway.


They were not lycra clad, but on pannier laden touring bikes.  The middle three in the gaggle of a dozen or so were in what would be described as echelon starboard. with the front wheel overlapping the rear wheel of the bike in front. Since they were going up hill. the lead cyclist would wobble and pull away from the kerb.  This was repeated by the riders behind him, so that the last of the three was sometimes wobbling  out over the centre line of the road.


I  waited patiently and gave them a very wide berth when it was safe to pass.


Thinking of dear AndyC, I was trying to concoct a suitable avatar for this shower.


The best I could come up with was Flangelickers.


The rest of the journey passed without incident or any chance meetings with those from which you would hesitate to breed with.


On the return journey, a late luncheon was taken in Monkland, and very nice it was too.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Good afternoon everyone.


Well the rain never stopped, save for a 30 minute spell just as SWMBO was walking home from Zumba. Well they do say that the sunshine son the righteous don't they?


The balustrade spindles are still a little too damp to paint. So being unable to do anything else, I decided I needed an accurate plan for the decking area. So I got out by A3 book of graph paper and I drew up a scale plan. This has enabled me to make an accurate cutting schedule for the 9 decking support beams that I bought. After plenty of scribbling, calculating (without the aid calculator I might add) and much rubbing out, a completed the plan and the cutting schedule was made. I've also managed it all using only 8 of the 9 beams, so I have spare 1 left over.


After lunch I returned to the cellar and started cutting the beams and I now I have a pile of wood ready to fit together. I've even started assembling some of the more manageable bits, those that can be carried outside and up the cellar steps with ease. The rest can wait until I'm ready to complete the decking once all the painting is finished on the workshop.


I also need to buy some more paint for the balustrade, as I didn't factor that in when I originally bought it late last year.


Oh typically it's now stopped raining.


Back later.

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Evening.  First day back at work was busy!  Survived though.


As a collie has been mentioned I should inform the caring world of ER's that Jayne's dear collie has survived, after finally being diagnosed with pancreatitis in a doggy hospital in Liverpool,  She is now out of the woods (and Liverpool) and at home, beginning to chase toys in her usual way and look a lot better - although Jayne is wiped out.  Hopefully she can get back on track in her own recovery soon.


As for dodgy landings, I once was in a 747 that missed the runway at Muscat, and took off again with half a desert following.  Brown trousers, that one.  They can really move when they have to - light in fuel then of course.

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  • RMweb Gold

That's Portpatrick, and I believe you can see the railway cutting in the skyline.


I thought I might have been there but couldn't place it  We visited it 43 years ago when staying at Auchenmalg doesn't look as though it has changed that much.



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Afternoon from Estuary-Land. With so many suggested names its now difficult to describe a driver I encountered today. The filling station at Pitsea Tesco's sits within its own one way gyratory system off of which is the home delivery loading bay. To go from the loading bay to the parking area for the delivery vans entails driving around the one way system. One of the delivery drivers however decided that he couldn't be bothered to go around the one way system and I was confronted by him as I entered the one way system. I am open for any suggestion as to what to call him.

Edited by PhilJ W
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. I am open for any suggestion as to what to call him.


Any word more than four letters long is a waste.

I would choose one beginning with a D, ending with k and ic in the middle. Short and sweet.




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