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Internet connectivity at this campsite has allowed me to catch up - most deep condolences to Dave from Debs, myself and a small purple donkey.


We have now moved up to Barmouth, which was a second choice campsite (a bit big for us) but it is actually very good.  Visited the Museum of Power near Cardigan today, very good  if you like big old diesel engines.  Met one of the engineers who was a kindred spirit, he ran some of the bigger engine for me that they don't usually run on quieter days.  Lots interesting stuff there, very well presented.




Talyllyn tomorrow, then up to Cheshire for a couple of days.

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Bill touched upon his politics, interestingly enough my views are almost diametrically opposed to his, yet when we met we were able to have very cordial and collegiate discussions about a number of topics: sometimes agreeing to disagree, sometimes finding points of agreement and always learning new perspectives and ideas (whether or not we were in agreement or not on the topic). Perhaps it's because I am now Swiss, but I believe that successful politics is both the art of the possible and the skill of non-compromising compromise (as odd as that may sound. Think on it!).

Thanks Flavio, I think what you are saying is: "I disagree with your views but defend your right to hold them." My sentiment as well, but not everyone would agree .....



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Following the removal of the figure known as 'Mrs White' from the board game 'Cluedo', any matters which are perfectly clear will now be said to be 'there in Very Dark Grey or Pale Beige ....'

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Another three goals and Wales would have won.


Ah! So refreshing to see (and, mentally) hear English like what should be spoke (like)! (90% of my colleagues would have put 'of' instead of 'have!)


What is our obsession with the past tense, for example?


Whenever a shop assistant asks 'did you have a loyalty card, sir', my reply is 'no I didn't, don't have nor never will have'. It goes straight over their heads.


So does replying to the receptionist to the question 'what was your name?' It still is...


As for someone approaching a sales-oriented person, 'can I get...' should only be responded to (as one of my former local publicans did) with 'no I'll get it, you pay for it'


Don't even get me started on your, you're, yaw and yore, and regarding there, their and they're, best avoided!


Do you want fries with that, like?

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Thanks Flavio, I think what you are saying is: "I disagree with your views but defend your right to hold them." My sentiment as well, but not everyone would agree .....




May I proffer an example?


""I may be misquoting here, but I heard an article about Emma Bunton who was involved with the protest against the exit referendum result; I believe she said that when we win the decision to stay in, it will be a victory for democracy!


Excuse me?


Farage has resigned; UKIP has achieved its result and its members and MEPs are now redundant by the democratic vote.""


Sorry, not meaning to get political but merely using an example to enhance bbishop's views that everyone has an entitlement to their opinion but, in a democracy, should accept learn to live with the views of the democratic majority.


Please accept this as an observation rather than a statement, given the rules of this thread.

Edited by JohnDMJ
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  • RMweb Gold

Internet connectivity at this campsite has allowed me to catch up - most deep condolences to Dave from Debs, myself and a small purple donkey.


We have now moved up to Barmouth, which was a second choice campsite (a bit big for us) but it is actually very good.  Visited the Museum of Power near Cardigan today, very good  if you like big old diesel engines.  Met one of the engineers who was a kindred spirit, he ran some of the bigger engine for me that they don't usually run on quieter days.  Lots interesting stuff there, very well presented.




Talyllyn tomorrow, then up to Cheshire for a couple of days.

My choice in that area is Hendre Mynach as you can get the train passing right behind the pitch. Can be a bit busy in season. Last there on the first day of Nov it was shirt sleeve weather. THere is a nice walk at Tal y Bont from the carpark by the Bridge the walk goes up along the river through the woods and out onto an old drove road.


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A quiet night on school prom duty last night with no-one remotely venturing near apprentice cockwomble status. No surprises really, as it was the secondary school that I attended....... :sungum:


Tomorrow night is #9 out of 12. I have it on my list as 100 attending, which is a relatively easy job, but a quick word today and it's actually 205...... Twice as many is four times as difficult, so instead of two of us on car park duty, it's now upped to five.


I also have some grass cutting in the next two days to do for wife's work as the normal groundskeeper/gardener is off this week and grass doesn't stop growing when he's not there. It should take about two 3 hour sessions.


In local news, Mrs NB is taking on the role of Lancashire East County Commissioner for the Guides. All I have to do is clear out a suitable space in the garage for all the peripheral junk equipment that goes with the role for the next five years. I may be gone some time on that task.


A bit of modelling and then zzzzzzzz.


Sleep well everyone.




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  • RMweb Gold

I seem to have missed saying happy birthday Pete but have no idea which Pete is having a birth day.


Flavio for me Butty and Sarni are not interchangeable I might have a Chip Butty or a Salad Sarni but wouldn't have a Chip Sarni or a Salad Butty


One of the troubles with democracy is other people may not vote how I want.


Do you note how people justify their actions by saying 'Its the right thing to do'  Who says so ? themselves of course 


Wouldn't it be easier if we agreed to spell their there and the're all the same way. No one would get upset and you could still work out the meaning as you do with speech.



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Good evening everyone.


Spent some time at our daughters seeing No 1 grandson, as well as his 3 siblings. Birthday gifts were given and he was particularly pleased with his personalised silver arrowhead on leather necklet. His siblings can get a little boisterous at times, but now that their cellar cinema room is all but complete, they do now tend to slip away after a few minutes, so leaving us adults to chat in relative peace and quiet, which is nice. The good news is that her partner has got a new job, he is no longer working on a zero hours contract. They are both really pleased, as are we. Although he is a qualified plasterer, he currently works as a doorman in Manchester so that he works different hours to our daughter, splitting child care between them. SWMBO used to do some child care for them, but stopped when my chemo treatment began so that she could look after me instead.


When we got back home this evening, we were rather decadent and had a glass of wine, something that we don't usually do mid week, but hey, I'm on holiday, what the heck.


It's getting late now so I'm off to bed.


Goodnight all.

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" I seem to have missed saying happy birthday Pete but have no idea which Pete is having a birth day. "


That was me Don. A day of being busy but not achieving much. I did fit in a run out to Sainsbury's and a stop for liquid refreshment.


Goodnight all



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Sorry, not meaning to get political but merely using an example to enhance bbishop's views that everyone has an entitlement to their opinion but, in a democracy, should accept learn to live with the views of the democratic majority.


Please accept this as an observation rather than a statement, given the rules of this thread.


My observation would be that this would mean that change would never occur. To apply to recent events (sorry but it's a particularly suitable example) the UKIP, far right Tory and disaffected Labour activists should have accepted the democratic wish of the previous generation and not campaigned to leave the EU. Status Quo rules.


However if you accept the above is too restrictive and that groups can campaign to change things then one would also have to accept that things which are changed can't and should not be shielded from further change. Sauces for both goose and gander.


Good night all.

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" I seem to have missed saying happy birthday Pete but have no idea which Pete is having a birth day. "


That was me Don. A day of being busy but not achieving much. I did fit in a run out to Sainsbury's and a stop for liquid refreshment.


Goodnight all




happy belated birthday.


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Wouldn't it be easier if we agreed to spell their there and the're all the same way.


Not forgetting they're.....


(Coat on and running)




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My last remaining uncle has died this week, aged 85ish. . . I have'nt seen him since my younger brother's funeral 10 years ago . .


.Don't think I'll be travelling the 200 odd miles each way for his funeral.



Thoughts with those who are poorly, and hurting.


Goodnight everyone. . . .Sleep well.




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  • RMweb Premium


But for a really challenging test shouldn't there be questions like:

  1. Haggis is a Scottish dish that supposedly tastes the same as the now extinct Scottish animal known as Haggi? True or False?
  2. A "roll up" is made of [a] tobacco, marijuana, [c] both a and b are correct?
If your friend asks to borrow a monkey to buy a second hand car but you can only lend him a pony, how much more dosh does your friend need to be able to buy the motor The Balti and "Baltistan" are inventions of Indian sub continent restaurateurs in Birmingham. True or False? At a formal dinner, after the meal the decanter of port is passed clockwise (to the left) or anti-clockwise (to the right)? "Butty" (alternative spelling "buttie"), and "sarni" are both what? What does the abbreviation NORWICH mean? Name one 100% British owned and operated motor car company Who was Eric Blair? Melton Mowbray are renowned for their [a] sausage rolls, jellied eels, [c] pasties, [d] pork pies


1.  True.  There are both left-footed and right-footed haggi (strictly speaking they are clockwise and antclockwise haggi) none of which is readily catchable.

2.  True.

3.  The lucky chap will require 95 ladies.   

4.  True

5.  Clockwise. Do you know the Bishop of Norwich?

6.  Sangas.  Or Earls.  Sometimes even sandwiches.

7.  Please prepare yourself for some social excitement upon my return

8.  No

9.  A radical philospher masquerading as an author

10. Pies.  With Colman's mustard, a pickled onion and a pint of Ruddles.


Supplementary questions:


A.  Define "C0ckwomble"

B.  Define "Ar$ebadger"

C.  Define "C***puffin"

D.  Use the above correctly in a sentence.


My vocabulary has been expanded again thanks to ER.  


Good morning all.  Best wishes for the day.

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Not mine either but I think the Pete with a birthday has just finished digging holes in my garden.

Hope he had a great day.


Unless, following the remarks on the use of English, anyone thinks I'm some sort of authority on the matter, please be assured that I can split an infinitive across a crowded room.

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Morning all. A grey start to the day again which may lead to some precipitation but not forecast until after I finish today. I wonder if they have got that prediction right.


Still tired after the last 3 days but at least the coffee is kicking in early.


Happy birthday Phil


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all.

Happy Birthday Phil. Looksas if you will have some sunshine too!

I am off to Whitechapel for a hospital appointment. I suspect just a chat and then blood tests. I should be home for lunch.


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