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Dave, my condolences. I'm sure Is was thankful to be home with you for her remaining time, that was a special gift for you both.

Take some comfort in the thought that she is no longer suffering, but looking down on you as you ride the countryside together. Wish I knew how to stop my screen being so blurry <sigh>.

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Dave. So sorry to,hear the sad news of Is's passing.

There have been many kind words written today, so I won't say much other than to add my condolences.


You have to be in darkness to see the stars.

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Quite a good day, the rain held off and I made good progress.

The new fascia boards have been cut and painted and a start has been made on painting the eaves, before the fascia boards are fitted.

Painting will continue tomorrow afternoon, as I'm back at the Christie for my 6 monthly check up. My first appointment is at 8:20 for the blood tests (it usually takes about a week to get the results) and I see the trial nurses at 9:20. This usually takes about 45 minutes all told, so hopefully we'll be home before 11:00.


Back later.

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Andrew - Happy Birthday, sounds like you managed a good "celebration"!


Tuesday and the first day of the work week here.

Pleasant weekend, although much taken up with the sale of our rental property, it's amazing how much paperwork and review of the same has to occur just to agree to a sale!


Yesterday managed a fair amount of ...wait for it ...  modeling.. YAY! Set up a couple more point motors and got in very deep with JMRI and the layout schematic, turnout and route definitions. Love how that works.

Went out for dinner with friends then over to the local firework display - all a most enjoyable experience.


So here we are today, the first business day after the departure of the VP of finance at my client, and I've heard NOTHING from them. I fear they may have imploded :jester:


25 overcast and humid here, looking at 33 for a high and expecting some severe thunderstorms towards the evening, if the weather predictors are to be believed...


Cherish your friends and family - give everyone a hug.

Edited by Ian Abel
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Now in Indianapolis. Arrived go e midnight on the Hoosier State train. Our hotel was the Crowne Plaza which is actually in tbe train shed part of union station with real coaches as some of the rooms although we had a more conventional room, can feel the freight train s rumbling through the remaining part of the station. Been to the Indy racetrack this morning. Now having liquid refreshment in one of the numerous brew pubs and craft beer bars here.

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In the last few minutes, my wife and I have had a phone call to tell us that her cousin has died this morning from the big C. The news was expected but still has come as a shock. Now I fear the "family"wrangling will start as to the sale of his property etc and it's not set to be amicable. His brother tried to jump the gun when he went into hospital. I'm glad I'm only a relative by marriage.

I should think his funeral will be at the back end of next week and as my wife goes into hospital on the Wednesday for a hip operation, I shall be alone at the wake. 


Sorry to hear of your cousin,  and sad if the family behave like vultures. I hope he left a clear will. 

The banks will freeze his money and no honest solicitor will handle a house sale until someone (or a group of people) has probate or letters of administration if there is no will. If you have power of atorney that ceases on the death of a person to knowingly write a cheque or transfer funds from an account after death would be fraud or theft unless you have probate or the estate is very small. The bank will release money for the funeral expenses on production of an invoice.

Of course there is little to stop people helping themselves to chattels such as pictures, china etc. It can be very embarrassing if something has been specified in a will and someone else has already collared it. 


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Not to make light of a sad day, but I've managed to complete my 55th solar orbit at 09:38 gmt this morning.

We've commemorated this occasion by drinking 55 different beers this weekend in Brussels.

Have a peaceful day everyone. Give your special person a big hug.

Happy birthday Andrew.

I'm afraid my days of me drinking 55 different beers over a weekend are but a dim and distant memory.

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Good to see that Dom has started to furnish his cab. At least he has somewhere to keep his sandwiches now. :)


As for the Britishness test I did ok, although not perfect. Two questions wrong.


Firstly,  Halloween I incorrectly assumed was an import from our friends across the pond; I can only blame my confusion on the hangover from celebrating 4th of July. 


And secondly, question #26 of 25. "Given the choice would you invest your benefits in: a) Scratchcard, b) Postcode lottery, c) Euromillions, d) a nitrous oxide filled balloon, or, e) a cheeky Nandos?"  


Like abstain! Where was "f) a doner wiv all that salad stuff an chili from the parked-up kebab van" ? post-4299-0-72489600-1467739013.gif

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Afternoon all. My condolences to Dave. So sorry to hear your news. Others have put thoughts and feelings into words far better than I could. Although this has been expected, and you have been prepared for it - I am sure it does not make any easier or any less upsetting. Please accept my condolences and know that my thoughts are with you. Cherish the times you had together and remember to take care of yourself. Continue to enjoy the things you enjoy.


The news from the Staffordshire Moorlands certainly puts things into context. Today has been a very difficult day at work. If only parents would learn to respect teachers and accept their decisions. Yes. We were not on strike and opened as normal. Not all teachers strike at a drop of a hat!!

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Lest I forget: Happy birthday, Andrew!


Will now be off for catching Zs, hopefully. Split shift tomorrow with first part starting at 4.36 am. Then another round of the Western Shuttle on Thursday, and Friday's shift will have to be arranged as well.


Night, everyone, and best wishes to all. Take care and cherish everything there is to enjoy in your lives, however trivial these things may seem…

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Good to see that Dom has started to furnish his cab. At least he has somewhere to keep his sandwiches now. :)





We have to wonder that when Dom has plumbed in the sink above the cabinet, what will he be sitting on? 

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We have to wonder that when Dom has plumbed in the sink above the cabinet, what will he be sitting on? 


 Ritchie-Hook's Thunderbox.   :stinker:

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It got very hot and sunny here about 2pm.

We have started demoltion of the end wall of the extension wall to enable some rafters to be fitted for the replacement roof. Now they are suggesting we might have gales at the weekend. Oh joy


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A quick catch up of the goings on in ER land before completing a report. The remainder of RMWeb will have to wait till tomorrow evening.


A better day today with only working the planned hours and achieving more than was planned. Tomorrow is more of the same and I get my normal van back.


Jamie -It sounds like encouraging news about Tony.


Mike - have a great time. I may have to consider one of these trips.


Dave - My thoughts are with you. I've tried to write something better and have failed several times.


AndrewC - Happy birthday. I wouldn't have a chance of completing that task these days


Should I be worried? I tried the real test and only scored 88%. So much of it is general knowledge and not a test of Life in the UK.


Thinking of those grieving, ailing, supporting, recovering and missing

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Evening all. Back in the boring borough. Although I think my liver has absconded. Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Much appreciated. 5 years ago I was given the task to do 50 beers for 50 years in Brussels. The rules were simple. 50 different beers. I can share but the minimum amount to count is 12.5cl. Basically half a small bottle. This past weekend I went for 55 for 55. I had an extra day this time too. this time also I have a much better knowledge of Belgian beers and tried to stick to sour and fruit beers as they are lower in abv. I succeeded without getting rat arsed on any of the 4 days.


Since the crappy mobile version of the forum software doesn't handle the likes, etc. I will have to revisit a few days worth of posts to catch up.


Still chopping onions over Is.


Good night all. normal profanity laced grumpiness will resume shortly.


Oh yea. The waste of money and time Life in the UK test. Its total bullsh*t. SWMBO had to sit the thing to get her indefinite leave to remain a couple of years ago. What a racket. First you have to pay well over £1k for the ILR forms, then you have to pay for the bloody exam guide, then more the exam itself. After all the stress the stupid thing put her through she was in and out with a pass in under 10 minutes. They give you 45 to write the thing. Utter government box ticking stupidity. Then again it must be making money for some politician's mate or partner.

Edited by AndrewC
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Dave, my sincere condolences. At least Is spent her last days peacefully at home.


I was out for much of the day, leaving in a hurry without breakfast to take some items to the auction rooms near Alresford, followed by lunch at the MHR café and a trip to Alton and back behind 925 Cheltenham. I forgot my camera and Mrs mole's had no batteries, so no photos of trains were taken. This was a sort of celebration of turning 68 tomorrow. I had one beer and managed to stay out of the railway model shop. A brief call into the s/h bookshop yielded nothing I could justify getting. The rest of the day was sorting stuff (mostly vinyl) out to chuck or sell, followed by cooking so I didn't get on here for ages.


Happy Birthday to Andrew C; that's a method of celebration I approve of.


Best wishes to all.



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