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  • RMweb Premium


thank you for the clarification of my post.  I was remembering something my father told me years ago, and he isn't around to ask anymore.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.  Lunday Munchtime already here.  See what happens when I have to Attend the Palace?  I miss the page number corresponding with the lowest-numbered class 24 "rat" and the lowest-numbered A60-stock car from the Metropolitan Line ;)  


Very quiet weekend at the Palace actually.  Saturday saw the Aussie federal elections.  Mandatory voting applies for citizens failing which one receives a request to top up Government coffers by way of a fine.  Without delving into the Prohibited it seems we are unlikely to achieve either a result in the short term or a functional government in any term.  It's too close to call and the postal votes haven't even been opened yet so we have days (at least) to wait.  In a curious parallel with recent events back home and for the first time anyone can recall here there has been an acrimonious backlash against those who chose to not vote, those who openly declared they "donkey-voted" (spoilt the paper on purpose) and those who voted in a particular manner.  It seems there is a nasty undercurrent of racism in more than one country which is emerging via the relative anonymity of the social media.


A challenging weekend on the home front as well.  Dragon-in-Law has, it seems, decided to remarry after a very brief acquaintance with her future husband.  Neither SWMBO nor her brother had even met this chap until Saturday when brother did so.  It didn't go well.  Brother- and Sister-in-Law are rightly concerned about their son losing regular access to "Nanna" when she sells up, as she intends, and moves in with New Man.  New Man responded by saying son (6) was welcome to come and stay any time.  The invitation was definitely not extended to the parents.  SiL replied that no son of hers was going to spend any time away with an unknown man; BiL backed her and things started to get nasty from there on.


SWMBO family (specifically her parents) previously had links with a person now in jail for a long time having been convicted of interfering with little boys.  I suspect there is more to emerge and that the full story may prove uncomfortably close to home.  That sort of past link drives protectiveness and we are right to be wary of anyone unknown to us.


I might need all my diplomatic and listening skills in the next few days or weeks.


No Attendance today.  It's a domestic day.  First laun-wet in the sloshing machine then laun-dry in the grumble dryer.  Yawn.  But it has to be done.  When it's all done there's an interesting looking cleanskin Cab-Merlot on the rack waiting for tonight.

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Good morning one and all


Yesterday I gathered what could turn out to be the last of the strawberries.  They will garnish my cornflakes today and tomorrow.  The lump of rump steak for lunch was a but more gristly that I thought but it's my own fault for choosing it.  Various m*d*ll*ng projects are now housed in a series of plastic storage boxes which are a lot better than the box files originally contemplated.  They stack neatly and are less precarious than the seed trays which they replace.  Apart from that I slobbed out for most of the afternoon.  Various medics would be pleased at the amount of walking I did on Saturday at the battle but it left me a bit weary.  With any luck I have replenished sufficient strength to do some serious weed removal today.  Oh dear, I've tempted providence again.  What's the betting that it will chuck down with rain, especially after the announcement that Wimbledon has caught up after the extra day?


The week ahead could be relatively quiet.  Tomorrow night there is a talk on the new build Patriot and on Friday I have an early surgery appointment.  Apart froom those and the fodder runs it should be quiet.  We shall see.


Best wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed.  The latter does not necessarily include sports fans.  Thoughts remain with Dave and Is.



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Morning All,


We have a rather grey morning here - the weekend weather was a bit of a mixed bag.  Saturday was largely dry, but with some heavy showers - and it was pretty cold.  Still, Thomas did very well in the Triathlon.  He got placed 25th out of 49.  Considering there were some lads and lasses there who had very obviously trained hard, and had all the gear (triathlon clothing, carbon fiber road bikes, and so on) it was a very passable result.


Yesterday was more of a quiet day, and also a Brexit free day - in that I didn't look at the news.  At the moment it is a bit like a bad car crash - you don't want to look, but for some reason you do anyway!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a rather cloudy Charente. House still quiet built I will start loading the trailer with tree remains soon before setting off to the t[ and then the builders merchant. We've got to raise a portion of the swimming pool edge by just over an inch to get things hunky dory then the big fill will start. Various other tasks will no doubt be done and I will continue to watch the robins during coffee/beer breaks. I'll also attempt to e diplomatic with the friends that are staying with us.


Regards to all.



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The smell of gunpowder hangs heavily in the air, and it's not even the 4th yet. I suppose it's one way to quickly dispose of disposable income. More fun than actually burning folding money, just not that much.

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I notice there has been shouting and running in the corridors.

It is a custom in our fine establishment that, to aid learning and experience, matters are dealt with in a courteous manner.

We can all have a point of view but some are best left in the satchel or expressed in kindly terms.

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I got Hallam FM they didn;t ask me to hang around....... but it was Sunday.


They say they punishment should fit the crime. What the heck did you do? :O


Thoughts with those ailing, recovering, missing in action (and the tortured ^).

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

A sunny start to the week. 

Up at 5.30 with some good ideas. :mail: I wrote them down before they became mid-morning nagging feelings that I'd earlier had a bright idea!  :dontknow:

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Mornin' all,


Best regards to any that ail


Is didn't open her eyes or eat anything yesterday but each time she became restless I dribbled a little iced lime juice into her mouth. Her breathing became laboured around 10pm so I rubbed her favourite lavender oil onto her chest..... the fragrance could sooth her. I played her favorite music and sat with her until midnight.

This morning her breathing is easier and I've left Classic FM playing next to her and used more of the lavender oil.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

Mornin' all,


Best regards to any that ail


Is didn't open her eyes or eat anything yesterday but each time she became restless I dribbled a little iced lime juice into her mouth. Her breathing became laboured around 10pm so I rubbed her favourite lavender oil onto her chest..... the fragrance could sooth her. I played her favorite music and sat with her until midnight.

This morning her breathing is easier and I've left Classic FM playing next to her and used more of the lavender oil.




Words fail me. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Need to get supplies in so a trip into town beckons and I need to collect a parcel from the sorting office. Have a nice moan-day and best wishes to the bereaved and ailing especially Dave and Is.

EDIT I wrote the above as Dave was writing his post, as Ian said, lost for words.

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Premium

Words fail me.


And me also.
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


The sun is shining and there are few clouds in the sky. SWMBO will shortly be off to Zumba armed with a dozen cupcakes.

I'm going to tidy up / prune the roses near the workshop window.

Then have a brew.

Start taking down the guttering so that I can re-install it after I've replaced the rotten fascia boards.

Then have a brew.

I can start to give it a new coat of paint, it desperately needs it as the wood is showing through in places.

Then have a brew.


The keen eyed may well have noticed a pattern in the above.


What ever you're doing today, have a good one.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Lest I forget my good manners otherwise, morning all to everyone.


Day off today and a couple of errands have been run already. Also posted a few additional photos at http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1910/entry-17993-the-western-shuttle/ , which I hope may help regale everyone in need.


As Tony said, take care…

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  • RMweb Premium

I wrote my earlier post as Dave was posting his.

As humbled as others by Dave's care for Is. 

I've posted a request to ClassicFM for a song for Is. Not sure of her musical tastes, so chose Romeo & Juliet; seemed appropriate.

Bless you both.


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