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Mornin' all,


Best regards to any that ail


Hands up anyone who watched England's misery all the way to the final whistle


Constitutional-less for a few days now whilst a buckled wheel is rectified in town


Is is continuing with a reasonable breakfast followed by grazing through the day.....regular iced lime juice/cups of tea/fresh coffee. Yesterday she enjoyed watching a few of our holiday DVDs and is currently listening to Classic FM.


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



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the preparatory pack of stuff to gulp down before the latter looks pretty daunting and I'm wondering whether to book the day before the examination off given the potential effects it could have!


I would if I were you.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

At least going out to Iceland saved us the humiliation of losing to the French. So, every cloud, as they say. A French colleague of swmbo was saying that he loves the English fans who are in the fan zone under the Eiffel Tower; apparently everyone getting on famously with a lot of singing. 

It is galling though being beaten by a bunch of plucky amateurs without a professional team to their country's name.

After all, I thought being a plucky amateur was our national USP.  


As the job hunt continues it is quite interesting seeing job specs drafted before the referendum....

"You will lead our efforts working closely in partnership with European equivalent organisations..... appears quite regularly"

Wondering if it's worth giving them a quick call before typing up my resume. ;)

I suspect those job adverts will shortly state: "You challenge will be to lead our efforts......"


For my birthday I received a T-shirt saying "Keep Calm and Model Railways"...which I have done in recent days.


New boiler; I've been tasked with cleaning up the mold which has apparently formed on the wall behind each of the recently brazed pipes. That was quickly done: I reported back that it wasn't mold but scorch marks. :whistle:   


Anyway, it's a lovely sunny day and I picked strawberries for the children's breakfast.  :sungum:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. If the news this morning is to be believed the future of HS2 is in doubt, the sums don't add up according to the Audit Office. It depends I suppose if Boris wants it as a vanity project or the money for another vanity project.

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Good morning everyone.



Blood test done, and breakfast consumed. It's a dull grey and cool day today, so I'm glad I'm not going too far.


I guess from the result last night that I made the right choice to go swimming instead of watching the match. To be honest I haven't watched any football since the 2010 World Cup, and by the sounds of it, I haven't missed much!


Back later.

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Having imposed a (longer and much more intensive than normal) complete news blackout over the last six months or so has limited my knowledge of 'other' current events, whilst keeping me sane (allegedly). I assume that there has been some kind of football competition? Were the Charltons playing?


I still have my 'World Cup Willie' Shove Ha'penny game somewhere. It's seen as much use over the years as the England  trophy shelf.


Grey start to the day here. I am expected to make a 'cowbell' to finish off the "Daisy the Milkshake Cow" costume, that the Management has been making over the weekend for our granddaughter. The school fancy dress day is tomorrow. As they say "I've got nothing...."


Thoughts with those feeling under the weather.


Why do cows have bells anyway?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny here, rain forecast later.

I need to pop out to the shops to get a couple of items for lunch. Aditi will be doing something administrative with the colleague from the Southend Cercle Francaise. I was told not to to eat all the biscuits yesterday.


JohnDMJ, I was going to post but Pete (Trisonic) has said it all. If you have any sedation (I select awake, no pain please option!) you may be given restrictions on what you can do for 24 hours after.

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Good morning all.


I won't be surprise if it costs the same to leave the EU as would have been spent on HS2, so they are scrapping the latter to punish the electorate for making the "wrong" decision.


In other news am off to see the GP this morning to see if I have fractured the end of my humerous when I fell over the other day. It's astonishing what medical experts Google has made of us all!


Best wishes


Ed Kennethsson

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

At least going out to Iceland saved us the humiliation of losing to the French. So, every cloud, as they say. A French colleague of swmbo was saying that he loves the English fans who are in the fan zone under the Eiffel Tower; apparently everyone getting on famously with a lot of singing. 

It is galling though being beaten by a bunch of plucky amateurs without a professional team to their country's name.

After all, I thought being a plucky amateur was our national USP.  


As the job hunt continues it is quite interesting seeing job specs drafted before the referendum....

"You will lead our efforts working closely in partnership with European equivalent organisations..... appears quite regularly"

Wondering if it's worth giving them a quick call before typing up my resume. ;)

I suspect those job adverts will shortly state: "You challenge will be to lead our efforts......"


For my birthday I received a T-shirt saying "Keep Calm and Model Railways"...which I have done in recent days.


New boiler; I've been tasked with cleaning up the mold which has apparently formed on the wall behind each of the recently brazed pipes. That was quickly done: I reported back that it wasn't mold but scorch marks. :whistle:   


Anyway, it's a lovely sunny day and I picked strawberries for the children's breakfast.  :sungum:

If we are going ot export products ot the EU we will still have to comply with EU regs as do Norway etc.

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'cause their horns don't work.


Pull the udder one


Meanwhile for chickens who have to cross the road - never mind why they do - there's this  



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I have just read an article (Here: http://www.reifenpresse.de/2016/06/17/standraeumung-in-essen-dullop-und-mershline-vermarkter-erhaelt-behoerdenbesuch/) to the effect that various manufacturers at the tyre exhibition in Essen got a visit from the authorities who confiscated their wares.


Meshiline is bad enough, but Dollop?!?  Are they serious?  I guess the irony was lost, but they are probably called Dollop because they are a pile of ... :mosking:


I remember back in the 80s, my Father turning down a motorbike tyre made by "Dae Yung" :sarcastichand:

Edited by Robert
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I'm told the Icelandic footballers average £30K per year.

England's average £60K per week.


I think I heard that one of them plays for Cardiff City. Not sure if that brings the average wage up or down! 


If we are going ot export products ot the EU we will still have to comply with EU regs as do Norway etc.


Most certainly the case.

I was reflecting on two posts.

One seeks to attract foreign students to study here and the other revolves around the idea that UK institutions will do one piece of a large research jigsaw if other European nations do other bits of the puzzle.

In the former I would imagine that potential students would be granted entry to underpin our FE/HE institutions - I presume there is lobbying going on, but equally as a cash cow no-one should need much convincing? 

As for the latter, somewhat trickier to have a research collaboration when funding is often sought under EU frameworks. I've been seeing the nashing of teeth from those involved in large EU programmes and used to hoovering up grants. Perhaps part of this £350gazillion will go on research and building capability. 

Who knows; I guess we're free to choose.

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Just had a phone call from Matthew. It looks as if he could have visa problems for Singapore. Carrying out research while not attached to an accredited place of Education there, in the field he wants seems to be a little complicated. I have gently suggested that as his medium term aim is to start a PhD which is dependent on a good grade he really

shouldn't be doing something that will be fraught with difficulty beyond his control. He even listened but said he had come to the same conclusion. Plan C or D is now Dublin or Cork.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, 


New boiler; I've been tasked with cleaning up the mold which has apparently formed on the wall behind each of the recently brazed pipes. That was quickly done: I reported back that it wasn't mold but scorch marks. :whistle:   


Anyway, it's a lovely sunny day and I picked strawberries for the children's breakfast.  :sungum:


Either the pipe was too close to the wall or the plumber couldn't be bothered to use a heat proof mat. Very annoying if the wall is papered or against wood. Technically the pipes would normally be soldered Brazing is a similar process but using a different alloy and much higher temperatures.


Some on TV talking about the Iceland defeat asking where do we go from here? Home I think.


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If Matthew does go to Cork instead of Singapore, at least our promise to visit at Christmas won't involve a long flight to a warm country. Is the Fishguard to Rosslare still the "vomit comet"?

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Greetings all


the world revolves and brexit is followed by another dismal performance by England


On my way to work this morning, I saw smoke billowing from what looked like the ground floor flats round the corner from us. As I wondered if anyone had called 999 and whether I should do so, I heard the blare of sirens and was passed by a couple of fire engines and then another a few minutes later.


The News Shopper (Local online rag) informs me it was an electricity substation rather than the flats themselves. No-one hurt.


And that's quite enough excitement for Sidcup!

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Been to collect my currency.


I didnt get the rate I tried to book early Friday morning but they did honour the lower rate of $1.34USD that it was then. Lost about £90 form the rates on the Thursday but saved that by changing ot a cheaper hotel in Portland so at the moment not too bad an outcome.

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Some on TV talking about the Iceland defeat asking where do we go from here? Home I think.

Rather naughtily, I would venture to say that's the least of England's problems.

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