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Early Risers.


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Agood morning from the valley of the Sheaf. First, apologies to Baz that the weather around these parts yesterday was not kind to him. Neither was it kind to Mrs HB, who ventured out three times and was thrice soaked to the skin.


I elected to stay indoors and make a nuisance of myself entertaining the Wheeltappers to the extent that I logged in this morning to a record number of notifications overnight!  I do TRY to be amusing, even when totally depressed by things happening in the world around me.


Today will hopefully be spent listening to the ODI, without interruptions. It's started very sunny and warm here, but the edge seems to be going off it quicker than a stanley's knife cutting laminate flooring. Lets hope it stays dry in, err, Bristol? My memory gets worse. I just hope that everybody gets to enjoy their cricket or whatever else they have planned for the day.


Thoughts as ever with those ailing.


Breakfast time ...


*he used the word elected! Ban his @rse! No elections here!

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Sunny this am so far. Just checking my rules for today, 45 overs, maximum of 9 per bowler, two power plays of 10 and 5 overs with maximum of 2 out of the circle plus 2 close catchers within the inner circle...simples..not. It would be nice to have all games played to the same rules and regulations but hey ho life is for living!


Hope everyone has a good day.. Sounds like yours went well.




I thought it was as simple as:


The team that's out is trying to get the team that's in - out. And then once that team is out, it goes in the other team tries to get them out...............



Try golf.

There is a "Rules of Golf" that is a small book about 10mm thick. There is a supplementary "Decisions on the Rules of Golf" that is akin to War and Peace.


Tidy up at wife's work and then it's "FORE!" for me today.




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Morning all,


We have a nice sunny morning here, but clouds are already building over the Taunus. Fortunately, it is less humid than yesterday.


Concerning Brexit, we will just have to wait and see what the future brings. The rules were clear beforehand and it was known it would be tight. However, rightly or wrongly (and my views are well known from previous posts) the result has to stand.


My neighbour stopped me in the street yesterday and after asking me what effect it would have on me (again, I can only speculate because there are too many unknowns) he went on to ask why on Earth Britain would want to leave. Reflecting what many friends and colleagues have said; he was of the opinion that sure, the EU is far from perfect but as to leaving, he just couldn't believe it and asked if everyone had gone mad!


Have a good day everyone...

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Oh I don't know, maybe politics should be allowed for a couple of weeks.  Far less acrimonious than discussions on 'better OO track' :stinker:



Not to mention new release announcements! :jester:


Though seriously, I certainly hope "that issue" won't bring lasting discord into ERs (and RMweb as a whole). I do, of course, realise few people, be it in the UK or outside of it, could claim complete indifference to it and whatever reverberations there may yet turn out to be. Personally, I'll certainly prefer to leave it at that for the political dimension.


I also think if anyone should feel compelled to comment on anything somebody else has said in this context, perhaps switching to private messages or other channels would be the better choice. I am indeed confident that – speaking for us on ERs at least – we are mature enough to be able to conduct such exchanges in a civilised manner.

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I thought it was as simple as:


The team that's out is trying to get the team that's in - out. And then once that team is out, it goes in the other team tries to get them out...............



Try golf.

There is a "Rules of Golf" that is a small book about 10mm thick. There is a supplementary "Decisions on the Rules of Golf" that is akin to War and Peace.


Tidy up at wife's work and then it's "FORE!" for me today.





I tried golf once. What a silly game that is..

Hit ball. Find ball. Hit ball. Find ball. Hit Ball. Find ball. Knock ball in hole.

Rinse and repeat 18 times.


At least in cricket when I hit the ball the other team had to go and find it ...



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Morning all. A grey start to the day but I'm hoping that it stays dry. The van is in serious need of a wash and I refuse to pay for something that I can do myself.


A mountain of ironing to tackle soon so a fairly relaxing day.


Have a good day everyone

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Like a good little ER I have refrained from political comment until my tongue has been running with blood.

Last evening I learn that Andy is taking a softer line with such crimes in the prevailing situation and now I've forgotten what I was going to say.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. While I was out yesterday a parcel arrived via Royal Mail who duly left a card. I noticed that the sorting office is open today 10 am to 2 pm so I'm off to collect it soon, another advantage is that there are no parking restrictions on Sundays. :imsohappy:

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Like a good little ER I have refrained from political comment until my tongue has been running with blood.

Last evening I learn that Andy is taking a softer line with such crimes in the prevailing situation and now I've forgotten what I was going to say.


I was thinking that Politics should be allowed.


Only so long as every writer agreed with me.


Should be fine....


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


This is proving to be a cool June. Last weekend at the 24 hrs race down the road I suspect after the rain ceased most of the teams, many of the spectators but maybe not all the campers, were quite happy with it being temperate. I have been able to get the lawns mowed twice in a week, although some strimming is overdue. As I was emptying the grassbox on the tractor yesterday I noticed two large snakes leaving the pile of old cuttings and heading into the field next door. Lola had been playing with a small snake on the terrasse a couple of weeks ago. Both seem to have survived. 


Andyram - Scotland prides itself on having a classy education system. That said, my cleaner, Alison, who is English by birth but of Scots parents, and spent most of her life in that country before moving here in 2008, speaks a form of English that does her educators no favours. Sherry and I, Surrey-educated both, hear lots of things that make us smirk! Ok, you say, but she is only a cleaner. True, but that is by choice. She has a degree in Business Studies, a Masters in IT - and is part-qualified as an architect, after all..... Some of us went straight from skool to employment, but like to smugly think we speak and write the Queen's English - at least most of the time.


A little modelling might be in order later today - but I promise not to talk about it here, or probably elsewhere on RMweb, either!


Have a good Sunday, all. 

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I was thinking that Politics should be allowed. ....


Well they have for a bit. I'd like to state my thanks to Andy for recognising the exceptional circumstances we find ourselves in and responding with pragmatism and empathy. I'm pretty sure that his workload (even if it's just been limited to closely monitoring what's said) will have increased. As a disheartened remain voter I've found it invaluable to know that I'm not alone in my feelings. I'm also thankful to those participants on both sides of the debate for their moderation which has allowed the discussion to take place.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Occasional sunshine is blessing our little portion of the Thames Valley and the town has become international for the week (actually more like a small part of the USofA judging by the various accents we are most commonly hearing, anyway it makes a change from Mittel European and the Portuguese catering contingent (who have just opened a new Italian restaurant - right on cue for the visitor peak).  In fact Italian restaurants are very much flavour of the month with a new one opening in the premises of an old one and another changing overnight from one name, with green exterior woodwork, to a different name - with muddy brown exterior woodwork.  Meanwhile the small Colombian/Polish owned and staffed Italian restaurant continues in its own sweet way and provided me with both a full English breakfast (better than 'Spoons effort) and a nice evening fettuccine on the day after the thing we are no longer mentioning.


So through all that i haven't directly mentioned the Regatta which really begins later this week but is nowadays so popular the eliminators began on Friday - I can remember when there weren't any eliminators but I'll keep off that in case I begin to wax lyrical about the things that have gone (like the jar of pickled eggs on the counter in the chippy - before the Chinese took it over, or the jar of pickled onions on the counter of the other chippy - before some Portuguese took it over).   Yes - if you wanted to eat out round here there wouldn't be all that much if we relied on home grown staff (two cafes and tea room - that's all).


Now I wonder what will happen about any sort of breakfast?


Have a  good day one & all

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Well they have for a bit. I'd like to state my thanks to Andy for recognising the exceptional circumstances we find ourselves in and responding with pragmatism and empathy. I'm pretty sure that his workload (even if it's just been limited to closely monitoring what's said) will have increased. As a disheartened remain voter I've found it invaluable to know that I'm not alone in my feelings. I'm also thankful to those participants on both sides of the debate for their moderation which has allowed the discussion to take place.

Total agreeance with the above. In the last 2 days on ER despite various differences nobody fell out or even discarded their playthings.


Weather is overcast here in sunny Teignmouth today and I am off out to have a drink with a former classmate who I haven't seen in nearly 40 years.

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This really is a wonderful thread, with some wonderful people. The discussions of the past few days have in no way changed my opinions of any one here, and I hope that is mutual. You are all, and will remain online friends.


I will now remain silent on commenting further because there isn't really anything new to say.


It has clouded over now. We have just come back from a classic car show in Rüsselsheim.

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Gold

This really is a wonderful thread, with some wonderful people. The discussions of the past few days have in no way changed my opinions of any one here, and I hope that is mutual. You are all, and will remain online friends.

I will now remain silent on commenting further because there isn't really anything new to say.

It has clouded over now. We have just come back from a classic car show in Rüsselsheim.

Opels, presumably?
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Yes Ian - there were quite a few!


Not just though. There were quite a few Yank tanks, British sports cars (lots of TR6s, a handful of MGs, one Mini and one Healey 3000). Plus quite a few VWs (obviously)

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Off to Sandy's Race for Life shortly.


Not taking the dogs as it'll be too crowded for them. Then it's back home and walk them before the rain sets it (as it will)



She did the 5k in 50 minutes - walking - she's forbidden to run by the doc "We don't want any more bits dropping off"


Lunch was a true euro affair - pancetta and fried egg on a genuine French baguette.


Now it's dogs walk and a bit of crowbar activity levering her out of the chair where she's stiffening up.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello, good afternoon and welcome.


A consistently overcast morning here in South Devon, slightly chilly for shorts and a t-shirt in the garden later on, but that didn't stop me doing a bit of pruning and then having a coffee, whilst reading more of Alistair Reynolds' latest masterpiece 'Poseidon's Wake'. Highly recommended if you're into sci-fi, or even if you're not!

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Now back, showered and fed after partaking in this morning's Ipswich Rotarian's River Orwell Walk, in support of the Samaritan's in  my case.  Enjoyed (not) heavy rainfall, very muddy paths and slippery seaweed on the bits along the foreshores. However, we are all now safely home and reflecting on the generous and cheerful spirit in which people support such events.

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Afternoon All


Back after an all too short trip to Berkshire, and almost all in one piece after a cockwombleness display on the A417, A49, and M6.  Food ordered and dog collected, and now I can get on with something more pleasant.  I'll just recount my experinces. 


On the 417,I was overtaken in a 30 mph zone by a clown in a 4WD of some sort, doing well above that limit, at the exact point where I was caught on a mobile camera doing 34mph - of course, today that camera was nowhere to be seen.

On the 49, we ran into a cycle "event" which was not the usual club 20km where they leave a intervals, and are against the clock, but the cycle element of a triathalon where they just race along.  ONe such was a true idiot, who thought he was on a track, not a main A road, and would not pull in at all, and stuck to the middle of the road, so that the vehicle in front of us, and we, and the trail behind us could not get past.  He did pull in at one stage, and as the car in front pulled out to pass, he pulled out to pass another cycle and nearly went under the wheels of the poor sod in front of us.  At the checkpoint, we pulled up and gave the marshall his competitor number, and a description of his behaviour, so hopefully he will be disqualified, disciplined, or barred - hopefully all three.

And finally, on the M6, there was a humungous jam up on the Thelwall viaduct, due to an accident which would have delayed a lot of bread deliveries, and also ruined somebody's caravan holiday.  So there we all were plodding along in our lanes doing about 10/15 mph, when a kid in a BMW decided to make an additional lane to the right of lane 4 by pushing in between the queue in that line, and the central reservation, with both offside wheels actually on the concrete, and just about scraping his car on the Armco. 


Well, it's generic greetings all round, though I have managed to have a quick check on Dave's posts that there is some progress and a good quality of life for Is.  Good to hear.


If there is anything significant that I should know, would some kindly ER message me. 



Regards to All


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While we have the MCC Laws (currently under review), competitions make use of rules and regulations to modify the laws of cricket. This includes items such as wides, leg side wides, fielding position, limitations on bouncers, definition of beamers etc. Each competition has a wadge of these "playing rules and regulations".


A power play is a number of overs which have restrictions on where the fielding team can have fielders. Today we have two. In the first ten overs no more than 2 fielders outside a 25yard area measured from the middle stump at each end plus 2 fielders within 15yads of the bat. (this is referred to as the fielding circle despite being an oval).

The batting team have the chance to call a batting power play of 5 overs anytime between the 10th and 36th over (if they haven't taken it by over 36 it just happens then. No more than 3 fielders outside the " circle"

Yep it's a tad complicated!



Glad I quit when I did!


Afternoon All


Back after an all too short trip to Berkshire, and almost all in one piece after a cockwombleness display on the A417, A49, and M6.  Food ordered and dog collected, and now I can get on with something more pleasant.  I'll just recount my experinces. 


On the 417,I was overtaken in a 30 mph zone by a clown in a 4WD of some sort, doing well above that limit, at the exact point where I was caught on a mobile camera doing 34mph - of course, today that camera was nowhere to be seen.

On the 49, we ran into a cycle "event" which was not the usual club 20km where they leave a intervals, and are against the clock, but the cycle element of a triathalon where they just race along.  ONe such was a true idiot, who thought he was on a track, not a main A road, and would not pull in at all, and stuck to the middle of the road, so that the vehicle in front of us, and we, and the trail behind us could not get past.  He did pull in at one stage, and as the car in front pulled out to pass, he pulled out to pass another cycle and nearly went under the wheels of the poor sod in front of us.  At the checkpoint, we pulled up and gave the marshall his competitor number, and a description of his behaviour, so hopefully he will be disqualified, disciplined, or barred - hopefully all three.

And finally, on the M6, there was a humungous jam up on the Thelwall viaduct, due to an accident which would have delayed a lot of bread deliveries, and also ruined somebody's caravan holiday.  So there we all were plodding along in our lanes doing about 10/15 mph, when a kid in a BMW decided to make an additional lane to the right of lane 4 by pushing in between the queue in that line, and the central reservation, with both offside wheels actually on the concrete, and just about scraping his car on the Armco. 


Well, it's generic greetings all round, though I have managed to have a quick check on Dave's posts that there is some progress and a good quality of life for Is.  Good to hear.


If there is anything significant that I should know, would some kindly ER message me. 



Regards to All



There has been a campaign to, supposedly, make drivers aware of bikers. One sign I noted beside the A272 was printed to read 'Bikers think'; needless to say that some wag had inserted the word "don't" in an appropriate place. And why do they have to ride 5 abreast on country roads at weekends?

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Good afternoon everyone. Another lie in this morning, but hey it's weekend so what the heck?


I finally managed to get the door furniture polished, I've not done it for a few months, I've either been busy doing something more important, or it was p155ing it down. But as this morning it was quite nice, so I thought I'd get it done. Guess what, it's p155ing it down, what a waste of f^*#ing time that was, ho hum!


This afternoon was once again spent in the cellar building some more MERG kits, another 2 built, making 4 for the whole weekend, really pleased with that.


I've not much else planned for today, feet up and maybe a spot of reading, before the start of yet another week at work. After that I've another 2 weeks off, I hope to get the workshop repainted as it's not been done for a few years now and it's starting to look untidy.


What ever you've got planned for the rest of the day, have a good one.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello, good afternoon and welcome.


A consistently overcast morning here in South Devon, slightly chilly for shorts and a t-shirt in the garden later on, but that didn't stop me doing a bit of pruning and then having a coffee, whilst reading more of Alistair Reynolds' latest masterpiece 'Poseidon's Wake'. Highly recommended if you're into sci-fi, or even if you're not!


In the Wake of Poseidon was by King Crimson I definitely remember listening to that


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