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Although I voted Stay, I cannot agree with the comments being made that LEAVE voters are racist. Concerns about immigration quotas are not the same as racism. I think some FB users need to react a bit more intelligently.

One of my Step sons is married to a Pilipino Nurse in Portsmouth, he was married to a German Girl a few years back, One of my step Daughters is married to Muslim and lives in Italy, we voted OUT so WE are not racist, we just want a little more control and NOT being told what to do by Brussels.

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  • RMweb Premium

From a first responder's viepoint, it's the quiet ones that are the worry.


Quite so.

The boy told me he was lucky not to get "conjunction".


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  • RMweb Gold

Although I voted Stay, I cannot agree with the comments being made that LEAVE voters are racist. Concerns about immigration quotas are not the same as racism. I think some FB users need to react a bit more intelligently.

If you only listened to what I heared today you would not be saying that.




Agree re FB.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Quite so.

The boy told me he was lucky not to get "conjunction".



Although he was released from hospital Matthew had some concussion related problems for a while. He did say he was concerned in case he was going to feel stupid for ever.
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  • RMweb Gold

Good evening from Haverfordwest Horrocksford South Devon.


Much of today has been taken up with frustration of a totally different kind, namely trying to purchase the 'right' Microsoft Word package for our laptop. Already had one return trip back to Currys/PC World in Plymouth, due to being sold the wrong 'package' at lunchtime. After being assured that all was now well, CTMK is now struggling to get the replacement 'package' to load on our laptop (no use me doing it, haven't got much of a clue about that sort of thing).


I do have some sympathy with those who were annoyed by the arrogant attitude of parts of EU officialdom and the effect of some EU legislation on parts of our economy, but on balance, I felt that we were better off 'fighting that from within'. The whole EU project may have seemed by some of us to have veered a bit off course, but don't forget that it was originally forged from the ashes of World War 2 and a feeling that 'this must never happen again'. As such, for that reason alone, I thought it was a worthwhile ideal to pursue.


I do take Andy's point about 'control' that he makes above, but one theme that seems to have raised it's head many times over the years is that we have sometimes been our own worst enemies when it comes to actually interpreting and implementing EU legislation. How many times have we heard that certain other EU member states simply don't bother with it, if it doesn't suit them, yet the UK has always seemed to apply 'the letter of the law' each time?


Aside from economic woes already apparent following the 'Leave' vote (which may or may not sort themselves out in the medium/longer term, whilst feeling genuinely sorry for anyone who's actually lost real money in this debacle already), and if you try to ignore the triumphalist crowing of Toad Face and his cronies, the one thing that really makes me angry and upset is the petty-minded and mean-spirited anti-immigrant stance taken by various people, mostly 'ordinary people', as depicted in the media.


The attitude offered by many who supported the 'Leave' campaign that appeared in the media (and reinforced by the views of some folk that I know) seemed to be one of pulling up the drawbridge, closing the door to newcomers (and the positive contributions they potentially have to offer our society) and a sense of 'now I'm alright, Jack'.


I just thought that we, as a nation, were better than that.

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  • RMweb Gold

Although he was released from hospital Matthew had some concussion related problems for a while. He did say he was concerned in case he was going to feel stupid for ever.

Tell him from me that he'll eventually get used to it!

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I have reported post 124449 as being politically motivated.

Dutch Master wont agree with you that the Dutch may seek a referendum. But I expect th EU will turn it into a cosy club for all the remaining members now and improve things vastly.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yeah you lot; you can't go discussing important stuff in here. Get back to normal as quickly as possible please. ;)

Sorry Guv! Took me ages to write my previous post and being interrupted by CTMK's on-going struggles to get the new software to load. She is now on the phone to a call centre a long way away.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day today, spent an hour and a half at the exhibition at Braintree then on to Ipswich for the transport and model festival, I made a few purchases at both venues. The skys opened up with a vengence on the journey from Braintree to Ipswich, I had to stop for a few minutes near Sudbury as the wipers couldn't clear the windscreen. Similar situation on the way home but not so bad that I had to stop but on the A12 the cockwombles were out in force, almost bumper to bumper at 70 mph plus in torrential rain. Fortunately most of it occured on the 3 lane sections and by keeping to the nearside lane I had a lane between us.

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I am concerned that as some of the less than truths are now unravelling we, the British people, may decide that democracy doesn't work anymore. God forbid! 


Sleep well all




It is a travesty that whilst we preach democracy, some selfish people must get their way - hence the petition. Long may it be ignored!


OK, so the vote was not 100% turnout (which some countries do enforce!), it was the majority vote. Live with it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry Guv! Took me ages to write my previous post and being interrupted by CTMK's on-going struggles to get the new software to load. She is now on the phone to a call centre a long way away.

If it's in an EU country, she'll have a long wait!


DM: I missed your debunking of the Nexit , but I did say reported in the press, not that it was a fact.  Since it was only published today, it only proves that in today's media outlets, you must never let the truth get in the way of a good story.


Personally, I can't wait to read the Chilcott Report, although I fear that will not come until long after I have left this earth.

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  • RMweb Gold

It is a travesty that whilst we preach democracy, some selfish people must get their way - hence the petition. Long may it be ignored!


OK, so the vote was not 100% turnout (which some countries do enforce!), it was the majority vote. Live with it.

A 100% vote is impossible.


Although you have those registered to vote, on the day, they may have died, been suddenly taken ill and hospitalized or entered prison. Even been delayed due to a cancelled flight!


Technically they are still on the electoral role but cannot, or are suddenly prevented from voting.


I spoke to an Australian, where voting is compulsory, and she explained and those that do not wish to vote for whatever reason, either post a spoiled ballot paper or turn up at the polling station and do likewise.


Then of course there are all those who are not on the electoral register:  And who are alleged to complain about politicians and the political process, despite having divorced themselves from this.


However, that would not account for about 30% of the electorate.


The majority were just the lazy sods who couldn't be bothered, who had they voted could have turned a narrow victory into a massive one, or just as equally, turned the leave campaign into a crushing defeat.


All this is grumbling about the referendum is stopping another taboo subject on this thread, which is trains!


I have now been offered cake....................................far more important.

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  • RMweb Gold

Normal service will now resume after the consumption of aforementioned cake.


I even sat on the roof to eat it in the best Hazel Edwards tradition!


Alas, such delightfulness was tempered by the daily lecture from the Obergrumpenfuhrer about the need to eat a healthy balanced diet.


I've had to point out that my favourite consumables, apart from cake, are cider, wine and whisky.


Is not cider had from apples?


Is not wine made from grapes?


And is not whisky made from grain?


Apples and grapes are certainly fruit, which the government health advisers tell us is a good thing to do.


Likewise grain is a cereal, which again is good, because it is a cereal, and provides roughage. (Ruffige looks better, a bit more 'street').


So if people gift me whisky, wine or cider, I accept the gift of the cereal and fruit, but more importantly I appreciate the spirit in which it is given.

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  • RMweb Premium

Dave, nice photos of your Church Day out. Wish the weather had been like that here! Hope Is had a good day.


Watching Adele at Glastonbury.. songs straight from the heart! and boy she is good with the crowd.


An ex workmate has called me a pillock as I gave him some fact .. he didn't like what it said but has since apologised as he has checked my information which was correct - he did say that he should have known I didn't lie after working for me for 5 years(!). He also mentioned the 8 pints he had drunk which didn't help...


In other news - England Rugby (seniors and U20s) did well today and we had some interesting cricket results due to weather up here.


And stay calm.... drink more tea!




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  • RMweb Premium

Yeah you lot; you can't go discussing important stuff in here. Get back to normal as quickly as possible please. ;)


This is ERs - no such thing as "normal" here Guv!




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  • RMweb Gold

It is a funny thing about racism you can object to someone's behaviour as long as they are the same race if not you get accused of being racist. If you mix with immigrants you will find they can be just as racist as the British. I worked with a chap who had to leave Uganda when they chucked the Asians out of there (surely a state racist act). He had been the manager of a large factory but had to take a much lower job in the UK. He was very grateful for the way we had taken them in and helped them as they had to leave everything behind. I was proud of the UK then. However I take exception to some of those trying to come here who threaten lorry drivers and the like. You may not like the french but if they have got to France they should not be in danger. I don't see why they should be able to pick where they want to go ask yes but demand? When David Camerson offered to take people direct from the camps that was fair because we offered.


The issue of EU citizens coming here is really down to numbers and the pace of immigration. People start grumbling about immigration when it starts to affect their lives too much. It can be particularly unsettling when immigrants start to congregate in an area for those who live there. Given a modest rate of immigration the British are generally quite tolerant and although they may grumble at first once they get to know the new comers tend to be quite friendly. Where the new comers make it plain they do not wish to integrate and want to keep to themselves it creates a distance and can breed resentment particularly if they don't want their children to mix with ours.


My reason for voting to Leave was in part because I feel the country is overcrowded and doesn't need more. When new countries (as planned) join the EU we are likely to get more waves of migrants. The me me selfie generation of the young today may not care about the countryside  and the like but once it is gone it will be difficult to get back. |Future generations to come may well be disgusted with today's generations if we destroy the environment. I realise that from where I stand today the young may think this is a 'I'm alright Jack attitude'. However we have held these sort of views all our married life and went without and worked hard to be able to live in a nice place. I would like there to be places that ordinary people (i.e. not born rich) can aspire to work hard and move to.




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It would be interesting to record how many signatories of this petition did not bother to vote in the first place.


Need I say more?


The result is in. ACCEPT it!

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  • RMweb Gold

Normal service will now resume after the consumption of aforementioned cake.


I even sat on the roof to eat it in the best Hazel Edwards tradition!


Alas, such delightfulness was tempered by the daily lecture from the Obergrumpenfuhrer about the need to eat a healthy balanced diet.


I've had to point out that my favourite consumables, apart from cake, are cider, wine and whisky.


Is not cider had from apples?


Is not wine made from grapes?


And is not whisky made from grain?


Apples and grapes are certainly fruit, which the government health advisers tell us is a good thing to do.


Likewise grain is a cereal, which again is good, because it is a cereal, and provides roughage. (Ruffige looks better, a bit more 'street').


So if people gift me whisky, wine or cider, I accept the gift of the cereal and fruit, but more importantly I appreciate the spirit in which it is given.


I maintain a balanced diet should contain all sorts of food so if I have enough fruit and veg, I can have my apple pie and cream, cakes etc



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Most of my jobs for today are completed. A couple more tomorrow including a mountain of ironing to tackle.


Although not a fan of the round ball game, but well done Wales.


Night all

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Dave, nice photos of your Church Day out. Wish the weather had been like that here! Hope Is had a good day.


Watching Adele at Glastonbury.. songs straight from the heart! and boy she is good with the crowd.


An ex workmate has called me a pillock as I gave him some fact .. he didn't like what it said but has since apologised as he has checked my information which was correct - he did say that he should have known I didn't lie after working for me for 5 years(!). He also mentioned the 8 pints he had drunk which didn't help...


In other news - England Rugby (seniors and U20s) did well today and we had some interesting cricket results due to weather up here.


And stay calm.... drink more tea!




I turned it OFF when she started talking about HAVING A SH1T after having an 8 year old up on the Stage.


Great voice, bad MANNERS.

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