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  • RMweb Gold

So when is Cornwall going for Kerexit?

They've been gradually going for years, my luvver!


Although when I first started working down in Cornwall, lots of the locals seemed to be opting for membership of the Confederated States of America, judging by the number of Confederate flag stickers on the Mark 3 Cortinas at the time.

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  • RMweb Gold

Another point is that the out camp were funded by more than twice as much as the inners. I doubt if we will ever know where all this money came from but it seems strange that only a few major businesses supported the 'outers' compared to the 'inners'. 

Very interesting point, but of course anyone in the business world who warned of serious consequences of an exit vote were considered 'experts', and thus their views didn't count as far as the 'leave' side were concerned.


Just goes to illustrate the difference between reasoned argument and intelligent supposition as compared with emotive arguments dressed up as reasoned argument and intelligent supposition.

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Evening all!


Well, another POTS day completed with a bustitution service from Littlehampton.


Why don't we align the £ with the Swiss Franc; they're surrounded by the EU but not a member!


Good to see that Farage is now, technically, redundant.


And while we're on the subject of Kerexit, Goviatheexit (which they're trying hard to achieve!), etc., let's not forget the Isle of Wight with their IWExit (formerly known as their U.D.I.!)

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At the moment, UKIP finish second in by elections. Once the voting public twig that the Tories used the referendum to select their next leader and that the only topic on the Shadow Cabinet agenda is culling MPs deemed "hostile" to Corbyn, then I fear that UKIP will top the polls.


Trump as president of USA and Farage prime minister of England & Wales?!? With an independent Scotland and a united Ireland? I can't vote in a Welsh independence referendum, but thereafter I could take Welsh citizenship.


Guys, you realise I'm meeting Flavio in Brig on Sunday and then will be travelling on the continent for about a week. Take care, all.



Edited by bbishop
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  • RMweb Premium

I note that they voted to leave but still want their EU allowance.... What they said when I joined up all those years ago (40 to be exact) looks to still be true :angel:



Cornwall HMS Fisguard

Edited by skipepsi
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  • RMweb Premium

Any chance we could stop talking politics and get back to not talking about model railways?  


Risking getting the thread shut down is one thing but wasn't there more of a thrill defying "She who swoops down and exacts retribution"? 


Just sayin. 

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Well the end of an interesting day me thinks ........ but I'm sure it'll be alright on the night as the saying goes ...... The one question I would like to ask is will we have enough money to rebuild Hadains Wall if the Scottish do go for independence just to keep the Scottish politic's out if nothing else...............!!!!

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Completely agree and it's a mystery to me why anyone would not insert a clause into the referendum rules to require a certain level of turnout for any outcome to be considered legal/valid.


The problem with this is that frequently the winning party in a General Election could have fewer votes then the other two parties combined and lets face it Scotland had a smaller turnout than England, proportionately.

Democracy in action is never perfect, I have found.



And another thing that I find amusing on RMWeb is how many people suddenly believe that the EU was the greatest thing since sliced bread and conveniently have forgotten all the moans, whinges and laughs at some of the more outlandish EU regulations foisted onto the UK over the years...


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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At the moment, UKIP finish second in by elections. Once the voting public twig that the Tories used the referendum to select their next leader and that the only topic on the Shadow Cabinet agenda is culling MPs deemed "hostile" to Corbyn, then I fear that UKIP will top the polls.



But now that UK has got it's IP, UKIP is dead in the water!

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Evening all. A scorcher it has been indeed, so not that deep a night's sleep. However, driving wasn't much of a hassle, also because school holidays in Saxony commenced today and the city seemed to sort of calm down a bit earlier than usually.


Trying to avoid delving too deeply into politics but may I just say I was saddened to learn of the outcome of a certain political event as I do believe there is so much more that unites our peoples than divides them.


Whatever may now be the consequences of that event, I did find it strangely symbolic that during my second shift half, taking place on Line 16…





…I should get 1202 "Birmingham", which I'd just like to present as something of a symbol of that spirit of unity which I continue to hope will prevail in the long run. This, by the way, is the only one of our NGT12s with an actual full body advertisement.





Terrible, those selfie people, eh? :jester:


Think I will see to dropping into bed soon to try and get as much sleep as I can in this tropical night, so, ta for now…


That must be one heck of a selfie-stick!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Any chance we could stop talking politics and get back to not talking about model railways?  


Risking getting the thread shut down is one thing but wasn't there more of a thrill defying "She who swoops down and exacts retribution"? 


Just sayin.


I sharpened some secateurs.

We forgot to purchase fish so had sausage and chips ( no Italian or Indian food tonight, perhaps tomorrow) .

I watched quite a lot of cricket, then changed TV channel to watch ZZ Top entertain people at Glastonbury.

Nothing trainy done today.



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  • RMweb Gold

We gave up on public transport to get back from our local.


Well it was more a case of getting caught up with our nearby NR neighbour who is also heavily involved with our local CAMRA so we missed the bus!

Hadn't seen him for some time as he is normally making very good use of his free travel around the country but he is also getting fed up stuck trying to get home on GTR.


We had a few good discussions on the state of the referendum and the trains. So the walk home did us good with a quick sneaky loo stop in Wetherspoons which was packed.



Tomorrow is beer time with an ex work colleague who works for a French company. That could be fun!!

Edited by roundhouse
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But now that UK has got it's IP, UKIP is dead in the water!



I'm going to disagree with you. Going back 25 years, Thatcher made the Tories unpopular but Major scraped in in 1992. The Tories stayed down through Hague, IDS, Howard until Blair blew in over Iraq, scraped though in 2005 then dropped Brown in the sh1t. Labour are still unpopular after the Miliband fiasco and now Corbyn cannot engage as a party leader.


Cameron at least performed as a party leader although playing the referendum card in 2015 to win the election has caused his downfall. Johnson trumped Cameron but if he blusters and screws up Brexit, then he could lose the confidence of the electorate.


So the scenario is that both major parties are unpopular, LibDems are in the doldrums, what alternatives are there?



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Well all, after a day of speculation and emotions, I am off to bed.


As I left work at 5 (and that was an early finish), I thought to myself "Cool. Only another 40 years to go..."


My thoughts are with everyone suffering, be it physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, and be sure to give your loved ones an extra hug. I know I will be.



Edited by Robatron86
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  • RMweb Gold

Completely agree and it's a mystery to me why anyone would not insert a clause into the referendum rules to require a certain level of turnout for any outcome to be considered legal/valid.


Probably because if it was extended to normal elections no prospective MP would ever be elected. Hmmm sounds like a possible idea. If we had voted to go in on the same basis that would be fair. We were not told the truth when we went in. We were offered a referendum by Labour the next government but did not get all the facts. Then the choice to stay in was by 67% on a 65% turnout. Since then we have had different treaty changes but not given a say. Before UKIP came along no party offered leaving the EU as an option and the UKIP vote has been rising. So I don't believe you can claim a clear mandate from the people to be in the EU as it is. If we had been offered either a vote or a choice of party for any of the recent Treaty changes that might have given a mandate. So to my mind those who say it is unfair to leave when less than 50% actually voted to go should really be considering how unfair it is that we haven't  really given a clear vote to choose either way before and at no point have more than 50% chosen to go in in the first place.



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  • RMweb Gold

But now that UK has got it's IP, UKIP is dead in the water!


I am not so sure there seems to be a lot of ex labour voters and disaffected Tories ( probably those who were working class and have not shared in the prosperity of the richer Tories) who may feel UKIP is their natural home. Also I wouldn't trust the MPs the majority of whom probably favoured remain, not to try to get round the decision. If they do they may find UKIP gaining support.


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  • RMweb Gold

Well all, after a day of speculation and emotions, I am off to bed.


As I left work at 5 (and that was an early finish), I thought to myself "Cool. Only another 40 years to go..."


My thoughts are with everyone suffering, be it physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, and be sure to give your loved ones an extra hug. I know I will be.




 I am assuming that you mean 40s of work. I managed to avoid doing as many as that. Plenty of people got made redundant and never got the chance to do 40 years of work.


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