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  • RMweb Gold

They should get Govia to manage the transportation of the migrants. With their track (excuse the pun) record they will soon become Outer Mongolia's problem.

No you are wrong as they wouldn't get very far and would have just moved a few miles and still be in the UK.


Loads of Police here tonight just incase a passenger complains about this shoddy service

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In other news: the recent heavy weather (golf ball sized hail stones) has caused damages to agriculture in excess of 100m euro :O That figure is only for the agriculture, damages to private property (cars, homes, etc) isn't included! In some locations, not a property is unaffected :(


Food has just become quite a bit more expensive :rolleyes:


Well, don't expect us to pay for it any more :jester:



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  • RMweb Premium

Depending on your view, todays byline should be "Free at last" or "Doomed, we're all doomed".


The nation will now (apparently) free to make decisions of what we can do, where we buy stuff, who we sell to, who we let come into the country, etc. But haven't we been there for some time?


After all, the nation's favourite food is curry, pizza or nearly anything from "abroad", a pale fizzy lager drink from Canada is the most popular "beer" although most drinkers prefer wine (99.75% imported). Two thirds of players in the Premier league aren't British, all the major car manufacturers are owned by overseas companies, most of the press/media is owned by an Aussie, much of London owned by Russians or Chinese, the drugs world run by the Turks, etc. Cadburys chocolate is mostly made in Poland (I wonder where they get their workers from?), and so on. The Leave campaign led by someone called Boris and a bloke married first to an Irish woman and then a German (what does he know that we don't?).


So what's new?


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  • RMweb Gold

I find it crazy that Jerry Corbin has been blamed for the Leave vote. The effect of the Tory austerity program has had on the traditional labour supporters is being ignored. There are a lot of places in the UK which haven't shared in the prosperity enjoyed by some of the other bits. I don't particularly like Mr Corbin but no one thinks people might actually made there own choice. Thinking like that makes it pointless to have elections.

For those who have difficulty accepting a Majority vote. I suggest you look at the share of the vote Mr Heath had when elected and I don't think he had told us he was intending to trade our fishing industry for ECC membership. The truth is if you don't vote you are leaving it to others to make the decision for you.


It is refreshing to see Ed who is upset by the decision accepting it with good grace. A lot of those whinning wouldn't have had sympathy if it had gone the other way.



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  • RMweb Gold

Meanwhile at the close of trading.....


FTSE100 down ~3pc on the day but actually UP on the week (yes folks that UP as in not down)

Admittedly the FTSE250 is down on the week as well as the day, due to companies 101-250 being more UK-centric.

£ is down ~7pc against US$, ~6pct against Swiss Franc and ~5pc against Euro.


Now 7pct is not good and I'm not suggesting it is but Brent Crude is down 5-6pct offsetting some of the negativity of £/$ rate.  The Euro will probably start sliding real soon as the problems highlighted by Greece's plight come back (and they will). Medium term UK plc won't be propping up the Eurozone for ever (yes I know we're not in the Euro but we still got stung for bailing out other nations).


Today's meeja has been frenzied about BIGGEST DROP EVER IN THE POUND.  Excuse me?  That's really quite a wicked half-truth.  It may have been the biggest one-day slide in open exchange markets but some of us lived through the devaluation in the late 60's (no politics so you'll have to work out the govt of the day) when the £ went from $2.80/£ to $2.40/£1 - that's 14pct in one basically irreversible hit, so in that context 7pct isn't making me consider throwing myself off a cliff.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


It's taken me nearly all day to catch up on all today's posts, but not surprising what with yesterday's fiasco, and it's been a bit of a busy day here, one way of another.


I got absolutely soaked this morning on my one and only job, not because it was raining, as at the time it was very sunny, but the grass was waste height and very damp. By the time I had walked the 1/2 mile through the field and trees to the site and then back through it all, I was wet.


However, I did manage to get to the model shop in Preston, whilst there, I picked up a few items, an SR Queen Mary Brake Van, an SR Pillbox Brake Van and an SR Green PLV luggage van all at 25% off, I've a big smiley face now.


I've just put them all away whilst SWMBO has left the room. ;-)


A visit to see the doc's this afternoon has seen me sent for a diabetic blood test and also referred to the orthopaedic department at our local hospital for yet another (my 4th) operation on my left hand. Nothing too serious, but hopefully when it's done I'll be able to use it properly.


Strange weather at the moment, brilliant sunshine, but it's chucking it down at the same time!


Back later.

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three trains in a row form LBG to Redhill cancelled this afternoon / evening. what a complete mess.


Ian, there’s something strangely comforting about that, today - I’m sorry about your journey home...




. The Leave campaign led by someone called Boris and a bloke married first to an Irish woman and then a German (what does he know that we don't?).


So what's new?


Must be why I married an Italian, the food is better.



Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold



Must be why I married an Italian, the food is better.



Best, Pete.

Indian food is also quite nice, though I think Italian food is Aditi's favourite.
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Oh, the DOW has fallen about 2.82% today (so far) - which is about as much as it gained in the last week on the assumption that the “Remainers” would endure....


CNN Analists are worried about the strength of the US Dollar. You just can’t win with Bankers. :senile:


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold





Sadly, I am constrained by being a shooting coach, and have to preach about safe and sensible shooting, just as you are constrained by being an ADI and having to preaching about safe and sensible driving.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Surely that drone is being flown illegally? my understanding is that it is illegal to fly them within so many hundred metres of any residence so its unlikely that the culprit would complain if it was bought down. I do have a garden hose with a trigger on the nozzle that can push a chair over with the water jet so it could possibly knock down a drone if it came to close.

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh, the DOW has fallen about 2.82% today (so far) - which is about as much as it gained in the last week on the assumption that the “Remainers” would endure....


CNN Analists are worried about the strength of the US Dollar. You just can’t win with Bankers. :senile:


Best, Pete.

Is that auto correct on the word Bankers?

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Sadly, I am constrained by being a shooting coach, and have to preach about safe and sensible shooting, just as you are constrained by being an ADI and having to preaching about safe and sensible driving.


When we lived in Arizona we had a couple of very tall palm trees in the garden. A painter doing some work for us demonstrated how powerful his airless sprayer was by painting a couple of palm fronds from ground level.


A nice coat of emulsion would blind the camera on a drone. Ecru would be a tasteful colour.

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  • RMweb Premium

Someone mentioned “irony” (I lost the place)? The most difficult thing to do on the internet is irony - especially when one lives in the ‘States where it is unheard of.


Best, Pete.


Apparently we will now be able to export "irony" to the States at advantageous rates and free from the previous red tape surrounding jocular comments and witticisms. By not having to comply with EU legislation and standards it should be possible to finely tailor withering put downs and sarky comments to US sensibilities. Economic pundits expect the pound to rally against foreign currencies once the export of humour is in full flow.

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Not a bad day apart from too much driving but at least the traffic was fairly light.


I am a bit concerned about my new apprentice however. By mid afternoon, he couldn't keep up with him and I'm over 30 years older than him.


I also managed POETS for a rare change and once home spent some time inspecting my eyelids for holes. I didn't find any.


Thinking of those ailing, supporting, recovering and missing

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  • RMweb Premium

COCKWOMBLES! I waited in all morning for the meter reader to check my electricity meter. Come 12.30 there was still no sign so I called my supplier to ask when he would be coming only to find that the appointment hadn't been confirmed. There was an appointment just over a month ago that was cancelled by the meter reading company so I had to make a new appointment for today. So I had to wait in all morning for a non-existant appointment.

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Sadly, I am constrained by being a shooting coach, and have to preach about safe and sensible shooting, just as you are constrained by being an ADI and having to preaching about safe and sensible driving.



You could both dos a temporary job swap :)

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  • RMweb Gold

That might have been me. I remember your worries re. access to healthcare from a previous post a month or two back. Though anecdotal evidence doesn't have the weight of numbers I find that the personal helps flesh out the wider repercussions of something which might otherwise be a bit abstract.



A further exercise in logic would be to examine the rights and wrongs of leaving Europe based on the stated preference of 37% of those entitled to vote.

Completely agree and it's a mystery to me why anyone would not insert a clause into the referendum rules to require a certain level of turnout for any outcome to be considered legal/valid.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well I can report from Blighty that both Jeremy Vine and his Radio Two show is every bit as appalling "post Brexit" as it was before.


I suspect it may well have proved even more unbearably nauseating had the vote gone the other way.


So there's another small consolation for us poor saps, as we all fall through the vortex of despair and spiral uncontrollably down into the abyss of uncertainty and economic disaster - which destiny we have been so assuredly promised by the great and the good over the last few weeks.


What larks!


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  • RMweb Gold


After all, the nation's favourite food is curry, pizza or nearly anything from "abroad", a pale fizzy lager drink from Canada is the most popular "beer" although most drinkers prefer wine (99.75% imported). Two thirds of players in the Premier league aren't British, all the major car manufacturers are owned by overseas companies, most of the press/media is owned by an Aussie, much of London owned by Russians or Chinese, the drugs world run by the Turks, etc. Cadburys chocolate is mostly made in Poland (I wonder where they get their workers from?), and so on. The Leave campaign led by someone called Boris and a bloke married first to an Irish woman and then a German (what does he know that we don't?).


So what's new?





And there's those folk saying how glad they are 'to have their country back'.



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  • RMweb Premium

Completely agree and it's a mystery to me why anyone would not insert a clause into the referendum rules to require a certain level of turnout for any outcome to be considered legal/valid.

Another point is that the out camp were funded by more than twice as much as the inners. I doubt if we will ever know where all this money came from but it seems strange that only a few major businesses supported the 'outers' compared to the 'inners'. 

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