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  • RMweb Premium

'Repent at leisure'.


But looking on the bright side, as someone else said, at least Toad Face is redundant now. That's got to be worth a smile in anyone's currency.


The silver lining.


Afraid it's all a bit gloomy here in mid Wales, for once the rain is irrelevant. However heartened to see that my fellow residents in Gwynedd are blessed with the common sense that was lacking elsewhere in the UK.


On a personal level we have a trip to Belgium planned for this autumn, wonder what the exchange rate for euros will end up at once/if any volatility in the financial markets settle. Also wondering if I'll have to look down the back of the sofa some more for the Dodo I have on order from Hattons.


Of course this is trivial stuff, my thoughts are with those who stand to be properly affected by yesterdays vote.

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And so the winner is .....




well, the short term winner anyway, until he finds his attempt to bluster "remain after treaty changes" doesn't wash with the hard line Tories or the European heads of state, who will tell him to sign s50 and get on with it.


The big loser is Corbyn, as his refusal to engage the Labour Party in the campaign probably determined the referendum. Expect a putsch. Except there is no viable candidate. Yet.


On a personal front, I'm less affected than Andrew, although my one outstanding pension (the other three are already claimed) has been blown to smithereens. I may as well withdraw the pot as cash.


Meanwhile, on the international front, France has signed a contract to purchase 10,000 rubber boats. These will be distributed to the Calais migrants with directions to Dungeness beach.



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  • RMweb Gold

As I had plenty of time on a slow and delayed Coulsdon Town to LBG se3rvice I pre ordered my dollars on line and have confirmation of rate at $1.41873.


Lets see if they stand by it when I collect on Monday. if it does go back up above that then I will get the higher rate.


But more importantly it does concern me whats happened for many reasons. Wont say anymore otherwise we will be getting into political arguments but with some of the likes posted looks like many on ER have similar concerns.


Hope the money works out Ian.


At times such as these I ask one very simple question - do people actually know what they were voting for?  


Everyone is of course allowed to vote how they please and where their wishes and hopes take them but there is such a thing as the law of unintended consequences.  I think the worst thing about the whole campaign is that it was led by politicos and they carried on like politicos with both sides making promises they thought people would like - very small (or drowned out) were the voices that tried to stick with facts and likely outcomes.  And, I'm sorry to say I think there were probably even fewer people listening, or getting a chance to listen, to the wiser counsels.

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'Repent at leisure'.


But looking on the bright side, as someone else said, at least Toad Face is redundant now. That's got to be worth a smile in anyone's currency.

I find that really offensive and disgusting.


I like toads.

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  • RMweb Premium


Afraid it's all a bit gloomy here in mid Wales, for once the rain is irrelevant. However heartened to see that my fellow residents in Gwynedd are blessed with the common sense that was lacking elsewhere in the UK.


Common sense was available elsewhere in the UK, just not enough of it. Clearly East Anglia suffered a major shortage - especially in Essex but what would you expect.


The BBC comments of "overwhelming" support for Brexit is rather annoying, only 52% of the voting public actually expressing that preference. Interesting analysis here by the Telegraph (if you can get passed the photo of Farage);



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Getting away from EU matters, my cold is such that I have nearly lost my voice, and no amount of Benylin or sucking hard sweets is bringing it back. Just got back from a visit to Sister Drac to take blood prior to my next haematologist appointment in a couple of weeks time. I can honestly say that I didn't feel a thing when she inserted the needle into my arm, which was a relief, as I don't like needles and injections etc.


Back to EU, it seems that the referendum was prompted by a major split in the Tory party, and now the issue has been decided by Labour voters by and large. With Cameron gone, and Osborne surely to follow, we are left much closer to the Doomsday scenario of Boris in No 10 and Trump in the White House. God help us all. As a lifelong Tory voter, I look down the list of potential PMs and it scares me. Cameron wasn't perfect, but he was, in my opinion, the best of a pretty sorry bunch.


Some 34 million decided the outcome of the referendum, and now some 150000 Tory members will decide on the next PM. Crackers or what?


As others have said, Farage is now redundant, so UKIP will probably disappear faster than Cameron.

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  • RMweb Premium

Isn't it my turn to be PM yet? ;)


I'm entirely neutral, have no known loose screws and promise not to favour the GWR over the LNER :P

You can be PM if the Australians take Rupert Murdoch back.

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George Carlin once said, 'Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.'


This doesn't necessarily just apply to the political doings of the moment but of society in general.


See also office coworkers, clients, management, etc.

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  • RMweb Gold

Trying to keep clear of politics and just on history and economics.......

I must admit I'm a bit surprised by all the negativity on here. I have no crystal ball but did live through the disruption of leaving the ERM and given what I believe the age profile of rmwebbers to be, would have thought many others on here were working at the time?  The 'day after' was as cataclysmic as now, and mortgage interest rates went up to 15pct etc etc.  Yet before long the dust settled and things actually got better, after we were no longer tied to the flawed european money snake.


World markets seem to be in near-panic today but......  the FTSE100 is currently 'only 4pct down' and still trading above 6,000 (partly because a lot of FTSE100 companies have major earnings outside the UK and with a weaker pound etc)  Many other indexes are down by a lot more due to uncertainty.


If I had money to take down to the local betting shop I'd place money on there being a lot of pressure from world markets to 'get it sorted' (presumably a lot of them watch EastEnders).  Whilst the 'getting it sorted' might not be as momentous as replacing the Reichsmark with the Renten Mark I'd place money they'd be happy to see something they can believe in.  Indeed, as I write the Jairmans are starting to press for a quick resolution with other EU members as to what the terms might be.  (Not surprising really as Mercedes VW, Audi, Bosch, Siemens etc etc all want to keep selling in the UK, and a weak £ does nothing for their bottom lines).

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


Bright sunny start to the day with no overnight rain. 

Inset day here so I've been dragooned into a number of games on the wii*.

* a computer game.


Boiler was commissioned yesterday. The work included having a new flue bored through the house wall and a new pipe cemented in.

Spying some spare sand I thought that might be useful as N gauge ballast, so acquired a few trowels worth. Curious as to why I was covered in ants I spotted the sand had numerous ant eggs within.....I quickly elected** to stick to more traditional ballast! 


** sorry for mentioning the word "elect" as this may breach the rigorous "no politics" rule. 


POETS day so a trip to the pub later. 

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  • RMweb Premium

You can be PM if the Australians take Rupert Murdoch back.



In other news SWMBO worked very closely with his late mother Dame Elisabeth Murdoch whose Cruden Farm property is two minutes from here.  She was in fact only there again this afternoon for afternoon tea with the gardener, no less, in the social-professional fusion sort of situation at which she excels.

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Never mind, George (Anglicised version) is going to flat-line my State Retirement Pension...


...following on from the flat-lining of the extra personal allowance...


What did they do with my 45 years of NIC ?  Why is my SRP regarded as a 'benefit' ?


Interesting that the people that like the result  are not replying, probably for the best at first.


Can I just reiterate that I’m totally neutral on the subject, it is what it is.


I think Cameron is right to remain until October so that some semblance of order and continuity in the Government exists. Some things being complained about  were pre-existing prior to any vote.


Best, Pete.


Oh Pete ! You have lost the old British sense of irony !!


I think if the BBC will kindly produce a map based on comparative wealth, the truth will probably emerge..... 

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  • RMweb Premium



I must admit I'm a bit surprised by all the negativity on here.


I can empathise in terms of these comments being knee-jerk reactions and in particular when individuals have a lot to lose through their personal circumstances.  


"Been there done that" isn't quite the motto as no-one has been there and done this before.  But we have extricated our nation from mires before.  History suggests there will be a short-term hit to the value of not just the Pound but other  linked currencies and to funds, share prices and all other financial products which are tied to relative currency values.


History suggests there will also be a rally - already in evidence as the London Stock Markets responded - with the Pound regarded as a strong currency able to ride out short-term knee-jerks and medium-term fluctuations.  In the long term it will find its level against other currencies in the new order of things.  That might be stronger or weaker depending.  


ERs has been its usual well-behaved self with even the hottest of passions tempered sufficiently.  On the social media it's different altogether.  My Farcebook friends range from ages 16 to 80-something.  So far the only comments have been negative and range from "God help us now" to "All you Leave voters have ******ed me over, have stolen my pension funds and have created a life of poverty and misery for my children".  We are all entitled to our opinions.  I hope to see some comments from the majority who voted Leave but none yet.  


OK - let's get the kettle on and have that cuppa.  It works wonders y'know.

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