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  • RMweb Premium

Thinking about it, I could imagine it might, in fact, be difficult to settle back into a normal daily routine after a significant event like this. I also wonder whether intense media attention will do the chaps any good in this period, so I hope that journalists intending to continue to cover the story in the future will apply sufficient caution so as to not put them under additional pressure.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Grey one today. The release of the miners is wonderful news but I find the media circus around it somewhat sickening. In the last few weeks running up to this moment the way the TV people have "advertised" the event seems totally out of place. Why do we need thousands of media folk camped at the mine for weeks when a couple of TV crews could easily have covered the story for everyone? The economics can't possible stack up.


It seems to be the same with everything though. Last night the BBC late news had some guy at the Booker prize bash. The studio "went over to him" whereupon he held up the book and spoke two inane lines. Why is my license fee being wasted on this stuff? Is there really a need for a reporter (and crew of 3 or more) to be at the location of every news event? Must be some of the reasons I don't buy a newspaper and rarely watch the news on TV.


I must be having a "grumpy" day! :)


Have a good one all.




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Dave, I am so 'with you' on your attitude to the media and news. In my case I think it may stem from the years of being forced to sit in silence because 'your father's listening to/watching the news'. As soon as I left home and was able to make my own choices I've been trying to avoid the news. Been doing it for 40 years now. :D



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Lots of nonsense being given out by the commentators.

"The capsule is on its way down to bring out the sixth miner"

No it's not - it's on its side having repairs.

"He is obviously estranged from his family"

No he's not - the family are transfixed by the TV cameras.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, dreary grey day here but lifted by the news that the miners have been rescued and, of course, the really important news that I've definitely probably perhaps settled on a trackplan for Bodge City. It is out for vetting by eldavo, but he seems to be Mr Grumpy this morning so I'm not expecting too much there........

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather dull weather here today.

My wife has been online shopping again so I'm waiting for postmen and couriers today. Robbie can have his walk after everything has arrived.


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Guest Max Stafford

Dave, I am so 'with you' on your attitude to the media and news. In my case I think it may stem from the years of being forced to sit in silence because 'your father's listening to/watching the news'. As soon as I left home and was able to make my own choices I've been trying to avoid the news. Been doing it for 40 years now. :D




No probs Geoff, you haven't missed much... ;)



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Lots of nonsense being given out by the commentators.

"The capsule is on its way down to bring out the sixth miner"

No it's not - it's on its side having repairs.

"He is obviously estranged from his family"

No he's not - the family are transfixed by the TV cameras.


It's a bit like footballers playing the ball into the corner to waste time. The media guys are desperately trying to fill the space between miners coming out. The BBC guys even resorted to politician pace. Speak very slowly to use up as much time as possible and of course, it stops anyone else asking difficult questions before the time runs out...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


A bit late on parade this morning, as Mrs 45156 has a day off work, and we both managed to sleep in until after half past eight.


Pete (and anybody else who might just be interested), my Hofner guitar was first owned by the late Malcolm Lockyer ( who? - for those who remember that name, welcome to nostalgia club, for those who don't, he was a well known film composer and radio orchestra leader in the 1960s) and it gets cleaned with Martin polish, but thanks for the heads up on the quality polish, which I'll check out. I also found out yesterday that the best fret/fingerboard cleaner in the world and which has not been available for some years, a substance called Boogie Juice has been rintroduced by a company in New Zealand, and I am now trying to find a source in the UK. So if I can get some of that polish and some Boogie Juice, I should have immaculate guitars quite soon!


Even more good news, Mrs 45156 has relented on a new loco, and she actually suggested that I get City of Lancaster, so I'll be ringing round for a good price later today. I may even think about sending it off to Grimy Times for a bit of weathering, and then can stick it on a stopper, fast goods or parcels service, which will just about reflect the treatment of these worderful locos in 1963/4. My last sighting of a Duchess in Scotland was City of Hereford on the 5.30 stopper from Glasgow to Carlisle - Kilmarnock and all to Carlisle - how the mighty were fallen!


Good to see Don is with us again - and well done on negotiating a good rate!





ps I'll be looking on on the TV soon to see how the rescue in Chile is progressing.

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Over here fretboards drying out in the Winter and cracking is a big problem. Best solution is "Fret Doctor" by the bore oil guy (used in clarinets and other woodwind instruments) just Google: Bore Oil. He'll tell you why it's the best!


Your old Hofner probably has a real Rosewood 'board and it needs looking after - don't use Lemon Oil!!!!


Best, Pete.

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Oh well - I survived the first part of the audit. I think it went relatively well, but I have got to wait until later this afternoon once they have correlated the results to find out how many findings I (or rather my department) will get. Fingers crossed that the number is as low as possible.


I am glad to see that the miners are coming out safely. Having experience of being in mines, it must be scary to think that you are trapped in there and the condition of the mine is in parts unknown. However, I too am avoiding the news coverage as much as possible. This it the problem with 24 hour news coverage. The basic fact is that there is never enough going on in these events to justify 24 hour coverage. They are mainly filling time and waiting for the next piece of information to emerge.


The advantage is that you can switch on at any time and watch the news, but when there is a big event, constant coverage just doesn't work in 99% of cases.


In many ways it used to be better when the days news was summarised in a short programme.

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  • RMweb Premium

Not really nice that.



There's no doubt that this lady really divided opinions - but let's leave the politics where it belongs, otherwise I can see the mods rearing their heads any time soon.


Now then, back to the drivel - spent all afternoon sorting out another guitar, and also managed to order City of Lancaster (Duchess, not 86) from Gareth at Trains 4U




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  • RMweb Gold

All the parcels arrived today so I'll be pretending to understand communication devices this evening and will attempt to set up my wife's new "smartphone". Apparently all the instructions are available on YouTube if I get stuck.


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Not really nice that.



Sorry, Dave - I totally agree. I'm an Englishman in Scotland, and am pretty ambivalent when it comes to Mrs Thatcher, having really only taken an interest in politics after she was ousted by her own party. It certainly isn't my opinion, but Mrs T has become rather a figure of hate in Scotland, and this hasn't really mellowed despite the nearly two decades since she left power.


As I say, not my opinion at all, just reporting that said by Scottish friends.


And I'm very much against English-bashing for the sake of it...


I think a good idea to draw a line under this, sorry for raising it!

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  • RMweb Gold

I've had a very quiet evening. Setting up the new phone for my wife didn't take very long. She now has three different ways of sending me shopping lists or telling me which train to meet!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Just above 3° outside, so I'm glad I'm in the warm. I'll be running today's errands as early as I can as there also is some work to do around the flat. Before I do any of that I'll need to be more awake, though ;) .


Have a good day all!

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Morning All,


It is a very chilly one this morning. Just 1.5°C when I drove through the forest. I am glad I put the winter tyres on at the weekend!


I have another busy day ahead of me today.


Have a good one everybody...

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