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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the wobbly cliff top in Bournemouth, yes the cliff fall is just 100 yards to my right as I look out of the window.  


A mixed day yesterday.  The shoe emporium was visited and some purchases were made.   The football was watched, with interest, then the terrible news from Birstall came through. We live only 2 miles away on the other side of the M62.  Beth's dad was born there and were married there.  It was a terrible shock to us.  I may not have agreed with all her politics but I respected and liked her as an MP from what I knew of her, particularly her keen interest in Inland Waterways.   She will be sadly missed.  


Dave, I feel for you in your situation and hope and pray that you find a way forward.


Anyway today we are apparently off to Christchurch then this afternoon I will be packing the trailer and car ready for an early departure in the morning for the ferry.  After that I may or may not be in contact for a few weeks depending on how France telecom have performed.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Dave  I suspect she is just frightened when it comes to leaving the safety of the hospital. It probably sounded easy when she first expressed the wish to come home but having got used to all the staff supporting her at the hospital it would be a bit frightening to walk away from it. It is probably just as well you walked out you may well have said something you would really regret. At least you will be able to pop in and see her more.





Better to put this in a separate post, I think. – Dave, I think I can only echo what Don in particular has said, and I think nobody should expect anyone in a situation like yours to remain, well, completely stoic and unaffected emotionally…  :(

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  • RMweb Gold

Difficult to understand the reasons for the sad event in Birstall. Violence is not the answer to things.


Hoping Dave and Is can resolve things today.


Feeling a bit quiet this morning.



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Good morning all.


I have to take the dog for his service and MOT soon and then I am off to the opticians, Together with my trip to the eye clinic recently I should be able to complete my "renewal of driving licence" form. I only have a three year licence since I have been on insulin, and they have taken away my "grandfather rights" to drive things like steam rollers and lawn mowers.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone.


Today will definitely be POETS day for me, as I've only one job to do, which is in St. Helens, but I think I'd rather be working the whole day today. The reason for that is, I will be attending a former colleagues funeral this afternoon, I expect it'll be very busy as he was very well liked.


I'd known him for nearly 25 years he was the sort of person who would go out of there way to help you, and to give you all an idea of the measure of the man. In 2012, he'd already retired a couple of years, due to his own health issues, his prostate cancer having returned aggressively. But as soon as he heard about my own diagnosis he called me to ask how I was doing, give me some advice and offering an ear to bend or a shoulder to lean on, despite the fact that he did not have a very good prognosis himself.


RIP Jim.


Back later.

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Mornin' all,


Best regards to those that ail and thank you all for your support.


Lovely early Summer kick off in The Moorlands.....last nights beer calories burnt around the short anticlockwise.....











Now music by Jefferson Airplane....Need somebody to love


An evening of loud music and strong real ale has reset the perspectives/helped with coming to terms.....yes, Is was becoming institutionalised in the ward at the Royal Stoke and the move to Leek will have broken that dependency/normality.....yes, the window of opportunity was seized, she is now 5 mins up the road....yes, the ideal date for her coming home in terms of the key friends/former colleagues having a clear run of days to bridge the care gap had passed/will take a few days to become optimal again....nothing was said to make visiting time difficult. All in all, not perfect but then nothing ever is.


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Dave, it is good to see that you can remain positive after all that has been going on with Is. I hope that the move to Leek does work out OK.


YEsterday was a frustrating day as we were due to have a water meter fitted, but they never turned up. When I called to ask what was going on, the reply was that they had had to go to an emergency repair. I was prepared to accept that, but not the fact that they had not called me to let me know. Job rescheduled for this morning, and will hopefully be done before I go off to the Ratty for a couple of steam powered round trips. Ironically, Mrs G's cousin has just emailed saying that they are in the area and plan to be on the Ratty today, so I will hopefully catch up with them, and then all go out for a meal this evening. With no brothers or sisters, this cousin is her closest remaining family, so it will be good for her to catch up.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


Simon, when they fit the water meter it is a very good idea to flush the system through thoroughly*, possibly not something they tell you to do but it is worth doing.

The problem is that small grains of dirt can get into the water and it only takes one to interfere with the ballcock valve in your header tank and cause a perpetual flow. 

Best thing is to open up the taps and start flushing to wash any grit through and out. 


* even though you now count the cost of every toilet flush and mutter about the expense! Or is that just me. :) 


Dave, you're a model of fortitude and compassion. I hesitate to offer anyone as supportive as yourself any thoughts. But sadly time is short and perhaps best not to have any regrets later about time wasted on a tiff. Beer and loud music have obviously worked wonders, but, as ever, feel free to blow your stack with us lot, our shoulders are broad.


Nothing heard about a 2nd interview so I'm assuming that it's back to the starting blocks. I still have the possibility of a 2nd interview with a leading seat of academia. However, 7 weeks since the first interview seems to suggest that the panel may be somewhat indecisive and working with them could prove frustrating. Having said that beggars can't be choosers.   


Have a nice day everyone. Andy


As ever, feel free to blow your stack with us lot, our shoulders are broad.

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Hope the move to Leek goes well, Dave, and that things are sorted for the move home.


Quite shocked by the news about Jo Cox yesterday; Channel 4 news was very moving last night. I've visited our MP and MSP once or twice over the years and there's no security - and I'm pleased to write that, because there should be no barriers between the democratically represented and their representative. It's all based on trust.


Robert - glad to learn about your interview.


Hope everyone's day is good.



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  • RMweb Gold

I forgot to mention earlier. As we have thinned out our strawberry plants thus year it is even more noticeable that we are losing the ones that are just ready to pick. No need to do Internet searches for garden pests, we know the cause.

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Morning all from the boring borough.


Dave, hopefully little steps will get Is home sooner rather than later.


I don't know what sickens me more, the senseless death of a person just doing her job, or the cockgoblins using it for their own political point scoring.


Water meters. Our ongoing farce continues. for the third time they've repainted all the stopcocks in the street white. For the 4th time we've had a council propaganda sheet in the letterbox saying that water meters are coming. I fully expect to repeat this paragraph in another 6-9 months.


I'm going to risk mentioning trains. I've managed a bit more underlay and track on the Freemo modules. Another couple of hours and that is done. A few alterations to the original plan but so far so good. All the tortoise motors went in with the points and all the droppers were soldered to the underside of the rail as the track went down. That means the wiring is more than half way along. The remaining work will just be connecting up. No solder work as everything is either RJ modular connection, Scotchlok IDC connectors, or screw terminal for the DCC accessory decoders. Smiples.


No chance of POE today as for some twisted reason the PM loves his late afternoon status update meetings.


Have a good one all.

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Morning all. Yet another changeable day weather wise, so much for a decent relaxing break.


A bit of shopping later on followed by sorting out ready for travelling home tomorrow.


The news about Jo Cox sickens me. My sympathy for her family.


Dave - I really hope that Is will be home sooner rather than later


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Glad to hear from Dave that the move to Leek was successful. It now turns out that the (alleged) attacker of Jo Cox was a member of an extreme racist group connected to the former aparthied regime in South Africa. Thats it for now, be back later.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Morning all


Grey and gloomy here.


Sorry to read of Dave and Is' trials and tribulations. I hope the move to Leek makes things more bearable


I went to Lord's yesterday and saw precisely no balls of cricket.


It's been busy here so only passing through.


Have a good day all

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Morning all,


Simon, when they fit the water meter it is a very good idea to flush the system through thoroughly*, possibly not something they tell you to do but it is worth doing.

The problem is that small grains of dirt can get into the water and it only takes one to interfere with the ballcock valve in your header tank and cause a perpetual flow. 

Best thing is to open up the taps and start flushing to wash any grit through and out. 


* even though you now count the cost of every toilet flush and mutter about the expense! Or is that just me.


Thanks for the advice. Meter being fitted as I type. I do plan to flush the system through as a friend had a meter fitted recently and her toilet kept filling and overflowing, presumably due to grit in the ballcock. Like you I will probably count the cost every time I use the tap, but my estimate is that the meter should halve my water bill, so perhaps I shouldn't be so mean!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Dave I hope the move of Is to Leek will at least make your days easier and that a move home will follow when opportune.


The murder of Jo Cox shows I suppose just what can happen in a society where the mentally ill can be free to roam without any sort of controls on them or checks on their behaviour - it had also come to light (according to the media - if we can believe it) that she had been receiving threatening letters so a wider hue & cry will probably ensue and in all the turmoil the most important people of all, her family, will be forgotten.  It is reported that already one MP has seemingly tried to make some sort of political point out of her murder - if true perhaps he should resign his seat?


Anyway enough of the fringe of politics and to more mundane things.  Like Rick I knew what is coming from Kernow having seen one of the 'first shots' of one vehicle much earlier this year - it will no doubt please those who like that sort of thing and recent pics I saw a week or two back suggest it will be a top notch job.  Moving to matters involving the G word something has been nicking Mrs Stationmaster's strawberries, complete with stalks - which suggests our resident venison dinner muntjac might well be the culprit.


No proper shopping today although it will be Tesco for the 'papers and no doubt that will also include some of this week's special visitors it being totty women's regatta week which seems to attract considerable numbers of young American females for some strange reason.  Perhaps DD will also be coming our way in view of his new photographic interest?


Have a good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Our house was built with a water meter installed. It was built when houses didn't have rateable values (the poll tax years). Our neighbours house is a couple of years older and their water is based on their rateable value. They pay about 3 times what we do for water.

We are on our third water meter. They don't seem to last forever. I think the last one is an easier to read version though. I don't bother.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Just a brief visit to commend Dave for counting to ten. Living in a pressure cooker really takes its toll, but as I've said before, you need a chance to vent your frustration, and even ERs may not be enough. I hope you have a non-virtual friend or relative to whom you can pour it all out, as that can be so cleansing, enabling you to function fully again. You are plumbing new depths of despair compared to anything some of us have suffered, and you need extraordinary resources to rise to the surface every time. And, dare I say, your own wellbeing is not to be ignored.


The Jo Cox murder needs no observations from me, except a hope that the evidence proves it was a chance event in which she was an unintended victim. The nutters in society will always be with us, but democracy implies that we may each believe what we choose. Acting it out, as it were, will always be an offence.


May your week wind up well.

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No proper shopping today although it will be Tesco for the 'papers and no doubt that will also include some of this week's special visitors it being totty women's regatta week which seems to attract considerable numbers of young American females for some strange reason.  Perhaps DD will also be coming our way in view of his new photographic interest?



Thanks for the heads up, Mike.

Always interested in ladies before the mast.

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