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  • RMweb Premium

We watched our recording of the Trooping of the Colour today (Canadian repeat). The first hour covered a lot of people talking about not much, the drive to, was it Horse Guards?, the first slow march of the bands across the parade ground, then the commercials, and the Royal Family was driving away, and then interviewing more tourists.  It looks as if they dropped an hour out of the middle -- all the bit I wanted to see. 


Bought a photo at a flea market today. LNER 10000 pulling the Flying Scotsman. No information. Stand had a couple of boxes of railway photos, mostly Canadian.


With older people losing their sense of place, bring up topics from long ago. My mother-in-law liked being read to from old schoolbooks. My father might not remember what he'd had for lunch, or if he'd had lunch, but could talk about the good and bad points of Oliver Cromwell (not the Class 7 pacific).


Pension options are usually designed so that the company cost is the same, whatever you choose. That's based on its being averaged over hundreds or thousands of workers. Sometimes they'll offer a slightly better deal to encourage workers to leave sooner.

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Morning All,


We have some very strange weather at the moment.  Sunshine, interspersed with very heavy rain and thunderstorms.


Fortunately, I did manage to get the hedge cut on Friday afternoon.  At least the outside and the top.  The inside grows slower and can be taken care of at a later date.


The weekend was otherwise fairly quiet.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


Yesterday saw a visit to rural Lincolnshire and the commodious outbuilding wherein resides Roy Jackson's Retford, Geoff Kent's Blakeney [now retired] and Geoff Kent's Black Lion Crossing.  There was much social interaction and several interesting and useful conversations.  I regard it as an honour to have been allowed to attend.


Ah yes, the aches and pains.  Intermittently since early 2002 I have been plagued with cellulitis in the right leg.  It is treated by bombardment with antibiotics and on reflection was clearly preparing itself to erupt a few days ago.  At times it is difficult to tell whether I am feverish or merely in the midst of a hot flush.  Fortunately my erstwhile GP consented to my having a stock of tablets and these have been deployed once the leg had become identifiably hot and inflamed.  It is now just sore and a few more days' dosage should see it abate.  I hope so, for in this week of all weeks seeking a doctor's appointment would be really intrusive.  Late this afternoon I am due to see Professor Oncologist, tomorrow I hope to spend sorting out travel insurance subject to the Prof's clearance for me to book my Xmas holiday - that will be fun with three declarable ailments -  and Wednesday is set aside for another purpose which I shall explain on the day.  Amid all this I have to prepare for my first demo experience, on Saturday.  Strangely the Scalefour Society does not want someone to present 'how not to do it' so what am I doing there?  All will be revealed.


There are, of course, others in trouble a lot worse than me.  So - deep breath - best wishes to the ailing, recovering, grieving, supporting, missing and depressed and special thoughts to Dave and Is.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Early shift today and approaching my break. Dentist in the afternoon.


Other than that, nothing of relevance to report as of yet, so, generic congrats and commies as appropriate!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from an overcast and cooler Surrey.


We had a good sun on Friday night to our overnight stop enroute to TVNAM which meant just over an hours run early Saturday morning.


A few issues with the layout but. Out were soon sorted and we had a good day plus a good run home Saturday evening.


Yesterday I upgraded both touch screen PCs that we use on the layouts to Windows 10 and world on various it,s of rolling stock.


This morning back to the usual grind and cancellations. A train either side of ours cancelled but luckily got the last pair of seats after letting someone using a crutch on first.

Punctuality is showing our trains either over half hour late or cancelled as 48% of total Southern mainline trains this morning so far.

Four day week ahead for us.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. The Lintel was installed last night. Trip to the tip first thing today then dogs to walk before fitting some joists. It sounds as though it may be a bit wet today.


ChrisF the 'How not to do it demo' may be an idea the demonstrator could sit there trying to do so modelling while the visitor wander past telling you how they would do it. Hang on isn't it a bit like that at times?



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather dull start with rain forecast yet again.

Shopping trip for comestibles planned as children and grandchildren are visiting later to help us celebrate 46 years of wedded bliss & conflict etc.

Never regretted a minute of it.......well not much anyway.  :jester:

Hoping to get to watch some cricket if there's time and rain permits.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Just a quick check in before a trip to Kendal to get the car seen to.  Posts duly read and rated, and generic greeting to those who need/deserve them.  Chris, my cellulitis in the leg comes and goes too, but no luck in getting a supply of just in case antibiotics.  The one that they use for my condition gives the most dreadful metallic taste in the mouth.


Usual phone scrum at 7.30 this morning to try to get 30747 a Drs appointment. 


Got to go as Lily needs another walk before I go off.


Back later.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold


Extra points for calling it the Union Flag, however!

I like to follow the RN tradition of it only being the Union Jack when flown from the Jackstaff of a warship.


But, according to the Flag Institute, the bastion of flag etiquette etc:


"It is often stated that the Union Flag should only be described as the Union Jack when flown in the bows of a warship, but this is a relatively recent idea. From early in its life the Admiralty itself frequently referred to the flag as the Union Jack, whatever its use, and in 1902 an Admiralty Circular announced that Their Lordships had decided that either name could be used officially. Such use was given Parliamentary approval in 1908 when it was stated that “the Union Jack should be regarded as the National flag”.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


Steady drizzle here to welcome in the new week. 


I've been tasked with ordering my Father's Day present. I can see many of you thinking this is a green light for modelling procurement. 

I should clarify.

I've been tasked with ordering and paying for my Father's Day present.

The Scrooge in me thinks that postponing that and keeping the money in the bank would be a most pleasurable thing.

It would lead, however to chastisement next weekend. Again, not the sort that sprang into your filthy minds. :girldevil:  


Off out later and some revision to do beforehand so toodlepip for now. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone.


The weather is a little cloudy, but no rain as yet. We have just had a low fly past by a couple of RAF Tornados, which were difficult to spot through the clouds.


Breakfast has just been consumed and we'll set of for soon, after we've put away all the toiletries.


Back later.


Andy. Good luck with your interview today.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cloudier than it was earlier. Looks like rain soon, unless the clouds divert slightly.

I thought I may have to go to a garden centre but enough of whatever was needed has been found. Also I have just booked our car parking for our holiday in the summer. Aditi asked if I had and I said something like "I didn't know I was supposed to". I had to go and turn my big computer on as the booking discount code wouldn't work on the version of Chrome on Android. Anyway all done now.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Happy anniversary Bob - congratulations on such survival (without permanent injury).  Best of luck Andy - hope it is not some inhuman resources person you are going to encounter but a real decision maker.


Now the smoking of cucumber raises a further interesting question as apart from the best method of slicing prior to drying what sort of drying process would be used - answers on a thread near us no doubt.


Have a  good day everybody.

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Morning all. A slightly overcast start to the day in SE Devon, which hopefully will brighten up. Morning swim completed and breakfast consumed.


Just had a fly past of 2 Merlin helicopters, one level with where I am. I did manage to get a couple of photos that I'll post later.


A bit of shopping is required otherwise I'll go hungry later on.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Steady drizzle here to welcome in the new week. 


I've been tasked with ordering my Father's Day present. I can see many of you thinking this is a green light for modelling procurement. 

I should clarify.

I've been tasked with ordering and paying for my Father's Day present.

The Scrooge in me thinks that postponing that and keeping the money in the bank would be a most pleasurable thing.

It would lead, however to chastisement next weekend. Again, not the sort that sprang into your filthy minds. :girldevil:  


Off out later and some revision to do beforehand so toodlepip for now. 


Ask her if one of these would be OK around £3500. NHN could probably get you the best price.  


edit for missing link http://www.roundhouse-eng.com/garratt.htm

Edited by Donw
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  • RMweb Premium

Late morning to all and sundry from our clifftop eyrie at Bournemouth.   I didn't get much chance to browse yesterday but di manage to get into trouble for leaving a part completed kit on a coffee table.   I will try and progress it today.


Better weather today with the whole bay in view so after breakfast we went for a bike ride and the boss managed 9.6 miles along the seafront.   I was very impressed.   I might go out for a longer ride this afternoon.  This evening we're off with BiL and wife to a restaurant. (No a Tapas Bar) They have been very good company but we will be glad to have the apartment to ourselves from Wednesday onwards.  


Regards to all.


Anyway I might try living dangerously, the boss is playing some game on her tablet that demands an annoying soundtrack.  I will have to see if that allows me to fir up the soldering iron without incurring her wrath.



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