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....emotionally motivated knee jerks describe it best for me Ian. If I'd known that the planned operation would be postponed twice this week I still couldn't have acted until the Thursday appointment with her oncologist/consultant, at which point the fully funded Fastrack care package was offered/accepted and the wheels put in motion. She has been in hospital for 3 weeks and is fed up....but coming home can't happen until the house is ready equipped for her.


Thank you all for your support



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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A'noon all. Knackered after my early shift. Food shopped, including stuff for a barbecue in the garden tomorrow, and now it's feet up for the evening.


Dave, can't really add anything meaningful to what other ERs have made in comments on this latest episode. It but does bring to mind this saying that there's a difference between well-meant and well, but given what you related about these specific family members, I'm not at all sure they could see that...

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Now I've finally got internet access sorted out I've had time to catch up.


Yesterday being spent in the office meant that I did manage POETS and had a reasonably good journey down the M5 until I got to the M4 junction. The motorway was on a go slow for another 30 miles.


A very pleasant swim this morning but I would prefer the sea to be a bit rougher for my swims. After breakfast this was followed by a gentle walk into the village to catch up with a few old family friends.


The fog/mist/sea haze/Scotch mist described by LE is certainly sitting over Lyme Bay but at least it's burning off even though it is at a glacial rate of change.


Andy B - Just in case I forget by Monday, good luck with the interview.


Dave & Is - Thinking of both of you. Other ER's have already said what I think.

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Afternoon All


Dave - sorry to hear that the family issues are still getting in the way of the true matter, ie Is's ongoing care in its final stages.  Is there any mileage at all in trying to prevent the hospital staff from taking any action on their say-so as you should be the decision maker.  I know that when 30747's sister was hospitalised, the staff would not give out much information, and said that it all had to come via her next of kin.


Everybody else - generic greetings, and posts all read and rated.


Today was a disaster for the local gala, as predicted.  The parade (such as it is -  marching band and three floats which holds up the traffic for half an hour) left about 11.30, and the rain started at about 12.30, eased off, then started to chuck it down and it has just abated. 


Meantime, the parcel from Boundary Mill arrived, and for a non mail order operation, they could show most of the major players a thing or two.  Well packed, sent promptly, and only charged the face value of the postage.  Ordered late Thursday, arrived Saturday morning - WOW.


So instead of the rain soaked gala, what did we do here - well, I'll give you a clue.  Last week, I was instructed to buy an oven cleaning kit......


Regards to All


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....I outlined our close shave with disaster yesterday to ward staff today Stewart and have asked for any hint of similar to result in an instant telephone call to her next of kin.....me.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Well done Dave, you need to be in control.  I think the staff dropped the ball yesterday big time, their actions would not have been acceptable 'in my day as a manager in the NHS', and may well have resulted in disciplinary action.


A warm, muggy overcast day on the rock of the frazzled today, catching up with chores and shopping etc.  We are both shattered!  I may post a few photos later for the petrolheads around here.  Did manager to bag a bargain new bike jacket though, from a stall just about to pack up and go back 'across'.  They can't resist a few more quid.....even at a considerable discount.


In the meantime the kipper fishermen have taken the weekend off to enjoy their new Ferraris bought from the proceeds of giving every foreign visitor indigestion for two days.


Loved Tony's comment about spaniels having muppet DNA, gave me a proper laugh.  We used to have one next door, mad as a hatter.

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In other news, I was happy to be notified that a parcel from Japan which had arrived in Germany last Tuesday finally cleared customs yesterday and should be here for delivery next week. I had managed to secure a MicroAce model of the Toei 12-000 Series underground EMU as used on the Ōedo Line in Tokyo:



...with this line being distinguished by utilising linear motor propulsion.

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Flipping rain!  Flipping Duckworth Lewis Stern!  Yep Collegiate lost by 6 wickets by DLS...


Dave, stick by your guns. I just hope the family can stop meddling. 



Sleep well all.



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Flipping rain!  Flipping Duckworth Lewis Stern!  Yep Collegiate lost by 6 wickets by DLS...


Dave, stick by your guns. I just hope the family can stop meddling. 



Sleep well all.



Duckworth Lewis was one of my reasons for quitting scoring!

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Good evening everyone.


Just before we set off for Windermere, the weather change, it went from awful, to f***ing awful. We had torrential rain during most of our trip North. But it did ease off just as we came off the M6. We eventually arrived at our hotel just after 4:00pm, a little later than I'd hoped, but never mind.


After we booked in, we just dropped our bags off my n our room and went over to watch the last couple of groups finish. Despite the weather, there was still a carnival atmosphere going on by the lake. We have a fantastic view of Windermere from our bedroom, from the window we can see the finish line. So tomorrow morning after breakfast, I'll go back to the room, change into my wetsuit and then walk the hundred or so yards to the starting point, which is just across the road. The barely a ripple on the water at the moment, but the sky is very over cast, with som very low clouds, if it's like this in the morning I'll be a happy bunny. There's still the chance however, that when I get out of Windermere tomorrow I'll be considerably dryer than SWMBO.


Documentation arrived this morning about my company pension options, so I brought a calculator with me so I could do a little number crunching whilst we're here. Under the new pension rules, I'll be 66 before I can draw my state pension, so it seem that I basically have 3 options;


1. Take both my company and my British Steel pensions early, then wait until I'm 66 for my state pension.


2. Take my company pension with levelling option and delay taking my British Steel pension until I draw my state pension.


3. Take my company pension with the levelling option and draw my British Steel pension.


But taking the levelling option could end up costing me more in the long run, if I live to a ripe old age. Decisions, decisions decisions, all the figures look very promising, (to me anyway) but as it's a veritable mine field, I think I shall have to find a financial advisor who can talk me through what are the best options are for me.


Ouch, my brains is now totally in bits, so I think it's time for bed.


Goodnight all.


I've just been on line and checked the finish time for a friend of mine who swam in Friday's 10k (6.25 miles) swim. He came 4th and his time was an impressive, 2:19:30, which averages out at just over 22 minutes for each mile. Jeeezzzzzuuuuuusssssss, he's fit!

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Lovely day, hot at 93f, cooler tomorrow and wall to wall sunshine all next week.


Baz, shame that the only cricket played locally is played by members of the Indian sub-continent and they like to keep the leagues to themselves albeit separated along two country lines.,,


Has anyone heard from GordonS lately?


Best, Pete.

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Evening all. As previously explain, the dreaded report writing marathon has limited my time on here recently. I have skimmed through much of what I have missed and will offer the generic congrats and commiserations to those as appropriate. Special thoughts and words for Dave and Is of course. I made sure I read all of your updates in detail. I am so sorry to hear that these difficult times are being made more difficult by actions of relations. It does sound like you are making the right choices, given the circumstances. My thoughts remain with you both.


Not finished the reports yet, but took a break today in order to visit the model railway show at Bakewell. It has become an annual visit. We always meet the inlaws there. I go around the show with FiL whilst Sarah and her mum take Amber off around the town. We seem to need an equal amount of time for both visits so it works well. Today was no different with Sarah texting me to say they had finished just as we were ready to leave the show too.

As regards the show it was ok, but not the best I have been to. A few too many layouts requiring the intervention from the big hand from the sky. The scenic modelling on show was good, if not spectacular. A couple of reasonable models and a couple of absolute dross! I did not spend much, but did buy a building for my new micro layout (see relevant thread). It was enough to inspire an afternoon of modelling.

Amber fell asleep in the car on the way home and thus did not sleep tonight. The result was I ended up watching the first half of the England game on my IPad whilst in her bedroom. She ended up joining us downstairs for the second half and has only just gone to sleep. I think she may be tired tomorrow!


Enjoy your weekend!

Edited by andyram
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Good evening everyone.


Just before we set off for Windermere, the weather change, it went from awful, to f***ing awful. We had torrential rain during most of our trip North. But it did ease off just as we came off the M6. We eventually arrived at our hotel just after 4:00pm, a little later than I'd hoped, but never mind.


After we booked in, we just dropped our bags off my n our room and went over to watch the last couple of groups finish. Despite the weather, there was still a carnival atmosphere going on by the lake. We have a fantastic view of Windermere from our bedroom, from the window we can see the finish line. So tomorrow morning after breakfast, I'll go back to the room, change into my wetsuit and then walk the hundred or so yards to the starting point, which is just across the road. The barely a ripple on the water at the moment, but the sky is very over cast, with som very low clouds, if it's like this in the morning I'll be a happy bunny. There's still the chance however, that when I get out of Windermere tomorrow I'll be considerably dryer than SWMBO.


Documentation arrived this morning about my company pension options, so I brought a calculator with me so I could do a little number crunching whilst we're here. Under the new pension rules, I'll be 66 before I can draw my state pension, so it seem that I basically have 3 options;


1. Take both my company and my British Steel pensions early, then wait until I'm 66 for my state pension.


2. Take my company pension with levelling option and delay taking my British Steel pension until I draw my state pension.


3. Take my company pension with the levelling option and draw my British Steel pension.


But taking the levelling option could end up costing me more in the long run, if I live to a ripe old age. Decisions, decisions decisions, all the figures look very promising, (to me anyway) but as it's a veritable mine field, I think I shall have to find a financial advisor who can talk me through what are the best options are for me.


Ouch, my brains is now totally in bits, so I think it's time for bed.


Goodnight all.


I've just been on line and checked the finish time for a friend of mine who swam in Friday's 10k (6.25 miles) swim. He came 4th and his time was an impressive, 2:19:30, which averages out at just over 22 minutes for each mile. Jeeezzzzzuuuuuusssssss, he's fit!


Brian before you find a financial adviser I would do the calculations for yourself 


First life expectancy it increases with age  (basically as you haven't died earlier  some of the risk has gone) for a male aged 60 it would be about 83-87 smoking would lower it exercise healthy diet would raise it. There are calculators on line. I think you  probably exercise a fair amount so towards the higher end.


Secondly look at your net income now deduct the costs of travel to work and work related costs, deduct any payments going into a pension or savings specifically for you old age. If you have a mortgage which could be repaid from the lump sum deduct that. This should give you a figure needed to maintain your current lifestyle.

Thirdly consider what changes may be made to your lifestyle by being retired. If you have visions of foreign cruises for 6months a year or jetting off to sun spots all the time you may actually need more money. If you intend to enjoy pottering in the garden and will be using the car less  you could be planning a more modest lifestyle. You need to be as honest as you can.


That is stage 1 estimating your desired baseline.

Stage 2 to come (it is bedtime now)


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Evening from Estuary-Land. Did little for my keep at Chatham today, put on tea making duties for the day. Not a bad day at all, spent a bit of money, on models rather than books this time. Now absolutely whacked so goodnight all.

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Evenin' all,


Brian - Don has explained very precisely the approach you need to follow and you don't need a financial advisor for that as he has said because he will do exactly the same as you can do for yourself and simply tot up income against expenditure.  The critical thing is to establish your nett income position as it will be after taking out expenses associated with work and making use of any pension lump sum to remove any outstanding mortgage, you also need to consider the tax position as well.    And as Don has already said the critcal thing is not necessarily how much pension you will receive but what you expect/have to do with it as your income source.


I took my BR pension at age 52 for the very good reason my Doctor was restricting the number of days I could work but I couldn't get an ill-health pension although i wasn't allowed to work full time.  So I obviously had little choice but to go for a level pension in order to boost immediate income, but I also cleared the mortgage out of the lump sum - my nett income dropped by c.£10 per week (and I got an occasional consultancy job - zero hours contract they call it nowadays).


But then came the second part you need to check very carefully - I knew my level pension would reduce when I reached state pension age and it did, by quite a hefty amount, but the amount if decreased by was exceeded by the amount I started to receive in state pension.  The actuarial adjustment for a level pension is, I understand, very complex but the pension fund should be able to give some idea of how it might work. 



G'night all

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Great advice from Mike and others above.


And now for something completely different:


Very interesting interview with Joe Bonamassa by Neville Marten (Hi, Neville!) from literally a few days ago. He talks about how he has stripped down his equipment and who he was influenced  by (via his Dad’s record collection).


By the way Joe absolutely nails Eric’s technique! His fluidity and depth of tone (even from a tiny Fender Champ amp in his dressing room) are spot on.


I know that there are a few fans of Joe on ER, take a listen,



Funny guy - listen to his comment about 2nd dates with women about 20 minutes in....



G’night, Pete.

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I don't know details about British pensions, but from Canadian practice:

if you leave a company and start your pension immediately, they often continue some of the other benefits (insurance, supplemental medical) while if you defer your pension to age 65, these benefits aren't provided. Some are more generous, some less; check with your company. (not sure how supplemental medical goes with NHS).


You should be able to make an Excel spreadsheet to see what the benefits are and where breakeven ages come.  We had options of offset and level pensions. I went through the era of inflation and would go for a form that increases when the state pension kicks in.

depending on your marital status, there may be an adjustment for presence or lack of a potential survivor.


A lot may depend on how long you expect to live and how you could live if you last for a long time.

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Good morning one and all


A flying visit today for after a good concert last night [simpson Cutting Kerr and The Worthys] I'm off to visit Roy Jackson's Retford.  The reason for the aches and pains the other day has become apparent but I'll explain tomorrow.  Can't go without the usual best wishes to the ailing, recovering, grieving, supporting, missing and depressed and special thoughts for Dave and Is.



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Also a flying visit with greetings to all and special thoughts to those in need of them.


Cat collected, laundry washed and drying, car given a decent run to boost the battery (though it started first click after a month of rest as it always does) and generally getting things straight for the Week of Attendance.  This week it starts on Tuesday as Moan-day is the Queen's Birthday Holiday which happens here every year not just for her 90th.  


Transferred over 3000 images from cameras to computer including 800 from the family wedding which have to be edited and cut to about 300 before being loaded onto a memory stick and sent off to the bride and groom.  I'll include a surprise or two.  I'm thinking a couple of mug-shots on mugs and maybe a mounted / framed half-plate print or three as well.


After that I'll get onto the leisure shots far too many of which seem to include trains.

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Morning all from a windy and rainy Bournemouth clifftop.  Fortunately there's some double glazing between me and the weather.  I can just see the end of the pier but no chance for King harry rocks or The Needles till the weather improves. 


Dave, I really feel for you about the situation with Is, there is a time for being forceful but not vey often.  Usually the soft approach works best and how Is feels and is treated must come first. 


Anyway we got down here safely whilst calling in near Milton Keynes to see the new great nephew, who was a contented young man who never even murmured when held by grumpy great uncle.  I'll obviously have to get more practice in.   The new trailer towed well and we are now safely installed in out Timeshare.  BiL No2 (The good one) and wife are with us for a couple of days and we had a very good meal with them last night.    Everyone else is still in bed so I'm enjoying the peace and quiet.   Probably not a lot on the agenda but I will have to sort a few things out between the car and the trailer and get our bikes out for when the weather improves.


Regards to all.



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Mornin' all,


Best regards to all that ail


A lovely soft start to the day in The Moorlands....calories burnt on usual weekend circuit....



Now music by The Adventures.....Broken land


Relatives from the south coast travelling to see Is today....I'm meeting them later to act as guide to her bedside


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Has anyone heard from GordonS lately?


I had the same thought, but think his mum had suffered a reverse about a month ago, and he was expecting to be busy. Let's hope things are improving there and he's back soon.


I note Dave is now chaperoning visitors, and see that as very wise, but hardly practicable for a man still working. Tough times indeed.


Wet and miserable weather continues here, and will for another week. Our Paris trip on Tuesday will be such fun.....

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Many thanks for your concern.  It's lovely to know people care when you go AWOL... :friends:


Sincere apologies as I haven't logged in for some time and have no idea what is going on within ER's.  I'm sure you've all had your share of problems, much worse that I'm having to deal with right now, but as always the spirit of help and support of ER's always shines through.


Didn't mention in my ET update as it's more of an ER topic, but dementia has come on rather rapidly with my 93 year old mother.  We now have carers coming in four times a day to help out, but I suspect a nursing home may not be a million miles away.  I've not had to deal with this before and it's only golf for me and dog walking for Jackie that's kept us able to deal with the issues going on since the start of the year.  Mum has had several falls and whilst nothing has been broken, it's involved a couple of overnight stays in the Royal Berks and umpteen paramedic visits. 


The hardest thing to deal with is the mental element of dementia.  Over the last few months she has gone down rapidly and confusion is the norm.  Whilst still able to look after herself, the conversations are getting more difficult.  One of the key things we have been told is not to correct conversations, but it is very hard to do at times. Yesterday was spent talking about Christmas and how all the shops had their decorations up.  Mum thought it was December, not June.  Of course she hasn't been to any shops for many months now, so no idea where that came from.  We've learned to live with the confusion over dates, times and people and we've all had to take on various persona's for a while until we were able to revert to who we really are.  Sad to see and hard to deal with at times, but you still love them....


We've had the solicitor visit over the past few weeks to set up a Lasting Power of Attorney and it was touch and go that Mum passed her interview to show she understood the implications.  She is in total agreement with setting it up to protect her interests, but of course her conversations wander all over the place.  We had to leave the room whilst the solicitor spoke to her and he was very patient.  If it doesn't get approved we'll then have to get medical opinions or as the last resort go to the courts.  Of course we left the whole thing too late, but it's a bit like you only finding your windscreen wipers don't work until it rains.  We didn't think we would need a LPoA until dementia set in and now we wish we had done it months ago.....


As I said at the outset, I'm weeks behind now, so for those struggling with your own problems, I really hope that opening your heart within ER's has helped you see a light at the end of the tunnel.  Despair can be a dark place on your own, but I've never known such a supportive group than those that lurk within these pages.


Keep smiling guys.....

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