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  • RMweb Gold

Our waste collections include a Grey Wheelie for genral rubbish (bi weekly) green and black boxes for recyclables and a small brown caddy for food waste (weekly). We occasionally get notes on the grey bin stressing the need to put food waste in the caddy.  We are vegetarians, peelings etc. are all composted. If we cook it we eat it why cook more than you are going to eat? So there are no meat bones or other food waste to put in the caddy.


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After last nights train delays we got home ( no bus so walked) opened the garage door and worked on the layout. We were the lucky ones as most of our services were cancelled after our train Reporte of arrests at LBG due to the chaos but I can't find anything in the news about it.


This morning al seems OK on the Western... Err Southern front this morning for our train but the the Redhill to Tonbridge line still shut due to flooding yesterday afternoon. Apparently it's the tunnels where they lowered the track for channel tunnel fright that are still flooded.


Platform staff can't get of control. no driver for the Chichester train but there is a guard. It's occupying the main down platform. Moral must be very low for front line staff. There is meet the manager at London Bridge this morning. I wonder how many police will be nearby just in case!!


There is a student type bloke sitting diagonally opposite me on the train who must be as high as a kite, he's very agitated, Complaining about the air con (which is working fine) can't keep still and keeps making quite a bit of grunting and sighing, now eating his sandwiches. Nope he's not happy with them and wrapped them up.God knows what he would be like if the train was late etc. Ah... he's now cold and put his hat on rubbing his arms!


At least it's hump day and we have a show this Saturday.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

No thunder or rain here last night. It is overcast though.

We are off to lunch with friends today. Aditi has chosen a pub in Stock. I am not sure if the village of Stock has any claims to fame unlike Horndon on the Hill (religious burnings).

I don't think much else is planned, though Robbie will get a walk after breakfast.


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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Managed to sleep in for a bit after the simple step of removing the filling from the duvet case. Will probably run a couple of errands later but also make sure to get sufficient downtime for rest.



Dom, did you really think you were going to get serious answers to that question on ERs?



I'm an optimist! :jester:


Though I admit the chat I had with a colleague last night regarding this apparently non-limited speed restriction wasn't exactly serious either. I suggested that if interpreted strictly, it would mean that the entirety of Line 16's route would have a baseline 10 kph speed imposed, with all further speed "restriction" zones on the route effectively functioning as local increases above said baseline speed.


I further concluded that it would thus take just one single driver to adopt this interpretation to screw up operations across a major part of the network and for that driver to become the unquestioned darling of Control, all other drivers affected, and passengers, and that, if questioned as to the reason for their exceptionally low speed, said driver would, upon responding accordingly, most likely be met not only by a traffic director but also by one of those vans crewed by the nice guys in white lab coats… :mosking:


I should also mention that as I assumed a simple mistake, I radioed Control to advise them of the missing end of restriction plate.


Have a good one, and strength to everyone in need of encouragement for any reason…

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the sunny southern uplands. Various domestic tasks this morning, including a second batch of ironing.  Apparently it all has to be done before we set off for Bournemouth and France.  Mine is not to reason why.  Then it's off to Morley for various other tasks including a haircut.  Hopefully this afternoon and evening some modelling will be done.  


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,we went to Winchester to pick the boy up hopefully for the last time rain and sheet and forked lighting and torrential rain in places some aquaplaning at times a good prompt to lower speed... Still got passed by cockwombles in lighter cars but nobody fell off on our side of the road. We were home by 1.15 am but I was that wired that I didn't sleep until 2.30. I could really go back to bed but a meeting beckons so onward and upwards. 


Dave and Is are in my thoughts and best wishes to anyone else below par.

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Morning all.

Don't talk to me about weather! The whelkmen won't be out today as their coracles are waterlogged and lightning struck the lighthouse, lighting it up.


Have you seen the viral video of assorted cockwombles attempting to drive through the floods under the railway bridge in Wallington? The moral would be to ignore the advice of a bunch of well-lubricated young men (it's by the John Jakson pub) that the water only goes halfway up our ducks. It was a mega thunderstorm, the sort you don't usually get in Surrey.


As if to underline the coming of the apocalypse I've just seen a green parakeet on the bird feeder. Very pretty, and makes a change from chaffinches, but very noisy.


Weather looks promising after an early shower. Much housework to do, but

Julie not up yet, so will start later.


Have a good day, people.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Caught up again, and posts all duly rated - too much to make individual comments - I do miss Jock's daily synopsis, I must say.  So generic greetings to all who are ailing and celebrating.


Waiting for news of Dave and Is, as things appear quiet on that front today so far.


Just wating for Morreasons to deliver the weekly shop - was hoping for a bacon bagel for breakfast when it arrives.  Just had a text to say that the bagels are out of stock, so have been missed off the order - DOH.  Still, it's only the second time I've had a missed or substituted item.


Oh and a bit of good news that Mark Goodier is replacing Chris Evans on Radio 2 this morning - let's hope that it continues.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium


Have you seen the viral video of assorted cockwombles attempting to drive through the floods under the railway bridge in Wallington? The moral would be to ignore the advice of a bunch of well-lubricated young men (it's by the John Jakson pub) that the water only goes halfway up our ducks. It was a mega thunderstorm, the sort you don't usually get in Surrey.


Looks fun there. 




Anybody who knows that bridge would have been aware (or should have been aware) of how far down the road dips and be able to assess that it was unsafe to proceed. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Don't talk to me about weather! The whelkmen won't be out today as their coracles are waterlogged and lightning struck the lighthouse, lighting it up.


Have you seen the viral video of assorted cockwombles attempting to drive through the floods under the railway bridge in Wallington? The moral would be to ignore the advice of a bunch of well-lubricated young men (it's by the John Jakson pub) that the water only goes halfway up our ducks. It was a mega thunderstorm, the sort you don't usually get in Surrey.


As if to underline the coming of the apocalypse I've just seen a green parakeet on the bird feeder. Very pretty, and makes a change from chaffinches, but very noisy.


Weather looks promising after an early shower. Much housework to do, but

Julie not up yet, so will start later.


Have a good day, people.

Caterham  and (oddly) Caterham on the Hill both had floods but not as deep as Wallington one.


The Caterham On the Hill one is actually in a dip at a mini roundabout. This is the route that we use to go to Mums so good job we went there on Monday!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone.


A slight overcast start to the day, and the ground is still damp from last nights thunder storms, which might make some of my work, which will involve tramping across farmers fields, interesting. Work today takes me to Higginshaw, Bredbury and Macclesfield. But the sun is out at Higginshaw.


On the subject of food waste, there is very little food waste generated in this household. Like many on this thread, we grew up at a time when food just wasn't wasted, and I cook only enough for the two of us. I will occasionally cook a large curry or batches of soup (6 servings or so) and will freeze what we don't need for consumption on another day.


Enjoy whatever you've got planned.


Back later.


Edit for typos

Edited by BSW01
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Morning all, the early morning drizzle has cleared and it is just grey here.


Yet more appointments flooding in and the organisers can't tell me whether they are duplicates or not. I will follow up today and see if I can wrangle any sense out of them.


Further round London, the parakeets are regulars. But I don't see chaffinches in our garden.

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We get two Trash Collections a week and one Recycling every two weeks. Electrical (Computers and the like) twice per year.


The recycling has to be separated into glass/plastics and paper/cardboard products (tied up). Load of cobblers, as I watched them toss everything into the back of a regular crusher type waste truck........


The recycling centers simply do not trust homeowners to separate goods adequately - they have machinery to do it. Yes I watched “How do they do that”.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

The paper collection is a different truck but not been around to see how they load the glass and general rubbish and these days we take all plastics and glass to the local reycling bins where we put them in the separate bins.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Early to bed last night after a nasty attack of cramp - duly helped out of it by herself.


This morning it's off to see Dracula's daughter then this afternoon it's a visit to the dermatology consultant (which I suspect will be brief).


It rained last night which cleared some of the sticky heat but that is back this morning although more rain is promised.  The seaweed wranglers are however not promising flash floods for today, just rain showers.  Ian's mention of lowered rail;way lines flooding is very apposite with the amount of track lowering going on/promised for GW electrification - I have a nasty feeling that lowering it might remind people why some of it has gradually been raised over the years in certain places.


Have a  good day one and all.

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Morning all. Now back home after a week at Loch Lomond and then a few days with friends near Dunblane. No rain here while we were away, so a load of plants that I transplanted out before we went have not survived. I had planned to start the morning with some much needed weeding, but it is cool with a damping mist so far. It will hopefully clear and allow me to get on with stuff outside, as the hedge trimming season is also here, and if I don't cut the hedges soon, it will get much more difficult.

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  • RMweb Premium

When our refuse collections take place, it's in two different trucks, one for the green bin (every week) and another for which ever is the other bin (black, blue or grey) which ever is being emptied that particular week.


We have have a quirky sense of humour in our house, and have given nick names for each collection.


Chocolate (green and black)

Author (grey'n' green)

Bluey (blue and green)


Today was author!

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Still no sign of Steven with the shopping, but he's said to be on time - we shall see.


One good thing about online shopping with Morereasons is that if you order wine, lager or cider, it is delivered chilled, so can be supped right away - most usefui at 9.30 in the morning!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's a damp one here.


The boiler leak turned out to be the the heater matrix, with a replacement cost of around £600-700. We'd then have a 26 year old boiler with a new heater matrix, relatively new PCB, newish fan unit. Well, at least the shelf above the boiler is original. Whilst reminded of Trigger and his broom, the sensible thing seems to be to have a new boiler installed. Spares for the existing one are becoming harder to come by and all the boilers in our road are the same design, same age; you can guess where that's going.

Nevertheless, spending the best part of £2200 is not welcome. That's quite a few Pullman units! 


Meanwhile in the garden, tomatoes are setting, strawberries and blueberries are growing, roses in bloom. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry here now after yesterday's storm and overnight rain but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as Wallington.  Words fail me about the idiots driving under that bridge. It's not as though it has never flooded there before.

I've been to hospital this morning for an X-ray on my hip. I'll have to wait a week to find out if my "arfritis" has turned into "fullritis."

Gardening has been mentioned but I feel some pain coming on. With a bit of luck by the time that has subsided the heavy showers that are forecast for later will have arrived.  :yes:

Now for some more coffee,

Have a good one,


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Morning all from corporate hellquarters. Another fun filled exciting day of blergh awaits.


Like AndyB I'm forking out ££ on a clapped out old boiler. £84 yesterday just to tell me the pcb is fried. Now waiting for their call to quote for a new one. (prices on line range from £45 for a refurb to £220 direct from Worcester, with the average being around £130 elsewhere) The labour estimate was £150 to fit, test, and do a second diagnostic to make sure nothing else is borked. I'm really tempted to just get a new one but it would cost an extra £800 to get it moved next year when we tear out the downstairs bathroom and utility room for a new kitchen. As long as the total repair is less than that it makes more sense to keep the thing going.


Back to work, another useless meeting with time wasting morons........


Have a great day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Take it easy Bob.Gardening can really set you back.

I recommend Tea, Sitting and some light duties requiring manual dexterity, oh, I don't know, some kind of craft-based hobby perhaps can deliver that. :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Tony, the village of Stock has no particular claim to fame except for one local character from IIRC the early 19th century. This particular gentleman who was small and wirey by all accounts used to cadge drinks by performing his party trick of disappearing up the pub chimney and emerging from another fireplace. One evening after performing this trick several times he disappeared and the other pub patrons just assumed he had had enough to drink and gone home. However he had disappeared completely, despite the pub chimney being checked. About fifty years later alterations or demolishion of the pub was taking place when a mummified corpse was discovered in the chimney. What had apparently happened was that he had discoved a niche in the chimney breast and hidden there and in his inebriated state had fallen asleep or suffocated. 45156 at least that Vauxhall Ziafra is not in danger of catching fire but I wonder what his insurers would make of that clip.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all,

Dry here now after yesterday's storm and overnight rain but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as Wallington.  Words fail me about the idiots driving under that bridge. It's not as though it has never flooded there before.

I've been to hospital this morning for an X-ray on my hip. I'll have to wait a week to find out if my "arfritis" has turned into "fullritis."

Gardening has been mentioned but I feel some pain coming on. With a bit of luck by the time that has subsided the heavy showers that are forecast for later will have arrived.  :yes:

Now for some more coffee,

Have a good one,


Arfur Ritiss making his presence felt is a sure sign rain is on its way. In my case it means in six hours, to the minute.

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