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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


It was definitely a POETS day for me today, I got home a little after 1:30 this afternoon just in time to catch SWMBO sitting down with a coffee. I seem to catch her with a cup of coffee every time I get home early!


Thanks once again to AndyP and Peter, I must admit to getting damp eyes again reading the order of service. A glass of red was duly raised this evening in Jock's honour this evening.


Well done Andyram on passing your leadership course.


Dave. Glad to read that Is was on good form today, I hope that it will continue.


It's late and I'm tired, so it's off to bed.


Goodnight all.

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Thanks for sharing with all of us who would have liked to have been there, Andy.


I think I would have been tearful as soon as the Lone Piper started!


At Mum's funeral, my eyes filled with tears as we walked in to the sound of the organ.

It was still a celebration but one that was full of memories of her life which were shared with family and friends she loved so much.  The celebration was the sharing in the happy times as well as in the grief of losing someone special.


And yesterday, I started sending out copies of the photo received from the stonemason of the renovated and re-inscribed headstone (with Mum's name added)  back in its place in the cemetery.  So, when I lit Mum's angel candle this evening in memory of Jock, Mum was pretty much part of the picture too, as well as Jock's family as I thought of all those things that are still to come their way.



Quite a few jobs done this morning (and breaking the base of the clothes horse while hoovering - don't ask!)  before going out for lunch and doing a spot of shopping.  Back home, after a cuppa or two, I sanded and varnished the morning coffee table (and the two bits I missed on the bench, yesterday!).  The day had cooled down a bit by then so I didn't have to worry about the varnish drying too quickly.  Spent part of the evening catching up on here.



Sweet dreams everyone.

' Night all.  Nos da.

Edited by southern42
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Mawnin' awl. Calm outside still and as the weather seems to be holding, we'll be off to the garden after breakfast. Shift today won't start till 4.43 pm, so plenty of time yet.


Enjoy your day, and before I forget, well done with your qualification, Andy(ram)!

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Morning all. Thanks for the congratulations. Sarah and I cracked open a bottle of bubbly in celebration last night. I am tempted to burn the course folder today as it contains very little that I actually need. Most of the useful stuff is stored electronically.

Today's plans are very loose again. I cannot see us venturing too far as both of us have head aches after last night's consumption. We did not get much chance to sleep it off either. Amber wet the bed again last night, the second night in a row, so she came into our room at about 10.30pm and did not go to sleep until midnight. She woke up at 7am this morning and I had already been awake for about an hour. I could not sleep so got up, had an early breakfast, and caught up on some more bits of school work.

Later today I do have to go out to pick up another EBay purchase. I won a consignment of straight G scale track last night. Since the seller resides in the city centre I can save postage and collect it.


More great pics Dave. I hope you find Is in good spirits today.

A big thanks to Andy.p for posting pictures of the order of service from yesterday. I hope that yesterday's long trip does not leave you too tired today.

If anyone is heading to DEMU I hope you have an enjoyable day. I doubt I will be going as modern image is not really my interest. I have been to the show before, and enjoyed it. However I am saving money for next week's Bakewell event and the G.C show the following week.


Enjoy your day.

And RIP Muhammed Ali - another legend who leaves us in 2016.

Edited by andyram
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Misty morning here up in the NW Leeds highlands.


Mug of tea to be drunk, breakfast to be consumed then off to a warm Scunthorpe (the sea weed diviners say it will be 23C there today)


Yes, The Greatest is no more. Sad times....but remember the good times, the Ali shuffle, "float like a butterfly and sting like a bee", the Parkinson interviews..




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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A couple of glasses of Scotch were drunk last night in honour of Jock.

Rather a grey start here but it is forecast to brighten up later.

I will certainly brighten up as Joe and Gemma are visiting and staying the night. What with that and a massive improvement to my back overnight things are looking up. I may even venture into the railway room. Haven't been able to for the past week or so as it involves crawling underneath to get to the operating well. Should have built a lift up flap but it's too late now.

The Boss is making muttering noises about "things to be done" but I'm still (as far as I'm concerned) on light duties. (there could be "discussions" about this later) I may be sent to get some bread. I think I can manage that,

Have a good one,


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Thanks again to the Andys and Peter, a glass was raised here too. Sounds like a very fitting send off for Jock.


I can now see again and Specsavers can afford a shiny new sound loco... I should have offered them £35.


Granddaughter arriving for the day soon, first words through the door will probably be 'can I have my railway out', so I am going to have to move my guitars and associated amps and cables. Did I ever mention I hate cables? I hate the b****y things with a vengeance after so many years of bands and PA hire. They can tangle themselves around each other and everything else even when neatly coiled and tied in their storage boxes, out in the wild they are a nightmare.


*Deep breath* :sungum:


Best wishes to all who ail.

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G'morning all. 

I've been awol for a few days, simply because I didn't know what to write.


Huge thanks to Andy and Andy for representing us at Jock's farewell, and that superb eulogy. It moistened my dry eyes. The thing was done well, and we are grateful.


Dave - keep sending our best wishes to Is, and of course to yourself, so many of us have been touched by this disease that we know. We know and we care. 


My own little adventure has been bumping along, doing nicely on the health front until I started developing dry eyes in the morning. It's quite painful, and I'm seeing (see what I did there? Oh, I've just done it again) the optician next week. In the meantime I'm using that incredibly expensive spray on my lids. It seems to work, but it takes a half-hour or so, which is annoying.


Saw my friend this week, the one in a Bad Place. It seems that the story he has been telling me of family discord isn't as unbiased as I had hoped, but not expected. A bit stuck as to what to do next - I've told him in no uncertain terms what to do (it's that sort of relationship, going back over 40 years) but he isn't complying yet. What's sad is that he is now the same age as his father when I first knew him, and he was an unreasonable, cantankerous old sod, and now so is Alan...


Today's plan involves finishing off that damned table and then some Monty. And cooking, cleaning, tidying and for all I know polishing Julie's shoes. Just waiting for the day to declare its intentions as I'd rather do the varnishing outdoors.


I'm rambling now, aren't I? I'll leave you to get on with your day with a congratulation and a wish for comfort for all. And a memory of Muhammed Ali, a man who inspired me in my youth. Vale.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from red dragon land.


Good morning from Rome. Flying back after two weeks bouncing round the Med on Royal Princess for about the same price as 2 Bachmann Blue Pullmans


Glad I'm not the only one that measures in trains, locomotives, wagons....


Enjoy the shows or whatever you do

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Morning, looked in late last night but didnt post as I was to knackered to be honest.


The day saw a number of jobs done the biggest one being sweeping the chimney and sorting the wood burner out, nothing like getting covered in soot and ash.It was then on to painting fences and as I was doing this I did think about Jock with a degree of sadness that I never met the man.


I have one fence to left to paint, this can wait a few days as  I need to be in the mood, its a 2 day job, 184 boards each one a sixfoot length  by six inches wide which form the side fence to the back garden, each board bolted to a metal frame. The fence has been up 13 years and I have not had any issues just a to paint!


Thoughts to those who are ailing.


Enjoy your day

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Magnificent service on all our behalves by Andy P and Peter BB. A very long day for chaps not as young as they were. Thankyou!


Dave continues to be stoic, driving people about despite Is's plight. I hope that if the worst happens he is not too worn out to cope. The toughest of tough times for him right now.


Royal Princess is a vessel Sherry knows. Indeed she believes it to be the second of that name, having also cruised on the predecessor.


In 1989 Deb had her first company car, a rather nice Rover 820si. So she bought a matching horse-trailer, in a similar blue. It came to France, but had not moved in the 10 years since being berthed. Earlier this week a man knocked on the door and enquired. Less than an hour later and it was being towed away. And they paid me 200 euros! Result!


I am not right today. I hope it is just the after effects of not sleeping the night before, due to stressing over a silly matter. There is, implausibly, a model railway exhibition at Tuffé, in conjunction with Transvap, the local preservation group, while tonight we have been given tickets to a show including Alison's middle son. I hope I can buck up a bit and enjoy one or both.


Hope your weekend goes well.

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My own little adventure has been bumping along, doing nicely on the health front until I started developing dry eyes in the morning. It's quite painful, and I'm seeing (see what I did there? Oh, I've just done it again) the optician next week. In the meantime I'm using that incredibly expensive spray on my lids. It seems to work, but it takes a half-hour or so, which is annoying.


Dry eyes are not uncommon in us older folk.


i suffer from it, and was prescribed Liqui tears by my consultant.


However, as it is a non prescriptive, you can by it over the counter for less that the cost of a prescription!


It's cheaper than the spray, and works quite quickly.


Of course, my next batch will be foc as I will be over 60 by the time I get my next prescription.


Although knowing my luck, I'll hit that point then get told that the NHS has moved the age limit upwards.


I was up early this morning as I needed to shift 2 cubic metres of bark chipping out of the trailer at the front of the house, around to the back of the garden (right at the top end, so a fair trek).


My estimate of an hour was spot on.


I now need a quick shower, then I can return to the garden for lighter duties which involve moving and tidying the detritus of the last few days labour.


It's a nice day, although as I type this the sun has retreated behind cloud.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Morning all. Late on parade thanks to forgetting to set the alarm. Routine chores of washing and ironing are on the cards for today as well as sorting out various modelling items to pack.


All this is due to me heading to the south west on Friday for a weeks break. All of the pre-planning has to be done early as I'm spending Thursday and Friday in the Midlands at the main office.


Dave - I have to agree with Ian (OD) about you not wearing yourself out.


RIP Ali. Another legend gone in 2016.


Have a good day everyone

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Congratulations Andy (meant to say last night but forgot!)

Good to know that I'm not the only one that has cables do that to! Put them away neatly coiled and tied with plugs and sockets conected so that they cannot get into knots, come back and find them all knotted!   

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Good to know that I'm not the only one that has cables do that to! Put them away neatly coiled and tied with plugs and sockets conected so that they cannot get into knots, come back and find them all knotted!


Hoses also defeat me. A mind of their own or what?
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Cables on my desks here an at work resolve themselves into different coloured spaghetti - White at home and black at work. I've now taken to buying different coloured charger cables at home so that we can tell them apart


Outside work today on the jungle and tip.

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