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  • RMweb Gold

That reminds me of the advert for a breakfast food that looked like the kids were irradiated - but I can't quite remember the brand.




When I were lad... I think we all glowed absorbing Strontium 90 from atmospheric nuclear bomb tests.

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  • RMweb Premium

That reminds me of the advert for a breakfast food that looked like the kids were irradiated - but I can't quite remember the brand.




Ready Brek......

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  • RMweb Premium

Bad day at the office as we lost BUT not only that he Computer crashed and took an age to get going again, wifi failed....luckily my colleague and i managed to sort it all out.


No worn to a frazz so off to bed,,


Sleep well everyone, commiserations Rick.



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  • RMweb Premium

That reminds me of the advert for a breakfast food that looked like the kids were irradiated - but I can't quite remember the brand.





That was Ready Brek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1KUoS3mmvM


Baz beat me to it, but no link!


Had a quiet day in, too cold for gardening.


Martyn has an interview and taster day for his college course tomorrow. Hopefully it will go well despite his shyness.


Goodnight all.



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Commiserations Rick.


A day of not doing a lot just because I couldn't be bothered. No work for me tomorrow and hopefully the van will be back on the road.


Night all

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A cool grey day till about 4.00pm when the clouds rolled away and the sun shone till it set to the north-west. . . .shame it was a bit late.


Thinking of the sick, recovering, and hurting.



Goodnight everyone  . . .Sleep well.




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Off to see the Quack later today, perhaps he can give me some good news? After 4 months of only sleeping 2 hours at a time it's really starting to get to me. I hate being so tired and not able to sleep, makes no sense at all.


Sorry to whinge...

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I’ve been sleeping like that for about 5 years, Mike - if its any consolation.....


Been watching some appalling news film from Baden-Wuerttemberg just now.  Poor bu@@ers.


Off to bed (again) shortly.


Best, Pete.

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Morning All,


We have a nice sunny morning today - it appears that the storms have left us (for the moment).


Yes Pete, couldn't agree more.  They have really been hit hard in Baden-Württemberg - it just goes to prove that no matter what we do, at the end of the day we are pretty much defenseless when nature does her worst.  Thankfully, although Heilbronn is only about an hour and a half down the road from here, we just caught the edge of the storm.  The rain was pretty torrential, but nothing like that.  They had a months rain in a few hours!


Have a good day everyone...

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Mornin' all,


Best regards to all that ail


Some atmospheric starts in The Moorlands just now...









Is is poorly but relatively stable....not on pain relief yet. Will popping in for a half hour or so later.


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do

Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

Just had a look at the clips from Baden Wuttenburg, oddly no mention of it on R4 news very much like the Boscastle event. Life is somewhat fragile in so many ways.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rick - very sorry to hear about you aunt.

Mike - a whinge can be good for you, at least that's what I tell myself so in that vein....

.....strange things happening with my back. I got up at 4.30 to take The Boss to work and was in quite a lot of pain so when I returned I went back to bed. Got up at 7.00 with no pain at all, just a very slight backache, Hopefully it will stay that way. Still intend to take it easy though.

Have a good one,


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Morning all. I didn't sleep well thanks to the weather so coffee will be required at regular intervals today.


Terrible news from Baden Wuttenburg.


Dave - My thoughts are with you and Is.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all, with commiserations to Rick.


Ah, sleep patterns.  I cannot remember the last time I had an uninterrupted night's sleep.  Last night was a bit odd.  I woke, as is so often the case, about 2.15, went back to sleep and the next thing I knew it was after 6, which is the chief reason for my lateness on parade today.  More often than not I surface two or three times during the night and in extreme cases lie awake waiting for the alarm.  Now when I am under canvas my sleep is more productive and I can make a few hours go a long way.  An experiment occurs to me.  Last summer I bought a new airbed, which when not quite fully inflated ripples just like what I imagine a water bed does.  Perhaps I should try using it indoors to supplement my admittedly rather elderly mattress.  At this point my random fact selector reminds me of one definition of a mistress, to wit a woman who comes between a mister and a mattress.  What a shaft of wit, they cry.  Other spoonerisms are available.


So what of today?  A fodder run to be sure and not a lot else that comes to mind.  Maybe I will go through a new book that I bought on Sunday and note down the mistakes.  It's for the greater good, you understand.  The rest of the week promises to be relatively quiet, but promises can be broken.


Best wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing, depressed and, for today, the grumpy.  You in particular are not alone.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

A bit grey here at the meeting moment. As her indoors is on half term I feel some house work heading my way.


Have a good day, thoughts with all who are ill or have lives impacted by weather.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, sunshine here with a slight breeze, quite pleasant infact.


Dave and Is thoughts with you.



A lazy day is planned, a bit like the last three days which have been very pleasant, only ventured out once and that was for sunday lunch otherwise its been modeling, tv sport and reading.


Enjoy your day folks

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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Just too warm to be sleeping well, so compensatory caffeine remains a necessity…


Rick, thoughts with you. Though I do concur that it sounds like you were just in the right place at the right time, and I hope you will keep your aunt in the fond memories you illustrated.


Dave, may I continue my best wishes for you and Is and send strength to you both.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a grey and breezy village. Thoughts are with Dave and Is and others who are ailing etc.

I got more tidying done yesterday and found amongst other things two motor gearbox units. I better continue, my shopping list for Doncaster is shrinking rapidly. I will continue today, just hope that no bodies are found as the excavations continue.


Not quite sure what else today will bring but various duties involving the washing machine are being muttered about as the boss gets ready to set off for fat club. I'm not normally trusted with such technical tasks apparently I don't have the requisite skill set. The conundrum is whether or not to mix up the wrong sets of clothing on purpose so that I never get asked to do such things again.


Regards to all.



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Thanks for posting that Pete, the Beeb had a tiny article buried away when I hunted for it. First order of business today will be to get in touch with my friends in Backnang, Murrhardt, Schwabisch Hall and Gaildorf, make sure they (and their families in the local area) are all ok. There are some beautiful places around there, very much enjoyed exploring when we've been there.


Weather here would be great for kite flying, it you could feel your fingers. Grey, coooold and windy. Bus to Mum's at about ten, so I hope I can get to the bus stop without being blown away.


Thoughts to the ailing.


May all your gardening tools break long before lunch, thereby preventing too much hard work. :onthequiet:

Edited by HeeleyBridge
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