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  • RMweb Premium

' Morning all from red dragon land.


Exceptionally busy day at West Shore yesterday - public out in full force.  A handful of members kept the trains running with highest passenger count so far.  Expecting more members and locos today so maybe I can just get to watch do my passenger count.


Have a good bank holiday if you get one.

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' Morning all from red dragon land.


Exceptionally busy day at West Shore yesterday - public out in full force.  A handful of members kept the trains running with highest passenger count so far.  Expecting more members and locos today so maybe I can just get to watch do my passenger count.


Have a good bank holiday if you get one.

Have a good day Head Counting Polly, will you be using beads, an abacus or smarties? hahahha. I'll be doing the same on Porth Merryn later, hahhah


Have a good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a rather grey village but hopefully it will get brighter later.


Yesterday went well, the morning at church went well and the meal afterwards was consumed with gusto.


In the afternoon I finally got started on the great tidy up and by 9pm had actually managed to tidy one modelling desk and half the floor. The desk is now dismantled for transport and there is a neat stack of crates with sorted items. One complete crate of wagon kits so far and another one half full. I even found various items including several crank pin nuts and washers which normally go down the black hole.


The boss has set off to Asda for coffee and chat with a friend then shopping so I have been spared that task though no doubt I will be called upon to unload the car. I plan to do some more tidying and attempt to clear the other modelling desk and more of the floor. This afternoon we are off to a BBQ so I doubt that I will get to the clubrooms.


Chris F I love your story about being thought to have died. I hope it wasn't in the same circumstances that a colleague and I came across. We once approached a car where the driver appeared from a distance to be rather ill. All we could see was his head lying back and some rather odd looking object on the passenger side of the dashboard. We walked up and knocked on the window. He was very much alive and his companion was rather busy somewhere near the bottom of the steering wheel. The object on the dashboard was her false teeth.




Edited for typos

Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning. It was sunny when we left Plzen but overcast here in Chebsey. Sitting on a SB 612 dmu for Nurenburg The ticket we bought online from Czech Railways was a fraction of the price if bought on DB and is also first class all the way including the Ice from Nurenburg to Frankfurt. This is the way to travel!


Beer in Frankfurt this afternoon.

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Grey cool morning here in the valley of the Sheaf. Hopefully it will burn off and brighten up later for various bank holiday events to take place. Nothing exciting here today (I hope).


Think I shall take a slow stroll this morning, arriving back in time for cricket at 11. If not the (redesigned and ever more annoyingly more complicated to use) BBC Sports app will be fought with (the only time my mobile phone gets used!).


Let's do it to them, before the do it to us ...

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  • RMweb Premium

Have a good day Head Counting Polly, will you be using beads, an abacus or smarties? hahahha. I'll be doing the same on Porth Merryn later, hahhah


Have a good day one and all.




Just one of these:  http://www.millets.co.uk/mens/154078-tally-counter.html


Porth Merryn head count.  Do they make tally counters in 00 gauge?



Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Bit of a gardening theme to yesterday.

swmbo had the idea to go and weed an untended grave in our local churchyard. My role was to ferry numerous bags of weeds to the compost heap as she restored order. 


Two swaithes of grass had been cut back by a gang of labourers. I have to say that considering that there were five of them and more lawnmowers than you could shake a stick at the end result wasn't exactly impressive. In fact the community service was quite localised to 2 narrow strips of grass!  

Next popped round to mum's. swmbo obeyed said "Shame we haven't got any gardening gloves to get all those weeds up." 

Oh, but we did. So I cleared the patio of some impressive thistles etc. 


Got some time to do some painting on my layout. Off to Pendon later to realise how naff my own efforts are in comparison!   :sadclear:


Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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Morning all. A little grey this morning but, I believe, forecast to be dry. Plans for today are very loose, but will involve a trip to the garden centre as we have some loyalty vouchers to spend before the end of the month. We have built up about £15 worth of free spending credit so, if nothing else, it will buy cat number three a bag of his slimming biscuits (he really does need to lose weight).post-13478-0-12739900-1464597867_thumb.jpeg


The fireworks continued until after 12.30 but fortunately did not wake Amber, although she did appear during the night and joined us.

I did not get to see the new Top Gear last night as was driving back from the inlaws. I have recorded it and will watch it later. I popped into the Top Gear thread to see people's opinions and was surprised to see it locked. Reading back through the posts it seems to have been locked rather swiftly after one member ranted about ginger comments. Not condoning those comments, but worse arguments have been witnessed on other threads which have not been locked so the decision seems a little strange to me. Oh well.


Best wishes to all. I hope you enjoy your bank holiday. I hope all are well. I have noticed the absence of my near neighbour Andy (leopard) recently. I hope he is ok.

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Morning all


For a change it's a full bank holiday here with both banks and Post Offices shut. No Royal Mail deliveries, either. Overcast here.


Beautiful day yesterday, but a chilly wind blowing in from the North Sea. Great walk along the front at Portobello, which was packed, and back via a pub to catch a little of the England-Wales rugby game, sadly only on Sky Sports which we won't pay for.


A lovely sight in Figgate Park was seeing two swans out for a swim and walk with their 5 fluffy grey cygnets. Forgeot our cameras so no pics. Good to see the swallows out in force, too.


Hope you have a good day



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cloudy, breezy, not raining yet.

I saw a house martin while I was at the park yesterday. Perhaps this is going to be one of the years we don't get too many swallows and martins locally

Aditi thought about going to Hyde Hall (RHS gardens) later but I think plans are altered to doing nothing.


Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all. Late on parade even though I've been up for a while. I had to give some phone support to an engineer on a call out which is a great start to a Bank Holiday Monday.


A grey and overcast morning which looks like being wet later. At least I don't have plans to go anywhere today.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather dull and dismal here but it should stay dry. With a bit of luck.

Great hectic day here yesterday. BBQ went very well with the 2 Steves, (Son and son in law) in charge of the cooking and a splendid job they made of it. I may employ them again!

Up late as I didn't get to bed until 2am because I stayed up to watch the rugby and F1 highlights I'd recorded which I enjoyed tremendously particularly as I hadn't heard the results during the day.

By the time I got up The Boss had done all the clearing up so that was another good result.

No exertion for me today as my back is still playing up but it is slowly improving.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Still warm and sticky over here but again, no t-storms came of it thus far. Had a shower first thing after breakfast but don't really feel like I ever did by now! New weather warning but is in effect, so I guess we'll have to see.


Enjoy what you're up to!

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  • RMweb Gold

Every day we have been hearing the cuckoo calling when we walk the dogs. I do not know whether the birds are monogamous or whether the male is serial one night stand type. So I dont know if he hasn't found a mate or whether perpetually looking for another. The call sounds more like uck-awl perhaps his comment on his luck or my chance of getting a photo.


However the deer seem happy in St Audries  estate these are a captive herd unlike the ones in St Audries Deer park (currently in use by the Forrestry Commission.




I also managed to catch a Skylark as they are usuall up overhead






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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon everyone. Another lazy morning with a long lie in, I like these bank holidays. The sun is shining and the all the neighbours kids are outside playing, with the usual squeals and screams of delight that you'd expect to hear. It's nice to hear them all enjoying themselves.


Just about caught up with today's posts, which have all been duly rated.


Not much happening today, may get down to the workshop later.


No news since yesterday about No2 son's fiancé, so we are assuming no news is good news. We'll get in touch with them later on today.


John. Glad to hear that your FiL is doing so well.


Dave. Nice photos, as usual.


pH. Nice photos too.


Enjoy the rest of the day.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all, didn't wake until 10.00 am so I decided to crack on with garden maintenance. My attention had been drawn to the quantity of weeds growing through the gravel. So I got stuck clearing weeds and pulling back the membrane which had clearly seen better decades. I tried to dig out an errant fuchsia and promptly snapped the fork in two. Having raked more gravel I then broke the head off the rake.... It says on the rake handle guaranteed for ten years but I haven't a hope in hell of remembering where I bought it from. I decided it was lunchtime.


I hope the ailing, depressed or under the weather have a better day.  


PS HB too late! 

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  • RMweb Gold

I did some gardening yesterday when we returned from Enfield. Nothing requiring skill though, digging out two olive trees and moving them to new containers. Aditi did a lot in the garden today, I didn't!

We decided not to go to Hyde Hall, there is a falconry display on and I would rather go in the week when the tea room queues are shorter.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Attentively sat here this morning ready to post when I was called to the kitchen to a warming grill under which to insert my bacon for sarnie making - all went well but Mrs Stationmaster's toast was consumed before my bacon sarnies and guess who got here first to hog the keyboard :O   After she'd finished here it was decreed decided that we needed to go for a walk by the river to admire her planting out share of the 1,500 bedding plants, then we went for a cuppa and now we have just arrived home.


Quite steamy hot outside so thunderous thundery rain might arrive but isn't forecast - but what do they know in Ex'ter.  Meanwhile our little ship is sending the weekend in the Channel Islands and i must admit to being a little jealous of this week's passengers (unless they are going to be chucked off on Gurernsey  (awkward one for us that - no trains home).


Enjoy what's left of the day.

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Afternoon all. Hope everyone is well? if not speedy recovery. I'm feeling the effects of a busy weekend, and am thus taking the day as a very restful one.


Yesterday at Railex was very good though, and worth the energy expended in going.

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  • RMweb Premium

Can anyone tell me what the locomotive is in this advert?




Looks like a New Zealand railways J or K class, probably a K 4-8-4, three foot six gauge.  Don't be fooled by the 'Grand Trunk' boxcar markings!


Red hot here today, so the loonies are crashing their bikes everywhere.  The mountain road had been open 25 minutes after serious RTC this afternoon and there was another that closed it again.  Worst riders have a D on their plates, sorry Dom.  Is it because they think they are out of reach of the Politzei here?  Nearly collected one on the bonnet of the car this afternoon as he decided he could get through the same gap as his mates had done, totally underestimating the speed of an oncoming vehicle - there was no gap any more.  He squeezed between us, just....

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