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  • RMweb Premium

I’d be more impressed if one city was included - I wonder why they are not (possibly because rural areas are more amenable to cable laying).? I like the “Dig your Own Trench” idea. - V. Interesting, if you invest more time or money then it gets cheaper.


Best, Pete.

It is a project which was launched to bring fast broadband to a rural area where the speeds were very poor indeed.  It uses the backhaul to Manchester University, and had the benefit that there was already a redundant fibre cable in the ground in some places, which had been laid by an operator which ceased trading and did not complete the network.  The reason that a city is not included is because it would, without doubt, be much more disruptive and costly.  Many of the fibre cables have been laid on private land, and with no need for a wayleave or easement, which is usually a major cost in laying new cables.


To say the least, it is an intersting project which has a lot of support locally in the villages to the East of Lancaster.

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Very, indeed, Stewart.


You’ve hit the nail on the head. The reason why the Public Utility Power company in Chattanooga got involved is because they realized that their existing infrastructure allowed them to feed in fibre optic “cabling” alongside their power lines.


Best, Pete..

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I'm trying to use the full version of RMweb on my iPhone - why does it keep on changing back to the mobile version, which is carp?


freakin' annoying

Mines the same and I cant get mine back to Full Version either.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening.  Nice couple of el scorchio days motorcycling.  Major cockwomble moment this morning as we (three motorcycles) passed a group of mountain bikers (slowly, thankfully) who were riding three abreast and more - one turned right, right across my bows.  Didn't look behind , signal, think, or anything.  My knee brushed his back wheel......my language might have damaged his sensitive soul though.  He was an inch from death or serious injury. He just ^%$£ed off too, quickly down a track. My heart rate took an hour to slow down.  Much ice cream was needed to recover.


Rant over, I hope those celebrating had a good day, and those suffering had as good a day as we could wish for them.

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Nice pictures Dave. Did you pass these on that ride?




Looking though that set of photos brought back a few memories


this one is of my great nephew Caiden born with a Cleft palate not that it seems to be affecting his eating. 



He is sat on his aunt's lap. Two years later, this April she got married.



I also came across this one taken in a friends garden



Regards Don


Hi Don,


There are almost always Canada geese around Tittesworth. On occasions they can be seen in the fields too, apparently eating grass.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Don,


There are almost always Canada geese around Tittesworth. On occasions they can be seen in the fields too, apparently eating grass.




In our experience Geese eat grass but not the weeds any idea of using them instead of mowing achieves only partial success you still have to mow the weeds.


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  • RMweb Premium

In our experience Geese eat grass but not the weeds any idea of using them instead of mowing achieves only partial success you still have to mow the weeds.



And the things that Canada Geese leave behind aren't the smallest.....


Once played at a golf course that had a local rule about cleaning your ball if it was affected by said goose droppings. Needless to say the golf towel was thrown in the bin afterwards.


Off soon to employment number three today - I've had a couple hours snooze in readiness.

Bad planning on my part "volunteering" for the half shift, I have an unusual round of golf booked for 6am tomorrow. We have a "cross country" competition where it uses some of the course, but not in the normal order, followed by a full breakfast at 9am. Always good fun. I'm hoping for about 3 hours sleep in between work and golf, but Mrs NB has just landed back from work saying it's quite busy down there.


I may be some time.




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I have a solution. Work or golf. No distractions from the radio or TV.


Just watched the highlights with the annoying ad breaks, but still not knowing the result. Inspired tyre choice by Lewis.




Hmmmmmmmmmmm. I work enough hours every week even having to do some tomorrow. As for golf, I haven't played since I left the army.


Totally agree with you about the tyre choice.

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Not a great deal done today except following the GP and rugby online. After that I couldn't be bothered to do anything else so had a relaxed Sunday for a change.


Night all

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. I had decided to head for the Mid Suffolk light railway today but the A12 was almost at a standstill today. In an attempt to get round the obstruction I went cross country via Chelmsford and Braintree only to meet more heavy traffic so I decided to visit Chappel and Wakes Colne instead. It turned out to be not a bad decision after all as they had a small vintage car display and free rides on a pair of vintage buses so in all not a bad day. Fortunately the drive home wasn't too bad either as the traffic had not built up to any extent. The traffic around Braintree was due to the Cockwombles trying to get into Freeport, who wants to go shopping on a bank holiday? Planned trip to the Buckingham Rail Centre is still on, alternatives to the M25 have been selected just in case. Thats it for tonight, goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Once played at a golf course that had a local rule about cleaning your ball if it was affected by said goose droppings.

Well, they do say, as you like it, but, erm... :jester:

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Hello all. A very late post this evening. Firstly supportive thoughts and wishes are directed towards Dave and Is. I really hope you can enjoy your time together.

Here, at five past midnight, some local cockwombles are setting off fireworks. There have been quite a few over the course of the evening - but at this time! Really? WTF!!! If they wake my daughter they may well find I will insert said rockets where the sun does not shine!!!

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  • RMweb Premium

So much for the half shift. Non-stop on my feet for about 5 hours.........

Problem with a shift like that, is I'm still "buzzing" as it's been so busy. Usual drunk cockwombles to put up with, buy hey-ho, it funds the wife's pension plan...............

Can't decide whether to get my head down until 0530 or do I just stay up and go back to the golf course for an early warm-up?


Pretty certain that I'll be sleeping off the full breakfast at about 10am. (No fixed plans for the bank holiday, so not a problem.)


I may be some time.




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Good morning one and all


I had a most enjoyable day at Railex with wall to wall nattering!   An unexpected invitation was issued to me, of which more later.  There were several opportunities to repair to the catering facility for tea but I never got round to lunch and had to make do with a chocolate doughnut.  I echo the remark of Mike Stationmaster above conveying pleasure at Ed's presence.  I arrived early and sat in the car listening to a CD, concentrating on it as it was the first time of playing.  I could not help noticing a man peering into the car and lowered the window so that we might converse.  It appears that the way I was sitting led him to suppose that I might be dead.  He is now satisfied that I am not.


Today needs to be uneventful as yesterday has brought about weariness.  I've just missed the weather forecast but expect that it will rain.  Why wouldn't it?  Today is a bank holiday.  Many tasks await and few will be discharged.


Uneventful would be nice for many inmates but they will not be blessed with that ideal state.  May all those troubled for whatever reason, and there are lots of them, be blessed with a suitably tranquil day.



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Morning All,


Monday morning has greeted us rather gloomily - but the rain has now stopped.


We had a very rough night.  There was a heavy electrical storm at around 01:00-02:00 with driving rain and howling wind.  Fortunately, we seem to have weathered the storm Ok, although further south there was talk of mud slides and flooding on the radio.  I must admit that I did get up shortly after 02:00 to check that the cellar was dry!


It looks like it is going to be a reasonably quiet day in the office today, so I have an opportunity to catch up on some paperwork.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Just managed to catch up, after a bit of a dies non yesterday, I need to get my act together to tidy the house. Sherry is due about 5!


We were warned of severe weather yesterday, but it seems to have missed us. Just a bit wet, with more to follow. We had thunder most of Saturday evening, but the cats just sat on the terrasse and watched the gentle rain falling!


Agree about Lewis and the tyre choice, but it takes a Lewis to manage the wet tyre for so long, and cope with the Ultrasoft in cool conditions. That is greatness.


No bonk holiday here, but enjoy yours if you are entitled!

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