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Good evening all,


Sorry to hear the bad news about Is. As usual, thoughts, wishes etc. with all in need thereof.



I can't spot the  third rail pick up shoe....must be clockwork



Or it's an electric kettle - google swiss electric steam loco (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric-steam_locomotive)


I saw a video taken at Redhill today as FS passed through. Loads of people on the platform hence the video was very poor. I saw people with cameras head off towards Wandsworth Road where there is a footbridge but not having time and finding a spot looking over the fence at Clapham high Street I took my chances there and it worked.

A few beers tonight but the planned train home cancelled. Interesting that the Southern Twitter site was having problems due to staff sickness. Knick named Conductor sickness!!

Had another beer but this later train now stuck outside Norwood Junctionand now running late. I have heard rumours that punctuality out of Redhill is as low as around 25% but that gets lost in overall figures for the company.

Oh the joys of travelling on GTR (Gods Troublesome Railway) these days.


Conductor sickness: IIRC, LightEngine posted a useful statistic about Brighton; here's the Southern Failways response:




Night all!

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  • RMweb Premium

Dave and Is, I can only echo the sentiments that have already been said.

My thoughts are with you both.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


I enjoyed a quiet afternoon, one where the inside of my eyelids were inspected, and passed with flying colours. This was followed with an evening watching a couple of RHS Chelsea programmes.


Cocoa has now been consumed and an early night is now on the cards.


Thoughts are with Dave and Is. I'm sure you'll find strength in your love for each other.


Good night all.

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Evening all. Popped on here and scanned through many of the posts. I have had a very difficult day littered with difficult parents who would definitely fit the ER description as cockwombles. I could proceed with a long rant about the day's events. But it does not seem right somehow. Thoughts and wishes to Dave and Is.

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  • RMweb Premium

Life is never satisfied in handing out pain to those who deserve it least.


Dave I hope you and Is can spend some more time in your favourite places.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. To use some words from Supertramp "it's raining again".


Cricket today is a T20 at 6:30. Depends on ground, weather and light conditions.


Meal out last night in Headingley. Dr Eldest Herbert booked a table at Santorini. It's Greek/Turkish cuisine and I can recommend it. You have to pay cash which wasn't a problem as we had two courses plus wine, coffees and ice cream for Dr Eldest Herbert all for £60.


Be positive in your thoughts everyone,


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This thing was buzzing us most of the day. Training flight I think, but I don't think it tried to pick up any water from the lake. It flew right over the house at one point but I couldn't see it coming because of the trees, so no pix from below.





Thinking of Dave and Is.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a Sunny Surrey.


Trains on time so far and M25 gridlocked heading clockwise at Merstham as we went over it.


More wiring done on a Fort Myers this morning. Should finish all the wiring tonight and get the shell of the warehouse that goes on the extended end board built.


Then it's pack ready for tomorrow nights trip.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Blue sky and sunshine so should be a nice day although there is a chance of a shower.

Collecting The Boss from work at 9.00 and then shopping for comestibles. Another trip will be needed Saturday morning for more stuff as we have visitors over the weekend so no trip to Railex for me. I may get there one year. Possibly.

As usual visitors mean the whole house has to be cleared, cleaned, fumigated. decorated (don't think so), turned upside down, re-arranged and re-aligned. If she mentions bl##dy feng-shui I'm off. As there will also be a BBQ on Sunday the garden needs attention although I thought I'd done that last week.

The Boss apparently has staff to do all the afore-mentioned stuff.

That would be me then.  :training:  :banghead:

Off to dig a hole to hide in,

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Bit of sunshine behind the cloud cover this morning, so I'd like to take that as a metaphor for sending positive vibrations to everyone in need. 


Also to hopefully lighten the mood a bit, I was thinking whether this might be suitable as background music for tram driving these days? :mosking:




Thinking of you all!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning everyone.


A dull grey, but so far dry day.

Another day, another dollar to be earned by sitting around in the office al day. As bad as that may be, it's nowt compared to what some folk are going through.


Whatever you do today, have a good one.


Back later

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