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Dave (Heeley Bridge) . Is your PC using Windows 8? The default for Windows 8 does not accept "unsigned" drivers. Initially this certainly confused my PC into not accepting the drivers for my Sprog USB device. I had to change the security settings on my pc. The settings survived the upgrade to win 8.1 and 10. Of course it could be a dead interface as you suspect!


Thanks Tony, but it's Windows 7. This just about covers it:


E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies!

'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig!

'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!!





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10 mins late Taunton, 11 mins late Templemeads. Not much timber in Exeter. Nice yellow train in Exeter yard with a clean looking 57 at its head. Train almost half empty as we leave Templemeads.

Earlier Eurostar than usual today, just hoping no rail strike in the land of the Belgae.

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Trip to the recycling first thing, as you do. Cripes it's chilly here this morning after two days of glorious sunshine.


My mum's 91st birthday today so we're lunching sandwiches at the Balmoral (ex-North British), then she wants a ride there and back on the Borders Railway (woohoo!), before an early evening birthday meal.


Hope your day goes well



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Tony, but it's Windows 7. This just about covers it:


E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies!

'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig!

'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!!




We are off to the Norwegian Fjords in July. I asked Aditi if she thought we would see any blue parrots. I needn't have bothered.
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Something of a rollercoaster day yesterday -friends duly collected from the caravan (touring) site on time, all going well until Sammy appears to be in pa, walking strangely, and trying hard to empty his bowels.  Mad rush to the vets ensues - cat is duly relieved of the contents of his bowels, rush home through what passes for rush-hour traffic, cat refuses to leave his basket, we duly depart late for the theatre and forget to leave any lights on.


We still arrive in good time for dinner but too late for a drink first (no problem) despite getting caught in the Sonning bridge queue, laddo arrives only a  few minutes behind us despite a mobile 'phone signal suggesting he was nearer to Caithness than Sonning.  Dinner duly consumed and enjoyed, seats taken in the theatre and we are then clearly in for a treat as the set has all the features you'd expect of a Ray Cooney farce - three doors (one of which is to a WC) and not just one window but too large double windows.  All of them were very thoroughly used during a tremendously hilarious performance - mind you the bloke who plays Neil Carter in the Archers looks to be nearer to 80 years old than 70 - and in good old British farce tradition the policeman got at least three drenching with a soda syphon.


Off home, friends duly dropped at caravan site and back to an empty and very dark house - Mrs Stationmaster enters first, without turning on any indoors lights and duly discovers the hard way that Sammy's bowels were not quite as empty as the vet had claimed so considerable carpet (it had to be the effin carpet didn't it?) follows not aided by me stepping in some more of the stuff which appeared by magic.  Far worse than all of that was the fact that the poor old cat was still walking in a very uncomfortable looking manner - but this morning he seems much better.


So a mixed afternoon/evening but a good night out.  Now does anyone know the best way to thoroughly wash a rather expensive runner type carpet?


Have a  good day folks.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Morning, back from the dentist with an all clear verdict. Grey and overcast with showers forecast for today.


A trip for some replacement soldering bits beckons shortly and maybe a nip in the model shop on the way back, afterall I am going past the premises on my way home!


Enjoy your day

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Looking forward to IoM TT - good coverage on TV over here!


I see Good Housekeeping Institute of the UK have, er, joined the 21st century in testing household products ...... https://www.goodhousekeeping.co.uk/institute/search/?q=vibrators&t=Product+Review&utm_source=goodhousekeeping.co.uk&utm_medium=hearst_website&utmCampaign=/health/the-ultimate-vibrator-test-all-the-vibrators-you-need-to-know-about-tried-a


You have to click on each product in question to read the actual reviews - they also have an “Expert Assessment”, the mind boggles...


Have a good day everyone, expected high here of 88f, today.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Simon, thanks for posting that photo.  I was talking to Jack Dibnah (name dropper!) a few weeks ago about the boiler, apparently it is in very good condition, just needing an update to some fittings really.  The chassis looks like there has been some work done on the driving wheels, I understand there has been some, er, controversy over wheel profiles.  They look like they have been turned.  I'm looking forward to seeing it running, time will tell if a pacific can handle the wet weather on the Ratty's gradients, but the Martens pacific from the RHDR ran OK a few years ago....


Off to work, trains to send out.

Neil, I was led to believe yesterday that the boiler has passed its pressure test, which is quite amazing after it has sat in storage for about 100 years! Apparently, the boiler tube is significantly thicker than the other Ratty locos, so it has survived the corrosion over the decades. You are right about the wheel profiles, and think that is why a test run was being conducted yesterday, so that the profiling and width of the wheels can be tested on the line.


This morning has been spent mowing the grass, strimming, and preparing the window in the garage for painting, which it desperately needs. More of the same this afternoon!

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  • RMweb Premium

' Afternoon all.


Sad day in red dragon land.


:butcher: :this: :cry: 


Our ash tree has been lopped

:butcher: :this: :cry:


Crown gone completely.  The rest will be cut down to about 8ft where one branch will be allowed to develop above the trunk below.

:butcher: :this: :cry:


As I said, a sad day in red dragon land.



Will catch up on your news later.

Take care all.  Just watch out for the chain saws...

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Some people, or their butlers, are not keeping their housekeepers busy enough. Standards are slipping in the great houses of England.


In other news, it's rather cold for late May on the South Coast. "Summer comes soonest in the South" my ####. I've had to put another layer on.


Good to see Debs about.


Have a good Hump Day.



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I would imagine there are no signed off specs for the reports they want



I assume you haven't any proper specs for the report so first thing would be to ask them for one to be signed off by the heads of all departments. If they are as well organised as you suggest that should take them some time!


If the the project manager has no plan with items to be delivered and delivery dates which you have signed up to and agreed refer it to him should brighten his day. When working as a PM my boss had given me more projects than I could reasonably manage so I asked him what was the priorities. His response was you have to manage the priorities. I said that's OK I decided which gets done and which gets postponed. That completely foxed him he couldn't refute the logic someone had to decide priorities he was just hoping I could manage it all whereas it was obvious something had to give.


If you are using a decent database with suitable tools could you just extract the raw data needed and offer to dump it into something for them to tailor.



Don <sigh>, where to begin :(

I'll try not to bore too many punters along the way (PLEASE skip this anyone with a life ;) ), but I'll also try and give a brief description of the misery project in front of me...


 - Started as a "training" exercise of 4 days last summer (that's all I was supposed/scheduled to do). I was supposed to train a small group on their ERP/BI product interface, some tricks and treats in SQL and Crystal related to the BI product to get the best out of it, and an overall review of SQL, Crystal and the BI product. ONE of the class members arrived 1 day late (not on his calendar correctly) and promptly disputed much of what I was explaining, EVEN THOUGH he has not expertise in any of it, two others slept thru a couple of days, and the remainder were financial staff who actually barely understood anything more than intermediate Excel, soon as I said "SQL/database/BI" they mostly went into a coma!


 - After the training the VP of Finance (who was in the class) collared me and said the IT staff AND her own people wouldn't stand a chance of creating what was needed, and she was calling my boss to get me assigned. Reiterating this to my company/boss, I was duly assigned to the project for what appears to be "..until hell freezes over..."


 - Since they originally intended to "do it themselves", there were/are NO SPECS, and no time apparently for anyone to create them :O I have been provided with numerous spreadsheets and PDF files that are what they used. Most of which don't even tie-out to each other - that was fun when I have to explain they are "wrong" and the actual data is "right"!! Been many instances of wailing and gnashing of teeth as I uncover those. Don't forget this is a several 100 million revenue operation, small by US hospital systems standards, but a chunk of change, nonetheless.


 - Any "design" is 100% design-on-the-fly, reviewed by various people when they can, and modified through several iterations as they discover their manual systems were so off they are best I can tell lucky to have survived at all.


 - Pretty much fast as I create any given suite of reports someone arrives out of the woodwork and said "..you know we also need 'these' quarterly reports/Bond Filing reports/blah blah..."


 - The PM is a direct contractor to the hospital (god knows where they found him), not my company, lives in Florida and commutes at best 3, maybe 4 days a week to here, has no skin in the game, save for finding places to get more money out of them by using his own contractors, and always turns anything he's given back to the individuals (me for this carp) to develop the spec/design/finished goods with the departments.


 - They hadn't even thought about what they needed in the way of BI functionality as they were going to "figure that out from the class (see cock-up above!!)", so now since I'm here I'm also designing their BI dashboards on the fly, mostly because I have the expertise and they have no CLUE what they might even need/benefit from. I'm pretty much doing the functional design for all aspects of the BI and reporting needs for the entire !@$!@$!@$ hospital financials ERP requirements  :butcher:


 - I've only touched on their financials at present, Materials Management is up next, and they're snapping at my hears, whilst HR is being implemented for a go live Jan 1st. and they are in the queue!!


 - There is no consistent senior management approach to any of this beyond a panic mode/we've got to get this stuff out there state of mind.


 - So far I've about 40 reports, three/four functional level dashboards, and miscellaneous interfaces down, and what looks like, oh I dunno, a million more to go?!?! :jester:  :butcher:


 - Sorry, I forgot - the PM cockwomble is going on vacation today for a week, he needs the break he says. So this makes the FOURTH one-week vacation he's taken since last Oct.!


Other than that, you're correct on all your points and the methods you suggest/describe are exactly what should happen and I wish was in place <sigh>


now, back to reality...



Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhhhh :triniti:

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HUMP day - for those that read the previous post (there WAS a warning), I'm sorry :jester:


Sod all to note from yesterday, except the zipper on my dress pants (trousers) broke, so had to go change into the casual pair I have with me! They're stuck with casual rather than business for the rest of the week. Never figured that would be a problem ANYWAY as I'm in the dungeon and seldom see anyone!


That's "all", save I do get the satisfaction of knowing today is the last FULL day before I get to go home - YAY!


Already 16 and sunny driving in, looking at 30 (87f) for a high here on Long Island today, 1F lower than where Pete is apparently, still supposed to be steamy though.


Enjoy "England's green and pleasant land" all those with the means, for the rest of us, we'll make do :sungum:


EDIT: Ahh, just got an email from Rails, apparently the new release of the Blue Pullman is in. Hmm, so how many should I buy at 500 QUID apiece?!?! :jester:

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

' Afternoon all.


Sad day in red dragon land.


:butcher: :this: :cry:


Our ash tree has been lopped

:butcher: :this: :cry:


Crown gone completely.  The rest will be cut down to about 8ft where one branch will be allowed to develop above the trunk below.

:butcher: :this: :cry:


As I said, a sad day in red dragon land.



Will catch up on your news later.

Take care all.  Just watch out for the chain saws...

Don't be sad about ash trees.


We've had 5 that have had to be felled over the years.


Healthy on the outside, rotten within:  they had all hollowed out, the heartwood completely gone.


Deathtraps for the unwary.  Climbing out onto a branch to work on a crown reduction, could bring the tree down.  With you in it.


And don't get me started on crack willow.


They lean into the prevailing wind and settle down, but have a nasty habit of coming down if there is a strong wind in the opposite direction (to the usual prevailing wind).


I had one drop into our ditch, just behind where I was working:  no warning apart from a large 'CRACK', then half the tree was in the ditch with me.

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Afternoon all from an overcast Scottish HQ! Not quite caught up, though I did try yesterday in between other jobs...


Off shortly to the west to go to Jamie's parents' evening. Will have a word with the teacher about a rather disruptive influence in the class who's regularly upsetting Jamie.

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Some people, or their butlers, are not keeping their housekeepers busy enough. Standards are slipping in the great houses of England.






I just discovered (yep, a rather slow day) that if you click on each “product” you get user reviews and at least some have an Expert Assessment...


Well that’s the Anniversary present  sorted...


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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, 1F lower than where Pete is apparently, still supposed to be steamy though.




Inland Jersey is always warmer, now expected 90f locally - despite what the climatologists say we’ve had a chilly, wet Spring so far...


Good luck with the Madness, Ian.


Best, Pete.

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I just discovered (yep, a rather slow day) that if you click on each “product” you get user reviews and at least some have an Expert Assessment...


Well that’s the Anniversary present  sorted...


Best, Pete.

A subscription to Good Housekeeping?
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,


Pete, thanks for that informative, educative and entertaining link. And based on those criteria, how come that review didn't appear on the BBC's website?


And many thanks to another ERer who has been helping me out on coach selections. :)


In other news I spent the majority of the day so far doing the ironing; displacement activity for form filling and admin. 


Watched one of the Impossible Engineering series at lunchtime (whilst ironing) and saw them using an old hyperbaric chamber that was kicking around "back in the day". Amazing what a lick of paint can achieve, disguising the old Submarine Escape Simulator. I wonder if they ever did get it to work driven by a DEC? The manuals to program it filled were "extensive", which may answer my question!!  

Edited by AndyB
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