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FIL update. The recovery is going to be slow. He's trying to reconcile what's happened to him since Saturday, but can't. They're trying to keep him hydrated but he doesn't want to drink, but he must. Coupled with that an M6 incident completely borked all routes round.


Hey ho.

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Evening all. Busy evening. A church service in Lewisham, then cycled to Greenwich Ambulance Station to collect my card so I can go out on shift again: arranged a double shift on Friday week.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


I had another quick word with my manager this afternoon and he said that I should put my request for information about early retirement in writing, so I sent him an email within minutes of our conversation ending, it's now official. It might take a week or two to hear anything further as the manager of operations is on holiday but at least the wheels have started to roll, even if they are a bit slow at the moment, they are at least rolling. I'm actually planning well in advance, as I'm looking at finishing in July 2017. However, as the company offer 2 days a month in your final year as a taster for retirement, so I thought yeah, I'll have some of that!


John. Fingers crossed for your FiL that he starts to drink soon.


Off to bed now.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold

At least you can't injure yourself jet washing, or can you?


Depends on the pressure washer - the one on our 'holiday' ship, which always seems to be highly effective at clearing marine muck (and sometimes paint) off buoys, has a full working pressure of 350 bar (=5,000psi).  I have an inkling that getting a belting from that would do a lot more than draw blood so I'm not recommending GDB should get one.  The more powerful home use Karcher washers seem to knock out about 20 bar.


Nice sunny day here - alas as I was tasked with some weed jungle clearance in the back garden, you can almost see where I've been.  Meanwhile on hearing about our nice weather the Good Doctor looked surprised as it had been hissing down throughout her journey from Frankfurt to Bruxelles and the on into France.  I haven't yet had the heart nerve to tell her she missed Globalrail at Didcot yesterday where various OBB locos and stock were on sale;  just as well she was somewhere in the Rhine Valley as it probably have saved her money compared with a visit to Didcot.


Fingers crossed for FIL John - I do hope the hospital folk try to get him to drink and during visits you could also be doing things like wetting his lips to encourage him.  


I shall be late on parade (again) tomorrow as I'm off to see the dialecticbetic nurse no doubt to receive further correctional advice instructions about what not to eat etc.


G'night all

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Evening all.


I had a virtually cricket free week (T20 scheduled for Thursday) so I have been earning a crust .. 12 wagons now await the weathering ink and powder...BUt now I have a game tomorrow - a visiting Over 55s Australian cricket group are playing at Studley Royal (near Ripon). Start time is sort of 11:30.. tea at 2:30 till...3:00 then second innings followed by a BBQ.... sounds good to me.


Enjoy the rest of your day.




Baz, I forgot to mention that my Brother in Law umpires amateur (but decent) league Baseball around the New York area. He gets $100.00 per game and can fit two a day in........at the weekends only, though.


Cherers, Pete.

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Morning all. It looks like being a better day as far as the weather goes but it seems that I'll either be inside or driving for most of the day. It's probably going to be yet another day of copious caffeine infusion even though I had a decent nights sleep.


John - I hope that FIL starts to drink. It may take a while though, it certainly did when mum had a similar event.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

The sun has made an appearance and it should be a dry warm day but will cloud over this afternoon.


Depends on the pressure washer - the one on our 'holiday' ship, which always seems to be highly effective at clearing marine muck (and sometimes paint) off buoys, has a full working pressure of 350 bar (=5,000psi).  I have an inkling that getting a belting from that would do a lot more than draw blood so I'm not recommending GDB should get one.  The more powerful home use Karcher washers seem to knock out about 20 bar.



Mine has a pump pressure of 110 bar with max operating pressure of 85 so will does sting a bit if you get in the way. (and I always wear wellies when using it.) I seem to remember reading somewhere that if you're using one on a car you should never direct the full blast at the tyre valve.

No plans made yet for today but one option includes conservatory roof and ladders. I'll have a think about that. A better option lies in the railway room but that means Mr Swan Morton will be unsheathed and that could lead to trouble.

Usual Tuesday after school with Gemma and Joe here which is great as we haven't seen them for a week. Saw Abbie briefly on Saturday but she's busy doing AS level exams at the moment. She seems fairly happy so far - let's hope the results keep her so.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning one and all, and happy birthday to Spaghetti Junction which was opened 44 years ago today.  Stap me, how time flies.


My claim to be the untidiest man on the planet received some supporting evidence yesterday.  I have mislaid a book of draw tickets.  Al the supporting bumf is present but there is no sign of the 10 tickets which, IIRC, are still attached to their counterfoils.  The matter is not urgent yet but it niggles.  For today at least I am minded to stop looking in the sure and certain knowledge that they will surface.  More important today is the regular fodder run ahead of Thursday's visit to Poorly Pal.  If I am to cook us a dish majoring on prawns it does help if there are prawns!  The very handy packet of assorted vegetables including baby corn, spring onions, broccoli and chilli that I discovered two weeks ago was nowhere to be seen yesterday [typical] but there are other ways of reaching the desired result.


More important than all that is the welfare of our fellow inmates and their loved ones.  Best thoughts to Dave and Is, John's FiL and all others who are ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the sunny North West Leeds highlands.


Pete as a comparison an umpire would get £50 in expenses for a 100 over match. That could take 6 hours and 50 minutes to complete. One of those a day is good enough.


Retirement...well I can draw from one pension in July 2017, followed by one in 2020 ,and two in 2023... Confused? You bet!


Need to be up and away today so hope everyone has a positive day.


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Morning All,


It is a rather cloudy morning in this part of the world.  Rain is forecast, and looks imminent!


Software testing is on the agenda for most of today, so I guess it is time for a cup of coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from a Sunny Surrey. Just one train cancelled but luckily for us it's the one after ours.

A good nights sleep then finished off wiring another 25 way D connector. The wires have been soldered to a terminal tag strip ready to fit to the layout.

Tonight will be sorting out our late grinds friends narrow gauge layout Bourne Valley at Mums. One friend is going to look after the relatively new terminus. We have a few potential shows lined up for it which will be good to see it out again.

Edited by roundhouse
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Morning all. Bright and breezy here on the Surrey Riviera, the whelkmen will no doubt take an Occasional Day, and I can't blame them.


Best wishes to those in pain and distress. 


Yesterday was a busy day. Started in the shed, cutting up an old clothes drier, then putting plastic tube covers on the new one to keep it clean and swapping a couple of bits, which all took longer than expected. Then a Wills Cratftsman kit arrived, and some time was spent cutting plastic sheet, and then my neighbour came in to borrow some Brasso. He's ex-Marines (WO1), ex Met (Diplomatic Protection and Child Protection) so an interesting guy. We spent some time in the garden chatting about Borneo and Kipling amongst other things.


Then lunch - full on Spanish omelette, and after that making up and using a new exercise bike. Only did a few kilometres on it, which has buggered my feet (lack of use and a bit of arthritis) so no more barefoot biking! However my blood sugars were the lowest for 2 months this morning, which was the general idea.


A number of glasses of wine were had in the sunshine, and then a decent evening's TV. So not a bad day.


So far today the First Caffeine has been had, and a quick walk around the garden. Now the Second Caffeine beckons, and some toast. Then getting on with varnishing the Damned Table for Julie. That may get me out of shopping, especially as she wants to go to the Pound Shop to get more pipe covers for the clothes drier...


So have a good day, and I hope the sun shines on and for you today.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning everyone.


Another day another dollar, earned by another day in the office, ooo I must have been a right evil barsteward in a former life.


Sunny and bright, so I'm hoping my trip oop north will be an uneventful one, but twice in two days, I doubt it.


Lovely photos Dave, hope all goes well with Is's MRI scan results.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

GDB, worth mentioning that one of the risks is that a pressure washer can whisk up gravel and propel it at high velocity; so it's not just about the water pressure, per se.

IIRC the use of water cannon recommends them not being aimed at the road surface in front of a baying mob. 

Edited by AndyB
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Morning all, it's a lovely morning here, somewhat spoiled by having to come into the office.


I have decided to delay purchasing Euros by a day to see if the exchange rate recovers from the shock of DDolfelin's purchase. We go on holiday on Saturday


I have to say that Roundhouse's autocorrect gives some wonderfully bizarre phrases; "our late grinds narrow gauge" indeed. It adds to the surreal feel on the board and long may it continue!


Dave TG those are wonderful photos (as usual). I hope the results of the scan are what you hope for.


Have a good day all

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, it's a lovely morning here, somewhat spoiled by having to come into the office.


I have decided to delay purchasing Euros by a day to see if the exchange rate recovers from the shock of DDolfelin's purchase. We go on holiday on Saturday


I have to say that Roundhouse's autocorrect gives some wonderfully bizarre phrases; "our late grinds narrow gauge" indeed. It adds to the surreal feel on the board and long may it continue!


Dave TG those are wonderful photos (as usual). I hope the results of the scan are what you hope for.


Have a good day all

Do you know how many times I altered that post on my ipad :scratchhead:


However if it makes a few chuckle then its worth it!

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Off to the Creeks of Pistol in a bit. Visit to EE shop and Specsavers. Also up to the Drake House retail park as Maplins are showing a USB interface at £19.99 reduced from 39.99 and just one in stock, so I shall be riding the Supertram with fingers crossed.

Mrs HB has already departed to her Mum's, leaving the usual list of "While I'm out"s which may or may not be attended to, I don't feel like being a really useful engine today.


Thoughts to all sick, injured, recovering and missing.

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