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  • RMweb Gold

Morhing all - dreary old day here. I could have sworn I heard them prattling on about waking up to glorious sunshine, either they or I certainly got that wrong.


Some more work on Bodge City looming before I lose interest. I milled up a track making jig yesterday, sounds fancy but it's just a lump of perspex with some slots in it. I'm struggling to come up with a trackplan at the moment - this is where I start to lose my way. I enjoy making bits and bobs but seem very lacking when it comes to designing a plan. I guess I'm an engineer not an artist.


As that is all I have to concern me at the moment I consider myself to be a very fortunate man indeed!


Have a good one all.

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Morning All,


We must have got the glorious sunshine! It is a lovely morning here. I woke up when it will still dark - turned over, and went back to sleep. Next thing I know, it's ten :blink:.


Quite a lot on the job list today - so better get on with things!


Have a good day everyone...

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Our County Council sends around a printed 'newspaper' by 2nd Class post which provides details of the things they are up to.

In the latest issue they ask for comments on how to save money (with no trace of conscious irony).


In a mountain range nearby there is a peak on which the ruins of a George III Jubilee structure are a well known landmark.

This is because it makes the mountain look like a big t i t.

The Council are paying an artist to provide a 'light installation' on the ruins for the 200th anniversary.

The 'newspaper' contains details of this next to the appeal for ideas to save money.

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  • RMweb Premium

Quiet so far ......

Best unplug the phone then!


We too were promised a bright and sunny morning - it's almost over now, and no sun.


Masses of paperwork today, so will be back tomorrow as Mrs 45156 thinks it's time to use the computer for it's "proper" purpose.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Gordon's dull weather is here as well. We usually get weather that has been tested a few hours ago over the other side of London . Our drinking water has apparently been tested by the good people of Chelmsford before it is recycled here.



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  • RMweb Premium

On the news this Saturday: A RoRo ferry which had sailed for the Lithuanian port of KlaipÄ—da from Kiel in Germany late last night has been set afire by an explosion which occurred around midnight while the ship was passing north of Fehmarn. Other ships in the area, assisted by helicopters, were able to evacuate all 236 people on board, leaving the ship adrift for the time being. Rescue teams were, however, able to anchor the ship off the Danish coast earlier this morning, and the fire-fighting effort continues. The passengers and crew were brought to the German naval base at Kiel for treatment and accommodation. There's a photo strip on Spiegel Online: Click.

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  • RMweb Premium

On the news this Saturday: A RoRo ferry which had sailed for the Lithuanian port of KlaipÄ—da from Kiel in Germany late last night has been set afire by an explosion There's a photo strip on Spiegel Online: Click.

Looks nasty and must have been very scary for the passengers - any speculation on the cause as yet?


Sun is shining now - not likely to last as Mrs 45156 has just hung out a load of washing to dry in the brisk Easterly wind - guaranteed way to start the rain off....

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  • RMweb Premium

Looks nasty and must have been very scary for the passengers - any speculation on the cause as yet?


They're saying it is likely to have been the result of a technical failure on one of the lorries aboard the ferry, not of any deliberate act. I'm also reading the fire fighting measures are limited by the fact that the ship has a significant list already, thus limiting the amount of water which can be safely used aboard. For the time being the effort is being centred on cooling down the hull from the outside in order to prevent it from breaking up as a result of thermal stress.

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Frightening stuff. We take so much for granted these days and forget how dangerous the sea is (among other things).


As a youngster I went to France quite a lot, and consequently I sailed on the "Herald of Free Enterprise" many times. It was a very big shock when she went down. A couple of weeks later I went over to France on the "Spirit of Free Enterprise" (later to become the "Pride of Kent") - quite a humbling experience...


Listing is always a huge problem with RoRo ferries. They are the only type of vessel which are constructed without watertight bulkheads.

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  • RMweb Gold

I haven't read back all the posts I missed but did see that Jam passed his driving theory test, :D Well done Sir!


Thanks Don! And nice to see you back! biggrin.gif


Not much happening here I'm afraid, college taking over as usual, although I have managed to squeeze out some good quality social time! Am now relaxing with cider in hand ploughing through a geography essay amongst other things. UCAS, personal statement and resit forms all need to be started and completed ASAP - something which school has failed to tell any of us until the last minute as usual angry.gif I'm getting quite fed up of the lack of communication in our school - it adds completely unnecessary stress to a high workload.

You never know, I might actually get a chance to work on the layout tomorrow. unsure.gif




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  • RMweb Gold

Am now relaxing with cider in hand ploughing through a geography essay amongst other things. UCAS, personal statement and resit forms all need to be started and completed ASAP - something which school has failed to tell any of us until the last minute as usual angry.gif I'm getting quite fed up of the lack of communication in our school - it adds completely unnecessary stress to a high workload.

You never know, I might actually get a chance to work on the layout tomorrow. unsure.gif







We took Matthew round a few universities last year on weekend visits. It was quite interesting listening to the admissions tutors talking about what they wanted to see in a personal statement. Matthew had to get the personal statement right as his predicted grades were rather low.





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  • RMweb Gold

Which is exactly why I'm surprised that our school haven't made a better effort to help us. With so many people going to universities nowadays there seems to be a strong focus not only on grades but on something that makes you stand out or makes you more interesting. I think I'll start to draft my personal statement out tomorrow.

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Guest Max Stafford

Not what you want to hear Jam, but get used to it in your life. State officialdom in the UK rarely tells you what it wants until you give it what it doesn't... :rolleyes:



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Nothing much going on outside as I would think everyone's having an easy start into this day. So am I, actually... :D


Tony and Jam - I'm having the impression that it is much the same over here, and I admit I do question the wisdom of effectively forcing people to stand out like that. My feeling is that this puts you under pressure to effectively "show off", and in doing so bend over backwards until you hurt yourself, and possibly badly.


See you later... ;)

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Morning All,


Another nice sunny morning here. Hopefully the weather will hold for the rest of the weekend.


This personal statement thing is something new to me. I don't think there was anything like that when I went through the admissions process (which was a while ago now! UCAS was still UCCA and PCAS)


Just to echo what Dave said, this is sadly true of officialdom. Plus, as Dominik said, it is no better over here!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


The thick mist that has made everything dank and dreary for the last two days has lifted......... a bit.


Had a haircut yesterday. Asked for half price for just half a head of hair. No joy.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!


Nothing much going on outside as I would think everyone's having an easy start into this day. So am I, actually... :D


Tony and Jam - I'm having the impression that it is much the same over here, and I admit I do question the wisdom of effectively forcing people to stand out like that. My feeling is that this puts you under pressure to effectively "show off", and in doing so bend over backwards until you hurt yourself, and possibly badly.


See you later... ;)



The admissions tutors for the courses that Matthew was interested in (Geography) actually wanted the personal statement to say why you were passionate about the subject but be truthful, "I' became passionate about Human Resorces Management at the age of 3" doesn't go down well. Visiting university open days is a good idea as quite a few potential students said they had been given inappropriate advice at school / college about the personal statement. I'm very aware that it is the UCAS season. My wife oversees the UCAS submissions by students at the college she works at and deadlines are looming for those applying for Oxbridge or medicine! (Jam, one piece of advice, when you put an email address on the UCAS form make sure it is one you read frequently)



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