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When I was 14 (or so) I went out with this girl who had to watch  “Crossroads” after school - I had never heard that accent before (probably was not the real thing) like I thought in Birmingham all walls moved when you shut the door - I’m pretty certain now that that is not true either...


Best, Pete.

You haven't been in our new building,Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Once more unto the breach, then to check in at the airport so that we won't have to rise quite that early tomorrow. We'll be flying via Frankfurt both outbound and inbound as there are no direct flights from Leipzig-Halle Airport to Dublin.


I understand we will have wi-fi for at least part of our stay, though don't be worried if I shouldn't be able to look in as regularly as usual.


Enjoy your day, everyone…

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Mawnin' awl. Once more unto the breach, then to check in at the airport so that we won't have to rise quite that early tomorrow. We'll be flying via Frankfurt both outbound and inbound as there are no direct flights from Leipzig-Halle Airport to Dublin.


I understand we will have wi-fi for at least part of our stay, though don't be worried if I shouldn't be able to look in as regularly as usual.


Enjoy your day, everyone…


Just remember when looking for somewhere to park, one yellow line means "No parking at all". Two yellow lines means "No parking at all, at all"

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Good morning one and all.  Dom, enjoy Dublin.  Don, many belated happy returns.


It's still wet outside so I will not need to irrigate the garden with second-hand bath water this morning, or anything else for that matter.  The food is prepped for Poorly Pal's lunch, which if all is well should be hoi sin chicken with a bold assortment of vegetables.   As the saying goes, wok and roll.  My dentist found nothing untoward yesterday, thank goodness.  Tomorrow I have an audience with Specsavers.  On Friday evening there is the 9Bach concert, which gives me until then to find my CD for them to sign.  On that subject, you may remember me getting rather cross that two members of a high-profile had been too busy to sign a CD for me.  They are appearing locally in September.  I rather think that I shall attend.


Before my bath water gets cold, best wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, missing and grieving



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Morning All,


First of all, safe trip Dom, and have a great holiday!  Give me a wave as you pass through Frankfurt airport.  I've just checked the Frankfurt and Dublin METARs and it's a beautiful day for flying.  It is slightly misty at the Dublin end, but that should clear before too long.


Today looks like it is going to be a day of meetings - so I guess it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all. A wet day as predicted but at least none of my work is outside today.


I had a surprise when I checked my lottery tickets from last night. I've got £205 to collect. The winnings from these goes towards my modelling funds so that makes a nice bonus.


Must be time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

It's flipping raining...humph!

May not get my cricket match started on time..... At 30 overs a side it shouldn't take long.


Have a nice day everyone. Rick - hope you have a nice evening.

I notice we are missing a few ERs at the moment. Hope they are all well.


Stay safe and stay calm.



PS was accused of being a Yorkshireman yesterday. Had to explain why, being from Durham, I am here to help Yorkshire folk look after their money....

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Morning all from a very damp West Sussex.


Thanks for the responses.


Royal Wessex: operated by WCRC for the RTC; yes RTC do publish pick up / drop off times but they are not on UKsteam's web site although the train is listed and there are no xZxx workings on Saturday according to realtimetrains.


34052 is a private football special, again listed on UKsteam but no xZxx working showing on realtimetrains. (Running Clapham Junction - West Croydon - Southampton and back. Provided by DB Cargo.) Anyone know what time kick off is at St Mary's?


I find with realtimetrains that charters usually have the xZxx format whereas works workings usually go through with, to say the least, an odd format, usually comprising 3 numbers followed by a letter. As they are using the same base information, the same applies to sussextrains.co.uk, yet with both, the linked train diagram is accurate.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

It has been, is and will be raining today. There is a chance of sunny spells through the showers later.

No gardening for me then, The Boss is doing a bit of shopping after work and I'm Home Alone. What could possibly go wrong?

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

When I was 14 (or so) I went out with this girl who had to watch  “Crossroads” after school - I had never heard that accent before (probably was not the real thing) like I thought in Birmingham all walls moved when you shut the door - I’m pretty certain now that that is not true either...


Best, Pete.

You haven't been in our new building,Pete.

Many of my uncles worked in various building trades. I don't think they worked on the Crossroads set. My Mum liked Crossroads but was often too busy to watch so would ask me to let her know what happened. I used to make up alternate story lines.


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Morning all from a still rather damp village though the girl on the telly has said that it will dry out later..   Got various things sorted yesterday and also managed an evening at the clubroom re-wiring relays.  


Dom, I hope that you enjoy your trip and don't have any road traffic problems, just remember that you actually need to steer a car.


The boss left early to help at a city centre Weightwatchers so I've got the house to myself ad the cats. I'm still not sure exactly how I will fill the time but I think some work I the modelling room is in order.


Barry, I'm also a temporary resident in the broad acres, born in Cumberland I've engaged on missionary work amongst these warring southern tribes.



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Good morning everyone.


It's raining, it's been raining all night and doesn't look like it will stop any time soon. Not that will be of any consequence to my painting the woodwork in the dining room. The bin men have just been so I'll nip out and retrieve the bins from wherever they have decided to leave them, sometimes they're outside our house, sometimes they're outside one of our neighbours houses.


Back later.

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After thoroughly enjoying the summer, which took place this year on Monday, I spent yesterday indoors watching the rain. The trivial cold serious man flu which had been threatening over the weekend obviously enjoyed the summer too. So I decided to catch up with some stuff that I could do between coughs and sneezes.


Things look like getting expensive for the next month or so. I got a letter inviting me to my eye test, two years have passed rather quickly. Mrs Blind as a bat HB will follow a fortnight or so later so that will take care of the 'recreational spending' for a while. No beer for Mrs HB for the duration .. :P


Time passing fast was confirmed by a text just recieved from EE, They invited me to "call in at Skegness EE shop" for a huge discount on my end of (two year) contract "upgrade". I think I'll pass on Skegvegas thanks!  


And I think I'll have the phone unlocked and shop for SIM only this time. I never use the damned thing, it's so my Mum can get hold of me anytime (and of course for Mrs HB to use anytime she has to ring a mobile which aren't covered in the calls package on the land line).


A glass of the finest single malt cough mixture was lifted last night in tribute to Jock.


Another was lifted to all those sick, recovering and missing in action.

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I've obviously done something to make me famous, an indian sounding lady from 'Microsoft' has called me twice in the last two days telling me that there is somehting wrong with my account. Strangely she doesn't answer when I ask her a) does she enjoy conspiring to commit crime and or b) what country she is calling me from.  Somehow the number that she is calling from fails to register when i do a 1471.  I don't think that I'll lose any sleep over the state of my account.



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Good morning.


I can not believe that there has been talk of "Crossroads" without mention of Amy Turtle. I remember my Mum trying to say that in a Brummy accent. I love Tony's idea of alternative story lines.


So, last night there was a frog in my kitchen. I am scared of frogs. I wish them no harm, and this one was certainly a beautiful creature, I did not wish my Alsatian to consume the frog as I felt it would do neither of them any good. I shut the disgruntled dog in the garden (in the rain), but in my attempts to catch the frog I only managed to chase it into the lounge.


It was after 10 pm, but my thoughts were "Janet likes frogs, I'll phone her". Janet is my friends' daughter, is 31 and the daughter I never had. She and boyfriend (you may remember him as the one who had a serious crash on his bicycle a while ago) duly arrived, caught the frog in short order and released it into the front garden.


She told me that the frog was of the slimy, as opposed to dry, variety. I rewarded them with tea.


Have a good day all


Best wishes



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Morning all and it's a damp one here. Rain over the last day or so has done wonders for the garden; lush. 


Anyway, back from my road trip around the West Midlands. 


I won't go into details, but in my family I'm somewhat renowned for a lack of sense of direction and the Birmingham area is not one I'm familiar with.

My original intention was to go up the M40 and then head for the M6 toll road. This went ok until I was confronted with about 6 lanes of motorway and spied the "M6 toll" was 3 or 4 lanes to my right. I ended up toodling off on the M6, with the sat nav desperate to reunite me with the M6 Toll. It succeeded about 30 minutes later. In the wrong direction. I was also accosted by an artic lorry driver who was anxious for me to pay his toll road fee; for some reason he' left his own country without a credit card and couldn't work out how to pay using a note. Without wishing to be uncivil, as he chased me around the toll booth lanes, asking that "we share our money?" I floored it trying to keep to time for my appointment.   


Yesterday was a more leisurely one returning from Shrewsbury, dropping off model railway bits with a mate to use on his bereaved relative's layout, and then lunch with a relative in the Cotswolds.


My car, and perhaps my psyche, are better suited to the minor roads of the Cotwsolds than motorways. At one point I passed what must have been a fee-paying school and saw a vast vista of playing fields with an imposing school building as a backdrop. A cricket match was in progress and all seemed right in the world. I conclude that I must be an Edwardian who has landed in the wrong time zone. 


Anyway commiserations and felicitations to all. Andy

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Morning all from Estuary-Land and happy birthday Smiffy. A bit cloudy and dismal here at the moment but at least its not raining. I vaguely remember Crossroads but I haven't watched a soap for years (and I have no wish to).

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Morning all. Been absent a couple of days due to naff health and 'issues' with #1 son. Or, to be fair, d-i-l. We need to do something soon, as she doesn't seem to understand the effect her behaviour has on her child. I spent my childhood with a mother who would frequently lambast my father and blame him for our troubles, and the result was that I loved him more and her less. I'm afraid Daisy is in the same cycle. If parents are going to row, don't do it in front of the kids, and don't use the kids in the row.


Apart from that, and apart from this bloody cold, all is well. Hope it is with you too. Especially Dave and Is, who I find myself thinking about a lot. You can't send love to people you've never met, that's just soppy, so I don't know what the word is, but I send it to Is, to Jock's family and others who have stood in the way of the juggernaut.

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Morning all from a very damp West Sussex.


Thanks for the responses.


Royal Wessex: operated by WCRC for the RTC; yes RTC do publish pick up / drop off times but they are not on UKsteam's web site although the train is listed and there are no xZxx workings on Saturday according to realtimetrains.


34052 is a private football special, again listed on UKsteam but no xZxx working showing on realtimetrains. (Running Clapham Junction - West Croydon - Southampton and back. Provided by DB Cargo.) Anyone know what time kick off is at St Mary's?


I find with realtimetrains that charters usually have the xZxx format whereas works workings usually go through with, to say the least, an odd format, usually comprising 3 numbers followed by a letter. As they are using the same base information, the same applies to sussextrains.co.uk, yet with both, the linked train diagram is accurate.

Ask one of the lads at L'ham, they ought to be able to find out.

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Good morning.


So, last night there was a frog in my kitchen. I am scared of frogs. I wish them no harm, and this one was certainly a beautiful creature, I did not wish my Alsatian to consume the frog as I felt it would do neither of them any good. I shut the disgruntled dog in the garden (in the rain), but in my attempts to catch the frog I only managed to chase it into the lounge.

Best wishes Ed

Frog talk reminded me of the tv prog on last night. All about the various Australin things that can kill you. The Cane frog was shown and he demonstrated by squeezing the lumpy bits on its back and spurting its poison out. This is why nothing will attempt to eat it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Frog talk reminded me of the tv prog on last night. All about the various Australin things that can kill you. The Cane frog was shown and he demonstrated by squeezing the lumpy bits on its back and spurting its poison out. This is why nothing will attempt to eat it.

Not even a Labrador?

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