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Guest Dave.C

It is only raining lightly here but the workman who is supposed to be fitting a velux has just rearranged for tomorrow

It is nice and sunny now :angry:


Oh well, what’s another 24 hours in the grand scheme of things

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  • RMweb Gold

Bad news Dd. Hope you can sort it out - remotely.



Not much to report from these parts but it is hump day.


Does that mean you are halfway through your empty diary?

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Afternoon All,


Hope the MiL isn't too damaged Dd.


Today is turning into a bit of "non-day" - one of those days where I have achieved a lot of small tasks, but nothing that appears as if anything has been done.


At least the weather is reasonable outside, and it is hump day.


(Who coined the term hump day on here? I have a feeling it might be Don - hope he'll be back soon)

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  • RMweb Premium

Sorry to hear that DD...Hope MiL will be OK.


Those Michelin suits should be compulsory for old people..

Not only the old, Gordon - ole 45156 could do with one as well! LOL


Seriously, though DD, hope all is well, hip injuries can be quite awkward, as I know to my cost, and I hope that MiL is not too badly injured. Difficult to diagnose at a distance, but no doubt you'll find out soon what ails her. Here's hoping....

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Sitting here waiting.

Probably for hours now knowing the Hospital triage system.

The hip is already an £8000 replacement coming up for renewal.

The shoulder was broken a few years back.


Unless you have a similar situation, it is unbelievable how obtuse some elderly people can be.

She would be more worried about the neighbours seeing an ambulance than her leg falling off.

She is obviously in pain or, from previous experience, we wouldn't have heard anything about it.


FiL (who shouldn't be driving after his stroke and other problems) is just as bad.

We got him to agree to 'phone an ambulance and ring us back.

"They didn't have any available - I'll run her there".

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks, Mick and all.

Still no news.

And as you say, Dd, could be quite a while - and of course, they're not too happy about mobiles (presuming they've got one) in A&E - although when I was in, they didn't seem so fussed.


Hope all is well - I'll check back tomorrow as I'm going off the air now for tonight as I think the flu jab has made me woozy, and I'm going to get my head down for a while now Mrs 45156 is home.




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  • RMweb Premium

My girlfriend's feeling better after having been down with migraine for most of the afternoon. Odd how both me and her never had any trouble with migraines until more or less recently :unsure: .

It's such a coincidence that I'd have a good look to see of there's anything that you've changed in the diet - perhaps a change of brand of coffee or something like that.

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It's such a coincidence that I'd have a good look to see of there's anything that you've changed in the diet - perhaps a change of brand of coffee or something like that.


Plus, make sure any gas appliances you have in your house/ flat are checked. Admittedly this is usually not a problem in Germany because of the annual visit by the chimney sweep - but worth thinking of none the less.


(Edited to clarify that in Germany, the chimney sweep is also responsible for checking appliance emissions)

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  • RMweb Gold

No mobile!

If they want us, they usually set fire to the kitchen or something.


I hope everything is OK.My mother in law is quite fit for 80 something but after driving to the hospital yesterday found parking very difficult. Fortunately she managed to get some nice man to park the Volvo for her. She has decided to go on the bus next time but it is quite a walk to the bus stop. I suggested a taxi. This wasn't received as a sensible idea. MiL doesn't seem to approve of spending money on taxis

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Glad to hear there was no major damage DD....:)


Got to say, my mother has really settled into her new place. Loads of company, nice warm apartment, wet room, everything on one floor and just five minutes down the road. I've never seen her happier. I'm sure you have considered similar places, DD, but security and peace of mind is a big plus for all of us.


I have to say it is proving a result for all concerned.

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Yes, I'm really pleased it's worked out for you all, Gordon.

Of course, your Mother has a built in advantage over MiL - she retains some of her marbles.

I can't begin to tell of the situations we've had to deal with in recent years.

The worst of it that FiL who has been beating cancer and a stroke has been catching the loopiness.

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Morning All,


Glad to hear there was no serious damage Dd.


I am lucky that both my parents are both extrememly active. However, I do worry about what will happen when they are not - Particularly with me being as far away from them as I am.


It looks like it might be a reasonable day here weather wise. I am just having a cup of coffee and watching the sun come up!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I can only echo what the others said before me - I'm glad to hear things were not as bad as you will probably have feared initially, Dd.


Calm morning over here and a bit misty. No additional signs of migraines either for me or my girlfriend, though she does feel a bit hung over, which I understand is quite common after an attack. I have, in fact, been thinking whether I might think of any reasons for why I've been suffering from them since last autumn, and her from earlier this year onwards - other than stress, of course. I might talk this over when I next go to see my GP.


Have a nice day all! :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


It looks as if the weather could be as pleasant as the weatherman forecast it to be. I spent a lot of time yesterday in Basildon trying to occupy myself while Kwik-fit were fitting the new catalytic converter and exhaust parts. After eating lunch in Debenhams and then discussing mobile phones (for Mrs S) in the O2 shop I gave up and went and read the novel I'd taken with me in the Kwik-fit "customer lounge". After another part turned up (not in a Transit though) at least I could see progress as the Clio went up and down in the workshop area. The journey home was considerably quieter than the journey there.

If I can clear the backlog of household tasks I may even do some work in the garage on a model railway today!



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I spent a lot of time yesterday in Basildon trying to occupy myself


That would be a blast from the past for me!


I was trying to remember where Debenhams is - I moved away from Essex in 1999 and have only been back a couple of times since. I guess my memory has filed the location of Debenhams under "unncessary information". Is it in the Eastgate Shopping Centre?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all yesterday was a better day than I thought it was going to be weather wise, it felt good to stand in the warm sunshine.The men from Samsung took the TV away because the LCD screen has failed at less than three years old.We now have to wait and see if it is repaired under warranty. I'm glad your MIL is not seriously hurt Dd but from your description of events it looks like your FIL could do with some local assistance. To round off a verbose post Chesterfield were robbed last night their disallowed goal was clearly valid which would have given a 3.2 win. I like the 'uncessecary information' section of memory but wonder why the location of my tape measure has been filed there.

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Morning all! Pleased that the MiL wasn't as seriously injured as you'd thought, DD.


Was meant to be at a conference today, but the thrust of it has changed from sustainability in general (which is relevant to my job) to just about purely renewable energy, so I've pulled out of attending. Unfortunately that means a 5-day week at my desk (something I try to avoid!).


Very little in the way of oktas visible outside, looks like it could be a nice day!

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Guest Max Stafford

Seems very nice here too Mike. Not in work until 5, so I'm going to make the best of it. Abi's on light duties due to injuring her back in the park on Tuesday when she and her pals stumbled across a wasps' nest. Amazingly she wasn't stung, but in leaping about trying to get the wasps off, she put her back out badly. Vet gave her some muscle relaxant and advised short gentle walks for a few days. Apparently it's something that dogs with Staffie in them are susceptible too.



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