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  • RMweb Gold

Here we go again.


Our train cancelled due to signalling problems at Horsham plus many others affected.


A colleague got caught up in the Waterloo issue this morning. Advised him to catch the LBG to Guildford train but that has also been cancelled tonight due to no available stock.


So our plan is to get the Tattenham a Corner train to Coulsdon Town and bus it from there but we will be later home so less time to work on the layout outside.


Southern announcing staff shortages again for tomorrow but luckily we won't be travelling on them. Just hope GWR out of Exeter to Exmouth are running OK tomorrow afternoon.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,

The sun continues to shine and at some point I shall go and cast my vote. I did ask a retired detective which would be the best candidate.

He recommended the woman.

All the candidates are men.

So, (1) either he knows something we don't, or (2) it's best that he's retired.

As it happens, he was referring to his own county, not mine. Option 2, then.


Meanwhile the MiL has been and gone, leaving some suspicious culinary items that she picked up in Asia (Sri Lanka, Goa).

I managed to identify most of them, principally by reading the labels on the packets.  

However, one of them has left me stumped. Dessicated, brittle and orange colour, Any clues? 

(Ok, I'm going to rule out dried orange peel, before anyone chimes in!)




To preserve its freshness I'm going to leave it sealed in it's packet for now. *

Interestingly when she went on a cruise to the Bahamas she brought me back packets of spice, including a large packet of saffron. All I will say is that, generous as she is, the size of packet and the cost of saffron didn't quite add up. And neither did the taste. I watched a program recently where they analysed saffron samples (did I mention that I suffer from insomnia?) and the results ranged as follows:

1. Yep, it's saffron alright

2. Yep, it's got saffron in it

3. No idea, but I wouldn't eat it, mate. 



* ok, the real reason is that one of the crime commissioner candidates is a "zero tolerance" chappie. :nono:

Me guv? Never opened it, no idea!  :sungum:

Edited by AndyB
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Back from having a needle prodded into my hip, and it was nowhere near as unpleasant as it has been in the past - our GP practice has four Drs who can do these, and I have had three of these in the past, with varying degrees of pain.  but I haven't been under the needle with this guy before - and I was lying there waiting for the hurt, when he said I could get up - I asked if there was a problem, and he said no, I was done and finished.  Many thanks doc.


Lily's decided that her limp is back, and is booked into the vet tomorrow late morning.


Other than that, not a great deal more to say tonight - just dropped in as I've got a spare few minutes and managed to get caught up.


Nighty Night


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  • RMweb Premium

Thought I'd share this on here as it's not something you come across every morning.

This black widow male (a rare sight in itself) is having scorpion for his breakfast.





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A long and hot day at Shooters Hill and still not completed. This now means an even earlier start than normal to go to Twickenham first and then on to Shooters Hill again.


There were certainly more than the normal amount of cockwomble drivers this evening along with motorcyclists dressed as organ donors.


I've now cast my votes, all 4 of them.

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Good evening all!




POETS Day tomorrow for those who are free to POE.  Make the most of it.


Just POTS day here, nothing early about it!




Bingley on the Talyllyn


Is this what is known as 'training the dog' ?


More like a well trained dog!


Here we go again.

Our train cancelled due to signalling problems at Horsham plus many others affected.

A colleague got caught up in the Waterloo issue this morning. Advised him to catch the LBG to Guildford train but that has also been cancelled tonight due to no available stock.

So our plan is to get the Tattenham a Corner train to Coulsdon Town and bus it from there but we will be later home so less time to work on the layout outside.

Southern announcing staff shortages again for tomorrow but luckily we won't be travelling on them. Just hope GWR out of Exeter to Exmouth are running OK tomorrow afternoon.


With staff (understandably) working to rule (no overtime, no working on rest days, etc.), this may be prolonged. Officially, I'm hearing that a higher level of sickness is being quoted in the station announcements. It has had a different effect today compared to yesterday. Await tomorrow's outcome! I have heard that the dispute is only with Southern and that the majority of staff believe that it is a constructive effort by their franchise holder to rid themselves of this burden. Although this is only hear-say, it is, nonetheless, plausible!


Usual wishes to all


Good night

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Various responses:


Cameras - Sandy and I are Fuji fans - we're on our third and fourth - upgrades not problems.


Saffron - £8125.00 per kilo - probably the most expensive thing found in a supermarket - http://www.sainsburys.co.uk/shop/gb/groceries/schwartz-saffron-jar-04g


Jack Russells - ours was eighteen when she died.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

Good evening all!




Just POTS day here, nothing early about it!



More like a well trained dog!



With staff (understandably) working to rule (no overtime, no working on rest days, etc.), this may be prolonged. Officially, I'm hearing that a higher level of sickness is being quoted in the station announcements. It has had a different effect today compared to yesterday. Await tomorrow's outcome! I have heard that the dispute is only with Southern and that the majority of staff believe that it is a constructive effort by their franchise holder to rid themselves of this burden. Although this is only hear-say, it is, nonetheless, plausible!


Usual wishes to all


Good night

Yes I have heard the rumours. Also heard that the drivers may well be taking action in the near future.


The way I see it is that once Southern have changed the roles of the guard to a non criritcal role as train hosts then they will run trains without this person on board and by stealth slowly get rid of these people altogether.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Well we duly voted for someone to commission crimes on our behalf, and brought the total number of those who had voted in our section of the ward up to 33 - in something over 8 hours.


The evening nosh at The Plowden Arms has gone down well with Mrs Stationmaster enjoying some nicely cooked trout, laddo and the Good Doctor both on steaks, while I had lamb rump - the accompaniments of which included some delectable pease pudding and they even decorated herself's pudding course with a candle and appropriate message spelt out on the plate with chocolate sauce.  Fortunately Mrs Stationmaster duly enjoyed it all which was good as their menus tend to be rather 'meaty' which has put her off a  bit in the past.


Another highlight, from which many most other hostelries should learn was a half pint of proper job cider - cloudy enough to barely let light pass through and with a nice sour taste to it - when you can get stuff like that I'm surprised folk drink the over-sweet, heavily filtered, stuff which many charlatans pass off as 'cider' nowadays.


G'night all

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How about the first named 2P - they were, for years, numerous and well used round Hurlford, and of course Jock's dad drove them. On that tack, I read in an autobiograpical book by a Lancashire engineman of an experience where he fired a 2P piloting a Duchess on one of the Anglo Scottish expresses - and I thought then, that this combination would really have tickled Jock.

I'm not sure about 'the first named 2P', Stewart. I have a commercial photograph (which, of course, I can't find at the moment) which shows a 2P with the name "CLAN MCCARGILL" on the splasher. It looks like a real plate, in the style of the GNOSR D40s, rather than a painted name. There are no details of place or date on the picture.


I believe Carlisle Upperby used to use 2Ps as pilots on Anglo-Scottish trains, so they would have piloted Duchesses on occasion. Here's a picture of that combination - http://abpr.railfan.net/abprphoto.cgi?october03/10-12-03/40679+46228_on_the_down_mid-day_scot.7_august_1958_big4rem.jpg . (Though not with an Upperby 2P.)

Edited by pH
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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Another highlight, from which many most other hostelries should learn was a half pint of proper job cider - cloudy enough to barely let light pass through and with a nice sour taste to it - when you can get stuff like that I'm surprised folk drink the over-sweet, heavily filtered, stuff which many charlatans pass off as 'cider' nowadays.


G'night all


That sounds more like scrumpy to me the last I had in Lyme R was rather strong not really stuff to go with a meal.


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That sounds more like scrumpy to me the last I had in Lyme R was rather strong not really stuff to go with a meal.


If it's cloudy and got bits in it it's Scrumpy.  We had a pub in town that only sold it in half pints if the landlord didn't know the drinker.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone. The meeting that our neighbour (did I say she was young, tall and blonde) and I went to with our councillor (not MP as I said earlier) went well. Although I'll be very surprised if we win, as she said its all planning applications are about ticking boxes and if all the right boxes get ticked, it's passed. Of the 16 or so houses effected by the fence, only one is in support of it, so that may be in our favour. But then the BIG BULLYING TORY councils usually get there own way, but at least we will have put up a bit of a fight.


Anyway, I may decide to make my bit bl00dy difficult for the contracting firm, by installing a fence right next to the one that is being replaced. They've assumed that because there is an alleyway at the back of all the houses, the land is public, it's not, we all own our own little bit between our garden and the fence. And as there are lots of trees and shrubs on the school field, so it'll be quite onerous for them. They'd have to trespass onto our land to complete the work, and we are all (bar one, there's always one) denying them access to our land.

He he ;-)


I enjoyed my swimming session tonight, it was nice to get back into open water, it wasn't as busy as I thought it would be, maybe the water temperature put some off, it was a cool 10.8C, so bl00dy cold really! It'll take a bit to get used to the restrictions of swimming in the wetsuit and it does slow me down a little, but once I get used to it, and the water warms up I'll soon improve. But it was great, honest!


I wasn't very busy!



Pete, I've been in a few pubs like that.


Goodnight all

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It has been a beautifull day today, with a high of about 19 deg. . . .  And NO sea fret!!!.


My mate and his Mrs hit there polling station , at the other end of the village, shortly after 5.00pm. He reported that he was number 45 through the door.



Thoughts for the sick, recovering, and hurting.



Goodnight Everyone . . .Sleep well.





Edited by Two_sugars
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Lost my Internet/Landline/ TV when a lightning strike hit a transformer nearby and blew it up!   Three nights ago.


Lots of catching up to do - it always goes when you need it most, wife is in Atlanta...


Best, Pete.

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