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  • RMweb Premium

My btinternet email is down this morning.

Never happened before.

DD mine's working, but it's been a bit strange recently, with notifications of mail in the tool bar, and nothing in the inbox.


Dave I too worked for an operation which did not believe in a private or leisure life - it stemmed from a CEO who was a workaholic, and could be found in the office at all hours - he'd phone his managers up late in the evening for trivial things - once he could not get a printer to work, and it was the one nearest my desk, so he called me at half eleven one night. Also, once I was on holiday and half way to my destination, and the carphone rang - CEO's PA asking why I had not arrived at the morning management meeting. I explained that I was on holiday, and was asked if I was close enough to the office to come in. If not, could I keep the carphone on in case they needed my input on anything - I was given "permission" to switch it off after 11.00. So yes, I know where you're coming from there, and I sympathise.


Robert - it sounds as if this is another seaside pier disaster as it is 95% destroyed according to the BBC radio news.


Jam - well done on passing the theory test - any news on the practical part yet (complete with the new "follow the signs to ...part). It does seem to have become a lot harder than it was in my time.


Phil H Bodge City looks interesting. Do keep us posted.


Oh yes, and I still use the local milkman, who delivers every other day here as he's got two rounds. When he was away once, his brother missed our milk a couple of times, and when he found out, he gave me a month's free milk as an apology.


Dull and probably going to rain here.




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  • RMweb Gold

DD mine's working, but it's been a bit strange recently, with notifications of mail in the tool bar, and nothing in the inbox.






My BT email is OK but I read it through Outlook Express rather than the BTYahoo browser which last time I looked said it was being discontinued. Perhaps though I wasn't up early enough to be aware of a fault!






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"Here be Dragons".


That may well be the case South of Leicester :lol:


On the subject of Hastings Pier - very sad. However, it would seem that the Police have two people in custody. so hopefully they will have the book thrown at them. Not that it helps the pier!


The whole story of Hastings Pier is a rather sad one. The word around the town is that the council sold it to a private enterprise after years of neglect and then forced them to shut it due to "safety concerns". Naturally, the council see it differently.


Only back in July, the borough council agreed to serve a compulsory purchase order on the pier to buy it back and preserve the structure. Looks like that is relatively moot now, because there is nothing left to save.


Unfortunately, Hastings Pier is just located in the wrong part of town! It is far away from the "Amusements" section of the town, which is in the old town. Being stuck halfway to St Leonards, beyond the (derelict) ice rink makes it relatively inaccessible. It was already pretty grotty in the 70s.

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  • RMweb Premium

My BT email is OK but I read it through Outlook Express rather than the BTYahoo browser which last time I looked said it was being discontinued. Perhaps though I wasn't up early enough to be aware of a fault!



Yes it is being discontinued, as it's not getting a lot of use (hardly surprising as it's based on IE6) and will not support a lot of the more modern gizmos like Adobe9. Also, many of the new more "secure" sites being run by the banks are not compatible with it now. I know to my cost, as I was not able to access my B*rcl*ys online details for ages. In trying, I finally got to the maximum number of logon attempts, and got my access fully disabled, and it was disabled for quite a while as they wanted five security questions and one of these was an approximate balance on the account - catch 22 as I couldn't get it due to no access. I actually had to go to the nearest ATM, get a balance, then call back to get the whole thing reinstated once I had a more up to date browser.

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No, the pic/link works, but I can't see the connection between the side of a coach and the calendar. Must be my age...:D


It is the refurbishment date (Revisionsdatum) that Dominik is referring to. It is 32.12.03


32nd December 2003!

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  • RMweb Premium

I'd just assumed it was year month day format and they built stuff to last in Austria!


Oh, they do - just have a look at the class 1099 narrow gauge engine which was first built in 1911 and remains in service till this day. But of course I also hope the Taurus type engines, such as the one from the photo I linked, will prove to have been built to last! B)

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh, they do - just have a look at the class 1099 narrow gauge engine which was first built in 1911 and remains in service till this day...


I have the Roco model of that! I liked it so much that the narrow gauge layout will need overhead electrics added now .






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  • RMweb Premium

I have the Roco model of that! I liked it so much that the narrow gauge layout will need overhead electrics added now .


That sounds good! :) Those Mariazell Railway models have been OOP for several years, if I'm not mistaken, and been slowly reintroduced only in recent times.

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  • RMweb Gold

That sounds good! :) Those Mariazell Railway models have been OOP for several years, if I'm not mistaken, and been slowly reintroduced only in recent times.


Mine must have been a "new" one, it has a DCC socket, (now filled with an appropriate decoder).





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  • RMweb Gold

Although Matthew is away at Leicester I still seem to have parental duties. Today it was scanning his passport for some sort of ID. This caused my embarrassing error of saying the printer was out of ink, definitely a senior moment.

I'll have to get a phone that is easier to text with, my hands can't cope. I think I've sent more texts in the last few days than in all the previous time I've had a mobile phone. Matthew must have sorted out the buses in Leicester as he was texting from a bus.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mine must have been a "new" one, it has a DCC socket, (now filled with an appropriate decoder).


Yes, the 1099 was only given a DCC socket from 2008 onwards. I also just read the last "old" production run before the first re-run from 2008 had, in fact, been in 1998.

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Although Matthew is away at Leicester I still seem to have parental duties. Today it was scanning his passport for some sort of ID. This caused my embarrassing error of saying the printer was out of ink, definitely a senior moment.

I'll have to get a phone that is easier to text with, my hands can't cope. I think I've sent more texts in the last few days than in all the previous time I've had a mobile phone. Matthew must have sorted out the buses in Leicester as he was texting from a bus.




Who says he was going the right direction? ;)

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Guest Max Stafford

Cheeky b*gger...:D

as all I keep seeing are ads from a pharmaceutical company headed 'erectile disfunction?' on my home page.....


I'll assume they're not 'pop up' ads then...? ;)



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Weather forecast looks friendly enough, but it still is too dark to see anything. I just prepared breakfast as I'll be off to run a couple of errands later on.


Have a nice day all!

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Morning All,


It is just starting to get light here - It looks like it is going to be another reasonable day. Probably just as well because I was in a really foul mood yesterday evening. Thankfully, that has more or less passed this morning <_<


I reckon today is going to be a fairly quiet day. Most of my colleagues are off on a three day team building exercise, which I cannot attend. However, I have enough to be getting on with.


Have a good day everyone...

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Guest Max Stafford

Raining heavily here this morning. Last early start this week. I'm on a 17:00 - 03:00 tomorrow then a 15:00 - 01:00 on Friday. After that, I'm off until Tuesday although I'm hoping to take that day off as I've booked a doctor's appointment that day.


Phone will be knocked off at end of shift on Friday/Saturday.



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