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  • RMweb Gold

So, under escort, I have ventured out and in view of the length of my toe nails Mrs Stationmaster decided that I should visit one of the local nail bars (I think there are currently three) where I duly had a pedicure.  It was wrinklies day so it effectively cost a quid a toe with a foot filing thrown in and a protective coating applied to the nails (which might, hopefully, keep cuticle spread at bay.


Ian (OD) sorry to hear about your brother - agree absolutely with Ian (Abel) and Brian W, not a nice thing whichever way you look at it.

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So, under escort, I have ventured out and in view of the length of my toe nails Mrs Stationmaster decided that I should visit one of the local nail bars (I think there are currently three) where I duly had a pedicure.  It was wrinklies day so it effectively cost a quid a toe with a foot filing thrown in and a protective coating applied to the nails (which might, hopefully, keep cuticle spread at bay.


Ian (OD) sorry to hear about your brother - agree absolutely with Ian (Abel) and Brian W, not a nice thing whichever way you look at it.


Yeah! but! lyke! . . . Didja get lyke, metallic colours, and lyke, stars an' fings lyke innit?




Happy birthday Andy P. . . .you've got our permission to buy a new Guitar for your Brithdoo.. . . . 




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Happy Birthday, Andy!


Nice to see the pics of Whyteleafe South, thanks for posting them, Ian (Roundhouse).


Sunny afternoon here; be fab if it wasn't so chilly. Been into town for joint haircuts, then went to cinema to see sci-fi Midnight Special which I found a little disturbing, then into JL for free coffee and cake. Just popping out for a walk to the Sheep Heid - well you need a goal.


Ian (OD), very sorry to hear about your brother. Very difficult choice.



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  • RMweb Premium

Further to my earlier message about Jock, and having discussed it with AndyP and Rick, I did a bit more searching around. 

For obvious reasons people are quite (!) tight lipped, but without going in to details I checked around, drew a few blanks, but was eventually advised the best thing to do was "pop a note through his door". 

So, on behalf of the ER and the wider RMweb collective, that's what I've done, adding about 100+ names to a "best wishes" type card. He should get it in Friday's post.

It's a measure of the man that I pretty much filled the card with people's names. 

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Further to my earlier message about Jock, and having discussed it with AndyP and Rick, I did a bit more searching around. 

For obvious reasons people are quite (!) tight lipped, but without going in to details I checked around, drew a few blanks, but was eventually advised the best thing to do was "pop a note through his door". 

So, on behalf of the ER and the wider RMweb collective, that's what I've done, adding about 100+ names to a "best wishes" type card. He should get it in Friday's post.

It's a measure of the man that I pretty much filled the card with people's names. 

Thanks and Well done Andy.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Andy for doing more to find out about Jock.


I was in Covent Garden area for meeting this afternoon. Tempting to go for beer but decided to head to St Pancras to pick up one of he few Thameslinks that stop at Redhill. Wi the strike still on.


However when I got there the previous Brighton service was being terminated there due to a fault. That in turn has now delayed all Thameslink services heading South. I got a seat but train is now wedged at Farringdon and delayed further heist the faulty set gets moved out of the way after running empty to Blackfriars.

Now about t late and no doubt lost our slot through the backwaters of a South London.


Just hope that they don't cancel this one enroute. Not everyone is going to be able to get on this at a City Thameslink let alone Blackfriars.


Update . Crush loading now at Blackfirars and many left on the platform.

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Started out frosty, had to scrap the car before I could set off, but then as soon as I hit the motorway I had to put on my sunglasses.


Tough luck about the car, but it sounds as if you had a spare one standing by, so it turned out OK.

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Aft'noon all,


Best regards to any that ail...sorry to read your story Ian. I've agreed with Is that now she has gone through the recommended treatment for her condition any further treatment will be her decision. She has gone through all that I can reasonably ask of her.


Snowy hailing wet gusty bright sunny circuit of the long anticlockwise this aft.....you can see the showers coming from way off, dodging the blighters is a different matter. Good to hear the curlew again....came across a pair of black grouse too....

















Is is still having scans and tests to try & sort out her fat leg.....I maintain that the lymph fluid from her operation site has circulated to that area. Mum's birthday tomorrow so a river cruise and lunch to celebrate on Friday.


Happy birthday Andy.


Skype call to Canadian family tonight


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

We seem to be faring better than most for the weather. It has been quite pleasant this afternoon except it did get cold when the sun hid behind clouds. None of the white stuff though. The wind yesterday was very strong with a nasty bite. 

Not really had much use for Summer Houses. If it is nice enough to go outside there is usually plenty to be done so no sitting around. However we have thought about a shelter at the top of the garden it would need to have views both ways south to the hills at the front and across the fields to the sea at the rear. Naturally whichever way the wind blows you get it so a shelter may be a good idea.


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Another mundane day with not a lot achieved work wise but I did manage to get into a model shop to get some required supplies. At least the weather was decent once the temperature rose to a good level.


Andy P - Happy Birthday. Here's hoping that there are many more. Just don't do too much. I need to get some weathering lessons somewhere.


Dick - I hope that the family issues can be resolved quickly and painlessly.


Ian - Really sorry to hear of your brother's illness and prognosis. Not a choice that I'd want to have to make.


AndyB - Many thanks for acting on behalf of ER's and the RMWeb community.

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  • RMweb Gold

Late in the day birthday wishes Andy.


Today I have dealings with some wonderful people and some complete and utter cockwomblearseferretspunkowls.


My son injured his ankle playing football last night. He's thirty odd and I've told him to take it easy. Does he heck. So, off to local walk in centre today. They weren't sure so sent us to a walk in centre with X-ray facilities. They thought it was fractured and so booked an appointment at the local hospital's fracture clinic for this afternoon. All this was done and dusted by 10:30 this morning. So to the fracture clinic. Seen, dealt with and back home by 4. Brilliant.


Granddaughter's car had a brake light out and son was supposed to take it to local garage today. Obviously he couldn't so I did it between walk in centre and hospital visits. Bulb replaced and working there and then - cost - £3


All wonderful people.


So to the not so wonderful. The second walk-in-centre, a much bigger and busier one than the local one has recently and unknown to us, passed their car park operation to Parking Eye. Being in a bit of a rush and not expecting this, I had no change. I tried to pay by phone. What a bunch of ignorant, useless, illiterate .......... I ended up not being able to pay and having to go and park on a local street. To say that I was fuming would be an understatement.


I'm sure there is some sort of moral tale to be drawn from all of this. I'll let you work it out as I'm going to make a curry and have a glass of wine.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Very sorry to hear about your brother OD, theres not much else I can say. Funny old weather today, I went out to do a bit of shopping lunchtime, started out in bright sunshine, by the time I got to Tesco's only a couple of miles away it was wet snow and 20 minutes later when I left Tesco's it was bright sunshine. The car is now repaired, now to arrange its return hopefully tomorrow.

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Birthday Andy!


Sorry a bit late but I umpired some cricket before it snowed (picture in a bit)


AndyB thanks for sending Jock a card.


And now..off to our new Clubrooms.



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  • RMweb Premium

Tough luck about the car, but it sounds as if you had a spare one standing by, so it turned out OK.

Obviously it SHOULD HAVE SAID scrape! Doh

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  • RMweb Premium

Further to my previous post. It is also important to support the partners and children of the cancer sufferer as well, because they often get forgotten about, even if it's unintentional.

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  • RMweb Premium

so having changed computers here is a study in cricket umpiring..






yes. rain, hail and then lying snow so game abandoned after 25 overs


Tough life being an umpire!



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  • RMweb Gold

rain, hail and then lying snow so game abandoned after 25 overs

Tough life being an umpire!


Couldn't you have just used an old fashioned red ball?

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  • RMweb Premium

Further to my earlier message about Jock, and having discussed it with AndyP and Rick, I did a bit more searching around. (...)


Thanks for going such great lengths for all of us, Andy. Most appreciated!

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