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Morning all. A little chilly but at least it's dry at the moment.


Plenty of coffee to consume as today is mainly dealing with management. At least tomorrow I'll be able to start the work properly.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning All,


Well, I am not quite sure where that weekend went!


We had a rather mixed bag weather wise.  Everything from sunshine to sleet, through hail. 


Back in the office this morning, I am looking forward to the prospect of a few design reviews.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all!


Another day, another grain of salt on the peanut.


Haven't looked outside yet but can't hear any rain.


Two days of disruption starting tomorrow as RMT go on strike. Apparently, the employer has threatened that all strikers will lose their travel passes and their family discount passes - victimisation?


Wishes to all in need thereof as usual

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from an overcast Surrey.

Trains seem OK so far. Lull before the storm tomorrow with the impending guards strike on Southern.

Hopefully mystery other half is OK to work from home. Will be handy as the new monitor that was delivered yesterday has no power pack in the box. Mains lead there along with everything else. So a replacement is being delivered and the current one collected. Blue car in for service aswell tomorrow so at least she can walk to collect it if I am stuck trying to get home. One work colleague has suggested that I take South Eastern to Elmers End then bus or tram and have a few beers in his local then tram and bus home after that.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!


Another day, another grain of salt on the peanut.


Haven't looked outside yet but can't hear any rain.


Two days of disruption starting tomorrow as RMT go on strike. Apparently, the employer has threatened that all strikers will lose their travel passes and their family discount passes - victimisation?


Wishes to all in need thereof as usual

Yes I have read that aswell. That's only likely to escalate the situation. Almost all gaurds that voted for strike action form what I have heard.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Not raining. This was convenient as I had to chase Robbie round the garden to collect a sample of his urine. He was very cooperative so the deed was done. Robbie doesn't need to visit the vets today, I just need to take the sample and make an appointment for him to go in a few days to see how well the medication has worked. He certainly looks well!


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Tomorrow is the start of a six week fight with the Blackwall Tunnel. I'm not looking forward to it. Tomorrow afternoon sees a drive to Twickenham around the North Circular which should be fun.


Thinking of those ailing, recovering and missing.


Night all

Sweet Zombie Jeebus. Who's cornflakes did you p*ss in to get stuck with that sheer hell? At least you aren't on the south circular.


Dom, I don't think I've ever seen someone who loves their job as much as you do.


Ian(L), "Hopefully mystery half is OK to work from home". Is there something you should be telling her, or us?


Morning all from that borough that we all know as boring. Last day of working from home today, then back to the orifice err office tomorrow. At least its not the client's hellquarters. Lousy excuse for a night's sleep. Knee is protesting again and I'm still trying to shake a 3 day headache. Meh!.


Back to work, so everyone have a good week.

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  • RMweb Gold


Ian(L), "Hopefully mystery half is OK to work from home". Is there something you should be telling her, or us?

Nothing that you dont already know such as stupid auto correct. It doesnt correct miss spelt words just changes them altogether.

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Morning peeps.


Dull, overcast and cool here, the whelkmen don't work Mondays so they're abed. So is Julie. Soon Lethedia will bring my shopping in the courgette van...


Weight down (firm trend now) and new medication started. Technology has advanced in injection pens, and this one is a good example, so that injecting is much easier and more comfortable. Blood glucose up slightly, as I was on half-dose of the old medication yesterday. Just waiting to see if there are any side effects - a lot of blood testing, I suspect. Apart from that, got a cold. Cheers, Rose, though to be fair she's pretty miserable, too.


Daisy is being difficult now that her mother is back at work and Dad is working all hours - perfectly understandable, if you understand children. I'll have her 'in my office' this week for a chat. It feels like being back at work, but it has a positive effect. We need to talk about speeding up - she uses tardiness as her weapon of choice if she's upset with her parents.


Beyond that, Iron Girder got some time yesterday, she now has a proper tender and an elongated boiler, just trying to work out how to add extra wheels. Bodging I think it's called. I must order some nameplates!


Beyond that, leaflet deliveries, woodwork and stuff and coooooking. Cauliflower curry tonight, no rice. May have to find the chapati flour. Eating low carb (to lower the blood glucose) isn't all that easy when you grew up on potatoes and bread. And suet dumplings, meat pies and hotpot. And food fried in lard. And jam...


Have a good day all, thinking of those is distress, or missing. 

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Good morning one and all


I apologise for lateness  on parade.  Just after I logged into RMweb a couple of hours ago my laptop decided to restart and install Windows 10.  I did not ask it to do so and could find no way of stopping it.  It's done now, so I imagine that my printer/scanner/copier will no longer function without a new driver.  It didn't like Windows 8.1 very much and neither do the makers, Epson.   I'm still cross that it won't let me save scanned documents as PDFs.  Perhaps it needs to be declared a failure and be replaced.


I enjoyed the Epsom show on Saturday.  My outward route was to have included a trip over the Wall of Death to Sutton but I found that the core section of Thameslink was closed again so it was the normal route from Victoria which is very slow.  It was good to meet Duncan [emt_911] but my RMweb badge brought no more new acquaintances.


Yesterday I made the trek down to Taunton for the Captain Kernow show, renewing acquaintances with many including Mr and Mrs Olddudders, Killybegs with his wonderful 9F and my old friend ClikC, fresh from his attempts to reinvent the wheel.  On the way home I blagged a cuppa off my aunt in Sea Mills and then caught up with friends in Horfield.  I was touched to learn that they became worried about me when my Christmas card and round robin did not arrive.  It turns out that in fact it did but their 8 year old son mixed it up with insurance papers.  They went as far as using Google to see if I was still alive.  Aw shucks.


I see that other members are browsing.  Good morning, 88C.


Three lots of best wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving and missing.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Just a quick visit as I've a Dr appointment today at the main surgery, which means a bus trip on the "improved!" service.


However, I had a quick look at the current followers of this thread, and was saddened to see that there are still quite a few names there who are no longer here for one reason or another. 


Try to get back later.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Mawnin' awl. Took me some time to fall asleep again, so remedial coffee has been brewed.


Huge snip!


Let's see what kind of fun we're going to get today. Have a good one…



I'm so glad that you have a job in which you are truly happy.


Some on this forum are not so fortunate.


Please keep up the good work and the pictures flowing.



Edit. Just seen AndrewC's post above:


Great minds think alike, but I'm also reminded that fools seldom differ!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up!

Late start as her indoors doesn't start teaching till 11 on a Monday (but finishes at 7:30)


Tea drunk, parcels to be packed and some....gardening to be done. This could get interesting as our muddy patch aka the front garden needs mowing and major weed removal. I will need sustenance first.


Carpe diem!


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, overcast and somewhat chilly here. 


A relaxing weekend with some time to complete a Metcalfe station platform kit that was given to me at Christmas. I've now got all the station buildings etc in place. I better do the rest of the layout this spring and summer! 


Anyway, a busy morning ahead of me. Collect dry cleaning, buy a pair of shoes that don't cripple me, exercise my lungs, re-order some medication for my mum and then do the grocery shopping. 

This afternoon, start to dissect a job application "people spec" in preparation for an upcoming interview. 


Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Have to get the hire car filled up today ready to go back when my car is (hopefully) returned tomorrow. Problem is that they can't give a time so it looks as if I will have to wait in for a large part of the day. Still no news of Jock which is getting rather worrying, hope we do get some news soon. Have a good day all, be back later.

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roundhouse, on 25 Apr 2016 - 08:28, said:

Nothing that you dont already know such as stupid auto correct. It doesnt correct miss spelt words just changes them altogether.

I know its autocorrupt. Just couldn't resist some early Monday urine extraction. :sungum:

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  • RMweb Gold

I know its autocorrupt. Just couldn't resist some early Monday urine extraction. :sungum:

I suppose it makes the Boring Borough not so boring.


I need beer.


Had just one small bottle of Anchor Steam Bitter last night between the two of us (with the real other half).


Mind  you, we will have plenty this weekend.

Edited by roundhouse
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I suppose it makes the Boring Borough not so boring.


I need beer.


Had just one small bottle of Anchor Steam Bitter last night between the two of us (with the real other half).


Mind  you, we will have plenty this weekend.

You and me both, although I had a Hantverkbryggeriet Baronen barley wine last night. 8.5% which is light for the style but very boozy notes and it went down waaaaay too easily. Hoping to introduce the brother-in-law to the beer mile on Saturday. Need to restock the bierkeller @ bottleshop. Its been decimated as of late.

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  • RMweb Gold

You and me both, although I had a Hantverkbryggeriet Baronen barley wine last night. 8.5% which is light for the style but very boozy notes and it went down waaaaay too easily. Hoping to introduce the brother-in-law to the beer mile on Saturday. Need to restock the bierkeller @ bottleshop. Its been decimated as of late.

Matthew tried this



He really likes sauerkraut so a cabbage beer just had to be tasted.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone. Another wet and miserable start to the day. Today I'm working in and around Kirkby Lonsdale, where it is currently sunny.


My first site visit is one of our high security sites, with electric fences and a 30 minute armed response when the intruder alarm sets off. I've never been involved with any such alarm, but a colleague has had a gun pointed at his face once! Best be careful I think, luckily there are several others on the site whilst I'm here so I'm not going to hang around too long once I've finished my job here.


Back later.

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