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Good morning one and all


The sad and sudden passing of Victoria Wood shows once more how vicious and indiscriminate cancer can be.  It touches all of us, whether it claims yet another celebrity, a relative or a friend.  Let us cherish those we know and love while we can.  That is all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A bit dull and overcast here at the moment but sunny spells forecast with the odd shower later.

Very sorry to hear about the death of Victoria Wood who has been one of my favourite entertainers for many years.

Today will be spent doing the final checks before our holiday. Shouldn't take long as The Boss has written many lists and triple checked everything about forty five times.  :yes:  Didn't stop her unpacking a case yesterday to make sure she'd put one item of clothing in though. :banghead:

My task is to make sure the car has enough petrol etc to get us to the port of embarkation tomorrow. I think I can manage that.  :scratchhead:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning,sunshine here and another fine day in prospect if a bit cooler than yesterday.


A quiet day yesterday in the sunshine reading and generally doing nothing which was enjoyed given the garden exertions of Tuesday.


Off out shortly up to Hawkeshead and Coniston in the Lake District to meet a couple of friends for a leisurely walk then pub lunch.


Enjoy your day folks



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning everyone. Another lovely sunny day and I'm not working today, yeah.

Instead I'm attending the official photo call for the launch of the Great Manchester Swim this morning.

I'll see if I can post some pictures later.


Whatever you're doing, have a good one.

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Good morning all.


My Mum assured me that when I was about 3 an elderly neighbour came to the front door. (in those innocent days it was thought safe to let a 3 year old answer the door). I shouted in the loud voice referred to earlier


"Mummy, there's a lady with a beard at the door!"



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A fine morning to you all.

A bit dull here, but then not much ever happens.


Bad sleep last night, seems like the insomnia is back. 


Doing stuff this morning (gluing planks together, painting) and then off to see Nurse Betty to get my new medication, then off to see D-i-L for her birthday. I'm hoping I'll get a message to pick up the Macbook at some point, as well.


Glad the eye is on the mend, BoD, and bests to all other sufferers. 

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I bid thee good morn from ye olde boring borough. (or some such faux Shakespearian crap like that)


Working from home again, well for the next several days actually as there is no desk space at the client site. Somebody goofed again. oops. The knee is feeling a bit better and I was prepared to commute today but got a last minute text to say, "stay home". 10 minutes later and I'd have been out the door and on my way.


As predicted a short while back, another major signal failure between New Cross and Lewisham this morning. I'll have my £5 please. Fortunately SWMBO managed to get through before the chaos hit. Bunch of useless arsebadgers.


Tonight I shall mostly be playing in my shed. Have a good one.

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Thick fog on top of the Hill here early this morning, couldn't even see the Church 100 yds down the Road, its now lifting but very cold compared to the last couple od days, as Mike says, maybe Summer was yesterday. Back home to Swad on Saturday then down to help Nick Pallett run his Ashbourne Midland at the Sutton Coldfield show on Sunday.

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Crich can be like that, quite often passengers on the first tram are treated to the eerie sight of travelling above the fog in the valley with treetops peeping out from the gloom.


As forecast, motivation not quite so good today, weather not as bright, but I've got my follow up appointment in a couple of hours.


Best get mi @rse in gear methinks.


See yer later :)


Edit, spelling errors due to fat fingers :)

Edited by leopardml2341
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Did you know the Queen turns 90 today? To be quite honest all the hype on the TV and in the newspapers can sometimes make you want to become a republican (only the name Donald Trump discourages any thoughts on that line), thats my rant over for today. Thoughts with the ailing and missing, have a good day all, be back later.

EDIT Andys remarks about the fog at Crich reminded me that Crich is the highest tramway in the UK past or present.

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Gold

I bid thee good morn from ye olde boring borough. (or some such faux Shakespearian crap like that)


Working from home again, well for the next several days actually as there is no desk space at the client site. Somebody goofed again. oops. The knee is feeling a bit better and I was prepared to commute today but got a last minute text to say, "stay home". 10 minutes later and I'd have been out the door and on my way.


As predicted a short while back, another major signal failure between New Cross and Lewisham this morning. I'll have my £5 please. Fortunately SWMBO managed to get through before the chaos hit. Bunch of useless arsebadgers.


Tonight I shall mostly be playing in my shed. Have a good one.

So no visit to the Rake tonight?


Our 2nd night in a row this week.


Power supply problems caused the first two trains this morning to be cancelled but by the time we got to the station the trains were running fine..... shock horror -  did I really say that!!


Hopefully thats not a bad omen for tonights homeward bound trip.

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  • RMweb Gold

 The nurse said I could class housework as too vigorous if I wanted. 

I'm glad it all went well.


It might only be classified as a minor operation, but it is still serious surgery so don't rush things.


Vibration and exertion are to be avoided at all costs.


Sadly you'll never be able to use a vacuum cleaner again, but with time this  will become more bearable.

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  • RMweb Premium

Crich can be like that, quite often passengers on the first tram are treated to the eerie sight of travelling above the fig in the valley with treetops peeping out from the gloom.

As forecast, motivation not quite so good today, weather not as bright, but I've got my follow up appointment in a couple of hours.

Best get mi @rse in gear methinks.

See yer later :)

Edit, spelling errors due to fat fingers :)

You missed - above the fig in the valley :-)

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  • RMweb Gold

| courier arrived this morning with a large box of machine screws, washers,various types of nuts and lots of rivets.


However, no sign of the stuff from China, although it is not scheduled to arrive until next week


There is sufficient materiel already on site for the building phase of Project 'C' to commence, although my first job is to sort out the four bits that need welding (not of the matrimonial vatiety), as this has to be sub contracted out because I have no suitable equipment at home.


Off to Wilkinsons in Wellington later.  The Obergrumbenfuher wants to buy some terracotta pots and they also have a load of dwarf conifiers that need viewing to see if they are suitable for use as a view blocker on the garden line.


Viewblocker?  I must be going barking finescale!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, and it's turning into a sunny one here, after early morning cloud. 

Carrots have started to germinate in my veg patch (there's no answer to that!). 


I've been tasked with mowing the lawn just in case it rains in the next few days. 

I note that overnight there have been new arrivals in the aquarium. Seriously, thinking of whitebait as a menu option if this continues every 6 weeks*.


Not much else planned today, although I may make the template for my Metcalfe platfom kit, now that I can actually see the layout again.


Have a nice day everyone. Andy



EDIT * and by the looks of it, the male Sailfin Molly is already trying to kick off the next batch. Unbelievable. 

Edited by AndyB
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So no visit to the Rake tonight?


Our 2nd night in a row this week.


Power supply problems caused the first two trains this morning to be cancelled but by the time we got to the station the trains were running fine..... shock horror -  did I really say that!!


Hopefully thats not a bad omen for tonights homeward bound trip.

I think the only Rake visit for the next few weeks will be on a Sat morning.


BTW, how was the Brewsters last night?

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  • RMweb Gold

I think the only Rake visit for the next few weeks will be on a Sat morning.


BTW, how was the Brewsters last night?

Saturday morning at Rotarail with Banbury. Next Saturday Glasgow and Stranrear.


The Stilton Porter was very nice and the Pankhurst not bad. The casks on stillage outside were also very good. Back tonight for a few more.


Was quite pleasant sitting under the umbrella with the heaters above us.

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  • RMweb Gold

Memory is a funny thing - in fact it can be hilarious as you get older, especially when it belongs to somebody else.


So yesterday afternoon I reminded Mrs Stationmaster that the plumber should be with us today.  I was immediately told that I was wrong, seriously wrong, and that he's coming on Friday.  I continued, pointing out that fortuitously the spare part I had ordered had actually arrived yesterday but my attention was quickly drawn to the oracle calendar hanging on the kitchen noticeboard wihich shows him arriving on Friday and if it's on there that is when he'll be here.  I again protested my firm memory that he would be here on Thursday as we retired to bed last night and was again told to check the calendar.  My protests that I had made the appointment and was absolutely certain that he would arrive on thursday brought no release from the instruction to 'check the calendar, he's coming on Friday, I know it was Friday because I saw it clashed with my hair appointment when I wrote it on the calendar'


Suitably admonished i retreated to consider the state of my memory cells which remained convinced the plumber would arrive on Thursday morning.  This morning I am told we are going out to look at indoor cctv camera systems as yet again a cat - but which cat - has pee'd on the floor of the downstairs toilet.  My comment that we should wait for the plumber before going out was treated with derision and a  reminder to look at the calendar.


The plumber arrived c.09.40 and is just tidying up ready to leave.  And I'd even ordered the correct spare part!

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Saturday morning at Rotarail with Banbury. Next Saturday Glasgow and Stranrear.


The Stilton Porter was very nice and the Pankhurst not bad. The casks on stillage outside were also very good. Back tonight for a few more.


Was quite pleasant sitting under the umbrella with the heaters above us.

Did they have any of the Bexley Beers on stillage last night? I know Cliff dropped off a few casks for the St George beer fest.

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  • RMweb Gold

Did they have any of the Bexley Beers on stillage last night? I know Cliff dropped off a few casks for the St George beer fest.

I  didnt notice any.


Tonight is St Austell and Hillside breweries collaboration night so will be interested to see what they have on.

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