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Evening all


So, I've spent another day around and under baseboards, mainly wiring, quite safely, without any mishaps.

Then I go and rip my finger open on the cutting edge on a soddin' box of clingfilm.

Stop laughing you lot.

Are you sure you are not BoB?

Night all

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Devon County Council has just announced that volunteer (yes really, volunteer) road wardens will be patching up potholes. 1 pothole outside my place has been repaired 4 times this year and is already breaking up since the last repair last week. These repairs were done by the paid workforce.

Any idea if the volunteers will do a better job? They will be using an any weather fill, not a hot fill method.

Answers on the back of a postage stamp please.

At the other end of my street which has a massive pothole they have repainted the yellow lines outside the local shops. Those yellow lines are always ignored making it awkward to get in and out of the street. They are never enforced anyway so a complete waste of time and money. The pothole in question is now several metres in size and covers a quarter of the width of the road, whats more its been there for at least 14 months, it was marked out for repair about a year ago but it took so long that the marks disappeared into the pothole. It was marked out again about 3 months ago and now the pothole is encroaching on those marks.


Evening all


So, I've spent another day around and under baseboards, mainly wiring, quite safely, without any mishaps.

Then I go and rip my finger open on the cutting edge on a soddin' box of clingfilm.

Stop laughing you lot.

I didn't laugh as I managed once to cut myself on a piece of kitchen foil. At least you could use the clingfilm to stop the bleeding.

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G'night all


PS Big earthquake in Japan this afternoon (our time) - magnitude 7 on Kyushu with after shocks c.magnitude 5 still occurring.  I hope the casualties will not be too bad but the USGS forecast does not make nice reading for either casualties or damage and the damage looks substantial.



Edited by The Stationmaster
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Grandchildren fed and returned to their parents.


Wine opened and consumed.



Time for bed said Zeberdee.


Goodnight all.



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Times change, Polly, and I haven't got used to those ropes hanging above Brunel's finest tracks nor silent-death trains stopping at the local stations (and indeed providing the only service at Hanwell) to Hayes.  Outside the stations are changing too though next door West Drayton is not dissimilar to how I remember it from almost 60 years ago and buses still have a tight U-turn to make in the yard.  They're making near-continuous bus lanes along the Uxbridge Road which is a cheaper way, apparently, of doing the now-abandoned tram scheme for the 207 / 607 routes.  It's strange how a connection made at an age of months aboard the trolleybuses and then-new suburban diesel trains has stuck with me and I still feel some affinity with that part of London.


Nos da.

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Morning all. 18c , hazy and forecast to rise to 23c later. We are just off the coast of Corsica. Hopefully the ship will dock in the port as shown on the map rather than some container terminal. We seem to be on the same circuit as some of the smaller "exclusive " ships.

Everything in Ajaccio is Napoleon themed. We will just wander about. The only tour I liked was to a tortoise sanctuary, but it wasn't one Aditi really wanted to go on.


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Morning all, no snow here, and glad, for that would assuredly keep the Whelkmen abed. Mind you, they don't get their coracles out at the weekends, allowing the Grockles some space on the beaches with their natty sou'westers and gaily-coloured buckets. And it's chilly and overcast, the bleak skeletons of the leafless trees standing stark against - oh make the rest up yourselves.


Lovely afternoon yesterday with the Flowers, apparently this will be a regular Friday duty. Rose is crawling now, and everywhere. Many photo opportunities.


Up early to watch GP qualifying, so coffee imbibed, blood glucose tested, breakfast considered. Julie's out today, and I've nothing much planned apart from some political publishing this morning and football (on tv) this afternoon. May be some modelling - I've a hankering to make a 'representative' model of an old building from St Jean du Corail that was so decrepit it fell down last year - I photographed it before that, and I once made a fold-up paper model of it for some wargamers, so I've got some source materials.


However, like all of us I'm worried about Jock. In this case I really don't think that no news is good news, but I hope I'm wrong.


For all others I hope there is relief.


Peace out.

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Morning all from that most boring of boroughs. My usual Saturday ritual of getting up at stupid o clock and driving the offspring to the Sidcup Waitrose for work. Now enjoying a coffee and about to cook breakfast. How boring is that?


Hoping to spend the rest of the day in the shed as all my stuff has arrived. I've got track, I've got all the DCC bits, I've got the Styrofoam sheets, and most of all I have 4 modules ready and waiting. Let the build commence. (well I've been working on the leg extenders already)


Tony, here's another tortoise sanctuary. :jester:




Enjoy your Saturday everyone.

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Morning all from a sunny North West Leeds highlands. Garden awash so no doubt her indoors has a few other small tasks for me to undertake.


Enjoy your day/evening wherever you are!



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Morning all. Up since 4am although I did go back to bed for an hour to watch the news etc.


The Tri Rail loco has had the last few bits of detail added and now just needs a touch up of the weathering.


On the British N scale front I have been fixing the bowed roofs on our late friends Structure gauging train. A bit of canopy glue and an elastic band to hold the roofs down whilst the glue sets has now sorted them out.whilst I am generally leaving his handy work as he had finished the stock, I am going to add headlights to his class 31 being an older Farish loco so the prep work has been done ready for micro LEDs.


off to the Sussex coast shortly to see MIL. Also getting timber for the Fort Myers fiddle yard alterations and maybe a visit to Gauge master then bee time somewhere.

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Morning all


I am safely tucked up with Sherry, who is full of post-flu feebleness, as one always is. We did walk slowly round to the Co-op for a top-up shop, but poor thing did not relish cooking salmon afterwards so I went and bought fish and chips. Sherry was convinced her poached haddock and chips was the biggest meal she'd eaten in a week or more. Recovery is under way!


Alison had been on-time for her 0715 taxi duty - in strong contrast to the days when Sheena had provided this service, invariably leaving me wondering if she was even awake yet! I was a trifle surprised to find my TER train to Paris was loco-hauled, but was reminded just how smooth such stock can be. While we were at distinctly terrestrial speeds, the ride is sublime, better than anything I can recall in the UK. As we were getting closer to Paris I saw a particularly lavish chateau - and guessed the next station might be Versailles Chantiers, which I had seen in pics and which has a distinct whiff of Moderne architecture, right down to the style of lettering painted on the canopy ends.


The Eurostar boarding commenced a little late, which was a pity because the terminal was heaving. I was in Coach 16, of 16, which was not going to enable an early getaway at St Pancreas, where the exit is ahead of the entire train. We had a 5' late start, and some of the running before Lille seemed to be at less than warpspeed - the traffic on the parallel Autoroute wasn't being passed fast enough - but we still got our slot through the tunnel and arrived right time. Having finally cleared border controls - there were far fewer watchers than usual - I then hied rapidly to the Circle/Met, and found a Hammersmith & City train. This dumps one too close to Royal Oak at Paddington, and miles from the concourse, so I changed at Edgware Road, where a Circle Line train was waiting to bounce back round. Sadly this involved using the footbridge, and these days two-at-a-time up the stairs takes it out of me, even with only a rucksack! But I easily made the 14.06 Penzance service. Changing at Exeter, I braved the 2-car 150 to Teignmouth, the train full of students at that time of night, of course, and then had a pint before boarding the hourly 11 bus which passes close to Sherry's flat.


Today I am booked for a haircut, then Front of House at the Little Theatre for Charley's Aunt, which should be fun. Sherry has had to withdraw from that duty, but may feel inclined to drive me there. I'm not sure she is really fit enough but we'll see.


Hope your weekend goes well.

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Good morning all,

A pause in the rain at the moment but normal service is forecast to resume with the faint possibility of one or two sunny periods.


Evening all

So, I've spent another day around and under baseboards, mainly wiring, quite safely, without any mishaps.
Then I go and rip my finger open on the cutting edge on a soddin' box of clingfilm.
Stop laughing you lot.


Hmm. I-Spy a pretender to my title of "accident waiting to happen".  This needs some serious thought.  :scratchhead:



Thought about it - and you're quite welcome to it Warren.  :yes:


Managed to watch one rugby match (Gloucs v Exeter) last night and enjoyed it but still have a couple recorded to catch up on. As usual there are mutterings about "things needing to be done" so they may have to go on the back burner although I will be watching Saracens v Harlequins this afternoon. Definitely.  Without a doubt. No argument. Well, there might be one of the latter. :onthequiet:  :girldevil:


Have good one,


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Morning all and welcome to this damp and dreary Saturday.


Anyone know anything about cranes, the lifting variety, not the feathered ones?


Mccarthy and Stone are building a new block of retirement homes in Wokingham and have erected a very tall crane right next to the main road.  The platform of the crane is probably 20m from road level and there is a large balance weight hanging on the back of the crane to counterbalance the jib.  I would guess this weight is solid concrete and probably something like 3m x 3m x3m and more than a few tons in weight.


Only problem is that weight is right over the road and cars are queuing there to cross the lights at Wokingham station.  It was quite disconcerting being stopped right beneath this huge weight which would instantly crush a car and all it's occupants if something went wrong.  Yes, I know your imagination runs away with us all at times, but surely in this day of H & S this wouldn't be allowed?


I think next time I'm queuing there, I'll leave a gap.....:-)


I'll get Jackie to take a pic when we go down there later today. 

Edited by gordon s
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The Obergrumpenfuher is away today.


So the PH and I are free to play.


Where I go, he will follow


So now we're off to the muddy hollow.


Lunchtime is going to be quite fun


Lot's of bacon in a bun.


Then we'll laze till half past three,


Then get out quick to prepare our tea.


The panic will set in a little later


When the PH yells out 'Here comes Mater!'


Decoy Dyson to the fore,


I'll pretend I've cleaned the floor.


I hope my ruse will be enough,


Or tonight will be quite tough.


But now i'm off to cool my blood


In that wonderful, glorious mud.


I hope you all have a pleasant and restful day.

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Morning all. Damp and chilly this morning but not bothered as I don't have to go anywhere today.


A few mundane tasks to complete this weekend but nothing strenuous.


Have a good day everyone.

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Awoke to an inch of snow everywhere (outside).

Was forecast but didn't seem likely.

Snowing here too.

Just showers but thick flakes, not just sleet.


Morning all.

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