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  • RMweb Premium

You could tell PH to move his wallow to the boundary? Seriously if you know the approximate depth of the pipe then a little interception drain and gravel soak away could take a lot of water away from your property without disturbing the neighbours slumbers.

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Good job AndrewC had a day off. SE trains back at their best with a train failure at Bexley meaning my train was cancelled blocking the line for subsequent ones. Eventually I made it in, having missed a call with people in the Czech Republic. Worse things happen at sea!

For once we had a decent service on the Bexleyheath line. SWMBO got to CHX on time today. (shock horror) I've seen some of the tweets & pics of dangerous overcrowding on the platforms at both Hither Green and New Eltham this morning. Not only can SE not operate a service, their station staff are pretty hopeless in crowd management. This can be seen nightly at Cannon St. The sooner these bunglec*nts lose the franchise the better.

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My employer isn't exactly pestering me, but it's clear they would be keen for me to do something from home though I have a written 'fit to work note' that says I must not work - if you see what I mean.


I'm not averse to the idea, but I wonder what position I would find myself in if I incurred further injury as a result?


It is not clear, to me at least, whether I'm at work or not.


I wonder which has precedence, the note telling me that I'm unfit for work or my employer suggesting I am fit to do some work.


Worst thing is I don't think they appreciate any consequences either, they certainly can't explain it to me!

Edited by leopardml2341
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  • RMweb Gold

For once we had a decent service on the Bexleyheath line. SWMBO got to CHX on time today. (shock horror) I've seen some of the tweets & pics of dangerous overcrowding on the platforms at both Hither Green and New Eltham this morning. Not only can SE not operate a service, their station staff are pretty hopeless in crowd management. This can be seen nightly at Cannon St. The sooner these bunglec*nts lose the franchise the better.

Sadly, Andrew, that ain't how it works. If a new franchisee arrives the existing staff, including senior managers, are simply TUPE'd across. Don't hold your breath for change at that level.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. A foggy start to today's proceedings, so foggy that as I passed Winter Hill, I couldn't even see the hill, never mind the radio mast.


My travels today once again took me to Lancashire, however, once I'd past Horwich, the sun decided to come out it's currently a sunny but slightly overcast day.


My first visit of the day was another remote CP, located in Mellor, just outside Blackburn. After which I headed into Blackburn itself, where I'll lunch. It's then back home via Darwen where I have another 2 sites to visit.


Ooh, the kettles just boiled, time for a brew.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, and it's a bright one here with some cloud.


Temperature in the greenhouse peaked at the mid 30s, hopefully triggering some of the seeds to germinate. 


Potatoes are starting to pop through the top layer of soil (int kidney variety), which is quite exciting. Never had much success before. 

Previous advice I'd received was to pull them up when the flowers appear. It now seems this depends on the variety; some you do, some you leave until the leaves yellow, apparently.


Received an email asking if I'd let my name go forward for an interim management job in Belgium. swmbo has told me to "go for it" as "I'd enjoy it." I'm not entirely convinced, but plenty of friends have jobs where they live away from their families nowadays. Looking at the job spec I'd say I was half qualified, so in truth, it is somewhat academic! 


There's an interesting story in the news about a new project named, Breakthrough Starshot, intended to be a proof of concept for having nano-scale space craft driven by laser power that could reach Alpha Centauri. One interesting thing is the budget assigned, $100m for this multi-year program. Bearing in mind the complexity, the number of contributing organisations and the length of the project it seems to me a bit underfunded? Fantastic if they can do it, but not sure how realistic it is to deliver...I guess it depends on what their definition of "proof of concept" is. 


Anyway, to all that are ailing best wishes, and to all those who have been ale-ing, commiserations if your heads hurt. 

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Sadly, Andrew, that ain't how it works. If a new franchisee arrives the existing staff, including senior managers, are simply TUPE'd across. Don't hold your breath for change at that level.

True enough, but I'm hoping that if TfL take over which is the most likely outcome, they will implement their crowd and platform management policies. Such a wholesale cultural change should purge out a lot of the senior management that will be redundant as the existing Overground management would take over.

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Morning all, top o' the wossname.


I was up at the crack, honest, but had to go to the Health Centre for double blood tests and a chest x-ray - the legacy of the 'flu everyone's had, and my cough persisting. It's asthma, but the doc is cautious.


Cheerful phlebotomists, cracked up after one asked a patient if he had farted, instead of fasted...


Not much to do for the rest of the day in advance of some politicals this evening. I may do some painting. Or Milliputting. Or something.


I think I'm a bit light-headed from the farting fasting, so another coffee is called for...


Have a good day, all. That's an order.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a not very successful trip into town yesterday. The main reason for the trip was to go to WH Smiths for the latest edition of Railway Bylines that should have been on the shelves on the 31st of March, only there was no sign of it. I managed to locate an assistant who looked it up for me only to discover that WH Smiths head office had decided to no longer stock it at the local branch. This left me with a problem as the nearest other stockist would be another WH Smiths at either Southend or Lakeside. I decided then to take out a subscription which I did succeed in doing despite the website requiring you to sign in and giving details of education, birthmarks etc., I only want to take out a magazine subscription for chrissake, not seeking employment with MI5! Even then their system decided that my debit card that is not due to expire until 2020 had expired, I eventually got the subscription set up using a credit card. I then had to phone the magazine publishers (the subscriptions are handled by an agency) as the subscription will not start until next month to get the current copy, this at least went perfectly, the chap on the other end was extremely helpful when I told him my tale of woe, even sending the said copy post free. Still no news of Jock but I recall he said last time that he had said that even if the worse happened his family had instructions on how to let us know so its hopefully a case of no news is good news.

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  • RMweb Premium

My employer isn't exactly pestering me, but it's clear they would be keen for me to do something from home though I have a written 'fit to work note' that says I must not work - if you see what I mean.

I'm not averse to the idea, but I wonder what position I would find myself in if I incurred further injury as a result?

It is not clear, to me at least, whether I'm at work or not.

I wonder which has precedence, the note telling me that I'm unfit for work or my employer suggesting I am fit to do some work.

Worst thing is I don't think they appreciate any consequences either, they certainly can't explain it to me!

My advice would be, if you have a note saying you're unfit for work, don't work!

It's your health that matters, not the companies bottom line!

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  • RMweb Gold

True enough, but I'm hoping that if TfL take over which is the most likely outcome, they will implement their crowd and platform management policies. Such a wholesale cultural change should purge out a lot of the senior management that will be redundant as the existing Overground management would take over.

It must be nearly 40 years since I did occasional stints as Station Manager at Cannon St, and it was a rather serene sort of place, with reasonable staff at all levels, including an announcer who is now an RMwebber. No doubt the knives have been out many times and the staff are a lot less numerous - and of course there are fewer platforms.

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It must be nearly 40 years since I did occasional stints as Station Manager at Cannon St, and it was a rather serene sort of place, with reasonable staff at all levels, including an announcer who is now an RMwebber. No doubt the knives have been out many times and the staff are a lot less numerous - and of course there are fewer platforms.

CST is a nightmare between 17:30 and 19:00 now. The rebuild has left a tiny concourse and it is busier than ever due to all Greenwich line trains starting/terminating at CST. One of the main problems is there is constant last minute juggling of platforms so people tend not to go through the barriers until they know for sure where their train is going to be. This leaves an almost crush zone around the info boards and at the barriers. The platforms stay empty apart from the 3-4 minutes between platform announcement and train arrival.

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  • RMweb Premium

AndyB's mentioning of the potatoes sprouting reminded me of the time when I was younger and living with my mum and dad, we had a wonderful crop of potatoes from the compost heap. My brother tended to hack potatoes rather than peel them, often reducing them to half their size, it was those peelings that had sprouted on the compost heap producing a bumper crop. The only slight problem was potato plants springing up in some flower beds where the compost had been used afterwards.

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Morning all.

Sunny here in Barcelona.

Off to see Gaudi stuff today. Cathedral and sculpture park.



You’re  on the same latitude as me. Warming up here at last and will be in the 70’s f by the weekend.


Phil, Don’t take any notice of me but my Wife is a big cheese in IT security - she would NEVER use a Debit card on the internet EVER.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

My employer isn't exactly pestering me, but it's clear they would be keen for me to do something from home though I have a written 'fit to work note' that says I must not work - if you see what I mean.

I'm not averse to the idea, but I wonder what position I would find myself in if I incurred further injury as a result?

It is not clear, to me at least, whether I'm at work or not.

I wonder which has precedence, the note telling me that I'm unfit for work or my employer suggesting I am fit to do some work.

Worst thing is I don't think they appreciate any consequences either, they certainly can't explain it to me!

I had a similar situation in the '90s when I broke my left kneecap. The morning after I got home from hospital my boss was on the phone for me to get back in harness sharpish. So I did - and when I appeared in his office on crutches I think he realised that getting from rural Kent to Kings Cross was a bit of a challenge! 6 weeks of commuting like that was no fun.
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  • RMweb Premium

You’re  on the same latitude as me. Warming up here at last and will be in the 70’s f by the weekend.


Phil, Don’t take any notice of me but my Wife is a big cheese in IT security - she would NEVER use a Debit card on the internet EVER.


Best, Pete.

Thanks Pete, I don't normally use my debit card on the internet but both of my two credit cards are due for renewal in the next month or so and I'm expecting the replacements any time now. As the silver plate had worn badly on the numbers of my credit card making it difficult to read them it took two attempts to enter the correct number. I don't even 'do' internet banking for security reasons.

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It can be dangerous due to the possibility of bank account draining activities - you have more security using a credit card. I’m always getting new cards from the credit card companies because my cards physically wore out (no I’m not a crazed spender, the cards just wear out too fast).


Intrigued by the tales of problems in the South of London regarding trains I went to the BBC London news site. It says that there are 4 problems today with “Rail” - clicking on that you get a list of stations having difficulties, I lost count at 27 - there’s probably at least 40 and possibly more.


Cheers, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

It can be dangerous due to the possibility of bank account draining activities - you have more security using a credit card.


Cheers, Pete.

In the UK we have an extra layer of protection in that any credit card losses due to third party fraud is down to the provider not the card holder, but only if its all within the UK and there is an upper limit.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


S*dding tinnitus just started of at a high pitch in my right ear; fortunately that is the ear where I can usually manage to turn it off - successfully achieved. 


By the sound of things young HH is in need of a French Drain atop the permeable pipe although I would recommend blanketing the sides to stop clay getting into the free draining.  I had a lot of trouble with water running down into teh garage at our previous so dug a couple of small soakaways in the drive and both succumbed to clay ingestion and ceasing to work properly so I re-dug them and blanketed the sides using newspaper - worked a treat and when they were dug out for the house extension several years later the newspaper was still there and doing its stuff.


BTW talking of muddy hollows it's nice to see GDB is getting practice cleaning cars - perhaps he would like to add mine to his list (as it wasn't serviced when it went for its MoT it didn't get cleaned and all the local Eastern European cleaners of cars are distinctly pricey ;)


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Er Mike, I only said I might clean the car. 


I'm still thinking about summoning up the energy to actually do it. I  might take it around the corner instead where the EE guys do a pretty good job for £6.

Edited by grandadbob
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In the UK we have an extra layer of protection in that any credit card losses due to third party fraud is down to the provider not the card holder, but only if its all within the UK and there is an upper limit.


Oh, that’s interesting. I’ve never paid for any losses on my credit cards and I’ve been twice taken to the cleaners after ordering something from one UK model shop.

Starts off with a small payment to a charity (I guess to check that the info works) then invariably an order for 4 expensive TV sets from one of those TV merchandizing sites. I’m on first name terms with the security dept of one of my credit cards. They rang me and we had a three way conversation with the biggest of  the merchandizing sites (with their own TV channel). I asked them why with just a phoned in order for multiple TV sets they shipped them not to my address?   You’ve never heard such waffling in answer....

Still, I didn’t lose any money personally; the CC company bore it all, but it has got to add costs to all transactions...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

After using my CC  in a well known phone warehouse start buying tickets at Thorpe Amusement Park at 1.30 in the morning after I used it. The card had only been use 3 or 4 times prior to that so fairly easy for the CC company to trace I would have thought.


Another time one of my CC company apologized after they didn't pick up multiple charges of the same amount in to a middle east account within seconds of each transaction.


Both occasions they refunded the monies straight away.

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My experience has been that it is a “rogue” employee who sells blocks of CC information to the Dark Sites which exist on the internet. These sites effectively act as  auction houses for the CC data. That way the guy who uses your data is not the guy who stole your data.


I suppose you’re always going to have some scrote who act alone...


Best, Pete.

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I too suffered rogue use after ordering something from a well known model shop which used to be in Rochester (I understand their orders DB was hacked). Their successors of sorts in Sidcup seem to have different procedures these days although of course for me it is much easier just to pop in.

The CC company noticed and put a stop on the card. I found out when trying to use it to pay to enter Beaulieu having queued for ages with a fractious younger Lurker. All the funds were credited back to me and younger Lurker recovered his equilibrium when he saw the 51 bus in the museum (one of our locals).


The other time I had rogue use I only noticed when there was a strange credit at the top of my statement; on of the TV jewellery companies had noticed a use of my card where the delivery address was different to the billing address, stopped the delivery and credited my card. I have no idea where that cloning had occurred. Sadly for the TV company they credited my card twice. I stopped the card but they realized they were out of pocket and asked if I would give them the details again so that they could square themselves. I told them that I didn't object but as I had stopped the card they would have to contact the cc company and in any case they weren't having any details from me. I kept that money (well over £1000) available for a number of years but they have never asked. And the cc company have sold the account on.

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I too suffered rogue use after ordering something from a well known model shop which used to be in Rochester (I understand their orders DB was hacked). Their successors of sorts in Sidcup seem to have different procedures these days although of course for me it is much easier just to pop in.


The 'mob' in Sidcup is the same (not successors of sorts, the same crowd!) as was in Rochester although I note they now boast 128 bit security on card transactions!

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