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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Currently quite nice here, so decided to be really daring, and went for a hobble along the street on the new smaller crutches - it was really hard work - I suppose sitting on one's rump and hopping about on a zimmer frame for nine weeks dies tend to make one a bit weak. Hope to get a bit further tomorrow as it did feel good actually getting anywhere other than the back patio.


Other than that, not a great deal happening chez 45156.


Regards to all - good luck to those exhibiting this week - I know Jamie has his first outing with Culreoch, and has had operator problems, so let's wish him well.



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Guest Max Stafford

Morning all!


Time to go and get my mop trimmed, I'm starting to look like Phil... ;)


...Mitchell...! :P



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Guest Max Stafford

"Have you heard the story of Jimi Hendrix and Noel Redding having the same trouble in a Pub in Swansea in the sixties? The Landlord told Jimi that they don't serve "his sort". When Jimi remonstrated about racial prejudice the Landlord advised him it was nothing to do with his colour but that they don't serve "Clowns, from the Circus"" as he had had a lot of trouble with them in the recent past. .......the mind boggles at this!"


I suppose they'd had previous bother with a band of Gypsies...

Shame that. He'd just come back in from the storm and only wanted to stand next to their fire...! ;)

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Had some friends here this evening I haven't seen for years as they live in Canada.


They told me the story of a holiday they took a few years back.

The travel firm had messed up the arrangements and, instead of their beachfront hotel, they were sent some way to another.

They were not pleased - until the next day when the original hotel disappeared in the Tsunami.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I believe something like that would have shocked me to the bone, DD... :unsure:


Weather looks a bit better this morning than it did yesterday, but there may be more rain anyway, according to the forecast. Still full from dinner last night, so I'll wait a bit with breakfast. National Day over here today, but I'm having a feeling it is going more or less under the radar this year for some reason or other.


Have a nice Sunday all! :)

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Morning All,


I'm back from Paris - it was a bit of a whistle stop tour, but after the meeting I was able to walk around a bit and take some photos. I took a few digital photos and a whole roll of black and white. Now I have to develop them :lol:


The weather is quite reasonable this morning, and I woke up to this:




Have a good day everyone...

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Good pic., Robert.

I like interesting clouds.


The impact here of the 'holiday' story last night is still with us.

To understand someone's experience, it's necessary to imagine oneself in the situation.

I can only think of how helpless all of us would have been - much as we like to think we could have assisted in some way.


Our friends were distraught in the telling - it seems they never speak of it.


To a much lesser extent we had an escape ourselves at the time.

Plans were afoot to buy a new-build house there (I remember it was very grand for only £30,000!).


Not sure if that area was destroyed but it put us off the idea.

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Morning all....


Thanks for the compliments guys....:D


You'll be there one day. I'm just years ahead of my time.....like Martin Peters.


Creepy story about your friends from Canada, DD. Occasionally these coincidences come up in life and you have to wonder if a guardian angel is looking after you.


Can you pull a few strings whilst you're on line and stop it raining at Celtic Manor? I was all set for the golf again this morning and now nothing until lunchtime...:angry:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Dry here now but it was pouring yesterday. We left Matthew at his student accommodation at Leicester and dropped in to see, and have a meal, with MiL on the way home.The NE section of the M25 had huge amounts of surface water ,and lots of spray but there seemed to be an outbreak of sensible driving.


Matthew got settled in well and was off to investigate food and drink with the other people in the flat so I assume he was happy when we left.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, wet and windy here today and so is the weather (the old ones are etc.)


Progress on Bodge City goes on, even I am wincing at the amount of shortcuts I'm taking on the baseboards - still, it hasn't got to go anywhere and is definitely going to fulfill it's main criterion, which is that when I cark it the kids have got to be able to dismantle it with a lump hammer in thirty seconds flat.


It is, however, surprisingly stable. I am having to be ever more inventive though because as the build makes progress my stock of materials is getting lower resulting in even more bodges.


It is fun though and seems to be just what I wanted to rediscover my elusive modelling mojo.


Have a good one all.

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Guest Max Stafford

Happy National Day Dom, though it sounds like nobody's really in the mood this year. The sky is very leaky today. I intend to spend most of the day on my J36 project today, but it'll be an early bed because tomorrow I'm a real Early Riser - I have to start work at 5am for a special job. Work is making very heavy demands at the moment; Last week, out of 4 shifts worked, I did two twelve hour jobs and a third was changed. I was meant to be off for four days after finishing on Thursday morning, but I got a call about 11:30 am that morning to go in on Friday, so I did ten and a half hours on Friday. I got another call last night at 9:15 asking if I could go in and cover a night shift job because they had no night shift cover!

We started a new roster last year which was supposed to guarantee somebody would always be available, but I've had more changes, extended shifts and general messing around since they brought it in than I ever had on the old 8-hour job!

I think the management have lost the plot personally! :D :crazy_mini: :wacko:



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Rain has stopped play on the gardening front, SWMBO has toddled off to the gym and the library so that means I can play trains!


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All (just)


Oh dear, we are a bit gloomy on here with DD's telling of his friend's experience. Oddly, on another thread on W&S Olddudders has told a remarkably similar story of his dad missing his naval posting during the war due to being held up by the late running of his train, and not being able to set sail on HMS Hood - I think we'll note 3rd October as "near miss" day.


Weather has put paid to much work here today, and anyway I am still not really able to do much. Mrs 45156 has decided to do some painting, and I offered to help, but it's very difficult to sand a door while sitting down, so I've been dismissed to the dining room with the laptop. Got Weekend Wogan on as we speak, and Status Quo have just put in an appearance much to Mrs 45156's delight as she used to know Francis Rossi in a previous life.


If the monsoon stops (predicted for about 13.00 per BBC website) I hope to be able to get up and down the street again for a breather - gosh I am adventurous today, aren't I? ;)




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Morning all, wet and windy here today and so is the weather (the old ones are etc.)


Progress on Bodge City goes on, even I am wincing at the amount of shortcuts I'm taking on the baseboards - still, it hasn't got to go anywhere and is definitely going to fulfill it's main criterion, which is that when I cark it the kids have got to be able to dismantle it with a lump hammer in thirty seconds flat.


It is, however, surprisingly stable. I am having to be ever more inventive though because as the build makes progress my stock of materials is getting lower resulting in even more bodges.


It is fun though and seems to be just what I wanted to rediscover my elusive modelling mojo.


Have a good one all.


I'm looking forward to "Bodge City" (great name)! - Another incipient Darksider - the influence is spreading insidiously as time passes - there will be calls for people to be innoculated against this virus!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon 'just' I was up making a cup of tea at 10.30 honest, the weather is awful rain, wind and cold with it. The forecast says bright sunny day and 16C which planet their Chesterfield is on is beyond me.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon 'just' I was up making a cup of tea at 10.30 honest,

which planet their Chesterfield is on is beyond me.

I was up at 9.30 as Mrs 45156 said I won't get better having a lie in.


Chesterfield is on the same weather planet as Lancaster - we never get the forecast weather either.

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