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Evening all. Congratulations to Sherry on the arrival of the latest grandchild. I really hope you feel better soon.

Today has been a fairly productive end to the Easter break. An enjoyable Sunday roast at our regular pub was followed by an afternoon on school planning whilst watching the latest twist and turns in the Premier League. Inbetween the two live games we ventured around the housing estate delivering Sarah's Avon books. We split the deliveries with Amber joining me, happily racing around on her go-kart. The chicken pox spots are rapidly disappearing with many of the scabs dropping off now.

In the evening I continued tidying the spare room whilst watching the Masters golf. The English lads are doing well at present but the result remains unpredictable.


Back to work tomorrow. A busy week ahead. Hope it goes well for you all.

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A bright and beautifull spring day today, althought the breeze was a bit on the chilly side.

I went to Tanfield this morning with my mate. . .lots of old cars on show, and "TWIZZLE" on duty. . .


Back home for 1 o'clock  but too nice a day to stay in, so a quick cuppa then up to Seaham boot sale. . . Bought nowt but enjoyed the walk about on the cliff tops.



Thoughts with the sick/recovering, and the missing.


Goodnight everone  . . Sleep well.




Edited by Two_sugars
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Moan-day has dawned.  Welcome to a new week.  Significant concern here re Jock though he made it clear some time ago that he has no access to the intertubes when incarcerated and also that the text of his chosen announcement is known to someone-or-two with instructions should the news be bad.  Welcome to the ranks Grandbubby Sherry.  The cat continues to use the porcelain in preference to the tray and has now discovered we have two.


Little of consequence to report.  A somewhat lively Saturday night shift was followed by a very quiet (and therefore dreary and slow) one last night.  Emergency stop between stations on the way home last night due to "A trespasser on the line threatening self-harm".  Our Protective Service Officers managed to apprehend the person and have the line clear within five minutes.  All stations are attended by at least two PSOs nightly from 7pm until last train.  They amount to limited-powers police with jurisdiction only on and immediately adjacent to the railway or railway lands such as station car parks.  They carry capsicum spray and loaded guns but not - to the mortal embarrassment of at least one chap - any form of (ahem) "protection".  Poor chap was obviously in with a spur-of-the-moment chance and asked the officer wit "Protective Services" writ on their hi-viz for some Gentleman's Protection :O




Well let me tell them something. In fact 2 things. 1st of all you wont shrink.


You ever tried finding Percy when caught short in the rain? You know you packed one earlier but where is he now ..... ???  ;)


Best wishes to all.

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Morning all. Today is brought to you by caffeine. An excellent nights sleep and feel worse than I did before I went to bed.


I have a week of being on site with no brew facilities. Fortunately I have a battery/mains coffee maker which gets me out of that hole.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all from a still dark village.   A proper ER this morning.  Spent yesterday getting the last bits of the layout out of church and putting it all away. Also spent a lot of time helping Beth prepare for the family feast. The hordes duly arrived for 6pm and a good time was had by all. FiL was tired and left by 7.30 (He is nearly 91) and the younger ones left us in peace shortly afterwards. Beth retired straight to bed and I cleared up and then did some emails and other stuff. She was up early today and the antibiotics have obviously kicked in and she's a lot better. Now there is the last minute packing to do for out trip to France. All the stuff has to go into the car, then I set off to pick up the hired box trailer before my mate arrives to load it and we set off to Portsmouth. It should be a good trip.


I hope to hear some news of Jock in due course but do wonder if it will be from his family as he has arranged.


In the meantime I wish all a good day. I must now attend to the cats, as they are sitting in front of me looking disgusted and trying to tell me that they haven't eaten for 3 weeks, even though it's at least an hour before their normal breakfast time.


Regards to all



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Morning All,


We have a nice sunny morning in this part of the world.  The weekend was good too.  It would seem that Spring has finally sprung.


Congratulations to Sherry!


There isn't too much else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all! (Afternoon Rick)


Woken by our Herbert's. Doctor Herbert is off to spout at some students, youngest Herbert is off to Wigan.


I shall partake of watching some cricket today at Headingley. I need to do some scoring practice.


Have a great day everyone.


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Good morning one and all


The concert yesterday was interesting, in the right way.  I enjoyed the music made by a variety of fine young musicians, one of whom I knew already, and came away with a few CDs to gladden future car journeys.  There is not a lot else to report so I move to a forward look.  Tomorrow I must attend for my diabetic eye screening, load the car for the visit to Poorly Pal on Wednesday, buy some ingredients for our lunch and travel to The Stables near Milton Keynes for a concert by Coope, Boyes and Simpson.  That's a full day.  Sometime soon I need to do some laundry, complicated by the profusion of socks embroidered with days of the week, and go for a long overdue haircut.  Anyone wanting cushions stuffed should apply without delay.  Then at the end of the week I must pack an overnight bag for my night in Wakefield between the two days of Scalefour North.  At the moment, it's all go.


Some are not able to gad about.  Best wishes, as always, to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving and missing.



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Good morning all,

Dry but dull start here and rain is forecast later.

This means I'm glad that the grass got cut yesterday - however my back isn't so nothing strenuous will be done today.

The Boss has begun her reduced hours and earlier start at work this week.  I went back to bed for a couple of hours after taking her but only dozed on and off and feel worse for it. I better not forget to pick her up at 9.00 or else any brownie points earned yesterday will be consigned to history.

Have a good day,


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Morning all from an overcast Surrey.


A good weekend with the layout at the Crawley club show. A finish at 4om meant that we were home by just after 5pm giving me time to vacuum the garage floor were that layout loves before unloading the car.


A couple of weeks before our next show.


Driver shortage on Thameslink this morning meaning a few cancelled trains but luckily ours running on time so far.


My experience with the toilet door locks on Southerns 387s on Saturday might wasn't an isolated problem according to a friend who works on Electrostars.bring back simple manual door locks!!

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Extra day exiled in Beduff, not happy!


Drizzly rain and general greyness, still, at least I have mi doggy - but it's likely that he'll spend a hard day sleeping after a hard night errm, sleeping!


Is that normal behaviour for a 2yo Jack Russell?


Cabin fever now setting in, roll on being given the OK to drive again.


Have a good day folks, hope the general Mondayness isn't too bad. :)


edit: carp spelling

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Is that normal behaviour for a 2yo Jack Russell?



Probably. Our terriers manage to put in a lot of hours sleeping, although they are "on guard" all the time with their radar-like ears up. Any unusual noises and they are immediately wide awake. I once heard a naturalist use a word for the "sleeping" state that dogs are in while they are waiting for something to happen, but I can't remember what word he used.


They do sometimes dream of course - legs start going as if they are running, and they make little yips as they bark in their dreams.


We saw the Martin Clunes program about dogs here recently. The Jack-Russell rat catchers were very impressive.

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Sherry is still struggling, to the extent that our chat tonight was curtailed due to her lack of voice and excess of coughing. Others have gleefully told her this can last for weeks - hey, that's kind!


Meanwhile baby Charlie has a tongue-tie, and son Nick is poised to tell the hospital he wants action on that right now!

Seriously, Ian, it can. Julie and I were both afflicted with it. In my case antibiotics seem to have helped. Best wishes to you both - I hope we're wrong.

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Due to the non appearance of the sun in Telfland this morning, and the prevailing wet conditions,I think this morning will be mainly spent painting.


It would be possible to shift a bit of ballast as it is all accessible from hard standing, but I shall heroically sacrifice that honour.


7 1/4" gauge plans are still festering in the back of my mind, encouraged by my daughter, who feels that grandaughter Eira, would benefit from such an enterprise.


I am currently amassing various bits and pieces which are being squirrelled away.


I think the biggest problem is going to be where to keep it all/explain where it came from, when it is finished.


And I thought 7/8ths stuff was difficult to explain.


Those bleating about 4 foot long parcels should remember that at least theirs is a complete train, not just a loco!


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Seriously, Ian, it can. Julie and I were both afflicted with it. In my case antibiotics seem to have helped. Best wishes to you both - I hope we're wrong.



I, too, needed antibiotics during that throat infection I had a few weeks ago. It did last about two weeks in total but once I had started taking antibiotics, improvement was fairly quick, thankfully.


Morning all. Not sleeping as well as I would like to these days and not sure why as of yet. Will see to looking in later, so, generic congrats and commies.

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Good morning everyone.


A grey overcast, but dry day today.


Once again as I passed Winter Hill it was shrouded by low clouds.


First trip was to Marton gas holder site, then it's on to Blackpool airport.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land.  Quite a good day yesterday, managed to fit in both a visit to the toy fair at Rayleigh and the exhibition at Canvey. At Canvey there was a second hand book dealer where I was able to buy a couple of books, he also had a pile of old maps from the (I think) the old BR estates office at Liverpool Street. These were the old Ordinance Survey 25 inch to the mile series with any railway property coloured in on most of the maps. As the price (£10) was a bit steep I only came away with one map, of the northern part of the Romford-Upminster line just showing Emerson Park Halt. Further study showed that my old school was also on the map as well as other places that are now long gone. Another surprising fact was that the Liverpool Street line was still shown as GER and only double track together with entire streets of houses that were built after the line was Quadrupled in 1930, and the map itself was used post nationalisation. Congratulations Sherry on becoming a gran (and to Ian on becoming a step-grandad) and I hope you get better soon. No news from Jock yet, we can only hope for good news and keep our fingers crossed now.

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Is it still Blackpool 'International' ?


Edit: There used to be flights to Spain from there :)

Not 100% sure but I think there are only flights to IOM, Ireland, Scotland etc, but I could be wrong, I've only seen one small plane come in whilst I've been here!

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Morning all from the tourist hell of W1U. Hoards of euro brats clogging the pavement this morning. I do wish Boris would allow a culling like Red Ken did with the pigeons.


My home office is no more. Finally cleared my desk and moved it to the shed where it is now my workbench. The office has officially become the guest room. Almost ready now for the MiL invasion.


For those that actually read my drivel, you may remember the on going soap opera of the house next door. Seems the current batch of noisy disco polka listening Hungarians did the same as the chavs did previously. They've bolted after not paying the rent. The landlord and his family spent the best part of 16 hours yesterday and about a dozen trips to the tip clearing out the place. That is the second time in a year they've been shafted by tenants. So out of the last 16 months they've lost at least 9 months of rental income. I did get a bit of revenge this morning on the way to work. One of their speakers was left out the front by the bins. I made sure it will never ever ever play another note of that fecking disco polka again. The positive point is after a year they've finally cleared out ALL of the crap in the front garden. We've also got permission in principal from the owner next door to replace the front fence (theirs) with a brick wall to match our front wall. It will also match the wall on their other boundary so win, win. We also have agreement around filling in the side return and extending the house along the boundary at the back.


Today I shall mostly be pretending to look busy while waiting again for the next part of the project to begin. I'd much rather be at home working on the module leg extensions. I've only got 6 1/2 months to get the thing ready for the NMRA convention.


Congratulations to granny Sherry. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Commiserations to all those suffering. Seems to be far too many again.


Have a great day everyone.

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Morning all and it's a drizzly one. The littleuns are back to school this morning with much grumbling and muttering. One did her chores before 7 o'clock this morning, the other was, erm, less accommodating. He's a "work in progress". 


Sleep interrupted last night by heavy rain lashing against the windows. I hope that was what it was, although it sounded like intermittent scratching in the walls; we've had that before when rats got into the loft. Nice. As I'd already been asleep I awoke fully refreshed around midnight and was kept awake by the "rat-like" sounds a few inches away. End result is that I'm really knackered this morning. 


Congrats to Sherry on her new arrival and equally hope you feel better yourself.


Ongoing concern for Jock. 


Whilst wandering around the forum the other day I stumbled across this resource, not one I'd seen before. Rail Map Online

You lot, being streets ahead of me, are probably fully aware of it.

Nevertheless it revealed a number of rail-related lines (e.g. tramways) in my old stomping grounds which I was previously unaware of.  


Anyway, that's enough from me for now. Have a nice day everyone. 

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Many congratulations to Sherry, and hope you're feeling a little bit better today.


Darkish here at 11.30am, and pretty chilly, too.


Our youngest made some wonderful chicken fajitas yesterday evening - yes, he was hungover - but the food tasted great. Gabe made some cracking margaritas, too. Played a great game of Compatability afterwards, loads of laughs.


Hope you all have a good day - and best wishes to Jock et al



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